Outskirts of Keldabe
Objective 1, Rebalance
In Scene: [member="Michael Sardun"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Ijaat Mereel"]
Near By: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]
She could feel the steady warmth of her friend at her back, and as the darkness around them tightened, was glad for it. His words were unnecessary, they echoed her own thoughts. The knowledge that he stood with her and that his mind mirrored her own in this case was the important aspect.
There were no steps taken to close the gap. After all, his presence within the Force was impossible to miss. So much time had passed, and she had no way to know how he had changed, how deep within the Dark Side he lived- except for the corruption she could already feel. And that was not hopefully. He had been lost and adrift when she had known him, half a millennia ago.
It seemed as though he had found his path. It sat heavy on her heart.
If it had only been Braxus, it would have been one thing. But things were rarely that simple. Bethany's eyes cast to the side- she felt him before she saw him. Had known he was here, but simply not recognized the feeling or the implications until that moment. Reverance. Their last meeting on Atrisia had ended peacefully, but she had no illusions about that. If it had, it was by nothing she had done- but by his choice alone.
But Bethany was stronger now- not ripped to this place by the pain of a wounded planet, but stepped on the surface with deliberation and light. She came to help of her own accord, rather than being taken by forces beyond her control. More time had passed since her reformation, and much of the lost feeling had dissipated as she'd found her footing in this new time and began to walk forward, rather than looking back.
She didn't know that the reasons he had responded that way then however, were unchanged now.
Her face was expressionless as his single eye found hers, his hands tearing and rending the biot with a sickening series of cracks and pops and beyond. There was little that could shock her- the interplay of predator and prey and the savagery inherent in that relationship served at the very base of her existence within Zonama Sekot. Life and death functioned in the same moment, always, and she was intimately familiar with that interplay. This was different and she knew in her core.
The fact that he was here, on Mandalore, somehow did not surprise her. First Atrisia. Now here. Reverance was not a simple predator. He didn't kill for sustenance or even for sport. Considering how brief their interactions had been, she was very certain of that, though she assumed that knowledge came to her through the Force, as other insights in the past had.
It was a very pretty assumption.
"Life is the only meaning," she said softly. "It is the entire point. If the fall is inevitable," which she did not necessarily agree with, "Then the rising is the only thing worth fighting for. It doesn't need to mean anything more than simply what it is."
She didn't turn her head, just flickered her eyes back to Braxus when he spoke. The dust swirled in the air around them all, making it thick and difficult to breath. But the tension as another person, a Mandalorian who she didn't recognize joined them, was worse.
"I did," she said simply to his statement. Unlike him, the rumors of her death had been wholly accurate. She paused for a moment, looking him up and down.
"You've changed."
Verdant gaze flickered over Revenance, then back to the masked Mandalorian. She could feel the anticipation, the barely contained energy there, despite his apparently casual stance.
"There is no war here," she called to him. The unspoken 'unless you've brought it with you' hung in the air.
Bethany had not come here to fight anyone. She had come here to heal, and perhaps, more. This was a shatterpoint, and she knew it, though she did not have the skill to follow each crack to it's conclusion. She had not come here to wage war.
The question was only 'Had they?'