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Faction Business Expo and Economic Conference [DCN]



"I appreciate the answer."

Finally Alicia Drey Alicia Drey answered his question. That their partnership was not a fleeting fancy and that her life outside the realm of business would not intersect or cause trouble with their dealings together. Despite her story and weaving of how the events of her life played up until the trial, it was of little concern to him beyond ensuring their business relationship was solid. They both could benefit from one another and to have a hydrospanner thrown into their works so early in their budding partnership would be a shame.

Of course he would continue to keep an eye on her dealings, but to be fair to the blonde, he kept a close eye on all the dealings of those he was in business with. It would be unwise not to ; it could often lead to more business.

Makai picked up a quarter of his prawn toast, a homestyle classic made refined for the restaurant and took a bite. Miss Drey was already digging into her bowl of stew of a rather interesting concoction, although he could identify bantha meat by sight.

"Circling back to more pleasant matters." A small pause he took another bite. "I'll be extremely busy over the next few weeks but when I return from my honeymoon we will have to see if our schedules align and see if you can meet the wife and I for dinner. Perhaps we can discuss the future then and any other partnerships we may be interested in entering. Things will also be more clear with House Mecetti by then as well, I do believe the wife is taking over."

More prawn toast as he thought. A lot was up in the air, acquiring rights and avoiding war could be tricky. It often took time.

"What else has been going on in the world of Miss Alicia Drey? I assume beyond your recent unpleasantness, things have been well for you?"

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

Jocelyn offered a demure smile upon seeing the man whom they had come here to see. They followed after him with a bounce in their step.

"Ah, greetings, Juda. It's a pleasure to meet you. This convention certainly boasts a wide array of simply remarkable innovations. What's being showcased is truly impressive.

I was wondering, which innovations might have caught your eye thus far?

How do you think these developments will influence the broader economic landscape?

Are there any exhibitors you find particularly promising for future collaborations?

Additionally, what are your thoughts on the potential impact of these innovations on emerging markets?

Have you noticed any trends that might redefine industry standards?"
Jocelyn certainly had quite a few questions to ask as they followed after him.
At this point, he was working his way towards Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf and Aurora Industries. Plans to buy that Lominsa-Class Corvette for Salacia Consolidated, Excava-Class Mining Corvette for Aina Holdings, and there was also a surprise for Iko Vel Iko Vel on the docket. Judah was eyeing a Bevelle-Class for the boy for his own personal use. Not as showy as the Santhe Challenger he used, and the old salvager was doing that on purpose. Times were uncertain he didn't want Iko to be caught up if someone saw the boy as wealthy.

Besides, a good first ship for the boy to learn to fly in.

As he made his way to Miss Raaf, Judah laughed at the questioning by Jocelyn Jocelyn .

"The answer to most of your questions : no idea. As for future collaborations, we're about to make one with Aurora Industries. No need to reinvent the wheel when Miss Raaf already has worked hard to provide quality products. My job is just to turn the raw into the refined, this stuff is better left to the experts."



"Remember why the Sith are more powerful than the Jedi, Sidious: because we are not afraid to feel. We embrace the spectrum of emotions, from the heights of transcendent joy to the depths of hatred and despair. Fearless, we welcome whatever paths the dark side sets us on, and whatever destiny it lays out for us."
-- Darth Plagueis.

Makai Dashiell said:
"Circling back to more pleasant matters." A small pause he took another bite. "I'll be extremely busy over the next few weeks but when I return from my honeymoon we will have to see if our schedules align and see if you can meet the wife and I for dinner. Perhaps we can discuss the future then and any other partnerships we may be interested in entering. Things will also be more clear with House Mecetti by then as well, I do believe the wife is taking over."

Alicia smacked her lips at the taste of the potent stew that was in front of her. As Makai explained his plans after his honeymoon with Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell she found her thoughts trailing away from the conversation to another life. She was reminiscent and nostalgic of the simple life where family gathered to break bread while holding conversations about their day and enjoying each other's company. There had been a time where Alicia had had that life. It hadn't been for a long time, and before she had known it that life had been snatched away from her by a twist of fate, and the memories weren't there anymore, but the feeling retained itself somewhere in the place where the soul should be.

Out of the corner of her eye she thought she saw the hand of a child grab her by the wrist, but by the time Alicia turned her eyes to look down the moment passed.

Makai Dashiell said:
"What else has been going on in the world of Miss Alicia Drey? I assume beyond your recent unpleasantness, things have been well for you?"

"I have nothing really to say," Alicia muttered as she turned her eyes back to Makai to lie to him. "I do not lead much of a personal life. I am obsessed by the work. I do, however, have a lot to say about Drey which will be of interest to you considering our last meeting on board the Ayrix." Lowering her palm to the bowl of unfinished stew Alicia found it suddenly inedible. It was far too nostalgic for her taste. "I wish you all the best on your honeymoon. I am looking forward to meeting your family when the arrangement can be made."

Taking a napkin to her mouth Alicia made sure to clean the edge of her mouth. As she did so the sleeve of her red blouse fell to the rim of her elbow and exposed her skin momentarily. It was covered in bruises, healing lacerations and burn marks. The moment passed and she discarded the napkin on top of the stew.

As she stood up Alicia said: "Do you want to walk together to the convention? I am set to hold a conference about Drey in hopes of winning a contract with the Commonwealth and other prospective clients."
Merryn understood well enough that Primo Victorian was going to get the bulk of starship contracts, that was simply inevitable. She did recall that Aurora Industries had once provided components to the company, so that could be a discussion held between the Commonwealth and their friendly rival corporation in the future.

But luckily interest was shown in other areas of the company and their products.

"The schematics for the AI-A440 could certainly be sent over, although we would probably tweak it a little bit. We had named it after some hero from centuries ago for the Alliance. Marketing thought it might entice the Alliance requisitioners, but alas it wasn't to be. More to the benefit of the Commonwealth and other parties though."

The curiosity shown towards the Aureal bow always astounded Merryn, as it had been developed as niche weapon for Lady Raaf's own forces before being offered by the company. And yet, it continued to be one of the more requested weapons from Aurora. "The AI-800 Aureal was designed as a combination energy and physical bow that uses nanotechnology and a miniature molecular furnace to develop different arrowheads and shafts in the quiver. If you have units interested in them, we would be happy to provide it for the Commonwealth."

Merryn's smile would grow as Ivalyn also showed mighty interest in Aurora's line of infantry support drones. Not many corporations or factions made use of drones to support their infantry, typically just developing full on droid units for such missions, but it was something Aurora Industries had sensed would be a useful market to start cornering.

But it was the interest in Abscenite and the way Ivalyn was smiling... Merryn met the smile and the offer by saying, "Perhaps over dinner, Ms. Yvarro?"

The representative would take in the questions from the Trade Federation Senator, nodding along as wondered how they might stack up against other frigates currently in production or use by other galactic powers and corporations.

"We have run simulated combat scenarios for the vessel, using both the previous generation's combat logs along with extrapolations from the upgraded systems in comparison to frigates currently in use by the Galactic Alliance, the Empire based around Carlac, and the Empire based around Lianna, along with some others available for purchase through other corporations such as your own Intergalactic Technology Union subsidiary. What we found was that many of the frigates currently available have been relegated to escort duties, mainly as small carriers or anti-fighter, with no true assault frigates being fielded."

She would bring up the data on the holographic display for the Senator to observe as she spoke.

"One of the closest analogues to the Elwin, for instance the Byblos Star Drive version of the Corona frigate for something you might be familiar with, is far larger in size, presenting a larger target. The Elwin also heavily outguns the Corona and arguably has better defenses due to its armor. While the Corona has a large hangar bay, it also has far lower speeds and maneuverability. When such factors are combined, simulations show that an Elwin could easily take down a Corona on its own."

She would switch to a different list of starships and comparisons.

"Continuing the simulations against other frigates such as the Madine and Corona developed by Aethar Systems for the Alliance, the CO-6 and Stormhawk for the Lianna-based Empire, and the Escolta being used by the Carlac-based Empire, you see similar outcomes as many of these frigates are relegated to escort duties for larger starships or mere patrol duties."

"Exactly," Ivalyn agreed, her voice smooth and confident. Merryn understood, as well as she did, that while the Alliance had passed on the weapon, other factions would not. It would be to their benefit, the Commonwealth's benefit, that the Cassian modular blaster would find a home. Their conversation turned to the bow, the Aureal, which was apparently a hot ticket item. "I can most certainly see why. And yes, while I cannot speak entirely on behalf of said interested parties, I am aware that the Guild is always seeking new ways to express themselves." The Guild, always an odd and eccentric bunch of Force Users, were known for their innovative approaches.

Ivalyn knew that the military sought more ways to scout ahead and gain advantages without the cost of humanoid lives. Drones and droids were usually the way to go, but the Commonwealth, following after their First Order predecessors, was never strong in the droid or drone industries. She looked up at Merryn with a disarming smile, her blue eyes meeting the brunette's dark ones. "It would be my pleasure, and in fact, I can book us a reservation at one of the more exclusive restaurants in town. For privacy, of course, you understand such deals are not meant for just anyone's ears."

She furnished a small stylus and strip of durasheet, elegantly writing down her personal comms. "This goes to me directly, not to any of my assistants. Straight to me. Call me when you're done at the booth, and I'll arrange for your pick-up. Let's say around nineteen hundred?" Ivalyn's smile widened a little, perhaps more than it should have, as she handed over the durasheet.

Afterward Ivalyn had given Merryn another look, she turned to survey the other booths and vendors in attendance at the conference. Among them she spotted Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell who likely was going to be heading up this way to talk with Aurora, but perhaps she could bide her time just enough to talk with him as well. Then of course the Senator Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin was due for a conversation just as soon as he wrapped up his negotiations.

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The Neimoidian Senator listened intently as the Representative delved into a comprehensive explanation of why the Elwin frigate outperformed its counterparts in the battles of 902 ABY having done a considerable number of simulations. It was most intriguing to learn that most of these frigates were mainly tasked with escort missions and combating starfighters, which limited their effectiveness as independent frigates.

The Trade Federation would absorb such information with great interest, understanding that designs such as the Byblos Star Drive version of the Corona frigate were considerably lacking in both armament and speed, making them rather appear outdated when compared to such an innovative design such as the
Elwin. Although the variant did possess a considerable amount of hanger space for overall projection power, it would not be enough to overcome the strengths of the new design in actual combat.

The Minister would have to push for the Federation to prioritize the development of more advanced and efficent spacecraft models that would not only rival but surpass the capabilities of their known competitors by investing in cutting-edge technology and incorporating superior weaponry and propulsion systems.

"You have successfully demonstrated that this design surpasses other ships of the line currently being manufactured in terms of lethality. The Trade Federation is interested in exploring potential collaboration on a future project with your executive team at a later date. Would you be able to facilitate such arrangements?"

He elucidated that Aurora Industries could potentially address an issue that surpassed the capabilities of the Trade Federation.

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At this point, he was working his way towards Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf and Aurora Industries. Plans to buy that Lominsa-Class Corvette for Salacia Consolidated, Excava-Class Mining Corvette for Aina Holdings, and there was also a surprise for Iko Vel Iko Vel on the docket. Judah was eyeing a Bevelle-Class for the boy for his own personal use. Not as showy as the Santhe Challenger he used, and the old salvager was doing that on purpose. Times were uncertain he didn't want Iko to be caught up if someone saw the boy as wealthy.

Besides, a good first ship for the boy to learn to fly in.

As he made his way to Miss Raaf, Judah laughed at the questioning by Jocelyn Jocelyn .

"The answer to most of your questions : no idea. As for future collaborations, we're about to make one with Aurora Industries. No need to reinvent the wheel when Miss Raaf already has worked hard to provide quality products. My job is just to turn the raw into the refined, this stuff is better left to the experts."
Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

"Thank you so much for this opportunity, Judah. I truly appreciate your time and insights. I apologize for being full of questions; it's just my nerves; I've never been to a business convention like this, so it's my first time. I imagine manufacturers really would want a good resource supplier. Defensive contractors likely have a lot on their plate with how often the galaxy at large slips in and out of wars."

Jocelyn jotted a few notes down, drawing out a neat comprehensive table of sorts, and continued jotting notes into it as they padded along after Judah, their long skirt trail furling in their wake. They eagerly awaited to see how such interactions would unfold.


Eyebrow lightly raised at her answer, finding it a little odd. Even his father, the great workaholic Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell ,had hobbies and a life outside Salacia Consolidated. A bite of prawn toast as he regarded Alicia Drey Alicia Drey .He couldn't pin down if Miss Drey was just uncomfortable letting people in, which was understandable, or if she was trying to hide something larger. The blonde had laid out her entire background of the trial, so it was clear she was willing to share something .

Yet she suddenly grew tired of her stew and tossed in the napkin, signaling being done. He still had one piece of his toast and sighed, mentally bemoaning leaving it behind. Makai considered himself a growing boy after all. Yet it was would be rude to stay and sit and finish ; it was clear their time here was done. He could sneak in some more food later.

"Of course."

Makai paid their tab before offering his arm to Miss Drey if she so desired to take it. He had noticed the bruising underneath her sleeve, yet even if she was in perfect health he would still be offering his arm to escort her. It didn't seem a long walk towards the convention center, one of those typical set-ups where there was a nicer restaurant close by for wheeling and dealing.

"I do not see why Drey would not win a contract. Your work in the agricultural realm is attractive alone. Governments need to wise up and realize self-sufficiency, as much as possible, might be needed in these times or risk starvation for their people."


"Thank you so much for this opportunity, Judah. I truly appreciate your time and insights. I apologize for being full of questions; it's just my nerves; I've never been to a business convention like this, so it's my first time. I imagine manufacturers really would want a good resource supplier. Defensive contractors likely have a lot on their plate with how often the galaxy at large slips in and out of wars."

"Opportunity? Wouldn't say this is an opportunity Kid, I just feel bad you're following me around learning...nothing? I mean, you're probably learning what not to do, to be perfectly honest. At this point in my career, many of my interactions are less formal since I know a few folks. Now the ones I don't? Of course I'm on my best behavior."

Judah wasn't sure he was the best teacher in this exact situation. Ideally, Jocelyn Jocelyn should have shadowed him at a Trade Show, those typically displayed the latest and greatest products to buy for business. Those were typically more formal events for himself ; perhaps next time when Jocelyn wanted to join him, if ever again.

"Oh, don't have too many nerves.Not worth it. One of my first forays into business was a Southern Systems Bazaar with Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau .Only thing that saved my ass that day was the fact my then toddler son was with me, really made the business transactions smooth with an adorable kid.Maybe thats my problem now? No one wants to deal with a scruffy old guy."

Judah smiled at his own joke before continuing.

"If you stick with it, going to after-parties and things helps too, rubbing elbows off the clock, so to speak.Just good practice. As for suppliers, my work can be tricky. Salvage is perfectly fine, we have a re-smelting process obviously, but there can be a negative perception. Raw materials generally do better, which I dabble in as well."

If Ivalyn had done her homework correctly, Judah Dashiell was the head of Salacia Consolidated. They were interested in mining, if she understood correctly, but she wanted to know more about them and what they could do for the Commonwealth. While mining was not at the forefront of the day's mission, it was certainly something to entertain. Last she had read, which had been in a book that belonged to one of her grandmothers, was something about the Ocean Energy Combine. With a few worlds possessing sizable oceans, not to mention ocean worlds, she was interested to see if this Salacia Consolidated could help the Commonwealth transform Najarka with its plentiful geothermal vents.

She was dressed in a tailored navy blue suit that complemented her blonde hair and striking features reminiscent of Suki Waterhouse, moved with purpose through the bustling crowds. Her demeanor was one of confidence and poise, her smile warm yet professional. She was still beside the Aurora Industries booth when she spotted Judah Dashiell. With his silver hair and authoritative presence, he was easy to recognize. He was accompanied by a woman Ivalyn didn't immediately know but was keen to identify.

Intercepting them with practiced ease, Ivalyn approached the older gentleman first. "Welcome to Sundiata and the Commonwealth," she greeted, extending her hand towards him. "Ivalyn Yvarro. You must be Mr. Dashiell of Salacia Consolidated, correct?" Her smile was as warm as it could be, reflecting genuine interest and hospitality. "It is my pleasure to meet you, and your colleague?" She presumed it to be a colleague but knew it could be his child for all she knew.

Senator Lodd was still speaking with one of the Aurora representatives, so she would wait to talk his ear off on an idea she had later on. For now, her focus was on making a good impression on Salacia Consolidated. "I've read quite a bit about your work, Mr. Dashiell, especially your developments in ocean energy. I believe there could be some exciting opportunities for collaboration."


"A pleasure to meet you, Miss Yvarro. Thank you for having us on Sundiata, a very beautiful city" Hand outstretched in greeting, a small smile on his face. "It appears your local officials have been very busy."

Judah had just got done talking to Jocelyn Jocelyn about...nothing really, just his ramblings as he spoke of business and how to take in the shows with ease. Which really more easier said than done considering the Kid was literally, a kid. Despite mentioning a lot of nothing, the old salvager hoped they were paying attention now, simply because it was the more formal portion he was just speaking of.

"Jocelyn, shadowing myself for the day. I've begun an pilot internship program with Arceneau Trade in an effort to fast track more into our leadership positions, Jocelyn took me up on a day of shadowing since they have their own company."

Introductions out of the way, Judah continued on about the ocean energy project he put into play ages ago. He was a little surprised Miss Yvarro knew about the project. It hadn't quite caught on, he used it now to power his own businesses that were near the ocean, but beyond that, there had been little interest. Geothermal seemed to be a more popular choice for various reasons.

"I am surprised you know about my ocean energy project. I haven't been asked about that in a long, long time. " There was a small pause, debating on what to say. "I do believe it is a beneficial system, I use it myself. Once you invest in the initial power generation,the only real overhead is labor for the workers."

Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro | Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

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It had certainly been by force that the Commonwealth was shoved out of its isolationist mindset. The onset of the Sith Empire on its doorstep had a habit of doing that to a nation. Ivalyn Yvarro reflected on this as she listened to Mr. Dashiell. She offered a warm smile and nodded at Jocelyn, acknowledging her presence, extended a hand toward the younger woman. Ivalyn remarked on Arceneau Trade Company's fledgling internship program. "Intriguing, and what a wonderful idea," she commented, her tone genuine.

"I did a little homework, one might say," Ivalyn admitted, her smile broadening. "Energy is something we are very interested in, more importantly, clean energy." She was careful not to assume too much about Salacia Consolidated's capabilities, despite her research. "However, I would most certainly like to hear what it is your company would be looking for in terms of contracts and if, as mentioned, you and yours would be open for collaboration?"

She didn't want to leave out Jocelyn. Turning to her with the same engaging smile, she added, "And why don't you tell me a little about your company?"

The convention center buzzed around them, a symphony of conversations and deals being made, but Ivalyn's focus remained unwavering. The chandeliers overhead cast a soft glow, illuminating the polished marble floors and intricate gold filigree on the walls. This setting, with its blend of modernity and tradition, was a perfect backdrop for the new direction she envisioned for the Commonwealth.




Tags: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell ~ Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin ~ Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf ~ Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro ~ Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau ~ Iko Vel Iko Vel ~ Jocelyn Jocelyn

Makai Dashiell said:
"I do not see why Drey would not win a contract. Your work in the agricultural realm is attractive alone. Governments need to wise up and realize self-sufficiency, as much as possible, might be needed in these times or risk starvation for their people."

"Thank you for paying," Alicia said to Dashiell as they walked to the Kankou Moussa Convention Centre. Ever the gentleman Makai gestured for Alicia to take his arm but she refused to take it. "I want to smoke before we enter," Alicia explained. Removing another cigarette from her breast pocket she lit it up and took a drag on it as Dashiell commented on her prospects. We both think alike and yet so differently, Alicia mused to herself as she walked alongside him.

"My analysis of the markets suggests that weapons, technology, ship manufacture and so on are all oversaturated." The pair turned a corner and continued traversing the streets of Dosuun to the convention. "A market that I have identified potential in is the manufacture and distribution of foodstuffs. There are none of the heavy hitters operating in this market right now. Not even the Trade Federation of Planets has identified this as an avenue for revenue and profit. As they say the worm feeds the early bird."

With the backing of Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Alicia had procured lofty investment on behalf of Drey within the Empire. But with the Trade Federation of Planets sanctions in full effect the strength of the Imperial Datarie had begun to wane in light of the Sith-Imperial conflict and the rising power in the form of the Tingle Arm Coalition. If Drey wanted to complete it's five year mission it would require the advantage of operating in other sectors of the galaxy uninhibited by the classification of a C-class economy and 'No Trade Zone' buffer now in effect.

There were other advantages of expanding business into the Dosuunian Commonwealth. As a vassal state to the Sith Order Alicia sought to create influence by establishing a foothold into the Commonwealth's economy which would create leverage in future relations with the Sith. Unlikely to stop the growing conflict between the galactic powers that were set to contest supremacy over the Tingel Cluster there were always the individuals on the other side that could be extorted, coerced or manipulated.

Drey, under the disguise of a burdening agriculture business set primarily within the foodstuffs market, was a conduit set to be used to expand influence within the designated trading zones operating within the confines of the Empire's rivals to establish intelligence gathering to learn of those on the other side who could be turned or exploited for advantage in the burgeoning conflicts of the Outer Rim Territories.

As Makai and Alicia approached the centre the latter discarded the smoked cigarette before checking in. "Alicia Drey of the Drey Company. I have a designated slot to hold a conference today regarding my company. Here are my credentials." Passing along her identification to the conventions security Alicia turned to Makai and asked: "Anything I should know about our operation on Obredaan before I talk today?"

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Interacting With : Alicia Drey Alicia Drey

They walked along as Miss Drey smoked, outlining her thoughts on what was over-saturated in the current market. The Commonwealth had been very clear : the government was only looking for contracts for needs it couldn't readily fulfill itself. Foodstuffs seemed to be one of those. Hands stuffed into his pockets, Makai could only just agree.

"Everyone makes weapons, its nauseating. However, as you say, none of the major players are out this far. There are not many mega-conglomerate agricultural companies. If you continue on this trajectory, it would be easy to corner and monopolize the market in several sectors with ease. There will always be little players, but Drey would be the standard."

Monopolies were not a grand thing, but Makai was aware in their line of work, credits were to be made. It would be difficult to snuff out regional agricultural companies but he could easily see Drey winning market share, there was simply no one else putting out the product. It was certainly beneficial to his acquaintances line of work.

Makai passed over his identification in order to get a floor badge as Miss Drey began talking to him.

"There was a lethane gas explosion. Four injuries, one major. Mining was delayed one day, but this is not exactly unusual. Nor would I share this freely with those you are trying to contract with. Just a heads up in case they ask."

Identification returned to him, Makai pinned his issued badge on his blue suit lapel. Both were allowed admittance, entering past the security present at the doorways.

"Anything for me? This is that last you'll hear from me for awhile so if you have an idea floating let me know now and I can think of it at my leisure."



Judah listened, nodding along when Miss Yvarro mentioned clean, renewable energy. His small-scale projects had been a little bit of a 'pet project' and hadn't caught on well, which he was surprised about. Most of his contracts for the energy sector of his business came from small time governments in the Tingel Arm, looking for sustainable and low cost ways to power towns.

"Renewable and clean is not as ambitious as folks think. In addition to the ocean energy combine, we also have an algae biofuel and a hydropower station, although we could be open to configuring more. It just depends on what you are looking for, modifications wouldn't be a big issue. I'm big on the biofuel just because you can use your local citizens to farm it, it can be a very patriotic product if you think about it."

On to the next matter of business.

"Long term or short term, I am rarely picky when it comes to contracts. Business is business Miss Yvarro, one small product sold can lead to a beneficial relationship in the future. Rarely do I push in one direction or another, at such events such as this. Its more important to get our name out in this area. As for collaboration, yes, Salacia Consolidated can play well with others."

Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro


"While that is true enough," Ivalyn conceded, acknowledging that renewable and clean energy were not always priorities for factions and governments. "Excellent, I do like to hear of new sources of renewable energy. Those that I represent would be very interested in talking with you on a more one-on-one basis regarding these projects, and very specifically implementing them on different member worlds." Once the new budget was approved, anyway, but that was a matter for a different day.

Ivalyn listened to Mr. Dashiell speak regarding business and answered quite promptly, "Both, although the former more so than the latter. We prefer stability and long-term commitments." She smiled at the mention of playing well with others, "Excellent, good to hear. Well then, let us meet again whenever is convenient for you. I'll leave you with my details, and my assistants can arrange for a one-on-one meeting. That way, we can discuss a contract in greater detail."

Salacia Consolidated had certainly won its way to securing a contract. "If you'll both excuse me, I must be on my way." There were more companies and contracts to entertain, certainly. As Ivalyn walked away from Mr. Dashiell, confident in being able to secure them for energy projects, she received a notice to attend the Drey presentation. She supposed she was obliged to show up, but after giving a read over Drey's products, Ivalyn grimaced. The Commonwealth was not interested in foodstuffs; they were quite self-sufficient in that area and would likely not be offering Drey a contract.

Still, it was a matter of face, she supposed. Ivalyn looked over her shoulder toward where the Senator had been, likely still talking to the Aurora Industries representative. She'd have to arrange a meeting with him later, or perhaps better speak directly to the IGBC. Checking the chronometer on her wrist, Ivalyn picked up the pace and headed back over to the hotel for the conference. At the very least, she could tell them directly what the Commonwealth was and was not looking for.

Ivalyn slipped into the back of the Conference, standing by the exit.

The sales representative would offer the Neimoidian Senator a glowing smile as he inquired about the possibility of the two companies working together in the future. "I am merely a sales representative, Senator, so if you are interested in ordering some of the Elwin frigates for instance, I can requisition that right away. Otherwise, I can certainly pass along the message to Miss Sellek and Lady Raaf that the Federation is interested in collaboration."

She knew both of her bosses would be interested in furthering ties within the Federation, although they might be more... aggressive in what those negotiations might entail and what they might end up seeking from the Federation.

Merryn would offer the High Commissioner another smile at the offer of an exclusive dinner and the direct line to her personal comm channel. "Nineteen hundred would be perfect, Miss Yvarro. I look forward to further... discussions."

Once the High Commissioner moved off to speak with other vendors among the trade hall, Merryn would turn her attention back to facilitating Aurora's influence on the trade floor. There would be an update to the Aurora display as a brand-new ship would appear in their civilian offerings, displayed prominently next to the older Excava-class Mining Corvette. Aurora Industries was taking the opportunity for the exposition to reveal the next-generation mining corvette on offer from the company, the Zeltennia-class Mining Corvette, and to begin orders for the vessel for interested parties before they fully went on sale.




Tags: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell ~ Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin ~ Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf ~ Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro ~ Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau ~ Iko Vel Iko Vel ~ Jocelyn Jocelyn

Makai Dashiell said:
"Anything for me? This is that last you'll hear from me for awhile so if you have an idea floating let me know now and I can think of it at my leisure."

Alicia stopped outside the entrance to the Conference as her time with Makai was coming to an end.

"Yes. Our operations on Obredaan have to be expanded. One Cortosis mine is not not sufficient for our business when there are other deposits available for capture," Alicia replied. "Emeritus Industries owned several mines at it's peak. A survey should be arranged to learn of their locations, our competition and the viability for their extraction. There is also a discovery on Ord Cantrell that will be of interest to Salacia. Ionite deposits were discovered on the sea bed. Since it's annexation under the umbrella of these 'dark' Imperials in the Core there has been no work to re-establish the mining operation Governor Andren had in place before he was deposed of."

Stepping forward Alicia planted a goodbye kiss on Makai's cheek and gave him a warm smile. "We will need to meet with the new head of House Mecetti to discuss these matters now that she has taken over the operations of Mecetti Industries. I was saddened to hear what happened to Casteban. Enjoy your honeymoon from Myra. See you around, Makai."

Leaning away from him Alicia turned to enter the convention to begin her presentation to the Dosuunian Commonwealth and their other invited guests.

"Welcome to my presentation about Drey Incorporated: an agricultural company specialised in the manufacture and distribution of foodstuffs within the territories of the Empire of the Lost," Alicia said in greeting to the attendees of the Conference. Raised in front of her was a microphone and a plinth to be used in her presentation to the audience. "My name is Alicia Drey. I am the owner of the Drey company, and head of it's operations in five systems. It is my intention today to present my company to the Dosuunian Commonwealth as a new supplier of foodstuffs and ores. I would also like to take this time to invite other dignitaries present at this Conference to reach out and begin business relations."

Alicia paused her speech while turning to pick up a remote from the top of the plinth in front of her. She then turned around and pointed the remote up at a screen to display Drey Incorporated to the audience.

An agricultural company based in the Lianna system.


  • From the ocean world of Ruisto enjoy our fresh produce of Fish native from the saline sea waters caught by local fishermen under our employ and housed within several fishing colonies located across the planet. We are also are a supplier of Salt.​
  • The rich farmlands of Lothal are ready to supply you with Wheat and other foodstuffs cultivated in our homesteads including our native Nerf and their famous Blue Milk. Among our catalogue of foodstuffs produced locally by our native farmers Drey Incorporated stand ready to make arrangements for the supply of Doonium to our customers.
  • Among our portfolio are the rare skills of the Keganites. The animal cultivation skills of these people are infamous among the systems that make up the Tion Cluster. We can offer our customers the skillset of our valued employees in the raising and cultivation of a number of animals for numerous tasks including their butcher for fresh meat; the acquisition of hides; or training of livestock for a variety of needs.
  • Deep within the swamplands of Obredaan Drey Incorporated- in collaboration with our partners Salacia Consolidated, Arceneau Trade Company and Mecetti Nationalized Industries- can offer the rare ore of Cortosis to our prospective clients as well as Duranium and Titanium from Drey's Mine.

Drey seeks to offer it's wide array of foodstuffs and ore to the Dosuunian Commonwealth, and other interested dignitaries in attendance.

We look forward to working with you.
Alicia Drey.

"Drey Incorporated specialises in the manufacture and distribution of foodstuffs," Alicia explained while information about her company was streamed to the attendees. "With backing from the Imperial Ruling Council on Lianna we have expanded our operations across the Empire held systems of Lothal, Ruisto and most recently Kegan. This grants Drey access to numerous sources of food that we are currently distributing across the Empire of the Lost and now wish to open our distribution services to that of the Dosuunian Commonwealth and others represented here at today's conference. I also have in my possession various contacts in the upper echelons of the Empire that can see to the supply of Doonium to both the Commonwealth and other prospective clienteles for the right price. With Drey on your side you will find negotiations with our Imperial clients will go smoothly with our assistance should you make inquiries with me after today's conference is finished."

"Perhaps our most important asset are our valued employees in the form of the Keganites. These masters are experts in the raising and cultivation of a wide variety of animals for centuries. Arrangements can be made for our clienteles to receive the expertise of the Keganites. Feel free to inquire at your early convivence into our foodstuffs operations."

With the remote control Alicia pulled up an image of Drey's Mine: located within the swamplands of Obredaan. "Drey recently incorporated the operations of Drey's Mine into it's portfolio after signing a deal with our partners from Salacia Consolidated, ATC and House Mecetti. I would like to take this time to wish our condolences to the Mecetti family for their loss."

After a brief silence Alicia moved on. "On top of the Doonium that we have to offer we can include in our portfolio the supply of the rare ore of Cortosis from our operations on Obredaan. The unique resistance of this material to blaster fire or other forms of energy based weapons- including the legendary Jedi Lightsabers- makes this a highly valued commodity that we can offer a supply of to the Dosuunian Commonwealth and other clientele. Among the Cortosis ore harvested- with thanks to the expertise of the Dashiell family- are deposits of Duranium and Titanium. These ores are widely used in the construction of ships, vehicles or other defensive technologies."

As Alicia's presentation came to a close it was time to seal the deal. She needed today to be a success in order to land a foothold within the Dosuunian Commonwealth. This would give her leverage in her future interactions with members of the Sith Order. It was vitally important to her other work. "In these trying times, as galactic powers across the Galaxy vie with each other for supremacy, it has never been more important for places such as the Dosuunian Commonwealth to make friends. By entering into a business relationship with Drey the Commonwealth would not merely gain access to our products and skills of our valued employees but would also gain an opportunity to work alongside myself."

"I have created numerous contacts across the Galaxy that would benefit the Commonwealth, and indeed, other clientele that we may gain from todays conference. My partners at Drey's Mine are well known experts in the extraction and supply of numerous products that any civilization needs to thrive even in these trying times. From Salacia and their expertise in mining or salvage to Arceneau Trade Company and it's trade networks alongside it's subsidiaries to the vehicle and ship manufacturing juggernauts in the form of Mecetti Nationalized Industries of Obulette or Santhe-Sienar of Lianna working alongside me opens up doors to any of my valued clients."

"I am uniquely placed in the Galaxy to provide and render an assortment of services to the Dosuunian Commonwealth as well as other clients that I may attract today. I will now take questions."


Although they engaged in friendly interaction, the Neimoidian Senator harbored certain reservations regarding collaborating with Aurora Industries. While acknowledging the company's expertise in various industrial sectors like shipbuilding, there were persistent rumors surrounding the corporation that made him hesitant, to engage in lengthy business discussions. Although it would allow the Federation an opportunity to closely observe their competitors, and indentify any weaknesses or gaps in their own technology.

This, in turn, would enable them to make necessary improvements and innovations to mtain their position as the foremost leaders in industry. Additionally, they would gain valuable insights into emerging trends and market demands, giving them a much needed edge in meeting the needs of their customers. Lodd reciprocated with a fleeting smile towards the sales representative.

"I will patiently anticipate their reply, Miss Representative. As you know, the Trade Federation Headquarters have been moved to the Planet of Druckenwell, away from the Core War between the Galactic Alliance and the Dark Empire. So I shall relay a message of my own to the Commanding Viceroy."

Lodd aimed to provide some reassurance to the Representative regarding the safety of the Trade Federation's main office, which had been relocated far from the Galactic Alliance's borders due to the escalation of the GA-DE Core War in the vicinity of the region. Also making note to inform the Commanding Viceroy of the interaction, and hopefully set up a proper meeting.

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