Hion the Herglic is now on the allies list.
We've discussed and RA may do similar soon.
I'd like to remind everyone of this:
Raziel said:
1) Talk to your opponent and try and resolve issues in a friendly or at least polite manner.
2) Elevate an issue to your faction admin who can talk with the other faction and try and resolve issues amicably without having to bother staff.
3) Report a post.
4) Be respectful to staff and accept their decision
It's fine to discuss and suggest what someone else writes, but please don't demand. If I hear about people Threatening to report people if they don't change their post I'm going to have a serious sense of humour failure.
Keep unpleasantness out of this thread!
Please, please
please try and find middle ground with another writer. Better to make a minor concession each and carry on writing than be stubborn and stop having fun!
Please elevate to your own Faction admin. Not the other side's faction admins,
your faction admins. We have a good dialogue and can help you resolve issues.
If you have to report, get on with it. Let FA's know, but no need to queen about it, bring too much attention to it, and certainly don't threaten it. If anyone threatens to report a post again, the faction admins of both sides have agreed there will be repercussions.
Now get on with enjoying this!