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Blood and Wine (Dominion Tier 2 Dom of Serenno and Kushiban)

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: Serenno
Allies: Dominion and friends
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 2/25

Unlike [member="Bartic Myth'rand"], [member="Alyson Halle"], [member="Shorarri"] or even [member="Grace Darkson"], Dunames had one specific business for which she came to Serenno: spaceport infrastructure. She has the impression that, even with the Primeval long gone, the local nobility is too preoccupied with their own intrigues at court than to actually take care of the issues of the population, economic or otherwise. To this end, she seeks out the noble(s) that were transportation-related officials, those who were high enough in the local food chain to actually have an impact on the whole schtick of getting the spaceport built on Serenno. In this day and age, infrastructure was essential, yet far from the more glamorous thing to do, and this was part of Star Tours' greatness. This time around, Dunames would rather pay attention to what they need and how they can achieve it, as well as the timeframe in which it would be feasible. Dunames would be attentive to what rumors could come out of the local nobility, but said nobility is pretty surprised when they hear Dominion delegates talk about infrastructure.

"This is the Ministry of Transportation. What can I do for you?"

"I'm Dunames Lopez, from Star Tours. I would like some more information regarding the needs for transportation infrastructure"

Alyson seconded the toast with a "Cheers" before downing her third drink. What proceeded was an hour of thuggery and alcoholim, which ended with Alyson being extremely intoxicated. Drink after drink was downed, each one being devoured like a person who had been moving through the desert without water before heading into Dryrock. She started speaking in an extreme slur and barely being able to walk, they had not left the bar since they started and Alyson especially was starting to get rowdy and extremely iritable, but she was calm for now.

"Nooowww yew seeeee ii... i.. haaaaaatee meeee joob sumtimes, deeling wit'da nobllies isssss a.. paiiinn" she slurred.

She took another sip from her bourbon quite clumsily before continuing.

"Id like to sooow dem a leesson oneeee day, teeeech theem ther plaace in the weerld.

[member="Bartic Myth'rand"]

[member="Grace Darkson"]


Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: Serenno
Allies: Dominion and friends
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 3/25

"Spaceport infrastructure needs... oh right: the last company that inquired about that had no plan to actually do something"

"I guess the Primeval has something to do with this?"

"The Primeval? They made a beeline for our infrastructure so are you up to repair the infrastructure?"

"What efforts have been made since the Primeval ravaged this place?"

To that, the noble was a little hesitant to answer, but that's understandable: it would be possible that infrastructure stuff could be a problem if he somehow spilled the beans. True, to Dunames' eyes, the Primeval collapsed because it used Sithspawn to sabotage transportation infrastructure all around this region of space, but if the local authorities were unable to tell anyone interested in setting things right exactly what has been done about it, there is a problem, and Dunames was a little concerned about their lack of transparency. She could get more transparency out of the First Order, or the Galactic Alliance, than from these nobles! Or perhaps that was the sheer level of complexity of what rebuilding damaged transportation infrastructure entails. Even Dunames, who was better-versed in the more project-management side of this, would not be able to master all the intricacies, no more than this noble seemed to. But she patiently waited for the answer from this noble, an indication that perhaps someone else would be better-suited for this task.
Post 1
[member="Darius Sedaire"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Abraxas"]

Dune joined the proceedings a little later than expected. He bowed his way into the circle with profuse apologies.

"Elders, I am Dune Rhur of the Jedi. My lateness does not reflect my lack of esteem for you. I had been delayed elsewhere, settling a dispute over resettlement of beings on a new world with local peoples."

"So it is that I come late to things. I beg your leave to join you in this discussion."
Objective: Do Some Rebelling Stuff
Post: 2
Location: Somewhere on Serenno
Equipment: I'll post it soon.

Some time had passed when Velon had arrived on Serenno. During his time here, he had been impressed by the Dominion's military units training, and so forth, seeing some similarities between them and some One Sith units. The Dark Jedi Master, as always however, had killed many men in multiple patrols.

Once he had gotten to rest, he had decided to divert his efforts somewhere else. He knew that he could not unfortunately kill all the Dominion patrols in the world. That was why he had decided to go to what reports suggested had been a ball, where Dominion representatives were negotiating with important Serenno nobles.

What a perfect place for them to die.

The Dark Jedi decided to "crush" the party. Literally. Having rested from his previous battles, the former Sith Lord entered the ball, killing guards instantly. Even he however was not invisible; since, during his time there, he had killed a number of the guards, and some relatively unimportant, and few somewhat important nobles. He had, however, been disarmed though, only having his body to use as a weapon.

Who would be there to protect them?

[member="Shorarri"] /[member="Alyson Halle"]

Alyson was continuing to get completly drunk before she heard some noises of what sounded like death coming out of the elevator as it came up, a man came out before getting disarmed by some of the guards, but her vision was to fuzzy to completly determine what had happened. She did not like this, even in her drunkened state, and she clumsily got up and shambled over to the intruder.

Alyson walked up to him, looking completly drunk. This man had irritated her greatly, and she felt a response was neccessary

"I... i dont think'ya supposed to be hur laddy, i thiinnnkk your steppin over yer boundariesies....." she said barely keeping her balance, pointing at the mans face.

"I might not looook lerk a threat, boot me wook hic frand is. i thernk you should leave 'for he fiinds out"

[member="Velon Ielor"]

Shorarri awoke from his place in the stall at the sound of screams of terror. His head was killing him and he had no clue what the hell was going on. Shorarri stumbled out of the bathroom stall and found several men hiding in the bathroom. [What's going on?] Shorarri asked, but no one seemed to understand him. He ignored the snivelling heaps and left the room. As he exited he discovered the ball was caught in a fit of fear. Shorarri saw the disturbance immediately. A tall brooding man whose very essence seemed to bleed evil. Shorarri let out a tremendeous roar and charged. His head was pounding and he had little patience for the like of evil men.

[member="Alyson Halle"]
[member="Velon Ielor"]

Arken Lussk

Thrills, Chills, and Kills
Post: [03/20]

Arken grinned.

The wind whipped through his hair. The young man gave a shout into the the furling gales of wind, and considered pumping a fist in the air, but decided living was much more important than letting the rush get to him. Jarvis was seated behind him, his durasteel hands clamped down on the sides of the bike and held on for dear life. He'd already mentioned something about calculating their chances of surviving such an endeavor but Arken wouldn't hear it.

The bike zipped past farms, hundreds upon hundreds of acres of farmland and rolling plains. Forests; sun glimmering through the trees and shining upon the fresh dew upon the ground. Kushibah was a beautiful world and supposedly was home to a beautiful people. Kind and peaceful folks who liked nothing more than fellowship with one another and lived their lives in peace and happiness. Sure there were disputes but that was life - the Kushibans were a kind people and the Dominion could learn much from them.

The HUD on the speeder pinged when the duo began to near the village, highlighting the coordinates that led directly to the elder's tent. Bright eyes peeked out from everywhere to watch the young man slow his contraption to a halt before killing the engine and striding inside, automaton of war close in tow.

Arken made his appearance humbly. The young padawan gave a curt nod to the already-present delegation the Dominion had sent before bowing in respect to the Elders. "My name is Arken Lussk. I'm a student of Master Sedaire." Raising from the bow, he gestured towards his droid. "Jarvis. He's friendly. Mostly."

And with that, Arken sat and made himself comfortable while his companion loomed in the shadows.

[member="Abraxas"], [member="Veiere Arenais"], [member="Darius Sedaire"], [member="Dune Rhur"]
Post 6/20

Bartic had been gone for a while getting the wookie fur off his suit, upon going to re-enter the party and saw the bodies of the two guards at the entrance, he ventured in cautiously and found a panic, people starting to the run and hide. Shifting his arm he let the holdout slip down into his hand and checked to ensure it was still charged and on stun.

He turned on his comm onto the command override. "This is Director Myth'rand calling a code Oscar Mike Golf, all available ground units converge on the gala, launch a flight of K-wings, number of hostiles unknown at this time at least one force user, I repeat, force user."

Bartic fired a single stun bolt from across the room and shouted "Stand down and prepare to be arrested!"

[member="Shorarri"] | [member="Alyson Halle"] | [member="Velon Ielor"]

The Kushiban elder simply bobbed his head as others entered the tent. It seemed that he was more than open to further visitors. The more Jedi the merrier, after all. More lightsabers meant more weapons between his people and the raiders, and that would pay for the big feet and bumbling bodies that would temporarily inhabit his village. K'varon waved a hand about as the last of them, a young man claiming to be Mister Sedaire's student made his entrance.

"You're...well, excitable I suppose." K'varon murmured to [member="Abraxas"]. In truth, the dark-clad warrior frightened K'varon, but he wasn't going to tell the stranger that. Compared to the other Jedi that had made their entrance, the Abraxas fellow seemed to be the most brutish of them all.

"Well, pleasantries aside," K'varon coughed into his paw. "We have troubles to the north. A group of raiders that frequents our world has set up camp there. They've been extorting us for, well, everything really." The Kushiban's brow furrowed. "Maybe you could talk them down before we start the celebration?"

Darius looked to his companions, a brow lofted. His choice had already been made, but he would look to his companions nonetheless.

[member="Abraxas"], [member="Veiere Arenais"], [member="Arken Lussk"], [member="Dune Rhur"]

It was a bad time for all involved, Atrisia had been a mess yet to this day it seemed to inspire those within the Dominion. The reference 'Remember Atrisia' had passed throughout the ranks in times of trial and harship. A tribute to those who had fought to the death for the protection of the worlds, living a life pursuing the goals of their former leader, seeking to establish a sanctuary for peoples of all backgrounds and to cease the conflict that waged across the galaxy over and over again. "One step at a time..." Veiere glanced to [member="Abraxas"] and speaking quietly yet in encouragement of the mans wish to redeem himself. Veiere didn't wish to consider the people that this man had killed, it wasn't in his nature to ostracize a man that seemed determined to change for the better, there were plenty of people within the galaxy guilty of murder but the turning point in ones life could come to anyone, and shouldn't be refused redemption if they were willing to account for their past sins (so to speak).

"Kushibah could have many purposes for the Dominion, the wealth of the land is beyond clear..." He commented on the Kushiban's question regarding their intentions for the world yet above the Dominions needs, Veiere wanted to ensure that they weren't to overstep their boundaries, should the world fall under their banner, it was still home to the Kushiban first and foremost, "We won't interrupt any of your cultural needs, our people would mediate with your own should the time come...".

Turning to glance to [member="Darius Sedaire"] after the Kushiban's mention of raiders, Veiere nodded in silent agreement, catching the look from his fellow Jedi. If there were a threat to these people, they would need to be notified of the error in their ways, least action take presidency and they be removed by force.
[member="Alyson Halle"] /[member="Shorarri"]
Objective: Do Some Rebelling Stuff
Post: 2
Location: Somewhere on Serenno

Velon was most certainly was evil, the blood of millions in his hands. Of course, in this era of Sith Lords, he was not unique, but millennial ago, Velon had attempted to bring the Republic to it's knees, only to be killed, and his rightful prize, being the death of the Republic, being taken away from him.

Two individuals, a Wookie, and someone who's stature looked like a human told him to go.

"Make me." Velon spat, not intimated at all by their threats. The Anzat knew he could most likely handle the Wookie's strength. Even then, they seemed to be drunk, but he would not underestimate them.

"Come then gentlemen, and let us see who will win this fight."

Pushing his urge to brood aside, Abraxas looked up to the elder as he mentioned raiders; however, he wished for a diplomatic solution to the issue. But something still stirred within the former Sith, something that whispered in his ear of a blood lust that caused him mild distress. He knew he couldn't turn back to the old ways, the days and nights of sacrilege among many worlds. The times he spent mocking the weak and the defeated just to sate a psychotic habit. Was it all in his head? Or was he truly created to be such?

"It is not fear I wish to inspire any longer. But I must first tame what it is that troubles me."

With that, Abraxas looked to either of his Jedi allies. A moment went by where he truly wasn't sure if he could contain the desire to demonstrate the rule of thumb he was so used to practicing time and time again. But he would have to learn discipline one way, or another.

"I believe we will be far more than suited to assuage these troublemakers of yours." Looking now to the Kushiban, giving a cold, half-cocked smirk.

[member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Darius Sedaire"]

Arken Lussk

Thrills, Chills, and Kills
Post: [04/20]

Arken sat down promptly. There was the passing of pipes ensuing, and older Kushibans sending friendly, yet wayward glances towards their guests. Their big, round eyes peered up at him every time he even shot them one of his own cursory glances. They were so small, so fuzzy, so not-human and it was bewildering to see them up close as opposed to some educational article on the HoloNet. They looked different than the pictures he'd seen online, but that was to be expected.

Then the conversation turned diplomatic. Talks of culture, celebrations, raiders. Stuff Arken didn't particularly care for. Computers and starships were more his speed. Things that go fast and shoot stuff.

"Affirmation: We can vaporize these raiders for you," Jarvis chimed in, "With my master's approval of course."

Arken snorted, chuckling. "We'll see. That's a last resort option."

"Emotional Outburst: I am sad."

[member="Abraxas"], [member="Darius Sedaire"], [member="Veiere Arenais"]
Post 5

Grace was drunk. Not yet as drunk as [member="Alyson Halle"], but still drunk.

All she had wanted was to have a good night, a fun party, and maybe some fun with one of the nicer-looking noblemen afterwards. And now, here she was, staring at the figure who had just walked in with an active lightsaber and killing the guards. Her hand opened, the crystal glass there slipping through her fingers, shattering across the floor. Nobles were running in panic as the woman stood from her barstool. "Bartender, you got a weapon back there?" Turning to the cowering man, she flashed a small smile as he handed her a slugthrower. "Right. Thank you."

Shaking, drunken hands leveled the pistol at the newcomer. "Right. You overstayed your welcome."

She pulled the trigger. Click. Trying again, she got the same result. Great....

[member="Velon Ielor"] [member="Bartic Myth'rand"] [member="Shorarri"]

Alyson was not pleased when the man challenged her to a fight. He was asking for it. Alyson began to draw her fist back to throw a punch at him, but at this point [member="Grace Darkson"] had already retreived a gun and fired her shot. The shot startled Alyson who missed her punch and by the sole weight of the punch she ended ended up falling right into the intruder with quite alot of force. She used this opportunity to attempt to force him to the ground pushing at his legs. The entire movement was extremely clumsy and imprecise and the entire time she lacked the focus or the ability to do anything remotly clean. This gave her the advantage of unpredictability however. Whether or not this would help was to be questioned but hopefully this drunken fighting would help her at the end of the day.

[member="Velon Ielor"]
[member="Bartic Myth'rand"]
The man did not look so strong. Shorarri thought surely he could take him. He swayed slightly in his drunken state and had to prop himself against a wall momentarily. The man spoke. He was not willing to leave. Shorarri shook off his drunken stupor and charged the Dark Jedi. He shouldered a few bystanders out of the way and swung at the sith with a hard right hook. Shorarri jumped back after his punch and readied to lay into the Sith with a left hook. [Dont hurt my friends!]
Post 7/20


It looked like it Bartic was going to have to get tangled up in a melee, not that he was going to pass up a chance to slug one of those pompous stuck up force users anyway but life was going to be difficult as there was room full of panic to get through. Not coming up with a better way quickly he put his right shoulder forward and charged bouncing off of nobles and other representatives, at least two people were left on the floor in his wake. He was going to have fight dirty, just like the old days reaching behind the bar he grabbed a mystery bottle, luck was with him, as it had an extremely high alcohol content, flicked that blaster back to the lethal setting and readied to throw.

[member="Shorarri"] | [member="Alyson Halle"] | [member="Grace Darkson"] | [member="Velon Ielor"]
Dune had seated himself among the Jedi and listened carefully, It was said that you should listen twice as much as you spoke. Or at least that's what he'd heard as an excitable youngling. He found himself inhaling from the peace pipe when it was his turn.

Idly he thought that the Kushiban might have eyes as wide as his own. That was a little unusual to find. The Bith passed the pipe off to the left and gathered himself before speaking. These initial talks were always crucial to future relations.

"As far as these raiders are concerned, I believe it is a matter of principal that we help," he said as he looked between [member="Arken Lussk"], [member="Abraxas"], [member="Veiere Arenais"], [member="Darius"] Seadaire and the Kushiban elders. And it was so. But it also served the dual purpose of showing the true character of the Order to them.

"Jedi help those beings in need, regardless. Besides the fact that these beings raiding your people are violating local laws."

It was also important that they establish their respect of Kushiban law and customs.

"As Master Arenais had said, we do not wish to interfere with local customs. It would be with those in mind, and your permission, that we'd proceed."

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: Serenno
Allies: Dominion and friends
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 4/25

"To be frank, not much has yet been done"

"Just as I thought. Star Tours would offer to finish construction and finish the work, using private funds. Perhaps the problem stems from court intrigue"

"Six to eight months of work are required, and that's just getting it back to a functional state, even though it may not be 100% operational"

"Are there any... bureaucratic hurdles I should be wary of?"


Ouch. Perhaps that was because of the court intrigue. But she knew that, in such regimes, court intrigues were just the big thing that often prevented stuff from being done. She knew that the Primeval did that: it is public knowledge that the Primeval ravaged spaceports across the galactic northeast and that recovery has been uneven. While Cademimu-Flashpoint took three years to finish to repair, Serenno took a while longer. Quickly and decisively Dunames should proceed: the costs would increase considerably in the end especially if the project drags on for extended periods of time. Poor Dunames: it was going to be a long, painful day. But taking over the project of another is more seamless if the last general contractor is cooperative, and accepts to hand over the plans and other construction documents to the new one. The transportation official may now claim that there are no bureaucratic hurdles that would not be present in off-world projects of a similar nature, but what assurances would there be that the actual construction documents will be transferred in a timely manner?

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