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Approved Starship BZ-Ceptor

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Manufacturer: Anyone with a shop and holonet access
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Limited
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Average

  • BZ-Cepter Composite Fighter
    ("Busy Ugly")

    "You can have a job done FAST, CHEAP, or WELL DONE, but you can only pick TWO options."

    ~Every "Ugly" technician that has ever lived~




    a) To make use of some of my old artwork.
    b) To make a powerful snub fighter for outlaws on the open market.

    Image Source:
    Main Image:​
    Edited on:​
    BG remover
    Targeting Computer:​
    Subspace transceiver:​

    Canon Link:
    Z95 Headhunter (X) (X) (X)
    TIE Intercepter (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
    B-wing (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
    Ugly (X) (X)


    Primary Source:



    Anyone who has access to a fully equipped shop, the Holonet, salvaged parts, and has sufficient mechanical aptitude can assemble these ships.

    Typically, outlaws

    Market Status:
    Open Market

    Formal Designation:​
    BZ-Cepter Composite
    "Busy Ugly" or "Busy"

    "Busy Uglies" are not manufactured in a factory setting. They are assembled from salvaged parts by skilled technicians in privately owned shops using plans and schematics that can be found on the Holonet. This process is smaller in scale and results in a much slower output than mass or minor production starships. This leads to a virtually LIMITED supply of these fighters on the open market at all times.

    • Z95 Headhunter fuselage and engines
    • TIE Interceptor wings
    • B-wing rotating collar
    • Custom fabricated fittings and adapters
      • Specifications and drawings can be downloaded from a holonet server.
    • Crossover compatibility software
      • Program files can be downloaded from a holonet server.
    *The parts can come from any iterations of the aforementioned fighters from any era. Ie: the fuselage can come from a 21 BBY Z95 headhunter, or the wings can be salvaged from a 900 ABY series TIE interceptor variant.



    • Size:
      Multi-role Composite Starfighter
      11.8m / 16.74m
      9m (ish) / 18.13m
      6.6m / 5.3m
      *dimensions will vary depending on the specific vintage of each ship that has been canibalized or salvage to create these fighters.

    • Armament:
      Nominal Rating​
      Strike Mode​
      Very High

      X4 L.s9.3 or L.s9.7 Laser Canons
      The exact model of laser canons may vary based on what vintage of TIE interceptor was used in the construction of the BZ-Ceptor, and is not limited to the L.s9.x series.

      A holonet server can provide downloadable instructions and software for upgrading the MG5 missiles with an XM-15 guidance package to make them more capable of resisting various countermeasures, including MDTs and chaff, if a technician chooses to put in the extra effort.

      In "Strike Mode", the extra power that is generated by the TIE Solar panels is re-routed into a specially installed "weapons system of choice". Most Busy Uglies have B-wing Composite lasers to make use of this extra power.

      Fire Control OPTIONS
      The technicians that put these fighters together will usually only choose one of the fire control systems from the Z-95, TIE interceptor, or the B-wing. On very rare occasions, all three will be chosen and tied to their respective weapons systems for enhanced compatibility, but that is expensive, rare, and difficult to manage.

      Strike Mode Overview
      The TIE interceptor solar panels and solar ionization reactor generate extra power in addition to the Z95 power plant. This extra energy is routed into a special weapons system whenever the pilot activates the "Strike Mode" power configuration. Most BZ-Ceptor technicians will choose to install the B-wing composite laser array, since it ties in well with the rotating collar that holds the ship together. Otherwise, when the ship is not in Strike Mode, the fighter still has TIE interceptor lasers and Z95 headhunter missiles to rely on.

    • Defenses:
      Nominal Rating​
      Gauntlet Mode​
      Very High

      Note: components are not strictly limited to the following list and may vary based on the models of ships that have been used in the creation of each BZ-Ceptor
      Countermeasure Options​
      Gauntlet Mode
      The solar panel wings generate extra power in addition to the Z95 power plant. This extra energy is rerouted into the shields for extra protection whenever the pilot activates Gauntlet Mode. However, this feature force-feeds the excess energy through the shield systems and risks burning them out if it is active for too long.
      Note: recent technological trends favour the implementation of advanced countermeasures in the construction of most modern fighters. For this reason, technicians will usually try to install these items. But not every ship has them, and the quality depends on the skill of the technician doing the job.

    • Squadron Count:
      Average | 12 fighters​
      Whilst a full squadron of these fighters typically totals 12 ships, it is very common to encounter squadrons that are not up to full strength. This is due to the fact that these ships take a long time to build or repair, and fringe combat units will often struggle to replenish lost ships in between missions.

    • Maneuverability Rating:
      Dogfight Mode​
      Very High

      Nominal Maneuvering Systems
      The B-wing rotation collar assists with maneuvering as it rotates the wings and fuselage to help manage inertia.

      Dogfight Mode
      In the holonet download package, there are specific instructions for installing additional maneuvering thrusters in the ends of the wings as shown. When the power grid is put in Dogfight Mode, the excess power that is generated by the solar panel wings is rerouted to these thrusters for a massive boost in maneuverability. But if the pilot is careless and overuses this feature, the overwhelming power throughput can burn out the thrusters or strain the rotation collar to failure.

    • Speed Rating:
      Nominal Rating​
      Intercept Mode​
      Very High

      Propulsion Systems
      A typical BZ-Ceptor uses 6 ION engines: 4 headhunter engines, and the two TIE interceptor engines are behind each of the wing pylons.
      • x4 2a fission ion engines (or x2 if using the clone wars variant)
      • x2 P.s5.6 twin ion engines or whatever TIE interceptor variant is available at the time of assembly. A small allocation of power from the wings generates additional thrust to compensate for the extra weight and drag created by the rotation collar and TIE interceptor wings.
      • Repulsorlifts for flying in atmosphere or VTOL.

      Intercept Mode
      The Z95 power plant is sufficient to provide power for most systems, so the solar panel wings with the Solar Ionization reactor generate a surplus of extra energy. When the power grid is switched to the intercept configuration, the excess power is channeled through the P.s5.6 twin ion engines for a massive increase of speed. However, if the pilot abuses this feature for too long, the throughput of overwhelming power can burn out the twin engines and render them useless, but leaving the Z95 engines intact.

    • Hyperdrive:
      Sometimes: Yes
      • Depending on the specific model of Z95 headhunter used for the fuselage, sometimes a hyperdrive will come already installed when the technician is assembling the BZ-Ceptor. Usually, this will be a class 3 hyperdrive.
      • Sometimes, if the headhunter fuselage used does not come with a stock Hyperdrive installed, the technician will attempt to install an aftermarket Hyperdrive if they feel so inclined. This will very rarely be anything better than a class 2 due to cost restrictions.
      • Sometimes, the chosen Z95 fuselage will be salvaged from a derelict and the hyperdrive will be damaged or missing, so the technician might choose to forego the hyperdrive altogether if the client is planning to use a carrier anyways.



    • Amenities
      Safety: For an Ugly, there is a surprisingly wide range of safety features available for it, providing that they are properly maintained. The B-wing's rotation collar can eject the fuselage into space and support atmospheric re-entry. There is an Ejection seat, which usually comes with the Z95 fuselage, along with a proper Life support system. The TIE interceptor parts will often include a few deployable AE-35 subspace transceivers, which can be tasked easily as emergency becons. In the small locker under the seat, there is an emergency survival kit as well.

      Storage: Being a Starfighter, there isn't very much room for cargo, but there is some space. Under the fuselage is a small trunk that holds up to 85kgs of cargo, and under the pilot seat is a small locker than holds a survival kit and whatever personal effects that the pilot likes to keep at hand during a long flight.

    • Avionics
      Sensors: When assembling these uglies, the technician will choose between what is available for sensor packages from the B-wing, Z-95, or TIE interceptor. The choice depends on the condition of the used parts, customer requirements, and the preference of the technicians involved. Some of those options will include, but are not limited to:
      Navigation: Same situation as the sensor selection, navigation avionics packages are chosen by the technicians, and are not limited to:

    • Power Plants
      The BZ-Ceptor is infamous for utilizing two power plants thanks to the way it implements multiple other models in its construction. The primary power source is a generic Novaldex generator, which was commonly used in Incom fighters such as the Z95 Headhunter and the X-wing. The secondary power plant is usually a I-a3a solar ionization reactor fed by Solar panels wings, which is extracted from whatever TIE Interceptor model is used when assembling these uglies. Rarely, the TIE Interceptor model used will have a different power supply like Pre-charged deuterium power cells, or some other iteration, depending on what's available during construction. The secondary power supply is excessive for the system requirements of the ship. Therefore it is used to supercharge individual systems, but at the risk of burning those systems out.

    • Communications
      Comms can be anywhere from "fairly standard" to "highly sophisticated", depending on who's building the ship. At minimum, a standard communication system is accompanied by a proper laser comms array to penetrate interference or avoid communications interceptions. Occasionally, a technician will also bolster these systems by installing a signal booster for traversing harsh environments. Additionally, sometimes the TIE interceptor parts will come with a few deployable AE-35 subspace transceivers, which can be used as remote relays in high-interference environments.

    • Landing Gear
      Deck Landing: When sitting on a flat surface, the Busy sits on the two solar panels at the back, and for a third point of contact, the landing strut under the nose of the Z95 fuselage extends downward. Since there is a difference in lengths between the wings and the nose gear, the fighter leans comically forward whenever sitting on the ground.

      On Racks: Because the wings are on TIE interceptor pylons, the BZ-Ceptor is also compatible to dock with TIE series hangar racks.



    • Surplus Power Supply
      The BZ-Ceptor is unique from most other "Ugly", or Composite fighters because of its abundance of energy. The B-wing collar replaces the aft hull coverings behind the cockpit and is thus much roomier than the Z95 rear hull. This extra space is filled with not one but two generators: the original Z95 power plant and the TIE interceptor's Solar Ionization Reactor. The Z95 generator is straightforward enough and successfully runs most of the ship's systems. However, the Solar Ionization Reactor generates an additional surplus of power that is far more abundant than the little fighter needs. Therefore, 4 special systems such as weapons and engines have been added to make use of this extra power. But only one of these four systems can be active at a time, so the pilot must select a specific mode in order to use each of them.

      This extra power source is also less durable than the primary Z95 generator, since it needs to be custom fitted into the aft hull space, and the Z95 generator is all stock. Therefore it is highly sensitive to ION or EMP damage and the extra features can be temporarily lost if the system is exposed to such attacks.

    • Strike Mode
      Tucked-in tight with the TIE interceptor lasers on the wings are the emitters for the B-wing composite beam laser…. on most Busies. The Z95 power core doesn't have enough juice to power this weapon, so it remains unusable until sufficient power is routed from the additional solar ionization reactor and solar panels. However, the power supplied by the solar ionization reactor is excessive in this mode and, if overused, can burn out the composite beam laser emitters.

      If a composite laser isn't wanted by the owner, then it can be substituted with bomblet generators, energy torpedoes, or some other heavy energy weapon… or nothing at all.

    • Gauntlet Mode
      When Gauntlet mode is activated, all of the power that the secondary reactor produces is routed directly into the Z95 shield generator. This is the only special mode that doesn't have its own dedicated auxiliary system, since none of the TIE interceptor or B-wing components that were used have any shielding accommodations. If this mode is active for too long, the shield pojectors will burn out and the whole fighter will have to rely on its hull for protection. It is only ideal for when the pilot has to "run the gauntlet" and survive an intense barrage for a short period of time.

    • Dogfight Mode
      In nominal mode, this fighter achieves average maneuverability by using a B-wing rotating collar in conjunction with the usual Z95 maneuvering systems. When Dogfight Mode is selected, the auxiliary maneuvering thrusters installed in the TIE interceptor wings are activated and supercharged with an abundance of power from the secondary power supply.

      In this mode, the pilot must be careful not to overstress the maneuvering systems. If abused, the auxiliary maneuvering thrusters can burn out from the overwhelming energy throughput, and the rotation collar could get damaged and seized up.

    • Intercept Mode
      The BZ-Ceptor has two sets of ion thrusters, from the Z95 and the TIE interceptor, totalling six engines. This is a necessary measure to maintain an average amount of speed, since the fighter is heavier than both the TIE interceptor and Z95. However, activating intercept mode can drastically increase the speed by rerouting all of the extra power from the auxiliary solar ionization reactor and solar panels to the TIE interceptor engines. As with the other three special modes, this feature can be overused to the point of burning out the interceptor engines and reducing the ship's overall speed.

    • Rotating Collar
      Many generic Incom-Sienar composite fighters tend to suffer when it comes to structural integrity and high-G performance. Sometime in the last 9 centuries it was discovered that using a B-wing rotation collar can be used to strengthen the connections between Sienar and Incom components, much like with the twi'lekk deathseed fighters. This collar also rotates to help improve maneuverability and allowed for integration of b-wing components for more capabilities.

    • Not all BZ-Ceptors have this feature, but when they do, it usually comes with the TIE interceptor parts and is installed out of convenience. When it is installed, the transceivers can be deployed in flight to facilitate reliable communications relaying in harsh conditions. Alternatively, in an emergency, the transceivers can be deployed to act as a rescue beacon when the fighter is stranded or the pilot has ejected.

    • Modularity
      There is a high degree of inconsistency from one "Busy" fighter to the next. The wide selection of vintage components, the willingness of the financiers to spend money, and the ability of the technicians performing the assembly are all factors that contribute to this inconsistency. Inversely, this can make these fighters highly upgradable, as one can start with a version that has minimal features and then progressively add to them as funds become available. Also, Sometimes there are modular hardpoints on the fronts of the wing pylons (one per wing) that can host special equipment for special missions, such as exotic sensors or powerful tractor beams.



    • Auxiliary Power Supply
      The extra power that is generated by the extra reactor can be used to boost the armament, defense, maneuverability, or speed at the discretion of the pilot. But only one feature can be boosted at a time.

      Unexpected Capabilities
      Modular hard points are (often) installed in front of the wing pylons, which can be used to install special equipment for unique missions. Depending on the chosen modules used, they can be quite a surprise to an enemy.

    • Sensitive to ION
      The auxiliary power supply is rarely ever as robust as the primary source generated by the Z95 system. Exposure to EMP or ION damage is very likely to temporarily disable the added features, and leave the fighter with its basic capabilities.

      It is extremely difficult to configure the used components in these fighters to handle the extra throughput of the auxiliary power supply. Careless overuse of the boosted systems can burn them out.

    • Highly Available
      Anyone can build one of these fighters. The parts, software, and instructions are easily accessible for anyone with the know-how to acquire them and put them together.

      The level of effort and resources put into the construction of these ships will affect how many features they have. Often, owners will purchase/build a "minimum" model and then upgrade them as funds become available, or their needs change.

    • Do it At Your Own Pace
      These ships are assembled in private shops, not factories. Replacing, repairing, or building these things at volume is extremely difficult and it takes a long time to fix anything on these fighters in between missions.

      No two BZ-Ceptors are the same. They all use B-wing, TIE interceptor, and Z95 parts, but those parts can come from any iterations of the aforementioned models. Therefore, maintenance and capabilities can vary between units and are a headache to manage.



    In the spirit of DIY ship-building…

    Sometimes, finding a legitimate vendor to sell capable starfighters is harder than acquiring the funds to purchase them. Availability is a factor that military logisticians often overlook, and procurement is an art form of its own.

    This goes triple for outlaws. Sure, fully capable fighters can be found on the black market. But the supply and demand is not too friendly for the ones look to buy them. Sometimes, alternative methods must be explored.

    Home-built composite fighters (or Uglies) are often a highly viable alternative. The parts are usually much cheaper and easier to find than fully assembled production fighters. As long as the buyer has a sufficient facility equipped to assemble it, and the skills to do so, a fully functional fighter can be built this way. But what is often gained in availability is typically lost in quality. The acquired parts can be of questionable quality, and the skills of the technician building the fighter can sometimes be questionable. Also, the quality control process is rarely ever formalized.

    To help counter this problem, sometime within the last 900 years, a movement was formed. Highly professional composite fighter mechanics - exceptions to the rules - started putting together data packages with instructions, integration software, and adaptor component schematics. They started selling them on the holonet through black market channels, sharing their knowledge for a price. The files contained highly researched data, compiled from the notes of many professionals. The information consisted of ways to build better, safer quality composite fighters using only simple shop facilities. While these files didn't totally solve the problem of poor craftsmanship, the comprehensive instructions helped to offset the mere ignorance of lesser technicians.

    One such fighter from this movement was the BZ-Ceptor, or the "Busy". They were called busies, in part, due to the fact that the owners are usually doing something to them in the shop, whether it was maintenance or upgrading. The designs were exceptional, and if followed diligently, would make a quality fighter that was on-par with modern technology.

    The fighters have a robust secondary power supply, which can be tasked with bolstering one performance feature at a time for impressive results. The B-wing rotation collar helps to hold the fighter better than most uglies and increases maneuverability. And there is a high degree of design flexibility, which makes it modifiable.

    What's impressive about this design is that it is capable of incorporating different versions of the ships that are used during the assembly process. There are charts included in the holonet data package that contain different schematics for adaptors and crossover fittings for all the different models and versions of ships that are used in this ship. As new variants appeared throughout the centuries, outlaw technicians added to the database of fittings and adaptors so that others can fabricate whatever they need to complete their own BZ-Ceptors. This versatility helps with maintenance, since being able to use different versions of parts increases the availability of replacement components.

    The biggest drawback of this design, though, is logistical in nature. They require a lot of time to build and maintain, since they are not built by a professional manufacturer, and maintenance is never straightforward. Large combat units of these fighters are virtually never heard of, and squadrons are often deployed at incomplete strength.

    That being said, lots of pilots like them. They are fairly comfortable with their Z95 cockpit, they are affordable, and they have a fairly sleek aesthetic compared to most uglies. No one knows how long those designs have been on the holonet for, since they've been passed around for a long time and the original author is long gone. But these fighters never seem to get phased out by the changing of times…


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Make use of some of my old artwork & make a powerful snub fighter for outlaw type characters
Image Source(s):
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: typically, outlaws
Starship Class: Small Craft (1-50m)
Starship Role: Fighter
Modular: Yes
Material: Z95 parts, TIE interceptor parts, B-wing parts, custom fittings and adapters
Armaments: Average/very high (read Submission for details
Defense Rating: Average
Speed Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: Average
Kinetic Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 1
Cargo Capacity: Very Small
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