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Broken Bones and Breadsticks (Cantina Beatdown Ep2.) OPEN TO ALL

Cantina Beatdown

Episode Two
Location : Pizza Hutt on Nar Shadda​
"Ladies and Gentleman!, Boys and Girls!, Sentient Species of all sizes and the like! We welcome you to another teeth shattering, Bone breaking, Episode of..... *Epic music rolls* Cantina Beatdown!!! Banned in some of the more " Civilized" Systems...We choose a random restaurant or bar on a random planet... Fill it with random combatants and watch the chaos unfold......CAN YOU HANDLE THE CANTINA BEATDOWN?!?!?!

*All contestants will receive 5000 credits for their participation..Additional credits awarded for epic ass kicking! All Medical Bill Paid!

[member="Charzon Loulan"] , [member="Thraxis"] , [member="Darth Venefica"] , [member="Logen Brunner"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] , [member="Lady Kay"] , [member="Solan Charr"] , [member="Darth Veles"] , [member="Connor Harrison"] , [member="Ra Vizsla"] , [member="Gray Raxis"] , [member="Funky Balor"] , @Kami Maren ,
A certain hunger fueled his every movement.....But it was not a hunger for blood or destruction. NO! Tonight it was a force ten times that of the Dark side that the Sith knight craved, A force so powerful not even the mightiest of mighty could resist.....Jayce had the munchies, And on this night nothing was going to cure that undeniable force save for pizza!

It was this urging force that had brought Jayce to the Pizza Hutt on Nar Shadda. His craving would not be satisfied till he had slice after slice of that cheese and meat covered ambrosia in his growling belly.

Goosebumps scattered over his pale flesh as his hand gripped the door handle and gave it a triumphant tug, Instantly rewarded as the luscious aroma slammed into his senses like a First Order Stormtrooper into a tree on Endor....Jayce entered the restaurant and patiently stepped into the line to await service...
Although Charzon proper was still on Ringo Vinda to test that hulk of a starship she called a 2,500-meter-long bulk freighter, exhausting the last of the R&D budget available on Ringo Vinda in the process, until the new round of R&D appropriations could be approved by the CFO and COO, as well as the rest of the Board. Hopefully Summer (or Jessica) would be able to convince some members of the Board that more products would result in more profits down the line. The Design Triumvirate would push for more funding and hence more products off the pipeline, but how much cash would they be granted to this end? But enough of that, since none of the members of the Design Triumvirate was present. A Miraluka waitress was up at the counter Jayce found himself at, taking notes inside the Pizza Hutt's order-taking system for the droid cook to process the order. That waitress was about to flash her datapad:

"May I take your order please? Today's suggestion would be a Ziro stuffed crust pizza: you will love the stuffed crust once you have chosen the toppings and the size. Also, for here or to go?"

[member="Darth Pryde"]
Ruby sat down at a Pizza Hut. Ruby hated Pizza Hut! It was gross and had little to almost no employee sanitary. But it was the only place nearby that he could bye stuff in, he was low on credits. Ruby could just go to his "slave master"s casino but... he didn't feel like it. Also it was pretty far away. So he sat down at a booth. A waitress came up and asked for his order. "anything that can fill me up that won't give me diabetes." Ruby simply said. "so you want something from the slim menu?" the woman flipped the menu to the diet side. Ruby sighed. "just get me a drink."
"okay!" the waitress fake smiled, then scoffed as she walked away. Ruby looked around. The place was packed to the brim. Ruby couldn't understand why.

[member="Charzon Loulan"]
[member="Darth Pryde"]
[member="Charzon Loulan"]

He'd been staring around the pizza Hutt, His glazed over bloodshot eyes taking in the sight around him. " Huh wha?? Oh yeah! I'll have a pepperoni and bantha cheese pizza and a large soda.... For here" with his order placed he moved down the line to receive his order.....Constantly wondering if Jedi eat pizza or if its yet another sinful pleasure they denied themselves.

[member="Ruby Senri"]
Ruby looked over and saw a pale man. A human by the looks of it... and he sensed the force in him. But it was tainted and dark. Ruby shrugged it off and looked back. Ruby sensed cameras around the premises, not security cameras though... Ruby looked around for one. But they were hidden, mini cameras. Ruby winged it and stared straight at where he thought the camera was. Then after about five minutes the waitress came back
"hey look here's your drink." she put it down. Ruby could sense she was angry with him, but Ruby didn't know why, didn't the employees know this place wasn't good? Well whatever. "thank you mam." Ruby took a sip of his drink and stared back at the camera, the longer he stared the more he realized it had voice receptors as well. This was not good. Ruby looked back at the man. Ruby wondered if he had anything to do with this... but Ruby shook it off. 'Not all Sith are evil, and some are probably nicer than me.' Ruby thought to himself.

[member="Darth Pryde"]
[member="Charzon Loulan"]
Pushing open the door, he instantly felt half of the eyes in the establishment turn and land on him, most of the chatter dying down. A rather large man was standing there, his gaze riveted on Nate. Stopping, he turned his burning eyes on the chubby man. "What? Is there something on my face?" Growling, he would step at the man, and the big fellow and his friends would scurry of, tripping over themselves.

With a wave of his hand, the left over scraps of pizza and some bread sticks would fly across the room and into the soon-to-overflow garbage can, the napkins scrubbing the table top so furiously they started to smolder. Pulling the chair out, he would look out from us his black hood. There were other force sensitive beings in there with him, but he didn't pay them any mind. For now.

[member="Ruby Senri"], [member="Darth Pryde"]
[member="Ruby Senri"][member="Charzon Loulan"][member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

For the first time in years Jayce had a smile, Albeit sinister, Stretched across his thin lips. He also had his hands full with a tray holding his pizza and drink, His mind focussed on little else as he sat at a booth and slowly inhaled the decadent aroma.....It was nearly arrousing at this moment.

Though fully aware of the beings around him, Especially the force sensitive, It seemed as though the pizza had the Sith Knight in a trance. His yellowing eyes gleaming and his mouth watering as he lifted the first slice up to his mouth readying to take a bite......
Ruby looked behind himself. A man barged in and had already starting to be aggressive to the people. The man was force sensitive. Obviously. Ruby took another sip. Something about this man seemed familiar. Ruby knew he hadn't met him but... ah! The man was a bounty hunter! Ruby saw him on the holonet. Ruby slid down in his seat, laying low so the man wouldn't see him. Since he joined Miss Blonde he now has more of a bounty. 'I wonder if he's still a bounty hunter...' Ruby thought to himself, the answer was likely yes.

[member="Darth Pryde"]
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
[member="Charzon Loulan"]
That was a lot of pizzas being sold for an event that neither Charzon nor the occupants suspect is being filmed by the crew of Taking Off on a Star Tour using very similar techniques to the techniques used for the shooting of Dead Fantasy 2. After all, Nar Shaddaa was a planet Star Tours regularly serviced and horror movies were not for all passengers. DF1/2 were horror movies, but they knew some other passengers preferred the more authentic feel of movies such as Broken Bones and Breadsticks rather than the apparent fakeness of DF1 compared to DF2. But they also had enough of those action movies from other major studios that mostly amounted to "Jedi-fights-Sith" or some other such thing. Will Broken Bones and Breadsticks prove different?Jayce was slowly seen eating a large Ziro stuffed crust pizza with pepperoni and bantha cheese, alongside a large soda.

"Pizza Hutt being Pizza Hutt, you'd expect decadence on a Hutt level" the Miraluka waitress told the patrons.

[member="Ruby Senri"] [member="Darth Pryde"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
Taking the public shuttle to Nar Shadaa was an experience in itself but Phislo wanted to get out of Concord Dawn for a while and explore.

She also decided to go with her armor, which probably got her a lot more awkward looks than was necessary sitting with her helmet in her lap. A Mandalorian soldier hoofing it with the common folk outside Mandalore controlled space. Not exactly her shining moment. She was visibly uncomfortable with the idea and so were they. After getting off the shuttle not soon enough she wandered the streets around town for a while until she found the apartment that she was given funds to rent and off loaded her luggage including her rifle case and helmet. She did, however, take the WESTAR 34 blaster pistol out of its case and tucked it safely away with her. It probably wouldn't do to carry a full Blaster Rifle on her person but a pistol would definitely ward off the common street thug or whatever came her way. Locking the room she sighed and felt her stomach rumble. "Food time!"

Looking outside of the apartment building she spotted a small restaurant named Pizza Hutt. "Any place is a good one I guess.", she sighed, only hoping the pizza and drinks didn't taste horrible.

Walking inside, Phislo watched the packed place hum with the goings on of patrons at the table and in line. She straightened out the braids in her hair and joined the ones in line to order.

[member="Ruby Senri"] [member="Darth Pryde"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] [member="Charzon Loulan"]
The Miraluka order-taking waitress processed a few orders before the turn of [member="Phislo Bress"] came. Behind her, the spectacle of the pizzas being baked, full of pom flour, as well as pepperoni and bantha or nerf cheese, alongside various sauces and whatnot, as well as of fries being fried, and breadsticks being baked, was taking place as the Roto-Rooters took care of the main tasks of getting the food produced for the various patrons. And the camera drone just came out of nowhere for that, as it films the pizzas being baked and that Pizza Hutt location being stabilized. Some of Dunames' lackeys were there, waiting for the right scene to be shot, while themselves waiting in line for more pizzas from Pizza Hutt. They were lucky that there were no actual Hutts around that particular Pizza Hutt. All right, Pizza Hutt, show what you've got... and make sure the fight is going to be good. To be different from those all-too-common Jedi-vs-Sith movies.

"May I take your order?" the Miraluka waitress asked.

"Please smile! You're being filmed!" the Pizza Hutt manager told the patrons. "Enjoy the Hutt-level of decadence while you're here!"

"For here or to go?"

[member="Ruby Senri"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] [member="Darth Pryde"]
[member="Ruby Senri"], [member="Darth Pryde"]

Sitting at the table, alone, he would look rather out of place. His dark jeans and jacket (check bio) were one reason, but the saber staff at his side was for sure not a instant turn on. Of course, the surrounding patrons were all to wary of his fiery gaze, only a few walking within a few feet of him.

As is was a rather nice temperature in the establishment, his jacket was hanging on the chair opposite him, where he could see it. Underneath the jacket was a white and purple v neck, making his skin look even darker. Lifting his foot, he would grunt as it came away sticky, these were his favorite shoes, all black with a purple bottom sole and eyelets, skating shoes of course. Not wasting anytime, he would summon a stream of water, blasting away the gunk from his feet.

The two other force sensitive's seemed to be keeping their distance, but the tow other that caught his attention seemed to be normal. [member="Charzon Loulan"], she appeared to being something that didn't really interest him, unless she got up and started swinging at him. But the other, [member="Phislo Bress"]; she was packing some heat, and looked like she could handle herself. Her toned arms were enough proof for him. Looking around, he realized that the chair before him was really the only one left open, and the girl had just finished her order. "Grimy" Pulling his jacket onto his lap, he took a sip from his water, not trusting this places other drinks.
"May I take your order?" the Miraluka waitress asked.

"Please smile! You're being filmed!" the Pizza Hutt manager told the patrons. "Enjoy the Hutt-level of decadence while you're here!"

"For here or to go?"

Phislo looked up at the menu and decided. "Here with a personal size five cheese and a drink."

It was nothing fancy sure but her stomach wasn't exactly protesting the promise of food. She stood there tapping her foot, not impatiently, just to the music in the place for fun and hummed a bit to the tune while the credits got sorted and felt the grime of the place and low atmosphere.

After ordering she scanned around the room for a place to sit and saw an open seat next to a man with a black cloak and a bad attitude. You didn't need the force to tell people were tense around each other. Maybe it was just the place they were. Nar Shadda has always been a place for people who didn't want to be found and usually those people were shady people doing questionable things for less than reputable folk.

She'd have to either ask to sit or eat standing up. Which one she would end up doing largely depended on [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

"Do you mind if I..." She trailed off pointing at the chair.

[member="Ruby Senri"] [member="Darth Pryde"] [member="Charzon Loulan"]
Ruby kept his eye on [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"], then looked over as a woman asked for a seat next to him. Ruby didn't know if she knew him or what. Ruby also noticed him looking at [member="Charzon Loulan"]. Ruby brushed it off and kept drinking, it was done. "meh" Ruby started to pack his stuff...
"Please smile! You're being filmed!" Ruby looked over at the manager. "knew it..." Ruby put his stuff back, this might get interesting... the place was still a grimy mess. Ruby wanted to clean this place... 'could probably do it in about three hours...' Ruby thought to himself. But Ruby knew it would get grimy, messy and gross again in about one day flat so... he brushed that off too... hopefully the manager would tell them what they're being filmed for.

[member="Phislo Bress"]
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
[member="Darth Pryde"]
Nar Shadda. One of the shadiest places Jan has even been too. Thugs, pickpocketers, slave traders, everyone was welcome here. Many people lost their lives or possessions every day on Nar shadda. Didn't matter how many guns you had, how many blades you kept, or how you didn't have anything of value at all. Nar shadda would krak you up. The trick was to have the right attitude and look that told people to not bother you. A lot of people went for the badass look. Jan....well wasn't like a lot of people.

"WASSUP Strangers? Isn't it a lovely day?" Jan said as he walked into the pizza hut in his civilian attire(black shirt, and cargo pants).

Everyone turned and looked at Jan with the most disgusted, evil, and confused expressions he has ever seen. Jan just smiled and walked to the counter.

"Hey Jan ,may I take your order?" the waitress asked with a smile.

"Yes, I would like a number 6, meal" Jan said with a smile.

"Anything else?" the waitresss asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah....( Jan smiled as he leaned in closer on the counter) many force users here today?" Jan whispered his face almost touching the waitress's.

"(giggle).....stop not while I'm working!.....three."

"Okay fine. Maybe later" Jan said as gave the waitress space while slipping her some credits.

Jan turned around and leaned against the counter.

"Smile! Your being filmed!" the manager said to Jan..

Jan gave the camera a half smile and then starting twirling a knife through his hands. He started going through his usually process of finding the nearest exits. Whenever force users where together....things usually happened. Jan kept twirling his knife looking around the restaurant. He could feel the tension in here, so much it felt like it was pushing down on him. Jan just smiled again, while twirling his knife in his hand looking at the patrons.

[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
[member="Ruby Senri"]
[member="Phislo Bress"]
@Charzan Loulan
[member="Darth Pryde"]
Looking up, he would wave his hand dismissively, a tight smile reaching his lips. "Of course, go ahead." The voice of someone he mildly recognized greeted his ears as [member="Jan Valdum"] came into the establishment, instantly going at it with that loud mouth of his.

Looking over at [member="Phislo Bress"], his eyes landed on the pistol at her waist, It was a fine piece, and one he wasn't very accustomed to. Not being one to stare, he would go back to his food, picking at the salad before him, his pizza all but gone, along with the breadsticks he ordered. There was a lot of tension in the room, and he had a feeling out who would draw first. Personally, he knew if it was anyone else but him, he'd be dead, but the Sith in the back looked deadly, but not that deadly. The one that came in screaming, him as well. Then looking back over at the young girl beside him, he would see the muscle definition in her arms, yeah, she'd be there too.
How could that Miraluka waitress, all of a sudden, be mistaken for Charzon? Miralukas were Near-Humans all right, but the Miraluka waitress had eyeball implants designed to make her look like Charzon (a retina scan is necessary to distinguish between that waitress and Charzon for a NFU; FUs could distinguish between Charzon and that Miraluka look-a-like pretty handily). Something definitely appears fishy: on a holovid it wouldn't show that Charzon's role is played by some Miraluka waitress in Broken Bones and Breadsticks, but Charzon would have a sweet, if passive, revenge over Jessica, who had much more to show under the spotlight lately. And maybe... maybe that waitress posing as Charzon would be able to become an actress! As the patrons prepared to fight... that Miraluka waitress somehow pulls out a concealed F-11D, the very same as Charzon owned, knowing that concealing a railgun, even those firing 7.62x50s, let alone the 12.7x108s, that the real Charzon contemplated getting crafted, is impossible to do in a restaurant kitchen.

"Taking Off on a Star Tour has requested that the brawl gets underway soon: they can just edit the scenes of you all eating in postproduction"

"It's not going to be pretty" the Miraluka waitress posing as Charzon warned.

[member="Phislo Bress"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] [member="Jan Valdum"] [member="Ruby Senri"] [member="Darth Pryde"]
Taking a seat and placing her meal tray onto the table, Philso dug into her pizza and used it as an excuse to get a look at this guy she sat with.

Whoa! Big fella, arent'cha? Certainly seems like he knows his way around a fight.

She turned back to her plate and took a big bite, chewing off the stringy cheese clinging onto the pizza like it was holding on for dear life. She slowly scanned around the room for other interesting people quickly. A young guy wearing red, slumping in his chair, not threatening but seems to be afraid of something.

Before she could continue scanning the room some obnoxious looking guy strode in and said "WASSUP Strangers? Isn't it a lovely day?"

I guess Nar Shadda attracts all types, even the friendlier (drunker?) types. Phislo took a sip of her drink and gave the man a look of utter confusion before turning around and going back to her plate.

[member="Darth Pryde"] [member="Charzon Loulan"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] [member="Jan Valdum"] [member="Ruby Senri"]
He had the feeling that she was sizing him sip as she ate, but he didn't really care, he was sure as soon as he she got a glimpse of his fiery eyes she'd move away like everyone else. The thought of all the times he was called soft, or a weakling. They didn't know what his is like. They don't know what's he's dealing with. So who were they to say Jack? Gritting his teeth, the silverware around him behaving to vibrate, the fork in his hand starting to heat up, the area on which he held starting to smoke.

After a few seconds, his temper bubbled down, still there but not threatening anyone or thing. When he moved his hand, there was a scorch mark, the outgoing of his clenched fist now branded onto the able. "Kark." Sighing, he would look up at a group of men that walked in, all holding themselves like they were high and mighty. One approached the table he and [member="Phislo Bress"] were sitting at. "This seat is mine. Beat it." The chatter died down as everyone looked over at him. "You deaf kid? I said move it." With the last three words, the brute reached over, smacking the glass of water out of his hand, now everyone was deathly silent as he slowly rose, towering over the fat man.

There were three of them, all big burly men. But he was bigger. Reaching forward, he would grab the leader by his multiple necks, hurling the fat man over the railing onto the dirty floor. As the others surged forward, he would pick up his empty pizza tray, slamming the pan against the man's head, leaving a face shaped mold for cookies or whatever the hell they made, just a little blood was on it, washable. The other pulled a knife, swinging the blade to try and stab him. Sidestepping, he grabbed the man's wrist and slammed his elbow down onto the man's shoulder, hearing a loud snap. Bringing his knee up, he held the man by his hair, smashing his face upon the table, dropping the man as the fat leader rose to his feet.

Grabbing man and bringing him over the railing, he would kick him behind the knee, holding him at eye level. "Still want the seat?" The man began to whimper like a dog and babbling, but he was soon exclaiming in pain as Nate gave the chubby man a heavy kick in the ass, sending him reeling out the door. Wiping him self off, he looked round the room, and pretty soon everyone started to talk again, the majority of it being centered on him.

[member="Charzon Loulan"], [member="Darth Pryde"]

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