Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Business Expo and Economic Conference [DCN]


Alicia Drey Alicia Drey

There were a number of items working against Drey, unfortunately. The first being that the Commonwealth was already self-sufficient when it came to foodstuffs, having prided the home sector of which Sundiata was part of being the breadbasket of the nation. The second was that the Dosuunian Commonwealth had just secured contracts with or were in the process of securing contracts with Arceneau Trade Company and Salacia Consolidated to provide cortosis, doonium, and other energy and mining needs.

The next strike was that given the upcoming announcement of the Commonwealth's partnership with the Sith Order, work and contracts with the Empire of the Lost and any affiliated Lords were to be avoided at all costs. Ivalyn grimaced inwardly; it would be her task to deliver the news. She decided to deliver the message in person. While she could have taken the coward's way out, she refused and thought to make this as quick and as brief as possible.

Over at the side, away from the main presentation area, Ivalyn waited until Drey Incorporated's representative was able to speak with her personally. "A pleasure meeting with you. I do apologize, but I will have to make this brief. I do have other appointments to get to. The Dosuunian Commonwealth will be declining." That was that. Ivalyn did not owe them an explanation; no simply meant no. "It was a beautiful presentation. Thank you for your time, and I wish you the best of luck."

The Dosuunian Commonwealth had its word on Drey Incorporated, and that word was no. They simply were not interested in what was being offered. Ivalyn didn't stick around, just as soon as she had given the word she did her best to make haste for the nearest exit. She had two important meetings one with Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell and the other and perhaps more importantly her date with Merryn the lovely Aurora Industries representative, not-date, a meeting. It was simply a business meeting to be held after hours at one of the most exclusive restaurants in town. Nothing the soon-to-be High Representative couldn't get into, but as she checked her chrono she might have a chance to hunt down Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell and maybe Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin if they were still about.


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