Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bounty on Chiasa Kritivaas

Reverance said:
Well, at least he can turn his neck and touch his shoulder with the same side hand.
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Silara Kuhn"]

...Wow, Chiasa, Patricia. I defended you and now I feel duped. It makes a Gank want to go sleep in the hammock on the Handwave Express shuttle. It would also remind said Gank of when he wasn't considered an idiot.

Now, you can see me in my true form!

Your raps are like tomatoes to me
Too soft
Every time I see them?
I gotta pick 'em off!

Drapeam's dead!
Cut off her head!
Must of been one of my verses she read!

Dredge is a tit!
Cutting his wrist!
Everyone hated him, thought he was chit!

You think it is cool
being a ghost?
Prepare for this rap,
by its flames, you'll roast!

Even Luigi could take you on
with his Poltergust 3000
Trapped for eternity
with hundreds of Boos, and

Chiasa and Patricia, who the poodoo are you to call me an idiot? I say it's not true!
I am the one who fights your battles while you two prattle!
I take on your problems and you think I'M THE FREAK!
I take your problems, make me stronger, and leave YOU to be weak!

You gotta' understand, I will fight for you! Til I collapse in the sand, because I love you! But when ya' beat the dog, don't be surprised when it bites! Call me stupid as a log, it will be YOU I fight!
You can't possibly understand the frustration I feel
Sometimes I wonder if your hearts are as cold as steel
Don't get mad, I am just sayin',
You shouldn't of messed with a rapper who can go Super Saiyan!


Scientists claim I am the cause of global warmin'!
My raps are hotter than a George Foreman!

(All of a sudden, I really don't feel like doing this anymore. I'm so tired. I love you guys and I hope we have great RP in the future. There's a lot for me to think through, especially since the Ravens are evolving...Just...Goodbye from this thread.)

[member="The Ghost Of Dredge"] [member="Drapeam Nyx"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] Hmm, I actually just read your bio and I've become intrigued with your character! My guess is that you wouldn't take so kindly to someone who idolizes flesh, huh? :p

Although my idolization of the flesh is a bit less carnal and more... gruesome.

Let me clip the wings off this pretty birdie... pleeeeeeease! >:3
*eyes [member="Zambrano the Hutt"]*
Chieftan [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"], do you wish me to kill the one who desires to pluck your wings? Or should we have [member="Xalus"] take care of it?

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