Location: Aboard The Thorn above Cyborrea
Objective: A
Allies: The Hutt Cartel, [member="Mishk"], [member="Flannigan Mcnash"], [member="Rayl Wilded"]
Enemies: Pirates
Fleet Compliment:
Finally, as the fleet was resting in the moments before combat, the Space Station began to open fire, and the vessels protecting began to engage. They had had enough of the Fleet ignoring their hails and warnings, and the Warlord could not have been happier. Quickly, with a gleeful grunt, the Warlord sitting immobile in his Throne command the ship to open up micro-singularities at very specific points as the blaster bolts and what not began to race towards the various Primeval Ships. The particularly adept vong pilot, displayed his raw potency and power effortlessly in the heat of battle. If Mishk was able to concentrate carefully, he may even be able to reach beyond enough to
feel the flow of combat.
While the Hutt was technically able to literally feel and see the flow of combat, it did not mean he had to limit his perception of the battlefield to those simple sensory inputs, and used his raw potential in the force to reach out and feel the flow of combat
yet to come. This gave him the advanced precognitive warning to make him so effective in shielding his fleet with the Dovin Basals of his ship.
Captain Slika meanwhile, observed and listened for orders to sent to him from Admiral Thetsh, and the other commanding officers in the fleet, though none had come yet. The Captain and the Warlord he babysat knew full well their function in combat, but refused to remain on the bridge unless necessary due to the unsightly presence of the monsters latest 'friend' in the corrupted strange jawa. One force using phychopathic alien was bad enough, but two? The damned things seemed to be breeding.
At any rate, he observed the other orders going around, as all the ships opened fire with their various weapons on the various targets present in the area, that would bring them victory in the shortest amount of time without damaging the space station too badly by the end of it.