D'vok Windroamer
Active Member
Objective: Jedi Service Corps Ahoy!
Allies: Jedi/Alliance
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 1
D'vok disembarked his ship, The Prometheus' Bounty, and entered the assembly room. He was a force sensitive, yes, but a jedi? Far from it. He didn't even have a lightsaber yet. Well, not his own, at least. He decided to leave it on the ship, however his trusty DL-44 slept snugly in it's holster at D'vok's side. One could never be too careful. D'vok took note of three people, [member="Lynn Corerunner"], [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"], and [member="Cathul Thuku"]. conversing. He sat down near them, and glanced at the holographic screen. D'vok had never been serious about his jedi training until now. It was one of those things he had always put off. He retrieved a small datapad, fiddled with it for a bit, and then returned it to his pocket. He was nervous, No, not nervous, uneasy. D'vok remembered the last time he had jedi "training". It was ages ago, He was a young boy, his father had brought him along on his guard duty of the jedi temple on Coruscant. He remembered his father walking off, no it was D'vok who had walked off. An elder jedi had approached him, mistaking him for a youngling, and brought him to a room where younglings were being trained in basic lightsaber combat. Fun times...
D'vok snapped to attention, not realizing he had been daydreaming. He glanced at the group of people to his left conversing. Jedi, he thought. They all had lightsabers. He wasn't sure what to do next.
Allies: Jedi/Alliance
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 1
D'vok disembarked his ship, The Prometheus' Bounty, and entered the assembly room. He was a force sensitive, yes, but a jedi? Far from it. He didn't even have a lightsaber yet. Well, not his own, at least. He decided to leave it on the ship, however his trusty DL-44 slept snugly in it's holster at D'vok's side. One could never be too careful. D'vok took note of three people, [member="Lynn Corerunner"], [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"], and [member="Cathul Thuku"]. conversing. He sat down near them, and glanced at the holographic screen. D'vok had never been serious about his jedi training until now. It was one of those things he had always put off. He retrieved a small datapad, fiddled with it for a bit, and then returned it to his pocket. He was nervous, No, not nervous, uneasy. D'vok remembered the last time he had jedi "training". It was ages ago, He was a young boy, his father had brought him along on his guard duty of the jedi temple on Coruscant. He remembered his father walking off, no it was D'vok who had walked off. An elder jedi had approached him, mistaking him for a youngling, and brought him to a room where younglings were being trained in basic lightsaber combat. Fun times...
D'vok snapped to attention, not realizing he had been daydreaming. He glanced at the group of people to his left conversing. Jedi, he thought. They all had lightsabers. He wasn't sure what to do next.