Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Broken Core (Rebuilding Mandalore)

Elijah grumbled something as he heard Avin's words, memories; ones he'd rather forget right now begun to surface. He took another gulp from his flask before giving the man a half-grin and shook his hand.

"I'd be spoiling my record if it had taken that long. I've had to lead stuff like this in the past, far too many times. From pitching up tents all the way to organising a whole battalion. This though, has been something else. Haven't seen a group of folks so damn dedicated to getting it up and running."

He looked out at the fields before them, now sectioned into different areas; occupied with OSL personnel. Despite his desire to forget his military past, there was an odd sense of satisifaction welling up inside of him.

"For now Avin, I could do with another pair of eyes and ears up here. I was intending to set out and help with the search and rescue in the city at some point, but it seems I'll be having my hands plenty busy here. I take it you have plans to head out and help somewhere?"

As he gave [member="Avin Starfire"] a sidewards glance, the bridge's comm suddenly lit up to life. And Elijah immediately went into action.

"Acknowledged SLV Horizon. You have clearance to land at the designated location, you'll have a clear path to get your wounded to Medical."

Immediately after he switched over to address the base.

"All hands to stations folks, we've got a ship inbound with wounded. Time to get to work people!"

He looked at Avin. "Like I said busy. Someone's gotta oversee this lot."

When SLV Kismet had chimed in, Elijah bit back a snort electing to chuckle instead. He wondered how the woman in question had taken to having a ship named after herself. Pushing the thought out of his mind, he let out a short whistle which sent one of the crewman into action.

A short minute later he gave a nod towards Elijah, who turned attention to the comms.

"Roger that SLV Kismet, you have clearance."

[member="Elisea Korrado"]
Avin stood listening to [member="Elijah Henson"], his talk on the military got him thinking of his own time in the Navy. Those were good days he thought to himself, at the bridge of a destroyer of patrolling in a corvette.

"Yeah, busy would be an understatement." He chuckled and offered Elijah a cigar before propping one into his mouth. "I guess ill stick around here for a while. But once I get the all clear I plan to start evacuating the flooded valley's"

Avin scanned the bridge area. The building seemed to have an array of flashing and beeping monitors and radios.

Avin picked up a radio set and checked the console for his set frequency.

"All right Elijah, ill be on station two. We could split the incoming and outgoing messages between us." Avin proposed before checking his radio was live.​
Standing there for a moment, the visor turned to regard [member="Reverance"]. Fury boiled, out and over, and as the weapon he held disgorged, Ijaat let the mass-drive rifle in his hands ease over his shoulder, dropping back to it's place under the hammer in the small of his back on a mag-clamp. He remembered the last dance with this beast, and it wouldn't do much good anyway. The A-10 had been circumvented by him fairly easily. Instead, his hand hovered over the lightsaber at his hip, fingers waggling as if contemplating drawing it, and as they waggled the Force would flux and flow around him, the hilt moving as if on strings.

Still in a moments breath the gaze turned to [member="Bethany Kismet"], though with the words chosen it might have been aimed at [member="Michael Sardun"] too. Certainly it was outright ignoring the butcher-lords of the Sith, whose main claim to power was to kill whatever didn't work smoothly. That was a childs way, even for Sith. They were threats, but they were also here obstensibly to help. So he would ignore them until they caused an issue. The voice that came out was tinny, distorted and echoing from the amplifiers in the helmet.

"War is eternal, jetti'se. Your kind can deny it with every dying breath they take, but so it is. It will never cease. I would caution you against speaking too loudly to a mando'ad on the surface of his home about how to be. We are neither enemies or friends in this moment. You do us a service, so your presence is welcomed by us. The requesting of that presence by a failed and disgraced ruler who licks the boots of Sith gives you little protection, understand this. His edicts are only as strong as him, and right now that isn't much. But mistake me not, you are safe. I would defend you to my last for your aid here today. Just as those two petty-kings over there, because of their offer of help, are also safe and under my care. And any of us worth our armor will pay the favor back when the time comes, without debasing ourselves or our people into mindless syncophancy, like some..."

The last words were spit almost, and if anyone doubted they were aimed at [member="Vilaz Munin"], they were extremely dense and naieve.

Now the helmet turned, and again rage boiled around him, a red cloud in his vision, and madness streaking his reason as the screams of his wife and children echoed in his head, and the screams of his own under the care of the Vong Shapers the man had subjected him to. The lightsaber rattled and flew to his hand seemingly of it's own accord, but still waited to ignite. The tip was pointed at the Wrath in an aggressive and almost accusatory guard.

"That one though, is not welcomed by me, and I could give not a whit what any of you say. Vode or aureteii, he ignites that weapon or attacks anyone... He sneezes in a manner that displeases me, and I will take very, very great pleasure in making him cease to exist. And anyone else that steps in that way will meet the same. He is a cancer of madness and an abomination of the Force. No reason will reach him or any in his sway. Now, why don't you take your little leeches and leave, sir... Before I feed you your other eye after I carve it out of your face..."

[member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Reverance"]
[member="Bethany Kismet"] | [member="Michael Sardun"] | [member="Ijaat Mereel"] | [member="Briika Tor"] | [member="Bonde We"]​

"Let's move, get over here!" Vixley yelled towards the Maw as he heard and understood what Bonde We needed. Vixley was carrying a Trauma Care Package and wearing a Trauma Kit on his back. One of the Gurney droids came to Bonde We's side, ready to accept his commands as one of the GHT Evac Droids hovered over to Vixley, ready for anything. "I'm afraid these kits don't have any splints, but they have everything else you'll need. Besides," he knelt down, opening the Trauma Care Package beside Bonde We and pulling out one of the Stretchers inside, "We can always make do with what we got." He said as he tore the Stretcher apart, breaking the bars that were strong enough to hold any large humanoid body with his robotic strength, making six splints out of it. He gave Bonde We a large one and a small one, leaving the Trauma Care Package with him, and attending to the son. He pulled out his Trauma Kit in front of him and reached for the Trauma Spray inside. "GHT, use this and tend to the daughter, then help her get to the Maw." He nodded as the droid accepted the tool, rushing over to the daughter to use the tool and help her wounds.

Vixley shifted his old, geared body to the son. "Bonde We." He gestured to him while he was getting the splint prepared, gently under the boys arm, hoping he was prepared to do the same with the father. "You know," he hinted, "I've got things ready on the MX-2 for the boy... some icecream, some toys and games, but I wonder what the gentleman there would want." Not realizing if Bonde We was getting the gist of the off-topic subject or not, but as soon as he got the kids attention, distracting him from his arm, he forced the broken arms back into realignment. The pain was excruciating for the boy, and he wailed. Vixley was able to hold the boys shoulder down with one hand, while his other put the splint together, and made it tight. Vixley was able to appropriately mend the boys arm for the moment with a splint, and get it over quickly. "It's okay, it's okay. You're going to be alright, son. Shhh... shhh, it's okay." He leaned down, lightly holding the boy to calm him down. "You're son is going to be fine, father."
Outskirts of Keldabe
Objective 1, Rebalance
In Scene: [member="Michael Sardun"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Ijaat Mereel"]
Near By: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]

She'd seen (felt) him draw that weapon once before. But at that time, he hadn't used it. Would this be the same? She was concerned that it wouldn't be. Like time, everything outside of the two of them had ceased to exist. But as each moment stretched, the reality of the situation around them weighed heavier and heavier. Just they two, the Jedi Master and the Monster, once again they could have come to an accord. His pain (accepted, reveled in) was a palpable force on the air- and despite the understanding of how truly dangerous he was....

But there were too many variables this time.



She looked at Reverance with a small furrow in her brow, not entirely certain of just where that undercurrent had come from. No, not where. But how it had reached her. And just what, exactly, he was disappointed by.

Emerald eyes moved to the Mandalorian, his words grind and grit through the dusty air.

"It is eternal," she said, true regret in her voice then. "But I will reject it at every step, and I do not bring it with me here. Today or ever."

They balanced on a razor's edge. While the armored man had drawn his particular line in the sand, the moment would vibrate and eventually shatter if no action was taken.

Rather than wait for any of these men, however, Bethany stepped forward.

"If you gentlemen will excuse me," she said, her voice calm and even. "I have a task to attempt."

And then (much perhaps to Michael's dismay), she continued walking. The path she needed to take would pass between Reverance and Prazutis, but she moved slowly and deliberately. No hurry in her step, no concern on her face.

They would let her pass- or they would act. She didn't know which it was to be. But her stone now was cast.
Outskirts of Keldabe
Objective 1x: Counterbalance
In Scene: [member="Michael Sardun"] [member="Bethany Kismet"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Ijaat Mereel"]
Near By: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]

"Mmmmmm, you will take pleasure in it?" A smile grew, showing teeth beneath taught lips. "You promise?" He couldn't help but get the feeling that he knew the man beneath the armor, the way he barked like a beast held in a cage. What pleasure could be found if that fence were opened, he wondered. His gaze drifted from the dog, contained by some sense of moral integrity, to the woman whom he held an odd connection that now spanned space and time. If only he knew of her relationship to Sekot, how he might feel towards her.

How he had molested the ideals of the children of Yun Yuuzhan. How he had taken the very worst of their kind, those who relished in pain and torment, and lifted them upon pillar and pedastal. How he had funneled all of that anger and masochism and through adhoc natural selection, had made the Shai Domain into something forming to his own image. He wondered if it would break the icy resolve of her intent, her plans to help these people. He'd imagine her, off kilter, to be quite the specimen.

"You must think me a fool..." He said quietly, twisting his arm as he continued to brandish the hilt without true threat of attack. He knocked his tongue from side to side, clear dilation of the pupil indicating the misfiring of chemicals in response to the pain coursing through him. "How could I let you leave, not knowing why I came? didn't think time would be all killed today?"

A seed festered within her, like the cancer the Mando proclaimed Reverance to be. The difference being that for the affliction of this mans presence, there was no cure. And just as he had attached to his twin brother at birth, he did the same to this woman. For reasons he couldn't understand, she was receptive to his form of parasitism. And beneath that shell of purpose, a seed found nourishment and grew connection. Closing his eye, he offered a simple series of images, dated with a peculiar sense of timing. As if the memories had occurred just moments ago. Because they had.

Bullets ricocheting against the walls of a building, sparks showering the stone floor.
The scream of a child echoed through the noise and confusion.
The bones always broke first, but the skin gave way soon after.
Four men devoured, torn to pieces and left to rot, free of various appendages.
The last image, the shadow of a monster, blocking out the light of a father defending his wife and child.

"If a child screams in the empty streets of Mandalore, and his parents aren't there to hear it, does he make a sound?" He raised his eyebrows upon opening his lone eye, as if proposing some thoughtful question. Beneath the surface, he knew she would perceive these memories in just the way they were presented. And that, even for just a small fraction of a second, this murky recapitulation might have provided her some sense of excitement. Reverberating outward from the corrupted ember that hid deep within her.
Outskirts of Keldabe
Objective 1, Rebalance
In Scene: [member="Michael Sardun"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Ijaat Mereel"]
Near By: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]

She didn't stop walking, even as Reverance's attention turned to her. She could feel the weight of it, but her step did not falter.

"Of anything I might consider you," she said, her tone calm but firm, "A fool is not one of them."

The rest of his comment honestly baffled her, however. It didn't occur to her that his presence here and now had anything to do with her- so why would it matter if he let her leave? Why would he need her to know why he had come? Not that she was asking his permission in the slightest. People rarely 'let' Bethany Kismet do anything, after all. She simply did what needed to be done (much to Sardun's chagrin on occasion).

"Atrisia. Now Mandalore. I assume that the same forces that called me here also called you, even if we came for different reasons," she said, emerald gaze finding his as she approached. She could feel Michael at her back, just a pace and a half behind. His disquiet was impossible for her to miss, the singing tension in his muscles as he waited for something to happen.

When that something did, it wasn't what either of them were expecting however.

Her step hitched, faltering for a span of three heartbeats as the image and nearly tactile reality flooded the seed, spilling over into the rest of her.

Without the conscious understanding of the thread that he'd strung between them on Atrisia, Bethany didn't choose the memory he received in return. But the one he sent resonated with a moment centuries past, rather than in the now.

"Oh, they are unharmed," the woman purred, stalking in front of the Jedi. Bethany face was stone.

"You will forgive me if I do not take your word for it, Kaelin. I am here. Give me back my children."

Kaelin tutted, eyes glittering in the darkness of the abandoned warehouse. "To business with you, always. Well, if we cannot chat simply for pleasure then-" She produced a device, pulling up an active holo. The twins slept, sprawled together on a bed, their faces open in dreams and free of pain or concern.

"I have kept my end of the bargain, Jedi." The purring voice gained a hard edge. "Your husband has been given the coordinates. As soon as he enters the image, you will see him and see that they are safe. Now.... for your end?"

Bethany's eyes were riveted on the holo. On the small forms in slumber. Corrine. Rian.

"Once that happens, and all three of them are safe....." Her gaze moved up to the fractured amber gaze of the Sith. Kaelin's lips turned upward into a smile, but there was nothing cheerful about it. "Once they are safe, I will go with you. You have my word. My life for theirs." The quiet resolve in her voice never wavered. She loved all of them enough that there was no hesitation.

Through that unpleasant smile came the purr again. "Oh, my dear. It's not your life I want...."

It cut off there. Just as his left off with the father standing between him and his family, so too did hers. While her family had not been physically behind her, it was not so different in truth. But instead of seeing it from his vantage of staring down at that nameless man, he gained it now from the vantage of the person standing between her family and something far worse than simply death.

There was a heat in her chest, physical as well as far deeper- and she stumbled, just for a moment. It wasn't merely seeing the images, it was far more than that. And the satisfaction that came with them was utterly alien. Just as her own memory was tinged with resolve and sacrifice, his played with exhilaration and a grim promise.

Michael's hand on her elbow steadied her- in more ways than one. She couldn't afford in that moment to look back at him, to smile. But they both understood just how precarious this moment was.

"Yes, he does," she murmured, brow furrowed with the double play of memories filtering through her core. "Though your philosophy needs work," she added grimly, looking back up at him.

"Is that why you're here, then?" No one else had seen the image, so it seemed to come from nowhere. But Reverance would know. And if he were here to further fracture, to further destroy and kill..... she couldn't let him.
Outskirts of Keldabe
Objective 1x: Counterbalance
In Scene: [member="Michael Sardun"] [member="Bethany Kismet"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Ijaat Mereel"]
Near By: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]

He closed his eye, the crows feet loosened against the haggard and worn leather of his face. He was sinew and skin and bone, run to the very end of natural tendency. What stood before her was the embodiment of stubborn resolve and persistence, tied together by an affinity for strife and the ways of the universe. His philosophy may have been flawed, but he would never believe it. Such was his way, stubborn until perhaps the very end.

Something for which he longed. But nothing was ever given freely.

"Is that all you are...A Jedi in distress?" The memory was a vivid addition to his bank, painful and sympathetic. He wasn't entirely removed from such feelings. Desperation, the way strength seemed to miraculously grow when one's progeny were threatened. He saw it in the father and the way he defended his child. And he saw it from her eyes, knowing what fate might come. How...exciting. He hadn't anticipated that that little morsel might have been a two way door! All this suffering that she might have experienced, free for the picking. He just needed to figure out a way to get at it.

Because, at the end of the day, pulling teeth manually became laborious and taxing.

Though his mind may have been riddled with insipid thoughts that blurred the line between lust and mental sickness, he wasn't without his symbolic gestures. It was a gesture that was all but brandished previously, now coming to full fruition. The mouth of the bronze dragon spit forth a vile resentment for life and the lightside. A conical beam shot out, violet in pulsing hue around a core of pitch black. Flecks of blood and embers spiraled in suspension around the unstable blade. And with the ignition, the anathema of its presence was fully realized and left without bridle.

"Why am I here?" He opened his eye, twisting as the vertebrae popped slowly. Vents on a volcano, going off in a chain to resolve some pressure. "I have a gift. For you and all your friends, if you want it..." His free hand crossed from his right to left, indicating all those who still remained through the exchange. "The gift of having no control..." The problem with having only one eye is that when he blinked, no one knew if he was winking or not. With that mystery still hanging about, he turned quietly from the group and proceeded to walk. The blade dragged behind him, sending up ash and smoke from the charred ground. "It's quite freeing, once you accept it." He turned his head towards the Jedi. "I wonder if you can offset the damage I will reap with your...task."

Another memory for her, one of quite significant foil to the image she passed on...

Eyes opened to reveal two boys
Sleeping quietly on beds of feather
Hands shook, with glee and fervor
No fatherly looks from this begetter
Light once apparent in childish eyes
Faded behind such a malicious grin
A world once so filled with cries
Suddenly turned cold and silent
No more noise, no more refrain
Just a life destroyed by the flame.

He continued to move slowly. If they followed, he might get what the Mando promised. If they didn't, he might find all the various families stranded or pulled from the warm embrace of Keldabe. After all, they couldn't save everyone. He would make that readily apparent.
Outskirts of Keldabe
Objective: No.
In Scene: [member="Michael Sardun"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Ijaat Mereel"]
Near By: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]

I'm a Jedi. I'm in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day.

It was no choice at all really. Attempt to continue her original plans here, try to rebalance the core- and he would slaughter every man, woman and child he came across.

And he knew that it was not a choice.

Her hand was moving to her comm as the door between them swung open again, his memory flooding through her as one of hers moved in to fill the void left behind in the dark waters.

Eyes open to reveal two dark heads
Hair soft in childhood
Curled and quiet each tucked beneath an arm
Safe, loved, snuggled in bed
Bonds of family, fierce in pride
Emerald eyes cast over, charmed
Satisfied with each tiny sleeping breath
Lips laid on tiny foreheads

Fingers convulsed on the comm unit as her eyes followed his back.

No choice at all.

[member="Elijah Henson"] [member="Avin Starfire"] [member="Vixley CM-01"] [member="Bonde We"] [member="Jakkor Kess"] @Valea Kitra [member="Elisea Korrado"]
"Attention Lotus- you must evacuate all civilians from Keldabe, focused on the north side of the city- Repeat- Evacuate. This is priority Alpha. All other missions on hold. Repeat, priority Alpha. Kismet out."

She stood up slowly. There was nothing impressive about her height- indeed, she was diminutive and not even simply in comparison to the giants that surrounded her. But her eyes flashed and her jaw set.

"You will not touch one more person here," she said, her tone low but fierce. "I won't let you."

She couldn't change what had come before.

But what loomed on the horizon now?

That she had a say in.
[member="Vixley CM-01"] (sorry for the delay)

Bonde completely got it. "Great, so long as the little tike isn't hurting anymore, I'm fine." Having realized the Vixley had this completely under control, he decided he'd look for more survivors. Doing so would increase productivity, which meant saving more lives. He turned away and packed up his surgery bag and moved over to the Twi'lek father. "Do you know of any other survivors?" He pointed to a house about forty yards away. "My friends live in that house, I don't know if they made it." Bonde knew what that meant. "Understood, Vixely, I'm going to look for other in that house over there. I'm out." The Kaminoan briskly walked to the house, being sure not to topple anything over...
Lotus main base
Objective: 2
In scene: [member="Elijah Henson"]

Half asleep at the communications desk Avin heard a distressed voice come on over the radio. It was [member="Bethany Kismet"]. Avin started grabbing his gear off the desk and attaching to his belt as she finished speaking. Alpha priority? He thought to himself, what the hell was going on? Yet before he could even start to ponder on the subject the base's siren had started blaring, the communications panel lit up with an erratic light show and people were running to every ship they could find.

He thumbed his communicator and instructed the small astromech.

"R4 start the engines and run through system preflight checks!"

Avin ran across the room to [member="Elijah Henson"]

"You ready to go?" Avin inquired as the room rushed past in a frenzy. He heard voices yelling orders in the background just as the first transport lifted off in a hurry which in turn left a sweeping dust cloud to swell over the base.

[member="Bethany Kismet"]
"Jedi," the Exiled Sole Ruler said in a surprised tone of voice. His helmeted head turned around to see Bethany and her colleague as they were busy with Prazutis, Ijaat, and some other stranger. He knew that Bethany came from an order, but he had no knowledge that if it was a Jedi Order. Most of the Jedi Orders he was familiar with always had that word in it. Silver Jedi Order, New Jedi Order, Jedi Order, and the list went on and on. It was known that the Munin had a grand vendetta towards the Jedi in general. He did not discriminate one specific order. Oh, no, he would attack whatever Jedi that was in his way, and take their lightsaber and some strands of their hair as trophies of his accomplishment.

And his right shoulder sported quite a few strands of the Jedi he had killed.

"How do you know that they are Jedi? You've met with them before," the Munin asked to the Sith Lord as the two walked towards the command centre, two Munin warriors guarding the entrance and made way for the two entities.

<Keep a close eye on them. The moment they act smart will be their fate/> the warrior said to his men in the encrypted comm link that they shared.

And then came the question regrading of the cause of Mandalore. There were theories and hypothesis, but they didn't have a concrete case to conclude the mystery. "There are theories and reports of that, yes. But we're not sure who exactly is responsible for it. We're still investigating it as I promise to bring the person who did this to justice." Justice in the sense of making them feel the pain that Mandalore felt before ever considering to end their life.

"The Mandalorians are broken, Carnifex. They've taken a form that is foreign to our ways. Almost like the unforgivable New Mandalorians of the Clone Wars. They choose not to heed to my rallies. They treat the mantle that I hold like some sort of figurehead, and think they have more power than the man that proved to them all that he is stronger than all of them. It makes me sick to whenever they think that they are Mandalorian."

@Reverance @Bethany Kismet [member="Ijaat Mereel"] [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Michael Sardun"]
"I can smell them a kilometer away."

The Sith Lord flared his nostrils and let out a snuff of disgust.

"That one over there." He raised his arm and extended an index finger to indicate the female Jedi, "She makes no attempt to conceal her stench, the Light pulsates brightly from her physical form." He knew the man that confronted them, [member="Reverance"], for he would be known to all former members of the One Sith as the Dark Lord's Wrath, the fury of the Dark Side given flesh and twisted reason. He had disappeared during the waning days of that regime, as had many Sith who knew the end was nigh and sought to safeguard their assets elsewhere.

[member="Vilaz Munin"] bade him entrance to the command center where all sorts of information was being relayed and broadcast to the other Mandalores on-world to coordinate the relief efforts. Carnifex's eyes absorbed everything they gazed upon, but none of it was truly interesting so he focused back on Mand'alor.

"If the Clans are broken, then they must be reforged. If parts of the Clans cannot be brought back into the fold, then they must be destroyed. This tragedy presents an opportunity that we may never possess again. Through hardship will the Mandalorians be remade, devoid of the weakness that held them back for so many years. And with my help, none will oppose you."

+Or the Sith+ Carnifex thought with a smirk.
Mandalore's Surface, OSL's Main Base
Objective: Oversee Base Command
With: [member="Avin Starfire"]
Allies: OSL

Elijah hadn't left the bridge much since the base had officially been set up. While the communication folks had taken over the majority of the traffic going in and out of the base, he had stuck around to oversee it and ensure nothing went off kilter. And for the most part things had been smooth sailing, with ships coming and going with wounded from the city. It had certainly settled itself down enough for Elijah to feel comfortable just taking a seat and trying to find some measure of relaxation in the midst of all of this. Although when [member="Bethany Kismet"]'s message suddenly came through the comms, he was straight up on his feet.

"Karking hell folks, everyone calm down!" His shout bellowed across the entirety of the bridge. Once he had everyone's attention, his voice became more calmer despite the still stern expression on his face.

"We're to evacuate the civilians from the city to our base, not ourselves people. Our job here is to take care of the wounded of this world. Now back to your stations if you have one here, otherwise get yourself ready to move out or prepare for a kark load of people to be on our doorstep all of a sudden."

After that he turned to Avin, seeing the man was prepped and ready to get moving. Elijah shook his head in response.

"Can't, I'm staying here to make sure this goes as smoothly as possible. We were expecting a gradual increase of wounded to the base, not a sudden evacuation order. So..." He didn't finish the sentence, but it was clear that things were about to get a lot more hectic at the base real quick. "Good luck out there."

With a final not to Avin, Elijah was back up at the bridge again and taking control over the base's communication, speaking to the place as a whole.

"Alright folks, we're going to have a whole load of civilians heading our way. I want everyone to calm their arses down, get back to your stations and get ready. I want all transports; and any other ships capable of accommodating multiple people up in the air and heading towards North Keldabe prompto."

After that, Elijah just stepped back and immediately went for his flask. He downed the remnants of it within a matter of seconds. What the hell is going on over their Kismet?
Mandalore surface, OSL main base
Objective: 2
With: [member="Elijah Henson"]
Allies: OSL

Avin nodded at Elijah's response. It was fair enough and he was most likely the best man for the job.

"Roger, ill see you around" Avin said before darting off into the main yard.

It took 10 minutes to fight his way through the crowds and arrive at the ship, its sub-light engines were already running as the cargo door dropped open. Avin rushed inside to meet the R4 unit already plugged in and fastened to the ship's interior, Avin pulled the door shut and looked over the droids flight checks.

"Alright R4 get us to those coordinates and look for any towers. We can use the winch to get people off their roofs."

He slid into his seat and thumbed the gear release before raising his collective and thrust. The ship roared into life sending dust and scorching the dirt below as the ship went full throttle into the air and then blasting forward towards the city's northern provinces.

On the approach he powered up the deflectors and set his sensors to a full life form scan. It appeared on his indication before he could see them on the thermals. Five signatures bleeping up and huddled together. He whipped the ship around and starting lowering his altitude, he was getting many sensor warnings of weather and Eco system state in this area. He better be careful...​
There was a loud, raucous sound in the silence that stretched between moments. Stepping forward, Ijat had jammed a drum magazine into a weapon that looked positively brutal and very much his aura in the Force had sharpened. What was before amorphous and indirect rage would narrow to a needle point of lethal intent focused directly at [member="Reverance"] in particular. His very walk had changed as he began to advanced towards the former Wrath, the gun on obvious point now, aimed squarely at his uncle, and his trigger finger laying comfortably on the trigger itself, ready and willing and likely eager to rain death at the Sith before him. Again came the tinny, distorted voice through helmet amplifiers, and what he said was obviously addressed to [member="Bethany Kismet"].

"Go. Do not trouble yourself with this worm. He and I have unfinished business anyhow. Help my people. Heal the planet. Whatever it is you came to do. I will handle this if it costs me my life. Mandalore will be whole and free again, without licking anyone's boots."

Suddenly the shotgun in his hands rose as the wind died, and he spun into action, the Force burning in him. Five times the weapon barked on a fully automatic burst, plasma propelled slugs rocketing forward in a scattered array at the estranged Uncle of Ijaat. At the man who had destroyed his family and any hope of hapiness true or life for the Iron Father. His rage became a thing that would likely please the twisted man he charged as he threw the rifle down and launched off the ground right at the Wrath. If the slugs had hit their mark as he hoped, [member="Reverance"] would be knocked off his feet and flying backwards, and now about to be tackled to the scorched earth and pummeled by a very angry Mandalorian wearing crush-gauntlets capped in Ostine and Ionite.

[member="Michael Sardun"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"]

Elisea Apollodor

Objective 3
New Orders

Elisea was knee deep in what looked to be sewage when she heard her communications device chirp. "Quith!" She shouted up, "bring me up." Holding her arms were busy. Holding a little boy, checking the harness she gave a thumbs up to Quith. "Hold on tight, we're going up." She told the young lad, as the harness was pulled up. As they arrived they were greeted by the rescue team and just as soon as the boy was taken, Elisea lifted herself up onto the concrete. "Change of orders, where's the Horizon?"

"On'er way," Quit remarked, "the Kismet and Aurora, Dawnstar are headed off to the base, should be there already if 'm not mistaken."

"Alright, let's get the Horizon over here," she said somewhat out of breath with her hands on her hip. Wincing a little she put a hand on her chest and thanked Quith for the water canteen. "Horizon this is Rescue Team 7, ready for pick up we're gonna round up the rest of the civilians and head for the base."

"Ten-four, copy en route to your location."
[member="Bethany Kismet"] | [member="Michael Sardun"] | [member="Ijaat Mereel"] | [member="Briika Tor"] | [member="Bonde We"]​

As Bonde We got up to run over to the house, Vixley reached a hand up to ask him to wait up, but a signal chirped up over his comms. "Vixley, are you there?" Vixley reached up with his other hand, pressing it to his helmet as the hand that reached out slowly fell, "This is Vixley, what's up Alexis?" Vixley continued to watch Bonde We run off as he crawled over to the father to mend him. "I've gotten a priority message from the person that gave you orders earlier, patching it through...."

"Attention Lotus- you must evacuate all civilians from Keldabe, focused on the north side of the city- Repeat- Evacuate. This is priority Alpha. All other missions on hold. Repeat, priority Alpha. Kismet out."

What? What's going on? Why are we prioritizing lives over others? Vixley put a hand on the fathers shoulder to comfort the father as he started to mend his wounds and leg, "Ask Bonde We if he got the message, and see what he's going to do. I'm evacuating anyone near us, and as many as I can. Remote into the Maw, would you? Launch its beacon for me. I'm -eh- kind of busy." Alexis chriped up, "You can say please, once in awhile, you know. Alright, I'll patch in and try to establish a connection with Bonde We, I'm still dropping what supplies I can." The Maw launched its beacon to alert anyone with a reader to let them know this was an evacuation and medical point, helping as many people out as possible.

"Attention; [member="Bonde We"], do you read me? Bonde We, over? Vixley is wanting to know if you got the message from earlier, I can relay it, if not. Otherwise, what do you think of it? Vixley says he is prioritizing anyone near him, he won't move anywhere away from injured."
Outskirts of Keldabe
Objective: Yes
In Scene: [member="Michael Sardun"] [member="Bethany Kismet"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Ijaat Mereel"]
Near By: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]
An eye drifted towards a derelict building in the distance, the faintest sound of children screaming as the building shook. The world was so violent, so ready for his presence. Quaking with anticipation, shuddering with every heavy step, burdened with righteous purpose. Those who drew his ire would experience his compassion, his care for their well being. They would burn in the flames of his hatred. Scorched and charred, they would be all the stronger. But for those she sought to protect, they only hindered the strong. They only diminished the gene pool, made lesser of the whole. Reverance, in all his skewed logic and trajectories, knew his path to be the one of most mercy. This was a gift he would bestow upon them, making Mandalore strong once more.

Those who survived. They would truly show promise.

"What a lovely dream..." He uttered into the hard wind, envisioning the memory that the Jedi had given him. He couldn't deny the allure of a peaceful existence, one steeped love and protection. But that was the weakness of their kind, dissuaded from truest course. It was the easy path, the one were steps were taking down the hill. But he would continue to trudge up this mountain, despite what memories she might have endowed within him.

The CERS kicked in as his left foot lunged forward, an instantaneous response to what he could only assume was a hammer striking across the backplates of his vonduun. A moment of inward thought turned over, revealing the underbelly of anger and hatred and self preservation. The other four shots were wasted as they struck across a barrier, instantly erected as if an ocean of red lacquer erupted against stony shore, shooting upward in a translucent wall. And as soon as it's purpose was served, it dissipated to leave the slugs falling to the ground. Turning, with all the reflexes provided to him through his numerous enhancements, he didn't even have time to check the wound. Strung like a marionette from the tethers of the soul saber, he moved as it commanded. Through the pain, into and immersed in it, the charging Mandalorian only made the former Wrath stronger. And as he approached, he would have felt it too. The sickness, the decay, the abomination. A thick air that hung in the wind, detriment made into a corporeal fog, choking and harsh.

"It will cost more than that."

Behind the wall that would have once hindered further movement, Reverance lifted his left hand with palm facing towards the grey sky. A seed of doubt and darkness grew within the scarred wrinkles, nestled deep and funneling outward. What started as something small and insignificant grew in a moments notice. What might have taken substantial time with his power took but a singular moment, fed to satiation by the force nexus of the soul saber into a black briquette of energy. Crouching, his palm turned over and gripped the item so hard, the power was released in all directions. An explosion of the force, telekinetic and devastating, pushed outward from his epicenter as it careened towards the trio and towards the building that he had seen from afar. Like a wave pushed forward from an earthquake, the ground even seemed to move in response. In attempt to get out of the way.

If the charging Mandalorian somehow found means to avoid the repulse, he'd still be facing Reverance with weapon in hand. Otherwise, Reverance might take a moment to look over his shoulder. To take a moments respite as the building, once sitting so close to the edge of destruction, tumbled off the side.

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Above Mandalore
Objective 1, Rebalance
In Scene: [member="Bethany Kismet"] | [member="Reverance"] | [member="Ijaat Mereel"]




There was a sickness spread by that one-eyed figure and it made him want to throw up. But years as a slayer... had dulled his senses to certain things, they didn't influence him anymore like they used to. Waddling hip-deep in blood and gore was no longer an issue for his stomach and neither was this.

Claws for his hands, he looked at them, frown made apparent as Kismet and Reverance did their dance.

His attention was elsewhere for that duration. Until the danger became real - intent... turned to action and Sardun acted before realizing what his body was doing.

The Jedi pulled Bethany back, before she could start her mad dash towards the building in the distance. Then he covered her body with his, claws carefully out of reach of her face... but right in front of them. She would no longer have any illusions that beneath that thin veneer of humanity, Sardun was an abomination.

For now it mattered not.

His eyes closed and from the depths of his being power rose. Power to level buildings, to break apart tectonic plates and to shatter mountains if enough time was given. Power to root himself into place like a stubborn oak, whose roots were spread out far and wide and would not give in, not even to the greatest of storms.

Michael stood firmly.

And refused to yield.

Within that maelstrom of kinetic might displayed by the One Eye, Sardun thought and then acted accordingly. The winds buffeted and tore at him, but a thin stream of conscience still existed between himself and Reverance. He tapped it, quickly before it could be rebuffed, the Jedi traveled alongside it and then pulled the same threads that the Sith had pulled of his.

A gentle yank and perhaps the voxen beast for an arm would roar in defiance, acting against his master.

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