Location: Salyrini Obj 1
Equipment: Conservator and Vanguard 2.0 (Lightsabers)
Comm-link, Rebreather, Custom Robes
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Tathra Khaeus
Ala Caedyn Arenais
Romi Jade
Guys, an ally of ours is on that roof. I’m going to jump up and check on her.
The 412th were willing to go everywhere with him in this case and it was a good thing for him. They were an elite group of troops and not afraid at all of the situation. They were not suicidal, but good at their job and fully prepared to sacrifice themselves to protect the people, especially after that last speech. Caltin respected that and appreciated their approach, but he had to jump up here alone, which is why he told the truth, but not all of it.
When he reached the ceiling, the big guy saw the two of them standing there, this monster grab her...
SOME TIME AGO… Caltin was visiting the Bendu again after quite a long time...
Atollon was a planet that Caltin had not expected to come back to, not for a long time. Yet more and more, with what he sees in the galaxy, he needed to speak to someone that he
could speak to, one who “got it.” So he was here, on this planet again, to speak to the one being in the galaxy that could judge him, and in his eyes, be allowed to. It’s not that Caltin had thin skin, maybe he did to an extent in some cases, but he took his choices and his lot in life seriously, others did not seem to get that.
He could sense the presence of the being easy enough, there was no mistaking it. Caltin was no that far away from the Bendu.
An ancient being, Bendu claimed to represent the center of the Force, standing between the Ashla and and Bogan, or “The Light Side” and “The Dark Side”. Caltin was by no means the first Jedi, or Sith, or even sentient to meet the being, Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus once met him while meditating after losing his sight. He told Caltin about this, the Bendu did, and led him on a bit of a wild mynock chase. He told Kanan the same thing that he told Caltin, that “imbalance” woke him up.
The massive Jedi Master normally would have been on the defensive on the comment, but something about what he said, it put him at ease in the fact that it made sense. The big guy knew at the time that he was touched by the Dark Side and that while he felt he could control it, there was a problem that he felt inside. The problem is that at the time he felt nothing, nothing at all, he could not feel anger, happiness, pain, anything. The Bendu told him that it was the Force fixing his imbalance. The Force was changing him into something different altogether.
That day was vivid in his mind as they conversed about why he was imbalanced and the Bendu’s view on it.
After conversing, the Bendu told him how he stood and where his position was. It was then that Caltin put it together that he was much the same way, no he did not compare himself to the Bendu, nor did he consider himself “gray”. The outlook he gained was that
both sides have it wrong. There is no “Ashla” or “Bogan”, there is only the Force, period. The Force is a gift, not a tool, not a curse, it is something to be celebrated, not feared, or weaponized.
Caltin was forever changed after that, not looking on the Jedi as well as the Sith as anything more than people. It was the choices that were made not the “side” that made a being who they were. This was always the case, but more so to this point.
“Hello, old friend!” The voice as booming and full of wisdom as ever, Caltin could hear in his mind before he had even seen the being. That was still something weird to experience on this end as it was always he who had done that to Padawans. It wasn’t so much unnerving, but just went to show that if you are open to it, the Force and its possibilities are indeed limitless.
I thought that I would find you here.
“Where else would I go? Glad to see that you were finally found.” He said happily, almost flippantly.
Wait? You knew where I was all that time? Why did you not contact someone?
The Bendu smiled. “I know that it had not been that long for you, but it was still over 800 years. The planet you were on was covered in ice, and I sensed you. However it was also the residence of many different beings and almost none of them would have been happy to find you… or maybe they would have in a bad way… it does not matter now, does it?” As aloof as ever, the Bendu just smiled. “It
is good to see you though. What brings you here?”
You as well. I came here, because I wanted to let you know that I finally understand what you told me, all those years ago and I want to thank you.
“Thank me?” He asked sounding rather confused. “Did I do anything?”
Caltin just nodded.
I lost my way when I came to you. I did not know what I was doing anymore and it felt like I had absolutely no purpose. In your own way, you showed me that I had the same one as always, but I needed to learn exactly what it was. Only recently did I see exactly why I learned to feel the way that I do. That what I do is about me, and who I am, not what I feel that I need to do. For that, I thank you.
The Bendu just smiled. “You did that yourself, so you should thank yourself.”
Caltin just shrugged.
Maybe, but the appreciation is still there. I’m also glad to see that you’re still around annoying those who can sense you.
That last comment was said with a rather sardonic smile, the Bendu laughed anyway.
“Well, that is what I saw in you, and that is why I taught you how to manipulate the weather, didn’t I?”
Caltin was genuinely surprised at that.
That’s why?
The being just laughed at the genuine surprise. It was rather easy to get one over on the big guy. “A ‘Thank you is not why you are here though. You could have spoken through the Force. No, you’re here for something else… and I believe that it has to do with the past eight hundred years.”
The last observation was spot on, and the look on the big guy’s face proved it.
Well, yes I suppose. It’s just that… I didn’t lose my way. Now, I’m not sure that I have a place in this galaxy anymore. I’ve only been forgotten.
“Hmmm, not very “Jedi Like” to want attention like that.” The observation was meant as a joke, and though he gave a look as if to say “Really?” Caltin understood it. “Do you know about the carrier butterfly? Interesting creatures from the planet Maridun…”
An eyebrow raised, Caltin sat down in a lotus position.
You’re comparing me to a butterfly...
The Bendu just laughed. “Hear me out. Now, where was I? Oh yes. The butterfly. They do not start that way, oh no. They must grow their wings wrapped in a cocoon. It takes quite some time and they are oblivious to their surroundings, but do you know what happens when they exit the cocoon? They are out in the world, or in your case, the galaxy. That’s it.”
That’s it?
“That’s it.” The Bendu shrugged. “It does not matter how long you were away. You’re back now, that is all that matters. You’re back, you have
Ala back with you. This is a second chance, you might say.”
Good point… heh… I didn’t think you knew about Ala, I never told you.
The Bendu then just smiled. “You never had to, my friend. No disrespect to you, but you are not that deep.”
Okay, but the galaxy has changed immensely, the Jedi have changed.
“So change with it…” The Bendu just shrugged. “... or don’t. You can only control yourself.” As usual, Caltin found the Bendu to be annoyingly wise… in a good way. Of course, he went on about Ala some more, there were some cryptic comments, some talking in circles as always, and on top of that, there was something about the way he kept mentioning Caltin’s adoptive sister.
“If you live it up, you’ll be better for it.” He said in his own odd way.
What are you talking about?
“You’re going to have to learn that for yourself, my friend. I’ve seen what could happen, more than one option.”
No! You can talk to me about anything else, but you KNOW I can’t be played with when it comes to her! Now tell me the truth!
“Get the bass out of your voice, kid!” Suddenly a raging thunderstorm surged overhead. “To tell you one thing is speculative!” The storm ended as quickly as it appeared. “If I told you one thing happened, then the other happened, what then?” Caltin didn’t like it, but the Bendu had a point.
So what? I’m supposed to sit here for however long and wonder what is going to happen to her?
“I thought Jedi abhorred attachments?” The Bendu’s response came sarcastically.
You honor those you care about. You let those attachments inspire you. She inspires me to be better.
“... so as long as she is around, someone can control you.” It wasn’t really a question, more a factual observation, one that was not what Caltin wanted to hear.
You don*
“YES I DO!” A lightning strike hit the ground behind him. “There will come a time where you will have to deal with it too! Now begone. You can come back, but I’m done talking to you today!”
This huge Bryn just grabbed her by the wrist, there was nothing she could do. She was not a fighter, but his little sister could handle herself in a fight, but this? This thing manhandled her and he was too late to stop it, all Caltin could do was watch…
... tick…
With brow severely quirked and the corner of her mouth contorted into wry amusement, Ala ducked into the room beneath the water. The floor was slippery after water having made its home there for hundreds of years. She steadied herself with some hands facing down and a soft projection of Force power. The room was so familiar, but yet with the taint of years, centuries of decay.
"This is not my home anymore..."
Her words were barely audible. More to herself than for Caltin's benefit. Nothing had survived the rot and decay, but rather every thing was smoothed over with slime and the eroding nature of time and water.
She turned back to Caltin. "It's ok, really," she said with a bittersweet smile, "nothing survived...except us...and that's OK."
Turning, she pushed off with the Force and slid across the floor and into Caltin's direction where she embraced the hulk of a Jedi with as big of a hug as she could.
"I am not sure when it was that I last told you that
I love you," she said, "but it has been far too long."
When he swung her… there was no fear in Caltin… there was no sorrow… no sadness… there was anger… and it was building exponentially. The big guy was long touched by darkness, he could hold, control and handle the fire building inside of him, why? He had been doing so over eight hundred years ago. This was nothing new.
... tick…
She knew his embrace instantly. She had been carried from the mountains near the Jedi Temple when injured during a contest between Padawan. That had been the first of many times he had saved her life. It seemed fitting that it would be her hero once again, her big adopted brother. She had only been out for a short time then, a year maybe at most. This thought comforted, even as her eyes were yet to open.
Her senses were slowly coming back to her and with it the darkness surrounding from every angle. A malevolent force hovered not from where they were. Clearly, they were in imminent peril. She expected nothing less.
As she slowly came to, she realized that her body was still not anywhere near cooperating, but she took small comfort in the feeling of her two short saber hilts hitting her thigh with each massive step that Caltin took.
"I knew you'd come."
The feeling of tiredness pulled on her, creating an urgent need to take a breath like she was going underwater. Taking the breath, she faded into unconsciousness again. In spite of all the darkness her dream now contained, there emanated light from within her that pushed it all back.
When he swung her, Caltin saw red, nothing but red, but he was so enraged, the Master Jedi had blinders on. He
wanted the anger to boil over. He
wanted the fury inside him to come to what was about to happen. He wanted all of it. The only thing that Caltin did not want, was what he had heard, the sickening crack of her spine as it snapped. Now he knew what the Bendu spoke of.
... tick…
Friends and family! Really!
Ala almost staggered at the thought.
I don't think I've ever had a friend...but family too!
A cheeky smile came across her face, and she nudged Caltin with her elbow.
"I guess that makes you my big brother then...I feel sorry for you," she said with a smile. Perhaps it was a little forward, or brash, but it never occurred to Ala that it could be the wrong thing to say.
... BOOM…
The Bryn done (censored) up now. I’ve tried to warn people. I’ve tried to give them some chance to prepare. To do the right thing. I talk about it all the time. No one seems to want to listen. Caltin has officially lost any and all reason to hold back, at least for the time being.
Lightsaber in hand, Caltin was busy calling on all of the moisture in the air that he could, he was calling on the moisture to raise the humidity and formulate droplets into the air that would group into clouds. He was taking the Bendu’s training and creating a Thunderstorm with one individual in mind. The no-good piece of Bantha poodoo in front of him. Checking for a pulse, he looked down at her, he would not tear up right now. He would not show emotions, anything that this Sculag could use. No, he would just mouth the words “I’m sorry” to her and lookup. His eyes electrically vibrant as he stood. The storm was forming overhead, the electricity was crackling, building, and coming to a crescendo.
A bolt came crashing down as he stood.
He learned how to control the lightning, the weather, the Bendu taught him so Ala was untouched. She was as safe as she was going to be, and as Caltin touched his comm-link he called for medics to come to retrieve her. Caltin finally understood that of what the Bendu had spoken, this was what he meant about Ala, but you know what? If you ask Caltin, he wouldn't have it any other way. To him, she represented everything that was
good about the Jedi, about being a Jedi. Maybe that was this monster in front of him who wanted to destroy her. She was the "yin". The problem is, with the "yin", there is always a "yang". That was Caltin. Where she was the light, the good. He was the fight, the sword. Her eyes were on the light above. His eyes, his focus, his target was in front of him. Who was he? Didn’t matter. What did he do? Don’t care. How important was he? Don’t give a flying womprat. What was he capable of? Other than hurting women a quarter his size? Nowhere near enough. What was he to Caltin? Next.
I don’t care who you are. I don’t care where you come from. Do you want to live through this? Do you want to be anything but a greasy stain? Leave. No ifs. No ands. No karking butts. Leave and take all of your followers with you. If you do not. You will rue the day you had heard of the word “Jedi.” No threat. No promise. No prediction. A spoiler.
Cracking his knuckles and his neck, Caltin raised an eyebrow.
I… am… going… to… kark… you… up.
He started walking... he wouldn't stop until this son of a ... "Female Akk Dog" was thrown off this building and this planet.