Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Bright Tide Rising [RNR]



Tags: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Lysander’s laughter instantly joined Roman, becoming a symphony of joy. With a burst of energy, he hopped over to the basket and retrieved his own datapad. A grin that could’ve split his face in two appeared; he was already imagining the embarrassment Cora would face with her students; it added more humor to the current moment.

He then reviewed the image. A few taps upon the screen later, and he had a new wallpaper; now they wouldn’t feel so far away after this visit. The redhead’s mischief reflected the more.. spirited conversations they shared, like those about mystery girls back on Ukatis and the more thought provoking one about exploring Serreno just minutes ago. In some ways, the other blonde’s look wasn’t too incredibly far off from the usual annoyance or disapproval he received.

While studying his sibling's expression in Roman’s photo, laughter escaped the teen's parted lips once more; he felt grateful for the moment. After a nod of approval, the sparkle in Lysander's eyes spoke volumes; gears were turning in his mind as he contemplated different caption ideas. ”You mean the Fish Princess, right? We both know she still hasn’t earned her crown. Unless..she’s Crowned in Scales?

A wave of camaraderie then washed over him. His voice became light but was still laced with confidence as they were gathered around the other Padawan. “You know,” he said, looking at both of them, “Today has made me realize that we are more than capable of beating the chit out of any Sith that try to play us in the coming year.”

His noble etiquette broke with a single word; he also knew a charming cover up that worked on most wouldn’t be enough to sway Cora. Instead, he instinctively pulled his sister in closer, wrapping an arm around he warmly as if the hug could make any potential criticism vanish. Then he drew Roman into the mix; they were huddled together now. “I’d say we’re pretty much a team. Right?!”

A few seconds later, he left the group and returned to the basket.
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- T H E E D -


Objective 2:

The end of her petition was met with obnoxious clapping, and the stillness that befell the room was sudden. Pivoting on one foot, she contorted her body just enough to where she could lay eyes on the disruption; but she said nothing. She took a step back, and rolled her eyes at the jest -- but she yielded the floor.

Her eyes darted throughout the room, and soon fell low as she was soon thrown under the weight of much skepticism. There was the occasional eye-roll.

"Why should we send our people, hurt as they are, displaced as they are, in as much need as they are, away from their home, away from Naboo!? It is Naboo that need step up now and serve her people!" He proselytized

She turned to the Queen, "Your Majesty, my proposal is for the already displaced, those that have fled the Core and elsewhere, now seeking refuge in your system...I recognize that in the wake of the most recent netherworld crisis that Naboo's resources should be allocated to her people first, I only wish to help alleviate the burden of having to handle two crisis on two different fronts." she clarified.

Though much of the speech provided very little room for rebuttal, nor did she want to. She truly didn't see how both proposals couldn't work, they seemed to allocate time to two similar but different issues.

She just found him to be...loud -- The disruption was unnecessary.

"Perhaps," the queen said clearly after a brief pause to absorb their words, "the difference can be split between both of your organizations."

She agreed.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I've no further comments. In time, I believe this partnership will bear fruit. Your decision has helped many to come."
She glanced at Joran, "We shall soon see the results of such."

She bowed, "For tomorrow's victory." And made her way from the center of the chamber, cutting through a hive of advisors, senators, and military officials alike.


Caught unawares in the flurry of the moment, Cora could only blink owlishly as the Padawans laughed and snapped photos. Roman's slap to the shoulder jolted her back to reality.

"It will most certainly not be going everywhere," she informed him. As the photos were turned toward her for her viewing pleasure, she grimaced.

I look like a womp rat.

A harsh look was thrown Lysander's way. Though she had not voiced it, Cora disliked the title given to her by virtue of marriage, and had no interest in the crown. Still, the look she gave her brother was largely because of his antics. With at tsk, she shrugged off her cardigan and dabbed at her face.

"How about 'oh no, my account got wiped'?" She offered. Already, she was composing a message to Makko Vyres Makko Vyres in her mind. He was probably going to see them anyway, but at least he might be able to take them down after he stopped laughing.

Lysander, true to form, knew how to soften her irritation. Cora tried and failed to hold back a smile as he pulled them in closer. "I don't know about that," she murmured. "I'm certain that you'd annoy one to death, though."

Lifting a hand, Cora curled her fingers into a fist and used it to muss the crown of Lysander's hair. It would take half a century to get the younglings to stop laughing, but perhaps it would be worth it in other ways.

Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Roman's laughter joined Lysander's, a joyful cacophony that bounced off the training room walls. The look on Cora's face was priceless, a mixture of exasperation and mild mortification that only fueled their amusement. When Lysander dubbed her the "Fish Princess, "Roman doubled over, nearly choking on a stray laugh. "Crowned in Scales!" he wheezed, wiping a tear from his eye. The image of Cora with a tiara made of fish bones was simply too absurd.

He watched as Lysander, ever the charmer, swiftly backpedaled from his teasing, the "chit" slip-up causing a brief flicker of concern on his face. Then, the shift from mischief to familial affection was almost seamless. The sudden hug was... unexpected. A quick, startled glance to Cora seemed to ask, is this okay? While he wasn't entirely certain what the etiquette was for this situation, Lysander's warm embrace drew him in, and before Roman knew it, his own arms were wound around them both.

A team? The word echoed in Roman's mind, each syllable resonating warmth through his chest. He had never really had a team, not like this. His family was distant, and the losses of his older siblings had created a void that echoed through the large, empty halls of their estate on Serenno. He hadn't felt this kind of ease, this sense of belonging, in forever. He only had these moments with Anneliese at this point in his life, but she had been gone for some time now. The hug was a fortress of warmth, a sanctuary from the cold, isolating feelings he often battled. He melted into the embrace, a small, traitorous tear catching the light before he could brush it away. It was safe here, with them. He was seen, he was valued.

But just as quickly as it began, it was over, Lysander pulling away to rummage through the basket, his hair a bit disheveled from Cora's affectionate muss. Roman, suddenly aware of the lump in his throat, turned away, forcing himself to compose his emotions. He couldn't let them see how affected he was. It felt too vulnerable. He liked them both too much, and he didn't want to scare them off with a sudden show of intense emotion.

Once he felt like he could speak without a tremor in his voice, he turned back towards the group, giving Cora a small, genuine smile before calling out to Lysander. "We need to send those pictures out as soon as possible!" he chuckled, the laughter now more relaxed but still laced with amusement. "Before she can work her magic and make them disappear! Everyone has to see those!"

He trotted over to the basket, grabbing a handful of colorful fruit. He swiped through his datapad, searching for the perfect photo, a mischievous grin plastered on his face. "Send me that one of all of us." he murmured, his voice barely a whisper, his eyes fixed on the screen, searching for the one group photo. He wanted a physical copy, something he could hold, a tangible reminder of this moment, of this family he seemed to have accidently stumbled upon. A reminder that even in the darkest of times, he was not alone.

Lysander's brow furrowed in irritation. His features were obviously always immaculately arranged, as if he were meant to wear a crown. His hand instinctively moved to protect the perfect locks, but it was too late, as she already began to mess up his very identity.

A smirk danced across his lips as he met Roman’s gaze. Mischief was still sparkling in his gaze as the older Padawan called out. “Oh, don’t worry about her," he said smoothly, "There’s no way she’ll be able to stop us.” As he spoke, laughter erupted, flowing like music and mixing with Roman’s own amusement.

Flicking his wrist, the surface of his datapad illuminated once more. With a few swipes, the recent image appeared on the screen. Even though it had been captured mere moments ago, the sight of their expressions still brought a genuine smile to his lips, a smile that seemed to shine brighter with each passing second. "Ah, here it is!" Fingers were still tapping away as both eyes squinted to scan through the countless contacts.

“I really should update your name on here,” he mused aloud. Lysander's gaze shifted over to the redhead. “Roman von Acscania— it has an elegant ring to it, don’t you think? We are pretty much family now anyways.”

With a final tap, he sent the photo, seeing a little icon appear to show that it was successfully delivered. And with a final click, the screen shut off. ”Buuutt if you wish to keep Vossari, I won't complain. It won't change how I feel about you.”

The boy then turned to the basket behind him, diving into its depths, searching for something specific. After a few seconds he was able to dig up a couple nutrient bars; it had become a staple in his diet since relocating to Naboo. The change was necessary; his purpose now demanded it. Beyond the training at the enclave, he'd also committed to a morning routine of pushups and crunches, desiring to also sculpt his physique. The teen doubted the subtle changes were even noticeable to others, but was still driven with the firm belief that consistency would eventually bring even better results.

Setting the datapad aside, he removed the wrapper from one of the bars and took a bite; the taste was still odd, but not terrible. He reminded himself it was the necessary fuel his body needed. As he chewed thoughtfully, he looked back to Roman. “Honestly, these bars kind of suck, I can’t tell whether I’m eating chalk or plastoid sometimes,” he admitted. “But they help whenever I don’t have access to better nutrition that’s required to be cooked.”

He shot a quick glance at Cora before giving Roman a wink. "But hey, they might just be the secret ingredient for success whenever we touch down on Serreno soon. I think you'll like Master Brandyn. From what I’ve gathered so far, he doesn't have a stick up his you-know-what like some Jedi.”
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The corner of her mouth quirked up in approval as Joro fell into step beside her. She flicked the switch on her blade in preparation of a fight, watching as more than a dozen Netherworld creatures emerged, their dark-as-midnight skin reflecting from the dim lighting like a pool of tar.

There were no visible eyes that Briana could see, each beast possessing a set of four bulked out arms and a pair of even bulkier legs. Her grip on her saber tightened instinctively, but she didn't move. She didn't flinch. Instead, she tilted her head, studying the thing as it bared a set of jagged, knife-like teeth that could have sent anyone less experienced sprinting for cover.

For a moment, she hesitated—not out of fear, but because something about them felt off. These weren't like the countless Nether creatures she'd faced in the past. They didn't radiate the same mindless, insatiable hunger like the millions of creatures that'd descended on them from the horrors of the first Cataclysm that these were purportedly from.

No, these ones felt… measured. They didn't lunge immediately. Their movements were deliberate, their formation tight, their postures exuding a kind of awareness she'd never seen before.

Were they... sentient? Was that how they'd managed to survive for nearly three years out here? How they'd managed to evade extermination despite what she'd heard was a valiant effort on the part of both the Gungan's and farmers? Did this mean they could learn? The realization sent off a flurry of questions through Briana's mind, with precious little time to think too deeply on any of them.

Instead, Briana angled her saber and focused on the team around her and their more immediate problems.

Kahne was first to act, his Force blast tearing a path through the middle of the creatures and sending a violent spray of mud and debris into the air. Following that up was Lossa, her speeder roaring in from the flank, blade cutting through any would-be stragglers.

Most creatures from the Netherworld would have already split apart by now, acting on instinct and making them rather easy to pick off. But instead of the expected fragmentation, the creatures demonstrated textbook small-unit tactics. They absorbed the losses, adjusted their formation, and maintained unit cohesion with the efficiency of veteran shock troops.

The largest specimen—clearly the command unit—raised two arms in what could only be interpreted as a tactical signal. The response was immediate: three units deployed left, four right, five maintained center mass.

"They're trying to box us in," Briana observed, her mind already calculating counter-measures before even more movement on the edge of the ridge interrupted her analysis—mounted reinforcements, complete with rifle support barreling behind Lossa.

"Huh, looks like Lossa made some friends," Briana observed with some small level of amusement, watching the command creature's head snap towards the newest threat, its mandibles clicking in what might have been alarm.

Even the best trained units could become vulnerable when forced to adjust a battle plan mid-execution.

Seeing an opportunity to strike, Briana decided to capitalize on the disruption.

With Kahne already pressing down the center, and Lossa and company coming in from behind, Briana took a breath and darted toward the left flank, boots splashing through the mud and muck. "Joro, with me! Don't let them regroup!" she spared him a quick glance to make sure he'd heard her before refocusing her attention, swinging her lightsaber in a tight, lethal arc that clove through the nearest hulking creature's too-smooth skin. The Nether beast let out a guttural roar as it collapsed, its severed form dissolving into a dark mist that swirled in the rain before dissipating completely.

There was, of course, no time to pause to admire her work as two more of the creatures moved to intercept her, their massive arms swinging at her. She ducked under the first attack, using the momentum to slide through the mud between them, saber flashing upward to catch one in whatever passed for its midsection and watching as it deflated like an empty wineskin before turning into dust.

The second creature was smarter, taking advantage of the open position she'd left herself in and leaping for her, swiping its massive claws with enough force that Briana had to twist hard at the hips to avoid losing her head. With a flick of her wrist and a push of verdant Force energy, Briana attempted to send the creature stumbling backwards, hoping Joro would be able to finish it off before it decided to take another go at her.


Joran Del-Finn

Smuggler by day. Snuggler by night.
His proposals were met with murmurs.

Murmurs were not jeers. Nor were they cheers.

They assembled were led by a child and so they had become themselves like children. They wished for an answer to fall from the stars and make all their troubles go away.

They wished for honeyed words and simple fixes and Joran Del-Finn had offered none of those things. He demanded action and self-sufficiency and he did not do so kindly though he did so with a smile.

Politicians had no spine and all around him they proved it.

"As you say your excellency," Joran said to the queen. "I will do what is needed for Naboo and any help that can be provided to the dear Mother and her peoples will be done so gladly."

Joran made a slight but respectful bowing gesture and left.

thread exit
Dagos kissed his teeth.

Man, who the kark is this guy?

"Man, kark you," Dagos said, slightly bowing up to the armored stranger. This dude was a real ass head and Dag was more than ready to swing on him. "Who fething asked you about it any way?"

So the guy was a Jedi shadow. Dag knew about the shadows and the type of work they got up to. Chit, it was the type of Jedi work that he once thought he would be pretty good at before giving up on the whole Jedi thing all together.

That chit just weren't for him, man. He always managed to kark it up, master after great master had tried with Dag and it never worked. He just wasn't cut out for it, for any of it really.

Kark Joran and kark this,

"Forget this chit, I'm outta here."

thread exit

As Lysander dragged them into an embrace, Cora caught Roman's startled glance. The harsher lines of her expression softened as she responded with a gentler look of approval.

There was little she could do in the moment to stem the unstoppable force that had become Lysander and Roman. Crowned in Scales aside, she found that she didn't particularly want to stop them. Until the picture became disseminated over the greater holonet, of course. With her back to them, she proceeded to wring out her cardigan. A tickle of amusement rose in the back of her throat as she murmured the chosen caption to herself.

Cora followed on their heels, pacing back to the basket, and rummaging through it until she retrieved her prize. Second peach in hand, she settled back into the grass with a sigh.

"Send me that one too, I suppose. For posterity."

When she'd first come to the Jedi Order, Cora had kept a datapad with holophotos and messages from her siblings. When it broke, she felt as though the galaxy had shattered. Fortunately, a mechanically savvy Padawan had retrieved the data before it could be lost forever.

She arched a brow at Roman von Ascania. "Oh? I hadn't know that you two were that close." She bit into the peach and chewed thoughtfully before swallowing. "In any event, welcome to the family, Roman."

Cora couldn't help a murmur of agreement regarding the nutrient bars. "They weren't made to taste good, only to keep us alive." A difficult hurdle for someone of their background to overcome, but Cora would not admit that there had been a few nights where she'd actually craved their questionable texture.

A few beads of peach juice had gathered just below the knuckle of her thumb. She playfully flicked them at Lysander.

"Sometimes the stick is useful," she insisted.

Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania

Lysander had called him family, and that simple word resonated within Roman's chest, warming him from the inside out. Family. It was a concept that had always been elusive, something he'd yearned for but never quite grasped. Maybe in another life, he and Lysander would have been blood brothers, raised together, sharing a lifetime of inside jokes and shared secrets. But this was their reality, and that was more than enough. This wasn't blood, but it was the beginnings of a bond, an unbreakable friendship forged through shared experiences and a reckless kind of camaraderie.

He chuckled to himself as he remembered Cora's teasing remark about how close he and Lysander were. "We're practically brothers at this point. At least now he has an older sibling he can look up to." he'd said, a playful jab at Cora. The truth, though, was more heartfelt. While he enjoyed their banter, he also felt this strange sense of responsibility for the younger padawan, a brotherly instinct that had blossomed these past few weeks.

Looking over to Lysander, Roman watched as he grimaced while trying to consume one of the awful nutrient bars. It made Roman's stomach churn just to look at it. He knew exactly how bad they tasted, and the thought of Lysander having to eat one alone bothered him. He glanced over at the bar in his own hand, and took a bite. The chalky taste was almost unbearable, but with Lysander having to eat them as a staple, Roman could take one for the team.

"I look forward to meeting this new master of yours. I'm sure we will have the time of our lives." Roman said, giving Lysander a subtle wink. He truly meant it. He was excited for what the future held for them, for all three of them. Serreno, Master Brandyn, and whatever adventures lay ahead, he was ready for it.

Roman shifted his gaze, taking in the sight of the two of them: Cora, serene as always, a half-eaten peach in her hand, and Lysander, animated and full of youthful exuberance. A wave of contentment washed over Roman. The day had started as any other, but it had transformed into something extraordinary. They had laughed, teased, shared moments of genuine connection, Roman felt deeply and truly happy. It had turned out to be almost perfect, this day spent together with his newfound family. The weight of his past seemed to lessen for a moment as he tilted his head back, basking in the warmth of the Naboo sun. They were together, and that was all that mattered.

Joro Kal'nath



ATTIRE: Jedi Robes, Blue Lightsaber
TAGS: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky | Kahne Porte Kahne Porte | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Isaiah Isaiah

"They're intelligent."

It was a surprising development to him as well. The way they moved was coordinated, military-like. Precision designed to entrap their small number and close in for the kill. Not that they'd be able to, but it was a reasonable assumption on their part that their chances would be greater if they went through with such a maneuver. Not that they were really given a chance as they were quickly divided up the middle by Master Porte, and then their fringes were hacked apart by the arrival of Lossa and some... well, he didn't know what those guys were. Farmers with guns?

Either way it wasn't long before Briana was calling for him to follow her into battle. Not that he needed coaxing. The moment she moved, he tore into a sprint, leaning forward with his blade out to the side. When he reached the line of attacking nether beasts, he gripped one with the Force and yanked it towards him before cutting it in two, leaving it to dissolve into nothingness in the rain around them. He turned immediately towards Briana, and was right there when she forced a beast away from her.

He twisted, brought his blade in an upward arc, and cut the beast in two. Its form fell to the ground and dissolved away as well.

This was his element. Combat. His biggest expertise, and the time when he went, well, a little bit crazy. Joro was bloodthirsty, almost to the same point of the Sith. Power ripped through him as he moved on from Briana and attacked the next beast that was closing in on them. He didn't even seem to think about what he was doing, just charging in an ripping beasts apart with his blade. He enjoyed it. Thrived on it. The pure, raw aggression that emanated from him was fatal for these beasts.

But if he didn't bring himself down at some point, it could very easily become fatal for his allies as well. And he struggled with coming down off that high.

Vizion gave Kahne a small tip of his head when the Master looked over, acknowledging his idea. It was good to work together like this, when he had so often spent much of his time independently, a thing that was now going to change.

"They can come to us-"

And so too were the creatures’ movements, when they picked up incredible speed and charged towards this small group of Jedi, prompting the Sentinel Knight to pluck both hilts from his person and but no set them alight with a thumbing of each ignition switch, while the elder Jedi went ahead and opened the offensive with an act of force that unbalanced the oncoming denizens of the Nether down the middle of their formation.

All the while, Vizion hung back and observed with a number of his senses, taking into account the sequence of events as they unfolded after that initial assault, watching for any instance that might require his particular inputs, or if a creature came squarely for him: the arrival of Lossa Aureus joining the battle on one flank in a timely follow-up to Kahne’s Force-born wave, and the creatures quickly adjusting to these attacks, showing their probable sentience that was backed by one larger unit appearing to control the movements of its subordinates… something the creatures back in the city didn’t seem to have.

Just as many questions came alive in his mind as Briana's, but there would be time enough to ruminate on those, later on, as some of the creatures were now splitting into a different formation. He peered at this shift in the battle, but he was not the only one to realise the meaning of this shift.

"They're trying to box us in," Briana informed; similar words were on the tip of his own tongue, but she beat him to the punch, prompting a faint nod of appreciation. "They're intelligent," Joro replied. Short and to the point.

Slowly, he was coming to understand the kind of Jedi and woman she had become. She was so much of what he was not, more of a strength on the field of battle than he would ever be. He was many things, had several talents, but he was no specialist of combat; there could be many names for what he did, but all that meant was that he had to work smarter, and if he wasn’t working alone, that usually meant supporting others and deferring to them in their efforts.

Sometimes that was little more than the insurance of his presence, the closest thing to a living sensor suite at times. Other times, he joined or commanded the offensive, working in tandem with one Guardian or another, but then Isaiah entered the fray tailing b Lossa, and bringing along reinforcements that gave them more of an advantage than the initial four of them had, alone.

"Huh, looks like Lossa made some friends,” she noted, her tone carrying a light humour that brought out a faint half a smile from him, "Joro, with me! Don't let them regroup!"

His friend - the half-Corellian Knight - and the Falleen padawan at her side joined in on the action, and between them cut down a modest handful of the creatures. Between the efforts of the five of them, he could almost be tempted to return the hilts to his belt… but with many of the creatures contending with now being surrounded, it left something of an opening. Vizion peered between them, trying to regain a bead on the big one, the head that stood above the rest.

There you are...

Power coiled in his legs and he set off at a sprint that had traveled countless terrains across numerous worlds, adjusting to the shifting mix of muddy ground and semi-solid earth, an ease born of the art of pursuit: not much got past him, escaped him, or hampered him, he had such deft footwork and cognition. Once he came near the creatures down the middle of the struggling formation, the Brentaalan leapt, ignited each of his hilts with an a dual snap-hiss, and displayed more of that deft agility as he used the heads of the creatures between him and the command unit as mere stepping stones, while rain sizzled off of his blades of orange plasma, joining the concert of noise around him. Too fast to get a grasp of, like the wind.

Viz leapt once again with a force that sent the last creature he stepped on tumbling, thereafter twisting and positioning himself to land behind the large Nethercreature, in a spray of mud and dissipating thirds of the gruesome thing, blades emerging from their slice through it as his boots smucked into the soft ground.

This, of course, sent the remaining creatures into frenzied disarray.

"That confirms that," he uttered to himself, "head of the snake."

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"Interesting...." The Jedi Master whispered as they adjusted as if on command. The others had spoken and thought was he was at this very moment. Kahne moved forward just so, being careful as he tread on the muddy terrain as he moved his blade around him, dispatching the creatures that came in his immediate path.

Everyone was on the move and there was Joro, he moved with a hungry fury at least to the Jedi Master's mind. There were only a few things that would drive this sort of thing. But that would be something to be inquired about at a later time. The Jedi Master smirked as he watched Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky move forward. "Brilliant my friend." Kahne said with a smile as he followed suit, with each stepping stone utilized, the Jedi followed his blade taking out those that had been used already.

Viz accomplished his task, as the attack left the rest of the creatures in disarray. Scrambling about.....

The events that followed the second attack on Naboo had left many more questions than answers. The New Way, and these other events that have transpired.

It was making him feel uneasy.

Joro Kal'nath Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Isaiah Isaiah

The strategy she had adopted to strike and retreat was working well given the myriad of other attackers present. Her initial swing into the fray met with minimal issues as she began to zoom away with the end of her lightsaber trailing through the grass behind her.

The swift one-eighty turn to strike once more revealing more than simple animalistic instinct to fight as a line seemed to form and wait for her return.

A smile dancing along her face as the speeder bike roared to life and brought her within range of her next move. The air singing with more than just the engine of her speeder as another took the sky to strike at the group of creatures. Her vision tracking the movement but not the face as she banked the bike into a hard stop to avoid a lengthy arm swatting her aside as her own blade met the attack. A screech of pain as her legs slid free from the foot rests and pushed against the seat and side to leap skyward to press further into the attack.

Watching the tight formation seem to break apart with the biggest one falling to someone else's hand as she scowled and cursed.

"That was mine!" Her displeasure clear in her booming voice as she switched to another beast that had reeled from the attack against what she would learn was the commander of the nether creatures. Sinking the white blade into the crown of its head before wrenching her Saber back to swing at another.

Kicking off the corpse she had just made to gain ground on another target as it tried to put distance between itself and her.


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