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Catalog Breshig War Forge Consolidated

The Honorable Shuklaar Kyrdol
Tra'nau'ur'kad Moblile Shipyard

I am writing on behalf of the Chantemerian People's Liberation Army (CPLA) to request the purchase and expedited delivery of three hundred (200) Tra'ragir-class Assault Brilliant Missiles. With one hundred (100) Tra'ragir-B and Tra'ragir-BT, fifty (50) Tra'ragir-HEKP, forty (40) Tra'ragir-I, and ten (10) Tra'ragir-S warheads.

Given the strategic importance of this procurement to our strategic intrests, we would greatly appreciate your assistance in facilitating the earliest possible delivery. We are also aware of possible attempts at interception of this delivery from the tyrannical and illegitimate dictatorship on Chantemer. We acknowledge the danger associated with this delivery. To this end, the CPLA is prepared to offer a significant financial bonus should the complete order be delivered within thirty (30) galactic standard days from the date of this request in a state ready for immediate deployment.

Further attached is proof of payment - additional credits included for security costs - and the delivery location.

We look forward to future business.

May the Lady of Nivéaurore look favorably upon you,

Suhara Villow
Leader of the Chantemerian People's Liberation Army (CPLA)
Kai'el Brat "Guardian of the Light"
The Breshig War Forge Consolidated 'Strill Sur'haai' Sensor, Scanner, Targeting and Tracking Suite
would be perfect for a project I am working on and I would love to be able to use it if available.
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Good Evening Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol ,

The Empire of the Lost's Imperial Corps of Engineering would like to humbly request the authorization to use a weapon system of yours for our next project. We understand the conflict with the Tingel Arm Coalition may render this request moot, but we ask that you view us as previous customers rather than by the flag we fly.
Or if that is unavailable,
We thank you for your time, and await your response with the understanding that it may not be fulfilled.

Karl Von Strauss
Moff, Director of N&Z EnSol

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