Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Broken Bones and Breadsticks (Cantina Beatdown Ep2.) OPEN TO ALL

"This seat is mine. Beat it." The chatter died down as everyone looked over at him. "You deaf kid? I said move it." With the last three words, the brute reached over, smacking the glass of water out of his hand, now everyone was deathly silent as he slowly rose, towering over the fat man.

Is just having a meal on this planet without getting interrupted too much to ask?

Phislo was about to turn around and tell the man to get bent but the man in front of her beat her to the punch. He got up and pulled the guy up by the neck and hurling him onto the floor, followed by quickly dispatching the other two with an arm snap, a pan to the face, and slamming a face on the table. She was actually sorta glad he did something first. Problem solved and she didn't have to lift a finger. That was enough to earn her respect at any rate. She took another slice of pizza and laid a hand in her lap next to her blaster pistol. If anyone retaliated she'd be ready for a fight.

[member="Darth Pryde"] [member="Charzon Loulan"] [member="Nate The Bounty Hunter"] [member="Ruby Senri"]
His face now covered in the water that had just seconds before been in [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] 's hand, Jayce stood from his booth with a list for savagery in his yellow in eyes. He wiped the water from his scowling visage as the bounty hunter decimated the fat ass and his puny friends.....But now it was too late.

A Snap Hiss sounded as the Sith drew his saber and ignited its fiery blade. Booted feet carrying him slowly over to the two men who the hunter had not kicked out the door, The fiery blade ceasing the life of the first as it drove through the mans back and into the floor of the establishment....As for the second man, His head rolled around on the floor for a second, Sliced cleanly from the neck, Before the Sith deactivated his blade and hefted the disconnected head into his hand and carried it back to set it on his table where it would remain till he finished his meal.....

[member="Phislo Bress"][member="Charzon Loulan"][member="Jan Valdum"][member="Ruby Senri"]
Ruby watched them slaughter the men. 'God damn... Don't they get messing with him would end horribly' Ruby thought to himself, now the floors were red just like his clothes. Some people started screaming and ran out the door. Ruby sat up now. Realizing that the man probably wouldn't hunt for him now and just wanted to eat the damn pizza. Ruby in fact had been watching every one eat pizza and decided ONE pizza would be fine. As the waitress passed by he ordered a pepperoni pizza. The Sith seemed like he wasn't going to deal with them. Everybody in the resteraunt seemed grumpy... Well the people that were still in the resteraunt. Ruby realized that the silence probably meant that a fight would break out soon. A... Resteraunt fight. Ruby noticed [member="Phislo Bress"] look at him. Ruby glanced for a second as well. Then he looked at the Sith again. The man was interesting. Just because of water he walked up and mercilessly killed them. 'Wow' Ruby thought to himself, he then looked over and saw the manager sneaky to the door and lock it.

[member="Darth Pryde"]
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
[member="Charzon Loulan"]
But Nar Shaddaa being Nar Shaddaa, that Miraluka actress posing as Charzon and whose eye implants are paid for by Taking Off on a Star Tour, had a secret weapon off her back hidden somewhere in the kitchen: a LCR slugthrower pistol with 7 bullets, which are .45 Long Colts. Luckily that actress, er, waitress had a basic idea of how to safely operate a slugthrower pistol and to fire one. That is completely unlike Charzon, who would rather operate a massive sniper rifle or an assault rifle like a railgun capable of firing 7.62x51s at 2 km/s (Jessica's SI-74 would be like firing an explosive 12.7x108 at 6 km/s with recoil to match) but maybe the real Charzon would use a LCR slugthrower with 7 bullets. Yet the Miraluka decided against using a F-11D because there were Force-users in the restaurant ready to brawl. Nevertheless the Miraluka actress didn't want to open fire first before the patrons of the restaurant fired.

"Ready weapon!" the Pizza Hutt manager told the Miraluka waitress.

"Slugthrower locked and loaded"

[member="Ruby Senri"] [member="Darth Pryde"] [member="Phislo Bress"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
Something wasn't right here. The man with the lightsaber. He was obviously a Sith judging by the crimson glow of his blade and that meant he was not to be trifled with. He brazenly walked up to the fat guy's flunkies, stabbed through one, decapitated the other with the blade, and set the mans head on his table like it was some sort of grizzly hunting trophy. The big guy she was sitting with was no push-over either as he effortlessly threw the fat guy out of the building. This brutal public display put Phislo on edge.

There was something else that caught her attention, though. The manager wasn't as slippery as he first thought. Phislo caught a glimpse of him sliding towards the door and locking it. Why had he done that? Was he contacting some local authority and hoping nobody here would leave? Not likely. Half of the patrons in this place (herself included) could probably break the door down (or maybe even make a door if one wasn't available) if they gave half an effort. What, then, is his end game? The boy in red was still here, the loudmouth had gone silent for now, the big guy was obviously right in front of her, the psycho Sith was sitting at his table with his trophy daring someone to approach, and the manager was slinking back behind the food server line almost like he was taking cover from a shot fired in his direction.

That left only one person missing. The waitress. What was she doing right now?

The other patrons eyed each other suspiciously after the unceremonious eviction of one man and the murder of two more in the span of mere minutes. It was only a matter of time before someones trigger finger gets itchy and the thermal detonator that has been cooking in the restaurant goes off.

[member="Darth Pryde"] [member="Charzon Loulan"] [member="Nate The Bounty Hunter"] [member="Jan Valdum"] [member="Ruby Senri"]
That was new, that Sith had just killed the town men he'd left on the floor, not exactly what he intentionally wanted, especially not the brutal display of the severed head. Now he was extremely on edge, and he knew through the Force that the girl across from him: [member="Phislo Bress"], was also feeling the same thing he did. His hand had slowly moved closer to his sabers, as he didn't wish to start spraying blaster bolts through innocent bystanders if a fight broke out.

But what the hell was that dudes problem, he'd just killed two men just as easily as flushing the damn toilet. That was a sign, one that said "Fuck with me and your dead." Nate probably sent out the same message when he threw the fat man out, but he at least wasn't labeled as a psycho for it. Fiery eyes scanning the room, he would notice the waitress, a Miralukan. One who's was currently..loading a slugthrower? Not that made all of the alarms go off in his head. Leaning forward slowly, he'd move his hand and tap the girl across from him, using the brief contact to send a message telepathically.

How do you feel about making a quick exit? There's a waitress
with a slugthrower, a psycho, and a loud mouthed kid.
I don't know bout you, but I don't like the looks
of our situation.
[member="Charzon Loulan"], [member="Ruby Senri"], [member="Darth Pryde"]
That was certainly odd. Phislo has been in this universe almost two decades and never before has she been spoken to directly in her mind.

But so the big guy had spoken and she personally liked the idea. She moved into [member="Nate The Bounty Hunter"] 's personal space to say what she
had to in a whisper.

"Door's locked. Need to find another exit."

[member="Charzon Loulan"] [member="Ruby Senri"] [member="Darth Pryde"] [member="Jan Valdum"]
(OOC: Please roll back any mention of the Miraluka-waitress looking-like-the-real-Charzon having opened fire)

IC: The Miraluka waitress posing as Charzon (while the real Charzon is busy on Dac) had a slugthrower at the ready, aiming for the Sith, knowing that lightsabers won't bat away a slugthrower the way blasters will. Poodoo will hit the fan soon enough as the first two of the seven shots of the waitress is fired in [member="Darth Pryde"]'s direction. The Sith Lord killed two in a brawl, she knew it, and Nar Shaddaa law enforcement being a little lax, she opened fire in an attempt to neutralize the Sith kid. As a Miraluka the waitress could sense the presence of the dark side. After the first two shots have been fired, she took cover underneath the counter, despite her being pretty tall... other armed patrons began shooting at the Sith in an attempt to neutralize him.

"Brace for cover! There's a Sith Lord afoot!" the Miraluka waitress told the patrons.

"That was cheesy" the chef told the waitress, while opening the kitchen backdoor to allow unwilling patrons to leave through it.

[member="Ruby Senri"] [member="Phislo Bress"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
The Sith actually let out a chuckle as one of the wildly fired slugs embedded itself into the severed head but not once did he stop devouring his pizza. It wasn't until a slug grazed his right shoulder, cutting into his skin and tearing his robes, causing him to flip the tabled he sat at, The severed head landing squarely into [member="Phislo Bress"] 's lap.

Snap hiss

The glow of the crimson blade lit the room as it burned up from its shining hilt and illuminated his face as those cruel yellow eyes locked onto the miralukan waitress just as she dove behind the counter.....Now there would be bloodshed.

[member="Ruby Senri"][member="Phislo Bress"][member="Charzon Loulan"][member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
Before she knew what was happening the Sith ignited his lightsaber and flung his murder trophy head directly into Phislo's lap. The visage of the Sith's freshly slain kill looked up at her with eyes rolled up in the back of his head. "Sonnova Kath Hound!", Phislo shrieks out and she shoves the head out of her lap and it clunks uselessly on the ground. She draws her pistol and flips the table over for cover before looking at [member="Nate The Bounty Hunter"] "Any bright ideas?" she said as she held off firing until they could think of something.

[member="Ruby Senri"][member="Darth Pryde"][member="Charzon Loulan"][
Ruby jumped under his table, he did the same. Flipping it over. Ruby activated his saber, the black blade emitting from it. "I knew something was up." Ruby looked over at [member="Phislo Bress"] and [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"], seeing them do the same. Ruby could hear them, it was easy. "looks like they're hitting it off real easy." Ruby mumbled as he got ready to engage in combat. Then he realized something. This was all a set. But the waitress was willing to risk her life for money. 'Sounds like all my friends' Ruby laughed in his head as he thought of a plan to either, kill, sever limbs, or dis arm the waitress.

[member="Darth Pryde"]
[member="Charzon Loulan"]

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