Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Border Surveillance Pt 2 | GA Dominion of Rutan

Objective: Jedi Service Corps Ahoy!
Allies: Jedi/Alliance
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 1
D'vok disembarked his ship, The Prometheus' Bounty, and entered the assembly room. He was a force sensitive, yes, but a jedi? Far from it. He didn't even have a lightsaber yet. Well, not his own, at least. He decided to leave it on the ship, however his trusty DL-44 slept snugly in it's holster at D'vok's side. One could never be too careful. D'vok took note of three people, [member="Lynn Corerunner"], [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"], and [member="Cathul Thuku"]. conversing. He sat down near them, and glanced at the holographic screen. D'vok had never been serious about his jedi training until now. It was one of those things he had always put off. He retrieved a small datapad, fiddled with it for a bit, and then returned it to his pocket. He was nervous, No, not nervous, uneasy. D'vok remembered the last time he had jedi "training". It was ages ago, He was a young boy, his father had brought him along on his guard duty of the jedi temple on Coruscant. He remembered his father walking off, no it was D'vok who had walked off. An elder jedi had approached him, mistaking him for a youngling, and brought him to a room where younglings were being trained in basic lightsaber combat. Fun times...
D'vok snapped to attention, not realizing he had been daydreaming. He glanced at the group of people to his left conversing. Jedi, he thought. They all had lightsabers. He wasn't sure what to do next.
Objective: Continue the Construction of the Rutan Surveillance Centre.

---- ---- ---- ----- -----

“Kira Vaal. SIS.” She was introduced to the Galactic Alliance Commander as such and as much as it annoyed the young Corellian that they were being so lax with the term it was enough to get her a better audience.
“Thank you Lieutenant. You are dismissed.” The older Sullustian spoke in fluent basic as the younger human snapped his heels, saluted and dispersed into the busy workings of the semi-finished centre. “So Miss Vaal was it?” Extending a hand he was matched by Kira’s own in a firm handshake.
“Yes, Kira is fine. Commander Nium I have been told.” She had to match his own approach with her own, otherwise this would never work.
“Aye, Commander will do fine.” He gave a small smirk and turned back towards the room which was bustling with engineers and technicians all going about their parts to get the station operative as quickly as possible. From where they were standing, a raised platform near the rear of the room it could all be seen as clear as day, from the communication stalls to the long range radar displays. It was quite the sight and Kira had to admit she was impressed. “So what do the SIS want this time? Another delaying factor or just supervision over the masses?” Commander Nium’s tone had changed as he spoke, it was far less welcoming as before.
“Actually it’s to do with the memory cores.” Kira said as she watched a particular technician roll out a few metres worth of cable. “I need to do a check on several systems to assure that we have the correct protocols in place.”
“Surely that is a job for one of my data-engineers, not a SIS agent.” Oh he was good.
“Agent?” Kira put on the best smirk she could. “No Commander I’m not an agent.”
“By the Force no, I’m just a desk-jockey. Sullustian Data-Miners. Forth Unit. Serial number eight-nine-seven-two.” She handed him a card, it had all the relevant details upon it that sold the story, she just needed him to fall for it. “Honestly, nothing exciting going on here sir.”
Commander Nium inspected the card for several long minutes, his beady eyes occasionally scanning back to Kira before returning to the card. Finally after an agonising wait he broke Kira’s worry. “Just the cores you say? I can’t see the issue in that. We are running the best equipment this side of Coruscant after all.” He handed the card back. “I’ll have one of the team escort you down Miss Vaal. Have a good day.”
“Thank you Commander.” Kira saluted, turned and surpassed her smile.
Objective: Make friends?
Allies: [member="Cathul Thuku"], [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"]
Post: 3

Her new Twi'lek friend was very correct, Lynn knew the words and could speak Ryl except for the missing Lekku which made her limited on what she could speak, but she did understand the Lekku part. She was not fluent in a lot of languages, but a few she knew from past lessons and experiences.

She greeted the Knight with a return bow slightly and a smile. " I am Lynn Core runner, I apologize if my attire is inappropriate, it just feels comfortable. I am afraid I am not a member of any group, but thought I'd come learn what I could until I am assigned a teacher or master."

As Cathal spoke, she commuted to memory the different branches of the Gaurdian. While she wore armor, it was light and form fitting. Made more like an exotic suit then the big, brute Beskar most Mandalorian wore. Though she was right about the lightsaber, Lynn carried four. Two strapped to one leg, one strapped to the other and on on her belt. The three extra ones served as back ups should she or an ally require one. She felt the need to always be prepared to defend the innocent and in danger Ed as you never knew what could happen.

She did study the Jedi Knight. She noticed his attire was traditional, something she enjoyed wearing when she wasn't in the field. His face also showed signs of age, but his eyes had a fire about them. They showed that while he appeared caring and kind, he was not someone to mess with or anger. Lynn wondered what her eyes said about her. The mouth can lie, but the eyes are far much more difficult to hide.
PVE Adventure & Mingle: Jedi Service Corps ahoy!
Jedi Service Corps Seminar
NJO Praxeum Ship
[member="Lynn Corerunner"] [member="Cathul Thuku"]

"Well met" he said to the two. However, Rhen did not pick up much about Cathul's padawan or where she went. He had only gathered bits and pieces and had ruminated on the snipets he had heard. Concern grew over his face as the Twi'lek immediately went into suggesting a class and style to the young woman. Thick bushy brows drew forward. Did the Twi'lek know her that intimately? It can often take years before one knows for certain what they even want to grow into with the Force.

That concern only grew as he was able to take note of the collection of lightsabers the young woman had. Four to be exact. He shifted his weight, merely listening to Lynn explain that she was not a member of any group and was in the process of learning what she could until she was assigned a master or a teacher.

The elder Corellian Jedi let this information sink in.

"Lynn," he began, those heavy set eyes kindly watching the young woman. "Might I ask if you had any previous Force training?" a small nod to the lightsabers came next. Most were just fine with one. Maybe two. Any more than that one honestly was a bit too much for his mind. There was no need to carry so many. Most took it with a sign of wariness than as a boon. Even if a lightsaber was an elegant weapon in an uncivilized age, it was still a weapon. Humor shone in his eyes.

"I have trouble enough with one, let alone four. Are you trained in them?"
  • PVP & PVE: Border Surveillance Pt II | Post 9
Continue the Border Surveillance by constructing another Galactic Alliance surveillance comm center at Rutan. This is one is a bit more important as it is right along the Hydian Way Hyperlane. We can invite First Order again to join in any intel hijinks or any third parties they hired to do the same. First Order and their Allies looking to gain information via infiltration or spy stuff are more than welcomed!

Tagging anyone who wants to interact with border surveillance.
Rogue: [member="Asmus Janes"]
Ground: [member="Tam Severro"]
Vector Squadron : [member="Saul Starskimmer"] [member="Tam Severro"]

[ Roger Rogue One. ] Choli's voice chirped along the squadron comm. R4 gave a small tut from behind, turning into a series of miffed beeps as she swung her snubfighter much in the same way one would if they ignored their pilot handbook.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Risky." but it served to at least be familiar with the maneuver. Not everyone had a fancy TX-100 like the Rogue Commander. At the very least she had her instincts. And the Force. Chloe had been reminding the young woman that she had to ensure the continued her training and practicing what she'd been taught in the Force. Now it was a matter of fine turning it.

[ We have escort ships and the big mama placing those sensor probes. ] she told Janes, just in time to hear a:

Saul Starskimmer said:
["Rogue Squadron, what's going on up there? ]

Her brows perked up. Then she gave a wry grin. This was why [member="Asmus Janes"] took care of the comms. He could reply down when ready.

For now, the deployment and the construction of the reconn comm sensor base was imperative.
Saul Starskimmer said:
[member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Choli Vyn"]
"Rogue Squadron, what's going on up there?" the message said, simple and to the point.
Asmus had his eyes on the nose and the velocity and heading information. His left thumb had a switch to move through comm channels, but he couldn't spare a glance to see who had sent the question.

"Rogues fall into cruising speed and covert mode, I want to come in careful and quiet and see what we're dealing with first."

His thumb switched channel.

"This is Rogue One, please identify?"
Objective: Jedi Service Corps Ahoy!
Allies: @D'vok Windroamer [member="Lynn Corerunner"] [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"]
Post: 6/20

"I apologize for having suggested paths too quickly. It's just that I sensed that you had more than one lightsaber" she told Lynn, before turning to D'vok. "What is it that you would like to learn that you haven't already?"

She was relieved, and not at the same time, that Rhen seemed not to have heard any bit about how she denied Geloyra the dark side and necromancy. Perhaps D'vok would be happy to learn stuff but Cathul would not make him relearn what he already knows. Better not re-teach a power again; the frustrations the student then incurs would probably lead to the dark side, she thought. That was going to be one long night onboard the praxeum ship. She would rather be healing patients using Force-healing, or doing anything other than those things, but she knew it was part of the job. One unpleasant part of the job, perhaps, but she knew it had to be done. She delivered one more warning to the padawans, as it pertained to their specialties. There were people who were one-trick ponies, but there were people like her who played what she called a game of musical chairs with their functions.

"You have to be mindful or else you may end up playing a dangerous game of musical chairs with your duties and functions"

She once said that the Jedi often had the propensity to play games of musical chairs with their functions: one day she is a healer and the next day, she is a fleeter. Such wildly-played games of functional musical chairs were not unheard of, but not uncommon. Much like many Clone Wars-era generals/admirals, or even mid-level officers: several of them were doing radically different jobs pre-Clone Wars.
Objective: Make friends
Allies: [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"] [member="Cathul Thuku"]
Location: Assembly Room
Post: 4

Her eyes went to her legs, she almost forgot she was wearing lightsabers at the moment. She knew why she carried them, but hoped it didn't seem silly. "Well, I only use one lightsaber most of the time, but two of my lightsabers can connect to make one double bladed lightsaber, but I prefer one. The other two are in case I am disarmed or and ally needs one. I find history shows we can not be too careful." She smiled at the two.

She could not help, but sense the tension between the two, but she did not comment on it. It was not her place also a fresh Padawan wouldn't have such a connection to the Force that she would sense such things, so she said nothing. She did find Cathul's words to be a bit odd and thought she would say something there, "A jack of all trades is a Master of none. I believe it is better to learn one's self and what your strengths are and Master in that. To stray from one's self is to weaken one's self and then that could lead yourself or others around you to danger." She brushed her hair from her face and grazed a button on her neck that made her helmet shoot up and seal causing her to jump a little and yelp in surprise. She pressed it again to bring the helmet back. He face now a bright red. "I am sorry, I sometimes forget that is there." She laughed a little in embarrassment. In honesty she wasn't use to brushing her hair from her face yet so she was a bit clumsy with it.

She fell silent for a bit as she pondered the Knight's question. She could answer many ways, but which one was the right way? She sighed after a bit coming to a conclusion within her mind, "To be honest my Force ability is not very strong. I did train myself in Makashi and have been told I gifted with it. I prefer calculated moves as they do the least amount of damage to disarm or stop and enemy." From this point on, she was weak with the Force, she took note of that and noted it's need to improve.
Location: Rutan, a mile and a half away from Surveillance Centre
Affiliation: The First Order
Allies: [member="Castor Ren"]
Enemies: Galactic Alliance types

A figure, hooded and cloaked manoeuvred her way through the shadows. Their objective was still under construction which meant a large work force of sentients and droids were floating around, transporting goods and erecting the structure. While the current state of the Surveillance Centre meant there were more prying eyes to spot her, it also meant an opportunity. The young woman rolled a small spherical device in the palm of her hand, an ingenious little magnetic device designed by the First Order Security Bureau. The tiny sphere should be undetectable if placed within the incomplete structure, it'll then pick up on and pass on all communication to the First Order's security station on Ison. Everything the Alliance knew here, so too would the First Order. They just had to get it there.

The teenage Knight of Ren rested on one knee looking over the construction work with her holobinoculars. Droids were wielding, crew were chatting and guards were patrolling. Avoiding sight would be nothing too extraneous for someone of her extraordinary abilities, hopefully it would be the same for her companion. She lazily passed the binoculars backwards to [member="Castor Ren"] so the disciple could see for himself. She knew from experience that Castor was capable but she was yet to see if the man could keep up with her when it was just the two of them.

"No sign of anything extraordinary from here. No Jedi or elite soldiers in sight. In and out, simple. Leave no witnesses but do try not to leave any bodies behind either. The less chance of discovery, the better," she told him, her youthful, higher pitched yet rich voice sounding almost bored.

Samka Derith clipped the orb on her belt next to her lightsaber and picked up her blank, black mask from the floor and delicately placed it over her face. The thing was stuffy and uncomfortable, not to mention hiding her lovely features so she never usually wore it. Today was different, her face was starting to be recognised as an agent of the Supreme Leader. War was coming and the last thing they needed was to be recognised and give the Alliance a casus belli. If discovered, they were not with the First Order. Nobody could know.

"Let's move," Sam instructed her companion, her voice now distorted and metallic, as she marched on their target.


Well-Known Member
--- --- ---
Location: Rutan, 2.4 km from Surveillance Centre
Affiliation: The First Order
Allies: [member="Samka Derith"]
Enemies: Galactic Alliance
--- --- ---
Castor's gaze went un-averted as he reached out with his left hand, slowly retrieving the binoculars and bringing them to his eyes. The plains of Rutan were vast and the native of Skye felt somewhat out of place away from the mountains and jungle of Virgilia. Despite his discomfort on such flat ground, he couldn't complain much. The visibility from out here was great. While also taking a knee, the taller of the two spent a moment double checking the premises. He listened respectfully as the senior Ren spoke, he'd come to respect the significantly younger girl despite their rather pronounced age gap. While they didn't tend to work together entirely often, he'd been witness to a few of the woman's feats, most notably at the defense of the Bastion of Ren as well as their expedition to Lothal.

He glanced sideways at her as she commented on their mission to remain stealthy, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. At first he'd not well understood the younger Ren's sense of humor, well - really any sense of humor, but as time passed he found it had grown on him. While he may not participate himself, he appreciated her sentiment. Samka spoke the truth, they were on a mission of stealth rather than one of sabotage. He'd chosen his gear carefully, a streamlined kit consisting of a lightweight load bearing vest over a tactical turtleneck. To round out the Ren's kit, a pair of tactical cargo pants and utility belt clothed his lower half, accented by a pair of agile boots. Satisfied that the situation was under control, Castor passed the binoculars back to Sam before speaking.

"As you command." He said, pulling down the balaclava rested on the top of his head. Identity concealed, and gear ready, Castor stepped off after the younger Ren.​
Lynn Corerunner said:
She could not help, but sense the tension between the two, but she did not comment on it. It was not her place also a fresh Padawan wouldn't have such a connection to the Force that she would sense such things, so she said nothing. She did find Cathul's words to be a bit odd and thought she would say something there, "A jack of all trades is a Master of none. I believe it is better to learn one's self and what your strengths are and Master in that. To stray from one's self is to weaken one's self and then that could lead yourself or others around you to danger." She brushed her hair from her face and grazed a button on her neck that made her helmet shoot up and seal causing her to jump a little and yelp in surprise. She pressed it again to bring the helmet back. He face now a bright red. "I am sorry, I sometimes forget that is there." She laughed a little in embarrassment. In honesty she wasn't use to brushing her hair from her face yet so she was a bit clumsy with it.
D'vok laughed as the woman's helmet shot up onto her face.
Cathul Thuku said:
Turning to D'vok. "What is it that you would like to learn that you haven't already?"
"Oh, you're talking to me! Oh, hello! I'm already somewhat familiar with saber combat, but I'd like to-"

Lynn Corerunner said:
"To be honest my Force ability is not very strong. I did train myself in Makashi and have been told I gifted with it. I prefer calculated moves as they do the least amount of damage to disarm or stop and enemy."
D'vok quieted himself as the woman interrupted him abruptly. D'vok sighed.
"Whatever, that's fine too." D'vok muttered softly to himself.
Objective: Jedi Service Corps Ahoy!
Allies: [member="Lynn Corerunner"] @D'vok Windroamer
Post: 7/20

Cathul realized that, beyond Force-sense, these two Jedi had a long way to go before they could become knights, knowing that her previous Wookiee she called a padawan is about to be knighted. Which meant that Siriwook would become a spellweaver soon enough, she thought, upon collecting an assortment of small objects, such as a pair of 12.7x108 bullets that she initially wanted her slugthrower to be firing, but even though a 12.7x108 would have a greater probability of killing a Sith Lord, a sulgthrower firing 12.7x108s would have too much recoil to be shoulder-fired. She gave one bullet each to Lynn and D'vok, placing them on the trays next to them. Hopefully they will realize that they will need some training beyond Force-sense to truly be effective as Jedi, but she doesn't think they are advanced enough to do mind tricks. Plus she needs to re-learn Force-speed herself. As she turns to the two padawans...

"Let's start with telekinesis. Here, use the Force to lift these bullets in the air" she told both Lynn and D'vok.


Disney's Princess

ANS White Teta
Rutan Orbit

BYOO - Cataloging the Kudana
Post Four

Room 203.

Soft stars lingering just outside the bedroom window. While two women gathered closer to each other underneath still softer silk. The heat. The fire that lay there. Like celestial bodies burning. Soft skin wrapped up in brighter flame. Her hand over my heart as our fingers knit together. A warm smile oft lay hidden. A softer touch just concealed. Lush lips and a lifting sigh just beyond the pillowcase. In the bedroom like stars, they lingered. Blissful. Warm. Together. Heavensward. The space between them unending. Like a warm new light to the soul.

Wasting the whole afternoon away.

* * *

Slowly now. Stirring to brighter star's soft light. The windows began to stir and two young women's eyes began to open.

Kat awoke with a deep breath and lingering, happy smile. Reaching out between the warm sheets she felt Kysa close to her. Always, so very close to her. Yet, the memories of their playful respite remained closer still. Both women slowly rising blissfully to a new afternoon. They became awake and all things became new again.

"Mmm. ...Hey. Good morning you."

"Mmm." Their lips embraced over warm shoulders, "Why Doctor. Don't you mean... Good afternoon."

"Oh my? Hehe. ...Mmm."

The moment broke with a sound.

*ring ring ring

A ring on Kysa's phone brought women slowly back to the present. Awakened again to the memories of the past. Ah yes. Where were they. What where they doing. She remembered now. There had been a slight complication with a Rutan Princess. Kysa and Kat were to get each other settled in. Spending the down time touring the ship and preparing for the adventure to come. And yet... When the elevator doors had opened to the ships living quarter's, it was all Kat could do not to tear Captain Bell's clothes off right then and there, and embrace her. The space between them already hot as a burning solar fire. So it remained, long into the afternoon's dawning artificial light. Awakening again from their leisure and looking up and out until the present time.

"Poo. Hear that? Duty calls. ...Mm, shower first?"

"Oh, yes please. Hehe."

Bed covers slipped off and bare feet dotted across the ground. The afternoon lingered onward still with a splash and a sprinkle. And yet,

*ring ring ring - *ring ring ring - *ring ring ring

Duty called.

Still, one mission had been successfully accomplished thus far. They had found Kat's new cabin just fine.

* * *

The hallway door slid open with a quiet, ssst, and Kat pinned her hair back into place,

"Well then. Ready Captain Bell?"

Kysa brushed her long blond hair aside and slipped back into her uniform's coat. Mm. Perfectly composed, once again.

"Ah. Yes. Ready, Doctor Rivers. Hehe. Let's go."

Kat smiled and stepped out into the white gleaming hallways of the wild Jedi vessel. Letting her smiling partner slip close the wide door behind them.

"Well then Captain? Shall we check in with Master Trist and see how fair's our lost Rutan maiden?"

"Mm. An excellent idea Doctor. Maybe then this mission can finally get underway. And perhaps,"

Kysa pulled Kat close and leaned into her eyes,

"...With a few less, distractions?"

"Oh. Of course Captain." Kat leaned in closer still and smiled,

"No more,.. distractions."

"Mm. Well,"

Kysa touched her new partner's lips and rubbed her nose in a butterfly kiss.


"Maybe just one."
Cathul Thuku said:
"Let's start with telekinesis. Here, use the Force to lift these bullets in the air" she told both Lynn and D'vok.
"You want me... to lift these bullets... using my mind? I mean... Alright..."
D'vok placed the bullet on the the table in front of him. He closed his eyes, and shifted his hands to the edges of the table. He was concentrating very hard. He had never really been able to use the force like most jedi did. He had to really, really concentrate to use it, and only was successful when his life depended on it. Never the less, he concentrated on the bullet, imagining his hand picking it up and holding it in the air, moving it around, slowly, turning it, rotating it, inspecting it. Little did he know, in front him, the very same thing was happening. The bullet was seemingly suspended in the air turning and rotating exactly as D'vok imagined it did.
Location: Assembly Room
Allies: [member="Cathul Thuku"], @D'vok Windroamer, [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"]
Enemies: None
Post: 5

It seemed this party was growing bigger and bigger. The newest addition seemed a bit...odd. He seemed to take words geared towards others and assume them geared towards him. He wore and looked like a generic Jedi, in Lynn's eyes, he seemed to be your standard people pleaser and center of attention. Lynn didn't mind, it meant she was out of the attention's eye.

She looked at the bullet with confusion then at the provider. Why was she trying to teach the Force in a room like this? She looked up at the Knight and in a polite and respectful way she answered, "I believe this is not the...appropriate place to be training when we are here to learn about ways to help the Alliance. If you would like to see what I can do, I would love to meet for training at another time."
[member="Priscilla Genesis"]

Gorm slowly stooped towards Genesis's subdued looking office. Two droids astride at the door way, he calmly beckoned: "Genesis, its Gorm! I apologize for my lateness, we have many important matters to attend to ((static buzzing) Do we not?"
PVE Adventure & Mingle: Jedi Service Corps ahoy!
Jedi Service Corps Seminar
NJO Praxeum Ship
[member="Lynn Corerunner"] [member="Cathul Thuku"] @D'vok Windroamer

Things were beginning to get a bit chaotic. Thick, bushy brows furrowed together. The Corellian Jedi took stock of the situation. He let Lynn's response settle and then turned towards the other male in the group. A thought came to him as he swung his gaze back towards the Twi'lek.

"I see." he said simply. Then with a slight shift of his weight, he seemed to gather his bearings.

"Indeed, this is the time to interact and see if one would like to join any one of the Jedi Service Corps. Actual training or perhaps the search of a master could very well be done at another time." there was a slight measure of disapproval at the Twi'lek.

"That is of course, if neither of you two have a master." a smile broke across his face, the humor had returned.

"I must say, I am intrigued to know where both of you learned what you have so far?" a gesture came from the man, "Come, let us sit down. What are your interests? "
PVE Adventure: NJO Mission to find the Kidnapped Princess!
NPCing Grand Marshal Omai Rhen for dispatch of NJO and Allies group for this kidnapped PVE adventure!
| 11 |

[member="HK-36"] Moving on since @Michael Sardun hasn't posted.

"Was she taken violently then? Were her guards killed or did she just seemingly vanished into thin air? It is possible that the soldiers within their planetary military are working for the rebel element, or for the rebels to use stealth technology."

"Her guards were knocked unconscious. No deaths that we can discern."

"And how wide-spread was the information about their effort to join the Alliance? There is a bit too much coincidence between the timing of the two events for my liking, it could be a move by the rebels to destabilize the situation specifically so the Alliance would not get involved. Or like I said, an outside power, we are not too far from the First Order space."

"It has been public knowledge. Both the King of Senali and the King of Rutan have shown a measure of support. However, there are those who rather stay clear of any Alliance treaty." Omai replied.

"It could very well be a move to destabilise the situation."

A thought came to him. With Rutan being so close to First Order space...

"That could also be a concern. The Omega Pyre Prex has said she will join the detail to investigate. If we can deploy quickly, we can gather as much information as we can and continue from there."
"Or like I said, an outside power, we are not too far from the First Order space."


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Aeron Kreelan"], [member="Michael Sardun"],

"Well at least according to my calculations, if they spared the guards then they either had to get out quickly or they care about the lives of their kin to not harm the princess while holding her hostage."

HK glanced to Michael to check if there was anything he would raise a concern over,

"Either way, it seems that we do not know much for certain, and that we will not know still until this plan carries through."

When it was revealed to him that Aeron was being assigned to this, the droid perked up his head,

"Prexy? Do not get me wrong, no offense to her, but she is a bit of a loose cannon. She will get results, sure, but any plans will probably get thrown out of the window and it will all come down to improvisation any way, that was the Pyre way, at least back in the day. I blame [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] for that though, she was a bit of a bad influence of her."

HK paused, calculating some more,

"In fact she was a bad influence on all of us."


Disney's Princess
ANS White Teta
Rutan Orbit

BYOO - Cataloging the Kudana
Post Five

The Jedi twins returned to the command center of the Praxeum vessel in search of Master Trist. Luckily, she was already nearby when the doors swung open. Waving the pair over with a flick of her wrist,

"Bell. Doctor Rivers. Please, come."

Kysa seemed surprised at their quick audience,

"Has anything changed Master?"

"They've organized a team and are already exploring options for a rescue. The dispatch came from non-other than the Grandmaster himself. So, it's all happening very quickly. Which is grand."

Kat seemed puzzled,

"So. About our mission to the surface? Has anything there changed too?"

"Ah, of course. I forget you two were surface bound before all this happened. Yes. We've freed up a dropship in the hanger. All system's are go for launch."

Captain Bell stepped forward and nodded to both of them,

"How goes the conference for the Service Corps? Do we still have time to make an appearance?"

Master Trist could only shrug,

"I can't say I've been following it. I believe Knight Qel-droma had more details but alas. We've not spoken today."

"It's okay Captain." Kat nodded, "I think I've got a firm idea of how the ExplorCorps operates. No need for more tutorials. Really."

Trist smiled and waved them back towards the door,

"I agree. Captain, you and Doctor Rivers here should attend to the Kudana mission. I believe the good Doctor is more than ready to get her feet wet. And, if you're looking for another wingmate? I believe Knight Cross was loitering about the commons area."

Kysa blushed but nodded to their exit,

"Very good Master. We'll check in with Operations and be back tomorrow then. Force be with you."

"And with you Captain."

Bows were exchanged and then Kat and Kysa took their leave. With the Rutan Princess mission already underway they were now free to pursue other adventures.

And, no. Together they would not be needing another Jedi Knight to accompany them. Something told Kat and Kysa that having each other nearby for one whole day would be more than enough. After all. Three Jedi would just be one more distraction too many, anyways.

Mmm. Distractions. Now Kat couldn't wait to get started.

"To the hanger bay then Captain?"

"Right you are Doctor. Looks like it's just you and me this time. Ready for a foreign planet?"

Kat stepped into the turbolift and pulled her partner close,

"Why, with you Captain. ...Always."

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