Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Broken Bones and Breadsticks (Cantina Beatdown Ep2.) OPEN TO ALL

[member="Phislo Bress"] was a colorful one, and he got lost in the moment for a second, admiring her good looks. Nothing sexier than a girl with a tude and a blaster.

The sounds of gunfire and her comment brought him back to the present, watching the other civilians rush out. One problem, the Sith was going to go crazy and probably kill the waitress and [member="Ruby Senri"]. That he could not allow. Looking at the woman crouched beside him, he almost zoned out again, but he regained his composure and pulled a saber from his belt, the dark orange blade emitting with a buzz.

"Make sure that waitress doesn't blow of my head, and you and I will be good as gold." That was simple enough, unless she thought otherwise. "Sound good sunshine?"

[member="Darth Pryde"], [member="Charzon Loulan"]
"Pleasure to meet you [member="Phislo Bress"], names Nate." Rising he would duck as a few plates where thrown at him. Form who, he did not know. "I wish we hadn't met under such circumstances, but at least we had a 'peaceful' lunch together."

Now slashing through a plate, he would vault over the table, coming to stop in front of the Sith, his fiery eyes meeting the man's yellow ones, his saber hissing. Putting himself in between the Sith and the kid, along with the waitress, he held up his hand. "Not happening kid,"

[member="Ruby Senri"], [member="Darth Pryde"], [member="Charzon Loulan"]
Tiny green sparks jumped and arced between the grimey fingers of his left hand, his right gripped around the hilt of his saber and was wrapped in what appeared to be bloody strips of Jedi robes, His attention now forced onto the man blocking his path.

A low growl emitted from within the Sith as the force began to rumble deep within him..... "Are you sure you want to dance this dance...Padawan?!?!" ...The Sith's voice growing in volume as it seethed hatred and powered now by the dark side of the force. The growling grew louder as the force grew more power within him, His eyes glancing between the boy who'd make an easy target and the man blocking his path... He chose....... " MOVE!! " ..The Sith bellowed, as he release thethe force built inside him outward threw his voice causing a force scream and sending a wave of force energy outward aimed to strike [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] in the chest with a power great enough to shove him backwards if successful...

[member="Phislo Bress"] [member="Ruby Senri"]
Now that she had five shots left, the Miralukan waitress got fire incoming her way, and a pot hung above her was hit by one of the blaster shots [member="Phislo Bress"] fired. The pot hit the waitress on the head, causing a lot of pain to the Charzon look-a-like. She can't see anything through the ocular implants anymore and she feels great lack of comfort with that potshot taken. it was painful because of the hard bottom of the pan. She couldn't fire worth two beans with the pan on her head: it prevents her arms from being fully active in aiming even a slugthrower pistol. But despite this movie being vowed to be different from a Jedi-vs-Sith, the waitress' performance made it look as though she was a Jedi. Probably become a Jedi Sniper if she wants it to.

"Can you get that pot off my head?" the waitress asked the chef.

[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] [member="Phislo Bress"] [member="Ruby Senri"] [member="Darth Pryde"]
Ruby looked to his right. [member="Darth Pryde"] and [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] were about to fight. "ah kark... they're giving in to the system..." Ruby muttered to himself, clearly the waitress and manager were smarter than he thought. Ruby thought about executing the waitress. The manager would be easy, but the waitress had a slugger. Ruby had to come to a decision, try and kill the waitress. Team up with [member="Phislo Bress"] and fight the waitress. Or try and break up the fight, which would obviously get him killed. Ruby rolled over to Phislo and Nate's old table, "hey. We need to get rid of that waitress." Ruby said flatly as he peeked over the table. "I know this is sudden, but will you cover me?"

[member="Charzon Loulan"]
Seing the blaster shots send a pot flying over and smacking the waitress Phislo couldn't help but giggle a bit. It was like a scene out of a children's holo where an animated Nexu hunts a Wamp Rat and a giant Kath Hound constantly makes his life difficult by stopping him in comically painful ways. Satisfied with this she shifts her attention over to the left where an armed Rodian rushes her position with a vibroblade. Seeing this she quickly holsters her pistol and touches her right ring finger to her palm extending a vibroblade of her own out of the gauntlet on her wrist. The Rodian slashes at Phislo overhead and she meets his blade with hers. With her free hand Phislo draws her pistol back out of its holster and shoots the Rodian point blank. With a pained look in his eye the Rodian's grip loosens and Phislo kicks him back and sends him flipping over a nearby table, bring it and all the food and drink with it crashing to the ground. She then goes back to her own table.

"hey. We need to get rid of that waitress." Ruby said flatly as he peeked over the table. "I know this is sudden, but will you cover me?"

Phislo jumps a bit and swings around with her blaster pointed at Ruby. After a bit she lowers it, the young man who was hiding in here was sitting right in front of her. "Why should I trust you?" He was.. Actually sorta cute up close. Still she needed to keep on guard here.

Then she noticed a long silver tube at his waist. She let out a long sigh at the sight, "Jedi?"

[member="Darth Pryde"] [member="Charzon Loulan"] [member="Nate The Bounty Hunter"] [member="Ruby Senri"]
Ruby turned his head to her, "well first you can trust me because we're about to die and the same reason you trusted that random bounty hunter, also if you don't trust we might die. Second, no not a Jedi, don't worry, I'm just force-sensitive." Ruby chuckled a bit, "I take it you don't like Jedis either." Ruby didn't really like Jedis, I mean some were okay. But a lot of them try to stop Ruby from crime. "nice blaster" Ruby then shook his head, they can talk about this after they get out of this deadly situation.

[member="Phislo Bress"] [member="Darth Pryde"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] [member="Charzon Loulan"]
True enough. Allies were a hard sell in this place and obviously the management is behind some of what is happening here. A Gammorean suddenly interrupted her train of thought with a squeal and slammed its axe down on their table splitting it in half right between Ruby and Phislo. She quickly got up and gave the Gammorean a swift elbow to the snout and separated it from its axe. "Help me with this!", she commanded Ruby.

[member="Darth Pryde"] [member="Charzon Loulan"] [member="Nate The Bounty Hunter"] [member="Ruby Senri"]
Ruby nodded and threw a glass over his head, through the Gammorean's stupidity it looked behind it self. Ruby did a lightsaber throw and cleanly cut through the Gammorean. "no problem. When they're not lead by their warlord they tend not to do their best. But what're we gonna do about the table." Ruby looked around and saw all the other tables broken because of the patrons.

[member="Phislo Bress"] [member="Charzon Loulan"] [member="Darth Pryde"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
Jan had immediately run out when the fighting had began. He had been in a bad position to start with, and it was better to reevaluate the position. Jan had run behind the nearest hovercraft, and was watching from afar. It was looking to be total chaos in there. Blaster shots, lightsabers. A full scale war was erupting in there. Plus it looked like more people were going inside the Pizza Hut, and they didn't look like they wanted a #4 to go.

Jan was about to book it when he saw [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] and the Sith look about to face off. Jan sighed and took out his revolvers in each hand.

"Hunters help other hunters...Krayt piss." Jan said as he rose out of cover and blasted a Rodian about to head into the Pizza Hut.

He saw a trio of Twi'leks enter the pizza hut carrying blasters. Two Gammoreans charged Jan with their axes raised. Jan laughed as he blasted the leg off one, and finished him off with a round to the head. The other Gammorean stopped in it's tracks and stared at it's dead companion.

"Seriously, haven't you head "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight?" Jan laughed "Same applies to axes."

The Gammorean squealed in anger, before it's face exploded in a messy pulp.

Jan lowered his smoking revolvers, and admired his work. He then ran as fast as he could through the front door.

"I'M BACK!" Jan shouted as he combat rolled into the chaos.

[member="Ruby Senri"][member="Phislo Bress"][member="Charzon Loulan"][member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"][member="Darth Pryde"]
Phislo sighed as she looked at the tables. Uh, crap. What will we do? She had to think of a solution and quick. The waitress was still dazed from the pot that smacked her, [member="Nate The Bounty Hunter"] and psycho sith are locking blades, and other people are strewn about kicking the crap out of each other. Maybe the bar area has some solid cover or at least the kitchen where the non combatants went to flee.

Wait, where was...

Shots rang out from outside the restaurant and suddenly the front doors flew open with amazing force. Quite the feat considering they were supposed to be locked.

"I'M BACK!" [member="Jan Valdum"] shouted as he combat rolled into the chaos.

The loudmouth. That completes the gang.

"Stay behind me. I actually have armor. Stay low, move to the bar, that will at least give us something. Ready?", Phislo instructed Ruby.

[member="Ruby Senri"][member="Jan Valdum"][member="Charzon Loulan"][member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"][member="Darth Pryde"]

Unused 2

A Pile of Bones In a Jacket
Bones was hungry... His "stomach" growled. Bones happened to be on Nar Shadda, he wanted pizza. Specifically Pizza Hutt pizza. I mean, he can't get fatter he's a skeleton. It seemed like there was a war going on in there, there were screeches, light sabers clashed and blaster bolts fired. Honestly Bones didn't care. Bones walked up and hopped up onto a stool at the bar section, after a few seconds Bones realized no one was going to get him food. So he teleported into the the kitchen, a waitress had a bruise on her head and the manager was laughing maniacally in the corner. Bones walked in and started to make a pizza, grabbing the ingredients using the force.

[member="Ruby Senri"]
[member="Charzon Loulan"]
[member="Darth Pryde"]
[member="Phislo Bress"]
[member="Jan Valdum"]
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
The chef removed the dented pot that the waitress was smacked with in short order. The chef realized that there was still a client willing to order pizzas even when there is a massive brawl erupting inside the restaurant, of which the waitress was a participant at the onset. But because the Sith was tied up, she couldn't bring herself to engage said Sith. But she was primarily there to fight Sith Lords. Ouch, when there are six new brawlers, three Twi'leks with blasters, two Gamorreans with axes and [member="Jan Valdum"] entering the Pizza Hutt, the skeletal client was the only one that actually was there for the pizza rather than as a participant in the brawl. That is, [member="Bones Neutre"].

"What kind of Givin would just use the Force to fetch the ingredients? Anyhow, since the pizza isn't cooked yet, you have fetched the ingredients for a Ziro small-size stuffed crust pizza with three toppings. That will be 7 credits"

[member="Ruby Senri"] [member="Phislo Bress"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] [member="Darth Pryde"]

Unused 2

A Pile of Bones In a Jacket
Bones looked over at her, seven credits come out of his pocket. Bones nodded and put the pizza in the oven. It was obviously gonna take a while so he stepped outside the kitchen. About... twenty people fighting. It was a little funny, some of them didn't even know how to fight. Bones would choose just to sit down on a stool and watch.

[member="Charzon Loulan"] [member="Ruby Senri"] [member="Phislo Bress"] [member="Jan Valdum"] [member="Darth Pryde"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
While they were discussing their plan of action a strange skeletal fellow walked into the bar seeming to be completely unfazed by the chaos surrounding him and sat on a stool and, after a short while, teleported away. Phislo looked on in absolute confusion at this short, portly, walking skeleton who seemed to not even notice he was in the middle of a warzone and didn't make a sound for a moment.

Snapping back to reality she quickly decided to make sure the Gammorean was well and truly dead looking down at his neatly severed corpse. Not seeing the waitress, maybe she was engaged in other matters, she made sure that the path ahead was clear of any combatants. "Go!" She commanded Ruby forward she rushed forth trying to keep pace with him to provide as much cover as possible pointing a pistol at anything that moved and firing a shot or two. The two rushed to dive behind the bar for cover and landed next to a unconscious patron who was tossed over with several shattered bottles from the bar top underneath him leaving him in a pool of multicolor sticky liquids.

"Okay, how do we get the waitress to-", Phislo is cut off by a blaster bolt streaking by and striking the wall behind them.

[member="Ruby Senri"][member="Jan Valdum"][member="Charzon Loulan"][member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"][member="Darth Pryde"][member="Bones Neutre"]
"Kark!" Ruby almost jumped but remembered his head would blow off if he did. "damn..." Ruby peeked out, there was a skeletal creature completely oblivious to his surroundings. "what the kark!?" Ruby shook his head and looked back at [member="Phislo Bress"]. "to get out? she'll probably come... if she doesn't we can go in. Sluggers don't hold a lot of ammo so we could jump around and dodge until she's out."

[member="Bones Neutre"] [member="Charzon Loulan"] [member="Jan Valdum"] [member="Darth Pryde"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

Unused 2

A Pile of Bones In a Jacket
Bones spotted [member="Phislo Bress"] and [member="Ruby Senri"] look at him funny, "what? you just gonna stand there and stare?" Bones said in a joking voice. Then a blaster bolt fired. Bones didn't care. Bones looked over the bar to see Ruby Senri and Phislo Bress under there. "huh. you guys might wanna find better cover. they can get you from there." Bones points over to the door wear the bartenders get in. "and here" Bones points to himself. "of course I'm not gonna kill ya." Bones turned back around.

[member="Charzon Loulan"] [member="Darth Pryde"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
The scream, that startled him. It wasn't what he was expecting. But the words.... Padawan... that pissed him off. This man had no idea of the pain he had endured, or why he was still considered a learner. But he would soon feel the full might of one pissed off padawan. All else vanished, his vision narrowed, red tinting the edges as he missed all else around him, the kids [member="Ruby Senri"] and [member="Phislo Bress"] were pushed to the back of his mind, and the man before him was brought tho the front.

As he was pushed backwards by the power of the scream, a table and all on top of it would come hurtling at him, glasses and plates shattering against him, pieces tearing his shirt, lodging into his flesh. Picking up his fallen saber, he would kick the table that had fallen on top him, bending it as it soared over the booths. His eyes now glowing brightly, the floor would begin to rumble, debris vibrating as he felt that all to familiar tug in his gut. "We'll see who's superior after I scrape what remains of your skull off my boot!" His voice rising, he outstretched both hands, as the sound of pipes groaning could be heard, ruptures in the walls all snaking towards him.

That was when he released his pent up fear, anger and resentment. Now his turn to give an unearthly scream, a tidal wave of water would tear it's way through the kitchen, plowing into a wall, reducing it to the supports as it raged, aimed right at [member="Darth Pryde"].

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