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Faction Branching Out and Seeking Within [NJO]

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species

New Cov Jedi Temple (NJO)
Outfit: Casual day-to-day

The jungle below was teeming with life.

In all honesty that was how jungles were supposed to be - the biome of a healthy jungle on any planet was filled with bugs, animals, trees, algae, undergrowth, and all assortment of flora, fauna, and fungi in between. Jack and Valery Noble Valery Noble had taken the last couple days or so to weed out a nodule in the New Cov jungles that had been viciously antithetical to everything life and light stood for. Even now the echoes of that destruction still rippled through the jungle; Jack had done his best to repair and replace what had been lost, pouring a significant amount of his time and resources into fixing and regenerating it.

That wasn't entirely what he was here for, though. While it had certainly been his first (and initially only) reason to show up to New Cov, Valery had invited him to the Temple to both explore the life here on the planet and to train himself with facets of his Force sensitivity he was sorely lacking in. Which meant... He sighed as he took a few steps back from the ledge, hopping down onto the durasteel surface. The nature around him was perfect for soaking and recharging, but he needed to learn how to train in other facets of the Force, rather than just relying so heavily on Plant Surge. And so... here he was.

The Temple here was far more isolated than other Temples around the galaxy; while other Temples might be hidden or buried under eons of rubble and neglect, the Temple here was isolated primarily thanks to its remote location on the planet, and secondarily thanks to how truly vicious the jungle around the Temple was. As such, it was little effort finding an isolated spot at the Temple to meditate and focus, but when it came to actually finding another to spend time with, to train and to learn, it was a bit more difficult. Still, as he wandered through the hallways, he hoped there might be someone willing to trade experience and skill in the Force.

[Open to any and all Forcers (or non-Forcers!) who might be at the Temple at this time]


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery sat in a quiet corner of the New Cov Temple's gardens, surrounded by an array of vibrant, exotic plants. Their petals and leaves ranged from deep, lustrous greens to iridescent blues and fiery reds, each releasing subtle fragrances that merged into a soothing, aromatic blend. The calming hum of nature filled the air, while the dappled sunlight filtered through the thick canopy above, casting intricate patterns on the ground around her.

Her body was perfectly still, seated cross-legged on a soft patch of moss, the rich green almost glowing under the sunlight. Eyes closed and expression serene, she focused on the flow of the Force that connected her to the flora around her. It was like a pulse — a subtle, steady rhythm that matched the breath of life within every plant and creature nearby.

Valery's awareness expanded as she reached out gently, sensing each delicate bud and sturdy vine. The vibrant energy of the garden was familiar to her, a reminder of the deeper bonds she shared with New Cov's lush jungles. Today, though, she sought more than just the presence of life. She was seeking balance and clarity, something that had been eluding her recently.

A soft rustle of leaves broke her concentration, her senses honing in on a familiar presence approaching. She let out a quiet exhale, a small smile forming on her lips as she recognized the subtle signature of Jack's energy weaving through the living Force around them.

Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow | Open



TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow | Open

As he understood it, field trips were relatively common among the Jedi Padawans. There were plenty of temples and other locations where training could be accomplished, and while he did enjoy staying on Prosperity, especially since that was usually where his Big Sis was, and also Arhiia Voronwe Arhiia Voronwe , he did relish the chance to travel to worlds he'd never been to. He'd made sure to let Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic know that he was going with a small group to the New Cov temple, mainly so she wouldn't worry about him, but also because he didn't relish the idea of getting into trouble.

When he saw where the temple was located he let out a deep breath in admiration. Such a jungle! He'd seen forests before. His family home was located within a pretty thick one, but this blew Aereena Park out of the water. When they landed, he was the first one off the ship, eagerly running towards the exterior of the temple to get an even better look at it. He perched on top of a perimeter wall, sitting with his feet dangling over the edge, and just stared at all of the trees and plants.

"Feels like home," he said aloud, just watching it all.

It had been a while since he'd been home, so that feeling brought back some heartache. He did miss it. Mostly he missed his parents, and his younger sister. The former were gone, but he still had hope that Elara was out there somewhere, safe and looking for him. Once he knew he was ready, once he could handle himself and the Force, he would return to reclaim the family throne and free his people from the usurpers. But if he tried that now, he would surely perish.

For the moment he was content to sit and watch and listen, breathing in the clean air.


New Cov: Home away from Home.

The aroma of fresh leaves and moss was a welcome one. Compared to the sterile environments Shan had surrounded himself, it was a relief to be surrounded by dirt. Flora and fauna that he had grown accustomed to from his time at the Temple. It was something he had sorely missed and right now, it was something he sorely needed. A time to recharge and relax. He wasn't fully ready to come back to his Jedi duties. Far from it. His education still had a fair bit to go but that didn't mean he wasn't allowed a short break from it all. A chance to unwind and let himself feel things for a small period. Reaching his hand out to the ground and willing the earth beneath his feet to move ever so slightly. Clump by clump bits of mud rose to his hand as he moulded it to shape. A series of tiny mud balls floating around his fingers as if they were a set of coins that he flipped back and forth along his hand.

"...I never thought the day that I'd miss mud would come. But here it is."

A small chuckle at that statement. And then a louder chuckle at the memory of when he had fought Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania in the mud. It felt like a lifetime ago. He really needed to check in on her, now that he had checked in on Katherine. He'd also need to check in on plenty of other people now that he was back...Master Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , Master Valery Noble Valery Noble , Ko Vuto Ko Vuto , Braze Braze and plenty of others...But that was not important right now. He thought too much about things he should do. Things he had to do. It was evident as the mud balls orbiting around his hand started to crumble. No. He had to relax.

He carried on wandering through the familiar hallways, a smile on his face as he recalled various different memories. The different lessons he had learned here. So many familiar faces that surrounded this temple...though Shan blinked at an unfamiliar face as he noticed Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow . There weren't a familiar sight...but there was one specific thing that caught Shan's attention, as a grin slowly spread across his face. There was a chance this introduction could go very wrong. That someone could see it as an insult. But for Shan, the term had always been one of endearment so...

"Well. Would you look at that. A fellow Greenbean at the temple. I see they've replaced me already."

Braze was visiting, having made the trip to purchase some biomolecular substances, and was still lost wandering through the halls when he saw Shan Pavond Shan Pavond . He smiled and padded right over. "Oh hey! Long time no see! How has everything been?"

He paused and blinked, looking at Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow . Braze cocked his hip out, set a hand on it, and gave the other green fellow a hard once-over as if trying to remember where he was from. "Hey, aren't you that guy who tried to... kidnap me once?"

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Location: New Cov Jedi Temple (NJO), just wandering for now
Outfit: Casual day-to-day

Even as relatively isolated as this Temple was, there was no real shortage of Jedi around. Jack did feel a bit like an outsider; not actually trained in any Jedi arts, his learning had been far more of a trial by fire. He was hoping today (and possibly the next few weeks or so) would be far less hazardous, both to him and to others.

He could sense Valery nearby; she was meditating, from what he could sense. Offhand he wondered if 'meditation' was just the Jedi excuse to take a quick nap from all the swordplay and Force usage they put themselves under... He let a small smile slip. He would have to ask Valery later if she would put him up to a stress test for his lightsaber skills.

Others milled around as well, all with their own enigmatic goals and responsibilities. Jack saw a young Padawan (he assumed they were a Padawan) with a rather pronounced scar bound off the now-departing ship and take in a big whiff of the raw outdoors. His smile widened a bit; he'd have to compare notes with that kid about the connection to nature - who knows? Maybe he could even teach a bit himself?

Jack Sandrow, a teacher. Perish the thought. He was about to toss the idea out wholesale when he almost bumped into someone about as green as he was. The other had the drop on him, and Jack chuckled at the comment, shaking his head politely. "No replacement here, I swear. Jack Sandrow," he introduced himself with an easy smile and a firm handshake. "Grandmaster Noble invited me to spend some time here to learn, to grow, to focus on myself in the Force. I hope to soak up as much info as I can before I overstay my welcome; and if I can contribute in my own little way to the Temple here, then I will gladly help out."

The loud boisterous voice of Braze was unmistakable, and Jack slowly turned to take in the pipsqueak. "....In my genuine and honest defense, I left you unharmed and paid for your meal; I will apologize for the drugging, but your 'kidnapping'," here he used physical air-quotes, "was more of an impromptu field trip. If you're looking for recompense....?" He left the question open, almost daring Braze to take him up on it.

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren
Shan Pavond Shan Pavond
Braze Braze


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery slowly opened her eyes, the serene expression on her face softening further as she sensed not just Jack's presence but a few others as well—Shan and a few more familiar energies. The peaceful garden seemed to hum in response to the gathering Force signatures, a convergence of power and purpose that sparked curiosity within her.

Rising gracefully from her seated position, Valery brushed off her jumpsuit and stepped forward with fluid movements, the vibrant colors of the garden shifting around her like a living tapestry. Her steps were unhurried, each one guided by her deep connection to the Force, and as she moved, she allowed the natural energy of the place to ground her emotions.

With every stride, the proximity of the approaching presences grew stronger, until she finally caught sight of Jack, Shan, and the others making their way through the garden paths. A genuine smile curved her lips as she closed the distance, her gaze shifting between the gathered individuals.



TAGS: Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Braze Braze

As he sat on the wall, watching the wilds, he felt a confluence of others within. They weren't far from him, and he was curious about who they were. Perhaps they were new people for him to meet? It wasn't like he'd had the opportunity to meet a lot of his fellow Jedi yet. Wouldn't it make sense for him to do so? As long, of course, as they weren't having a private meeting for which he would be intruding. If that was the case, then it wouldn't be a good time to meet.

He stood and walked along the wall, approaching where the others were until he couldn't do so any further. Then he jumped down, and started walking, soon finding himself near to where the others were. He recognized the grandmaster, though he'd not met her. The others he didn't recognize, however. They were all unfamiliar faces, and they seemed to be having a conversation of some sort.

Resolving himself to meet them, he straightened his jacket, and began to approach along a side path towards them.


New Cov: Home away from Home.

"Oh. It's all going well and whatnot. Just late nights studying. Nothing too hard though."

Shan gave a short shrug of his shoulders with a grin. Though then he blinked at the comment about Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow apparently kidnapping Braze Braze . And then he blinked again as he tried to process that information. He couldn't really judge...that much. He believed that even Sith could change, so some random green kidnapper could probably change as well. And hey! Braze was still here. So he clearly hadn't done a good job at the kidnapping. So all's well that ends well!...That was the quote right? Now Shan wasn't

Of course he didn't need to worry about that for too long, since he felt the familiar presence of Valery Noble Valery Noble and snapped his head straight up to give a little wave in the direction of the Grandmaster. Another reason why he wasn't too concerned about the kidnapping claims. After all, she would be the first person to put her foot down in something related to that. So if she trusted Jack, then he trusted the green sprout! He could also spot a younger fellow in the background, giving Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren a little wave at the same time.

"Oh. I'm Shan by the way. Shan Pavond. Jedi Knight, but currently on leave to study to be a Doctor."

"....In my genuine and honest defense, I left you unharmed and paid for your meal; I will apologize for the drugging, but your 'kidnapping'," here he used physical air-quotes, "was more of an impromptu field trip. If you're looking for recompense....?" He left the question open, almost daring Braze to take him up on it.
"Uh- huh sure sure... I'm on to you mister. " Braze stated simply crossing his arms. He flashed Shan a smile. " Wait till you see what I've got cooking next. I'll catch you later I need to get this package to it's delivery point. " With that the white hair mite padded off!

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Location: New Cov Jedi Temple (NJO), conversationing
Outfit: Casual day-to-day

He shook his head with a small smile as Braze departed. Definitely a Padawan. "We do need more doctors," he addressed Shan, turning towards him. "Definitely a lot of work before it pays off, but right now? with all that's going on? I can't imagine a better line of employment.

"What specifically are you looking to specialize in, if anything?"
he asked, genuinely curious. "Healthcare? biotech? prosthetics?" Personally he was hoping for biotech - sharing notes and ideas was how the best advancements were made.

Valery and the other (he assumed) Padawan were also drawing near. Good! The more the merrier, and he loved a rousing discussion before getting into the training part of the day. Witty banter while sparring required at least some modicum of shared interest.

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren
Shan Pavond Shan Pavond
Braze Braze

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