Zambrano the Starweird
The Black Prophet of Balagoth
Location: Aboard The Thorn above Cyborrea
Objective: A
Allies: The Hutt Cartel
Enemies: Pirates
Fleet Compliment:
Zambrano the Hutt, was a Hutt. His title made this self-evident, but due to the odd murderous behaviors of this particular force attuned psychopath, people often mistook the nightmarish Warlord as something even worse than those bags of fleshy greed. Nonetheless, it was, for whatever reason, expected by the members of the Primeval that by simply wearing the flesh of a Hutt made them some how suddenly affiliated with their various organizations in Crime. In the recent past, the Directory had even bought an old rustyard for the explicit purpose of increases the Hutts reputation as a Hutt, not simply a murderous Warlord with an imposing name and title. Additionally, the Directory was responsible for support the Hutt cartel in its time of need opposing the Red Ravens, with some level of success (though ultimately the mission was a failure for the Cartel considering the more advantageous position the Ravens had over the Hutts).
Once again, the twisted beast found himself gleefully connected to the cognition hood of his flagship, observing the universe through the eyes of a massive powerful beast floating in the giant sea of space above some insignificant planet he could hardly bother acknowledging existed. Before him, was some sort of space station, which was the main target in his endeavors here as a fellow Cartel member. Some pirate or other, needed to be given an expiration date, and who better to do the job than some psycho Hutt with some big ass guns?
It was clarified to him though, that although he was to demolish the station's defenses, he wasn't actually supposed to bring the whole karker down to the ground. Zambrano mostly ignored this of course, but was going to do what he was told to generate the maximum amount of destruction allowed here. The Directory brought along the usual Fleet, with The Forward, The Rear, The Bludgeon, and The Ruin all in tow behind The Thorn. All of this firepower was combined by whatever else the Cartel had brought along to pound the station with superior fire power.
The goal was simple: shoot at the station, until the infiltrators killed the main target. With that in mind, the Fleet floated in orbit, awaiting the order to start shooting.
Objective: A
Allies: The Hutt Cartel
Enemies: Pirates
Fleet Compliment:
- The Thorn (Skrii Roik Cruiser Analog: 340 meters) - Carries Zambrano the Hutt, and Captain Slika, with a two fighter squadron compliment of Heavy Assault Fighter-1's (six in total)
- The Forward (Mendacity-class Corvette: 200 meters) - Carries Commodore Vun, with a single fighter squadron compliment of Heavy Assault Fighter-1's (three in total)
- The Rear (Mendacity-class Corvette: 200 meters) - Carries Rear Admiral Weab, with a single fighter squadron compliment of Heavy Assault Fighter-1's (three in total)
- The Bludgeon (Deluge-Class Frigate: 380 meters) - Carries Vice Admiral Jok'u, no compliment.
- The Ruin (Carnage-Class Frigate: 367 meters) - Carries Admiral Thetsh, with a four fighter squadron compliment of Heavy Assault Fighter-1's (twelve in total)
Zambrano the Hutt, was a Hutt. His title made this self-evident, but due to the odd murderous behaviors of this particular force attuned psychopath, people often mistook the nightmarish Warlord as something even worse than those bags of fleshy greed. Nonetheless, it was, for whatever reason, expected by the members of the Primeval that by simply wearing the flesh of a Hutt made them some how suddenly affiliated with their various organizations in Crime. In the recent past, the Directory had even bought an old rustyard for the explicit purpose of increases the Hutts reputation as a Hutt, not simply a murderous Warlord with an imposing name and title. Additionally, the Directory was responsible for support the Hutt cartel in its time of need opposing the Red Ravens, with some level of success (though ultimately the mission was a failure for the Cartel considering the more advantageous position the Ravens had over the Hutts).
Once again, the twisted beast found himself gleefully connected to the cognition hood of his flagship, observing the universe through the eyes of a massive powerful beast floating in the giant sea of space above some insignificant planet he could hardly bother acknowledging existed. Before him, was some sort of space station, which was the main target in his endeavors here as a fellow Cartel member. Some pirate or other, needed to be given an expiration date, and who better to do the job than some psycho Hutt with some big ass guns?
It was clarified to him though, that although he was to demolish the station's defenses, he wasn't actually supposed to bring the whole karker down to the ground. Zambrano mostly ignored this of course, but was going to do what he was told to generate the maximum amount of destruction allowed here. The Directory brought along the usual Fleet, with The Forward, The Rear, The Bludgeon, and The Ruin all in tow behind The Thorn. All of this firepower was combined by whatever else the Cartel had brought along to pound the station with superior fire power.
The goal was simple: shoot at the station, until the infiltrators killed the main target. With that in mind, the Fleet floated in orbit, awaiting the order to start shooting.