Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Bright Tide Rising [RNR]


Location: Theed
Objective: Figure out how the incident happened
Equipment: Lightsaber, blaster pistol, blaster rifle
Attire: Armoured
Tag: Kuhbee Kuhbee | Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek

Ilwynog breathed in deeply, as they looked in the direction of the footsteps. They stretched their limbs and turned around to look back at the two Padawans. The wookiee spoke of the beast, then the other Padawan commented that they took down a bigger one in their fight. "Size does not matter, a small insect can be more deadly than a beast two hundred times the size."

Crossing their arms over their chest. "My mission here is to investigate what caused this anomaly and report my findings to the Queen. If this was an act of nature, or something sinister, we need to know in order to prevent another attack." Ilwynog stated, as they shifted the rifle off their shoulder and held in both hands. "Also got to make sure that the city is completely cleared of netherworld threats."

They nodded their head over to the other two, "if you wish to assist me, then lets head off. I have a lead since this was one of the first beasts that entered the city so figuring out where it came from will possibly provide some answers." Ilwynog smiled behind their helmet, "I am Ilwynog Cysgod, Jedi Shadow."

Tags: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky Joro Kal'nath

"Great idea."

Kahne said looking over to Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky "They can come to us-" Kahne had started to talk but then the roars from afar cut him off, they began their charge. The creatures moving with great speed towards them. They were charging them with one purpose it seemed like. Kahne moved into a defensive position, his hand resting on his lightsaber. The Jedi was glad that they met them here before they could cause any further harm. The only thing that was concerning. Was this the only group, he hadn't heard anything yet from the other strike teams that were assembled across the area.

He hadn't heard anything yet.

The Jedi's Masters hand moved forward sending a wave of force energy towards the middle of the charging creatures. Just enough to break the center up. Kahne activated his lightsaber, the blue blade coming to life from the hilt and he combat was initiated.

The creatures fought with hellish intent, much more desperate then their counterparts they met upon the initial netherworld invasion.

The woman sat stationary for a while, trying to center herself to feel the ebb and flow of the Force. To find traces of anything around her that might give her a clue as to why they had potentially split away from the main group. Finding nothing about the Gungans, and instead finding something else entirely as she turned enough to glance at a distant bluff.

Something glittered in the light. Faint signs of life as she squinted, pulling the helmet up in preparation of a shot that never came.

Instead getting the unceremonious alarm about potential threats incoming on the main group. Her gaze drifting from the little ridge where the glint was sitting to the growing forms of shadow and death that had stormed Naboo. Clicking her tongue a few times in thought as she waved towards the hill, extending her arm to point at the shadow creatures before crossing her arms into an X-shape.

"Don't be stupid." She muttered, putting her helmet on and gunning the throttle as the speeder whipped around and grumbled deep. Speeding for the flank of the shadow creatures as the white blade hummed to life. The whole lightsaber felt like an anvil in her hand once more. Awkward and unweildy as she watched the formation bulge from the center.

<Coming in to strike at the flanks.> Her voice cut over the comms, ducking below a swipe while extending the blade outward. The Saber threatening to come free in her hand as it met something solid, giving her the pleasure of hearing a pained howl for the effort.


His gaze flickered to the lake ahead, where their lines were entangled. A smirk twitched at the corner of his lips; it was a curious expression that suggested secrets. Emerald orbs sparkled with mischief, suggesting he was very much intrigued by the topic of Ukatis. “My dear sister,” he began, his voice dripping with irony, many things will change when I come into power. But Roman shall forever remain in my good graces.”

As the conversation unfolded, the teen couldn’t help but feel many different emotions wash over him. The older Padawan’s response was basically everything he had anticipated. But as he turned his focus to Roman, it wasn't his words that caught his attention, but the physical changes. His hair had been transformed! It was much shorter and styled, yet still made him exude the same air of confidence he remembered from when they imbued the talisman back home. “You look like you should be on HoloDisplays across the galaxy for fashion now,” Lysander said. His heart swelled; perhaps the realest brother had red hair, rather than blonde. “Yeah, you’re right. I’ve spent so much time improving my Form II lately; I’d love to spar against you someday!”

Then, his gaze shifted back to the sibling. The boy's expression suggested he was unamused. "Don't worry, Cora," he said in a more serious tone, “you may be quite the expert in annoying me back home, but here on Naboo, your powers are limited. There is so much I can get away with now, and you can't do anything about it!” Lysander laughed light heartedly.

As they spoke of the Jedi ball, his mind turned to another ‘piece of work’ Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti . Even after the recent chaotic morning at the enclave when the glowing abomination appeared, part of him still wasn't over it just yet. He was grateful not to have seen her since. If she were a flame in his thoughts, he blew it out like a candle and shook his head. Still, part of it may have carried over the next time his lips parted. “Well-mannered is certainly a matter of perspective lately. Maybe some Padawans actually deserve it,” he added to the current words being exchanged.

“What made this Thirdas person lose his cool? Was it something really bad?” There was a brief pause. He’d practically given up on doing anything with the fishing pole. A rather random thought of them leaving made him suddenly uneasy. He wanted them to stay as long as possible, to create more memories. “Do you have any missions or trips lined up after you leave Naboo?”

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TAG: Ilwynog Cysgod Ilwynog Cysgod Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek

Kuhbee was still a young pup as far as Wookies were concerned and with youth came excitement. He was bouncing on the balls of his paws as the Jedi Master spoke to tell them what was going on. He smiled excitedly at the Master and the new arrival and howled in excitement.

[I would be glad to help serve in the investigation Master! But how do we track where the beast came from?]

Kuhbee had experience tracking on his homeworld, but he knew nothing of the Netherworld. Would they have to venture inside?

Objective: hunt the gungans, save the Jedi
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Kahne Porte Kahne Porte Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Joro Kal'nath

"She's Jedi," Isaiah said out loud.

"How do you know that?" Macgurdy asked.

"She marked us," Isaiah kept his eyes down the sights of his rifle, watching the pink lady give him a wave, and a signal to shift his vision.

Isaiah's gaze followed to where the stranger had indicated and he could feel his stomach twist in a knot.

"Aw, hell," he muttered low under his breath.

"The Gungans?!" Macgurdy exclaimed

"Nu-uh," Isaiah said turning his attention back to the stranger just in time to see them make an X with their arms and take off on the speeder.

Got damn crazy woman.

Was all Isaiah could think. He knew what her plan was and he thought she was a fething lunatic, Jedi or not, for hauling off in her own to flank them monsters. Well, chit, he wun't gone let her be alone. He had no comms, none that were aligned with the pink woman or the other folk he saw about to go head up with them creatures but Isaiah could lend them support.

"Macgurdy, round up the boys…"

A few moments later fifty mounted men lined up on the ridge overlooking the battle with the monsters.

"ten rifles stay on this ridge, the best ten no arguments from no one, they stay up here and shoot them fething things you understand, every single damn one of till they're all dead or your rifles melt,"

"The rest of us?" A voice asked from the crowd.

"Form up!" Isaiah commanded and for their part the ranchers obeyed without a fight, forming a passable line.

"Let's save some Jedi," Isaiah kicked Thunder hard and off they went to lead the charge. Forty men, their rifles and their mounts headed to flank the other side opposite the pink stranger.

"Oh?" A pair of finely manicured blonde eyebrows arched. Lysander's ironic tone was reflected right back at him. "A Jedi should not seek political power, young Padawan."

Third sons were typically not named heirs - unless the elder two were tragically incompetent - but they tended to have more freedom in choosing their path in life. She hoped that whatever Lysander chose, it would bring him happiness. He deserved that.

It took her a moment to follow her brother's gaze back to Roman. Her lips pursed as she looked him over with a discerning eye before finally giving a nod of approval. Then, a soft smile. "It suits you well, Roman. Whoever cut your hair did a fine job."

He too was from a noble upbringing, but the details of his family - aside from his father’s unpleasant demeanor - were not as clear to her.

Cora bit into the peach, holding it between her teeth as she used her now free hand to reel in her line and untangle it from Lysander's own. It wasn't proper ladylike decorum - father surely would've scolded her - but that mattered less in the private company of two people she enjoyed being around.

A short exhale of laughter was muffled behind the fruit as Cora took care to cast her line away from the other blonde's. Once it landed, she took the peach back into her hand.

"That is what you think, dear brother. My reach extends far beyond Coruscant. I can annoy you from across the stars!"

She playfully nudged Lysander in the ribs with a grin. The name Thirdas was faintly familiar to her in a way that she couldn't place.

"It sounds like whatever the situation was, they both handled it poorly." She shrugged, glancing over to Roman. "Did you have a nice time, at least?"

A beat of hesitation passed at Lysander's question, but she didn't glance away from Roman.

"Well, we worked with a village on Ukatis - Scilia - recently. Their Lord abandoned them and they were having…supply chain issues. I'd like to go back soon and check in on things."

Now, her gaze focused with more intent on the red haired Padawan.

Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania Roman Vossari Roman Vossari
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A cheesy grin plastered itself across Roman's face. Finally, they'd noticed his haircut! He gave them a quick shake of his head for dramatic effect, a flourish of newly styled red hair. "Thank you, both of you." he said, his voice brimming with genuine gratitude. He watched the siblings' playful banter, Cora's protective instinct subtly shielding Lysander, a familiar dynamic he found comforting.

The mention of Thirdas struck a familiar chord. "Thirdas is just a strange beast, Lysander." Roman declared to his friend, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "He only knows blasters and fists. It doesn't take much to get that man to lose his cool." He turned back to Cora, his expression softening. "I had a great time, but I was there. The Padawan did nothing wrong. It was all Thirdas." he insisted, a firm nod punctuating his words.

He reeled in his line a bit, noticing the lack of any bites. "We probably should go check back in with Scilia again," he agreed with Cora, his gaze lingering on her for a moment. "Ukatis is a wonderful place, simple and elegant. I envy you both. Serenno can be… too grand at times. Too many people who know who you are…" His voice trailed off, a hint of weariness in his tone.

His attention snapped back to Lysander. "What about you? How is Naboo treating you?" he asked, a tug on his line finally signaling a nibble. Excitement flared in his eyes. "Now that I know where you went, I'll be sure to visit you all the time." he added, a playful challenge in his voice, the anticipation of a good catch mirroring the excitement of seeing Lysander a little more now.

While his sister wrestled with their fishing lines for a moment, he simply watched with amusement; there was more joy in observing rather than helping. A smile played across his lips. With an air of grace, he would finally step forward and cast his line again. The outcome was better this time.

The jab in his ribs brought forth both irritation and fondness beneath his composed exterior. It was a reminder of their childhood shared back at the family estate on Ukatis. He rubbed the spot for a moment. “Well, I suppose I do thrive on your shenanigans. I mean.. how else would I keep my skills super duper sharp? And besides, what is life without a little.. chaos?”

His brow furrowed as he processed Roman’s words on Thirdas; it still made images of the Lovalla resurface in his mind. He generally got along with everyone; now, he had an official enemy too. Compassion was felt in his chest, but it fought against the desire for adrenaline and action. “Yeah, I understand,” Lysander replied, the words rolling off his tongue smoothly, as if agreeing. A very brief moment of contemplation fell over him. The part about the Padawan doing nothing wrong completely eluded him. “There had to be some sort of reason for it though. But if diplomacy is truly off the table..” he mused loudly, “I’m positive physical confrontation may still have its own merits.”

Thoughts of the village were entertained, but it wasn’t his heart that was concerned for the villagers themselves; instead, it was focused solely on the Lord who abandoned them. “What is this Lord's name?” he demanded. The words escaped his mouth too soon, but now all his questions were quickly surfacing. “And what was the reason for such betrayal?” There was a strong desire for justice; his gaze remained fixated on the waters ahead. “And how will this Lord be dealt with? Surely, he must answer for this.” Different possibilities raced through his mind. His head turned to his sister. “I would remove the title from him after he is found, or impose a heavy tax. Or, banish him from Ukatis altogether.”

His focus returned to Roman; a grin appeared; however, there was still sincerity in his gaze. “Everything has been great, really,” he replied. His voice was warm. “Well..there was a tiny problem this one girl named Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti , and a few mornings back I thought about pushing her off the cliff during a training session. You know how it is, right? But I'm fine now." The Padawan laughed lightly, assuming the redhead would understand. "I do hope you'll visit more," he added, before steering the conversation in a different direction. “What is Serenno like? I’d love to visit one day.”
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"Chaos indeed," Cora murmured with no small amount of mirth. Lysander had always been the curious, mischievous sort. Not the most desirable trait in a noble lad, but it was endearing in its own way.

Roman's insistence was just a little too potent. Cora raised a brow as she debated pressing him for more information or leaving it be. "Perhaps Thirdas was having a bad night. In any event, I hope that the Padawan was able to afford him a little grace."

After a bit of thought, she mirrored Roman's movement and reeled her line in a bit. Cora wasn't sure what that was supposed to do, but he was the master here.

"Simple and elegant until you delve beneath the surface," she mumbled to herself, voice not so soft that they could not hear. Her attention slid to Lysander, more for the surprisingly sharp tone he used than his questions.

"Lord von Nyvlt,"
she began with a sigh, "was caught conspiring with a Sith to imprison force sensitive civilians in his territory. Once discovered, he was imprisoned. His cousin was supposed to take over as the new Lord, but it seems he only raided the treasury and left the village to fend for itself."

Cora frowned, focused on where her line met the water. "Roman and I went to investigate a report made by a nearby town. It turned out that people from Scilia were stealing supplies from the Aliiance-backed clinic there. We were able to set them up with a supply line of their own, and I reported Nyvlt's cousin to the crown, but…"

She trailed, her frown deepening. The silence that followed was telling of her confidence in the courts of Ukatis to enact justice. The original Lord Nyvlt had apparently rubbed them the wrong way, and consorting with the Sith was enough to earn him imprisonment, if only to keep the Alliance sated.

The quiver of Roman's own line drew her fascination. Her frown had begun to recede, but now it stalled.

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti ? I’ve worked with her before - she's such a sweet girl! And good student. What did you do to her?"

Normally she would try and dissect this sore spot with more finesse, but knowing Lysander and his ability to prod…

Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania


Roman, expertly avoiding the subject of the Jedi Ball, focused instead on the tug on his fishing line. It was a good one, a strong, steady pull that promised a decent catch. He reeled slowly, feeling the weight increase with each turn of the handle. The fish put up a fight, a thrilling dance of give and take as Roman deftly controlled the line, his experienced hands guiding the creature. He could feel the powerful muscles of the fish straining against the line, a living weight that thrummed with energy. The struggle was exhilarating, a silent duel between man and nature played out in the tranquil setting of the lake.

Finally, after a tense few minutes of careful maneuvering, the fish broke the surface. It was magnificent, a shimmering silver beast that glinted in the sunlight, easily the size of his arm. Roman struggled slightly under its weight, a broad grin spreading across his face. He carefully maneuvered it closer, marveling at its size and strength before hoisting it, a triumphant smile illuminating his features. The weight was satisfying, a tangible reward for a patient game. Quickly, however, he hopped over the railing and carefully released the enormous fish back into the lake, watching it disappear into the depths. A satisfied sigh escaped his lips as he settled back down onto the bank, the thrill of the catch lingering in the air around him.

He caught the tail end of the conversation coming back up. "Zaiya? She's lovely. Maybe she likes you and doesn't know how to communicate that?" Roman asked, knowing full well that probably wasn't true given Zaiya's visible adoration for Aris. But Roman couldn't understand why she would have a problem with Lysander; he was always a delight.

Picking out another piece of bait and skewering it onto the hook, Roman thought about Serenno. "Serenno is a wonderful place. The people though... Lots of old houses and jockeying for power, it can be a bit much." Roman reflected, a slight smirk playing on his lips. "I'll take you one day. Introduce you to some of my childhood friends, they'll love you. The girls there would love to meet a Prince too." Roman shot a knowing glance at Lysander, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

The Padawan’s brow furrowed as Cora began delivering the news of Lord von Nyvlt. The mention of Sith on Ukatis always made him feel bothered. Given their reputation for malevolence and tricks, it always sounded out of place amongst the classical nature of his home planet. The boy couldn’t help the edge in his tone. "What of the cousin, then? Surely any betrayal will not go unpunished."

His thoughts churned for a long moment; he noted there was a cycle of treachery taking place, one that would most likely continue. Lysander loved the dance of alliances and rivalries aliked in the court; he absorbed their many nuances with ease. His chin instinctively tilted. “There’s clearly a bigger problem that needs to be addressed when you return,” he said, issuing a direct order, as though he wore the crown already.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Roman wrestling with the fishing pole, a big difference from their previous encounter. But then his gaze narrowed slightly at his sister. His mouth formed a tight line. A heavy sigh escaped; he felt like she only focused on his mischief, rather than any good that occasionally emerged…however rare it may be. “You only see the bad in me, don’t you?” Lysander shook his head. “Well.. it all started at Caamas Temple. You should have seen it. Zaiya assaulted me there. Luckily for her, she had her little friends with their stupid looking sneers close-by.”

A hand ran through his blonde hair. “And then.. at our enclave, things only got worse! I was correcting some smirking Zealtron named Lossa and then.. bam! Zaiya decides to get involved. It’s like the girl just flipped the switch in the training center, and she turned everyone against me!”
For reasons he couldn't quite explain, Ms. Dangeruese’s words then echoed in his mind. “If there's been any bridge burnin', it wasn' me that struck tha match, Coruhh,” he drawled.

His attention shifted to the older Padawan. There was a flicker of unease, and bile could be tasted in the back of his throat from both the comment and question. “Roman, I think you might want to stay far away from Zaiya. She’s not as lovely as many seem to believe, and she definitely has a boyfriend already. Honestly, I can’t help but feel bad for the guy. May Ashla protect him.”

Lysander shifted gears. The look given wasn't lost on him, and he responded with a slight smirk curling at the corners of his lips; it was as if they were in on a secret that no one else could understand. "But you know," he continued, “Serenno sounds like my kind of place. I’d love to meet your friends. And as far as the girls go? That’s a field I’m ready to gain even more experience in. Perhaps we could go soon? Maybe even Master Brandyn would want to join!”
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Cora watched with fascination as Roman expertly reeled in the fish. The previously pristine waters began to ripple around his line.

During her marriage to Prince Horace, she'd been closer to the courts than she ever would have liked. The seedy underbelly of Ukatian high society had revealed itself to her in full, and while it her own lack of power to change things was an ever present barb in her heart, she focused on how she could help now.

"The court will deal with him." Her tone was breezier than Lysander's, as her attention was on the way Roman struggled against his catch. "The people are our priority."

She let the remarks about Zaiya play themselves out. Clearly Lysander was frustrated about his interactions with the girl, and snapping back at him wouldn't get her very far. "What did she do to you at Caamas?" A brow arched as he drawled her name. At least he didn't go for Coco.

After a fierce battle, Roman reeled in his wriggling prize. "Oh!" She exclaimed. "I didn't know that fish that large lived in a lake like this. Well done!" Cora watched as he released the enormous silver fish back into the water, where it eagerly slipped beneath the surface.

The talk of Serenno was nice, but it was odd to hear her little brother speak of his interest in girls. Not that she hadn't expected him to at this age, but something in Cora still saw him as that little boy who found girls icky.

"You shouldn't treat girls as experience," she warned with a frown.

She wouldn't be pleased if he swung the opposite way into philanderer territory. Roman was a good role model in that regard - polite, respectful, and compassionate.

"And which Prince will they be meeting? I - oh!"

She let out a note of surprise at the sudden tug on her line. The half-eaten peach fell to the grass as she grasped the rod with both hands, grunting as she tried to yank back.

"Why is it - nngh - so strong?!"

Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Roman watched Lysander, a mixture of shock and concern etching itself onto his features. He hadn't been at the Caamas enclave during the incident, focused on his own training, but he knew the New Jedi Order's Padawans could form cliques. He knew Lysander, with his bright blonde hair and somewhat rebellious streak, sometimes felt like an outsider, even amongst fellow trainees. The thought stung. Maybe that's why Lysander had transferred to Naboo.

Roman silently cursed himself for not being there, for not having been a better friend, a stronger presence to counter whatever had gone down. If he'd been there, maybe he could have helped; perhaps a buddy system like this would have prevented this whole situation.

Lysander's casual, almost cocky, response to the situation surprised him, that smirk a mask over something vulnerable. The shift from hurt to playful banter felt protective, a way to deflect deeper pain. The suggestion of going to Serenno, the comment about "gaining experience" with girls… it all spoke of a desire for connection, perhaps an attempt to cover the hurt he felt from those who'd treated him bad. Supposedly someone like Zaiya.

"I'll be there for you next time," Roman declared, his voice firm, a touch of annoyance coloring his tone. The injustice of Lysander's treatment fueled a protective instinct. "You always have me on Team Lysander."

A small grin spread across Roman's face, the image of Serenno's sun-drenched forests momentarily pushing away the grim memory of Caamas. "We can go soon," he agreed. "Bring your Master and we can get you plenty of experien—" He stopped abruptly, Cora's words cutting him off. He'd gotten carried away and maybe jumped the gun.

Roman quickly adjusted his approach, a subtle shift in his demeanor. "Yeaaah. We will just get you socialized on Serenno. Meet people and teach you to be respectful," he amended, a knowing look shared between him and Lysander. "I really think you will get along with some of my best friends." Roman hoped his rephrasing wouldn't sound too patronizing. He would strive to be a good influence, but part of him, the carefree part, understood Lysander's desire for some lighthearted fun, some escape from the gravity of their Jedi training. Maybe that's exactly what Lysander needed right now.


Disappointment hit the boy as he heard Cora's response to the recent events which unfolded on Ukatis. It lacked any real substance he was hoping for. He’d never been the type to be a blind optimist; rather, he preferred to remain grounded in reality, whenever possible.

Rooted in his current position, slack began developing in the fishing line. The question about Caamas didn’t seem to faze him. "Don't worry about it," he replied. The tone dripped heavily with nonchalance. His passive indifference suggested dismissal for anything revolving around her; she was nothing more than a distant memory now. “That girl is irrelevant to me.”

The Padawan felt a wave of gratitude and camaraderie wash over him at Roman's words; his presence always offered solace, he noted. The way his smile began deepening conjured an expression that seldom required any explanation. There was a sudden shift as it became a sharp grin. “You’re the best. Of all people, I knew I could count on you. I guess that makes you my secret weapon huh?” The next time his lips parted, Lysander chuckled. “I promise I’ll be polite.. as long as there’s fun involved."

Cora’s comment was an icy gust of wind against the warmth of their conversation, even if some of the words sounded like they crossed the line. Their banter always seemed pretty harmless. Still, the weight of his sister’s frown was felt. Rather than any attempt at a witty comeback, he decided it didn’t warrant a response.

With finesse that rivaled his preferred lightsaber form, Lysander decided to play along with Roman’s shift. “Yeah, I totally need an entire course in socializing,” he commented. A serious expression was then feigned. “I'm positive it will greatly improve my current etiquette.” He winked at the older Padawan. “Add in a few training drills along the way and I’ll basically be living the dream on Serreno.”

As he caught sight of his sister straining against her line, an amused look suddenly blossomed. Pushing back several strands of hair from his face, he called out to her. “What if the fish isn’t that strong?” There was a pause. “What if you’re just weak?” Lysander hoped the jab would add fuel to Cora’s determination.

Placing his fishing pole down on the ground, he stepped a few paces to her side. It was time to offer brotherly support. “Just remember,” he said with a smirk, “if you miss this catch, I'm going to throw you in the water!”
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Roman's swift correction earned a distracted hum of approval.

In truth, it warmed her to witness the blossoming friendship between the two. Connections forged among Jedi could grow to be some of the strongest bonds in the galaxy - and she wanted that experience for them, on Serenno and beyond.

Critical as she could be, Cora cared for both Lysander and Roman, and was glad to see that they had each other's backs. Even if, at times, it made her squint in suspicion.

Her frown took on the harsher lines of determination as she pulled back against the fish. Lysander's cheerful aid was surprisingly useful, though she would not outwardly admit it.

"Wha…don't you dare…!"

If she came out of this with her hair soaked, there would be hell to pay.

"You do that, and…hnnng- you'll be writing essays…until…" The rod jerked forward, nearly slipping from her grasp. Cora took a few steps back and pulled with all her strength. "…until you've gone grey!"

With one final grunt of triumph, she pulled the fish from the water. Grey scales gave off a pale blue glint as the creature soared through the air, then landed abruptly on her face with a decisive smack!

"Ughh!" Cora dropped her rod and stumbled back, falling ungracefully onto her behind as she tried to shoo the panicked fish from her equally panicked person. It wasn't nearly as large as Roman's catch, but it floundered about with intensity.

Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Roman watched Cora with amusement, the strain on her face as she wrestled with the fishing line quite entertaining. He bit back a laugh as Lysander sauntered over, his playful threat of tossing her into the water promising a delightful escalation of the situation. He leaned against his own fishing pole, enjoying the show.

Then, the chaos erupted. One moment Cora was pulling with all her might, the next; a grey scaled fish had smacked her directly in the face. Roman couldn't help it; a loud cackle escaped him before he could regain his composure. He quickly covered his face with the collar of his shirt, trying to stifle the laughter that still threatened to burst out. This trip was proving to be far more entertaining than he had anticipated.

He quickly composed himself and scrambled over to the fish, picking it up with an impressed grunt. It was a heavy beast, quite a catch. Roman held the fish up, admiring its shimmering scales, before plopping it unceremoniously into Cora's hands.

"You have to pose with it now... hold on." He announced, his grin widening as he jogged over to his bag, rummaging for his data pad.
Returning with it in hand, he stood beside Lysander, who was also grinning, and quickly snapped a picture of Cora holding the very uncooperative fish. "That turned out nice." he declared, a teasing tone to his voice.

"Maybe a few more?" He knew Cora would be squirming under the combination of the fish and the attention. He couldn't help but to add a bit more to the playful torment.

He intently observed the scene before him, both hands casually resting on his hips now. The sight of Cora's struggle was comical; he managed to suppress his laughter. Her determination with trying to reel in the fish was also admirable in a way. And when it finally splashed against his sister's face, causing her to stumble, he couldn't hold it in any longer. Mirth spilled from the boy’s lips. "All hail the Queen of Ukatis with her first ever catch," he added. It was impossible to resist adding a touch of mockery.

Lysander was all for Roman capturing one of her clumsier moments. Laughter continued to bubble as it played out; he found himself thriving on the banter. Just after, a plan of his own began to form; he could barely contain his excitement. “Wait!” A grin formed. “I want a picture with two of my favorite people!”

Digging through a pocket with urgency, he pulled out his own small and portable databad. The Padawan’s emerald orbs darted to Cora. “Sorry, you'll need to hold that fish for just a moment longer!” He chuckled, imagining it was even more uncooperative than himself on an average day. “Even though it means you’re going to smell worse than a womp rat for the rest of the day!”

With his own determination, he positioned the datapad against the basket and set the auto timer. Like a pro with the device, it had been tilted for the perfect angle. The beeping sound would signal that they had just a few seconds to prepare. Wasting no time, he swiftly pulled Roman closer and nudged him closer to the other blonde.

Unsure of which pose to strike, he went for something that was equally goofy as it was genuine. Lysander flashed the biggest smile he could muster and then pointed a peace sign at the camera.

With one last beep, the picture was captured.

Cora had barely managed to scramble to her feet when Roman took hold of the fish. Any hope that he'd toss it back into the water was quickly dashed as he simply dropped it back into her unwilling hands.

Her mouth hung open, watching in stunned, uncomfortable silence as he made for his bag.

"I'm sorry, what?" With the fish flopping aggressively in her grasp, Cora cycled between grimacing in disgust and glaring at the clearly amused Padawans. Oh, they were enjoying this.

She was too, in some way she couldn't exactly fathom.

The click of Roman's datapad brought her back to attention, and with a full bodied shudder, she clasped a hand – her prosthetic one – around the fish's slimy tail and held it as far away from her person as she could manage. Before she could toss the poor creature back into the lake, Lysander pulled her in for another picture.

"N-no, that's enou-"


If in Roman's photo she looked surprised and disgusted, in Lysander's photo she looked awkward and disgusted. Brow furrowed, jaw clenched, a tense smile straining against a frown – and don't forget the streaks of lake ooze against the side of her face from where she'd been struck by her own catch.

A millisecond after the click, Cora suppressed a gag and she tossed the fish back into the lake. Then, her grimace melted away into a thoughtful look.

Favorite people?

A tiny smile tugged at her lips.

Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Roman's laughter was a joyous, unrestrained sound, echoing across the tranquil lake. "All hail the Queen and her first catch!" he practically bellowed, his voice thick with mirth as he quickly snapped one more photo on his own datapad, capturing Cora's bewildered, fish-slime-streaked face. These photos were gold, pure gold. He could already picture the reactions of Cora's students – a whole new level of classroom amusement. He'd be the most popular Padawan in the temple for a solid week.

When he saw the mischievous glint ignite in Lysander's emerald eyes, a matching spark of excitement flickered in his own. Oh, he was so in on whatever plan was brewing. The timer on Lysander's datapad was the perfect cue; Roman moved with lightning speed, positioning himself on Cora's other side. He saw Lysander strike a goofy peace-sign, and a frantic search for a pose of his own commenced. Then, inspiration struck. With a wide, cheesy grin, he held two fingers up behind Cora's head, framing her in an utterly ludicrous way. It was perfect.

The click of the datapad was the sound of a perfectly executed comedic masterpiece. As Cora, finally free of the slimy fish, chucked the creature back in the lake, Roman practically bounced to his friend's side, checking out the datapad to review the results. He erupted into another fit of laughter, tears actually welling in his eyes. "This is going everywhere!" he gasped, thrusting the datapad towards the siblings so they could witness their glory. Lysander, true to form, was beaming, and Cora…well, Cora looked like she had just been thrown into a rancor pit.

"You did great!" Roman said, slapping Cora's shoulder, failing to hide the mirth that danced in his eyes. He leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper that still carried easily across the small distance. "But," he drawled with a grin, "he's not wrong, you smell like a womp rat now." He couldn't resist adding an extra tease to the moment.

Roman grabbed his own datapad, readying to send the pictures. "I'm thinking," he started, tapping a finger thoughtfully on the side of his chin. "This needs a caption to really sell it." He looked back at the siblings with a grin, "Any suggestions? I'm thinking 'A Day at the Lake with the Fish Queen'" He shot a look over to Lysander for his approval.

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