Elijah Beckett
Revenant Five
Elijah grumbled something as he heard Avin's words, memories; ones he'd rather forget right now begun to surface. He took another gulp from his flask before giving the man a half-grin and shook his hand.
"I'd be spoiling my record if it had taken that long. I've had to lead stuff like this in the past, far too many times. From pitching up tents all the way to organising a whole battalion. This though, has been something else. Haven't seen a group of folks so damn dedicated to getting it up and running."
He looked out at the fields before them, now sectioned into different areas; occupied with OSL personnel. Despite his desire to forget his military past, there was an odd sense of satisifaction welling up inside of him.
"For now Avin, I could do with another pair of eyes and ears up here. I was intending to set out and help with the search and rescue in the city at some point, but it seems I'll be having my hands plenty busy here. I take it you have plans to head out and help somewhere?"
As he gave [member="Avin Starfire"] a sidewards glance, the bridge's comm suddenly lit up to life. And Elijah immediately went into action.
"Acknowledged SLV Horizon. You have clearance to land at the designated location, you'll have a clear path to get your wounded to Medical."
Immediately after he switched over to address the base.
"All hands to stations folks, we've got a ship inbound with wounded. Time to get to work people!"
He looked at Avin. "Like I said busy. Someone's gotta oversee this lot."
When SLV Kismet had chimed in, Elijah bit back a snort electing to chuckle instead. He wondered how the woman in question had taken to having a ship named after herself. Pushing the thought out of his mind, he let out a short whistle which sent one of the crewman into action.
A short minute later he gave a nod towards Elijah, who turned attention to the comms.
"Roger that SLV Kismet, you have clearance."
[member="Elisea Korrado"]
"I'd be spoiling my record if it had taken that long. I've had to lead stuff like this in the past, far too many times. From pitching up tents all the way to organising a whole battalion. This though, has been something else. Haven't seen a group of folks so damn dedicated to getting it up and running."
He looked out at the fields before them, now sectioned into different areas; occupied with OSL personnel. Despite his desire to forget his military past, there was an odd sense of satisifaction welling up inside of him.
"For now Avin, I could do with another pair of eyes and ears up here. I was intending to set out and help with the search and rescue in the city at some point, but it seems I'll be having my hands plenty busy here. I take it you have plans to head out and help somewhere?"
As he gave [member="Avin Starfire"] a sidewards glance, the bridge's comm suddenly lit up to life. And Elijah immediately went into action.
"Acknowledged SLV Horizon. You have clearance to land at the designated location, you'll have a clear path to get your wounded to Medical."
Immediately after he switched over to address the base.
"All hands to stations folks, we've got a ship inbound with wounded. Time to get to work people!"
He looked at Avin. "Like I said busy. Someone's gotta oversee this lot."
When SLV Kismet had chimed in, Elijah bit back a snort electing to chuckle instead. He wondered how the woman in question had taken to having a ship named after herself. Pushing the thought out of his mind, he let out a short whistle which sent one of the crewman into action.
A short minute later he gave a nod towards Elijah, who turned attention to the comms.
"Roger that SLV Kismet, you have clearance."
[member="Elisea Korrado"]