Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bounty on Chiasa Kritivaas

Chiasa Kritivaas said:
Ravens don't bother with walking, we fly ;)
I understand the Dark Lord likes to make sure you Sith know your place; on your knees.

That should buy you an extra week or two of marital bliss.
I find it so amusing you continuously bring Him up. Almost as if you are envious for not meeting Him yourself, it must be so degrading to be treated to a messenger over the leader of such a great people.
Silara Kuhn said:
I find it so amusing you continuously bring Him up. Almost as if you are envious for not meeting Him yourself, it must be so degrading to be treated to a messenger over the leader of such a great people.
Might want to try reordering that statement darling, I think you'll find you make even less sense than usual ;)

But then I'm sure no one keeps you around for your brain, and it's clearly not your personality...
Lurcano Car'dann said:
Because no one in their right mind would keep this broad around for her looks."
As much as her other assets are grand, I'm pretty sure most of my alts would totally keep her around for her looks.
Obviously not Vivienne though. She's, like, eight (and twenty, technically).
Lurcano Car'dann said:
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] "Are you implying the Dark Lord is blind? I shall not accept such sacrilegious behavior! Because no one in their right mind would keep this broad around for her looks."
I could care less if anyone wished to keep me around for my looks or not. I am fairly certain your own [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] can tell you how she abandoned her own fiance to his doom at my arrival on Manaan, but that would be too much of a stain on your poor raven's feathers, now wouldn't it?
Chiasa Kritivaas said:
You certainly tried anyway.. Did Alric tell you you had to learn to speak properly so he wasn't so ashamed to be seen with you? It's so nice that you're making an effort. Maybe try harder ;)
Manners, child, perhaps if you had them you would have better luck with men; or women if that is your thing.
Silara Kuhn said:
Manners, child, perhaps if you had them you would have better luck with men; or women if that is your thing.
Oh darling, it's obvious you're insecure about your relationship by how upset you get, but you'll have to dig deeper to bother me. I am perfectly satisfied on a regular basis. Try again ;)
Chiasa Kritivaas said:
Oh darling, it's obvious you're insecure about your relationship by how upset you get, but you'll have to dig deeper to bother me. I am perfectly satisfied on a regular basis. Try again ;)
It's such a pity you're not quite as polite as Lysle was. Such a gentleman, to have his legacy wasted on such dregs.
Silara Kuhn said:
It's such a pity you're not quite as polite as Lysle was. Such a gentleman, to have his legacy wasted on such dregs.
You're really reaching aren't you love? No no, keep trying, you might find something half valid one of these days. You obviously were not overly familiar with Lysle, regardless of what you think.

Shouldn't your husband be home soon? Don't you have to go throw yourself at him? Make sure you have his housecoat and slippers ready. Maybe clean yourself up a bit.

After all, what are you if you're not on the arm of one man or another? Nothing. ;)

Maybe he'll give you some more pocket money you can use to make this worth someone's while if you ask him real nice..
[member="Silara Kuhn"]
(I don't get this. Is this OOC or IC banter? Oh well, this is all going to be OOC)

Uh, oooooohhh! Someone insulted my bay-bee, [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]! Time to lay the smack down the good old fashioned way!

You have no class
and you have no style
You opened your door to Ravens
now you're 'bout to get defiled!

Judge not lest you be judged
The scales you used as Judge
Finds your credibility to be fudge

Why raise the bounty higha' if you ain't mad?
Your use of inflated money is REALLY bad.
If you had a soul, I'd feel oh so sad.
But you're a handicapped fool, so I'm only glad.
Your argument is fizzling out like a gaudy fad.
In a cloak of humility, you have been clad.
Your husband gets you down on your knees every night in his pad?
Oops, nope. That's just your dad.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

You think you've got your man's money tight in a niche
You'll soon find nothing but a note that says, "Too much, Bi*radio edit* "

He prefers a couch over a bed?
Man, what's wrong with you?
He's obviously sneaking out
To sleep around town, fool!

Your man has tradition,
That much is true.
It's as though he takes great pleasure
Not sleeping next to you.

So, get down on your calloused knees and crawl away
'cuz your shebs just got served in a galaxy far, far away.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"]

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