- Intent: To create a personal set of Je'daii Attire (Robes, Tunic, etc) for Caedyn Arenais.
- Image Source: Click Here (Pinterest Link - Nothing else could be found).
- Canon Link: N/A
- Restricted Missions: Like Father, Like Son (Solo / Veiere Arenais)
- Primary Source: Tunic & Robe.

- Manufacturer: [member=Veiere Arenais].
- Model: Multi-Purpose Attire.
- Affiliation: [member=Caedyn Arenais].
- Modularity: Yes (Boots, Gloves, Robe, Leggings and Tunic).
- Production: Unique (Only One Character).
- Material: Steel-Cloth, Duranex Armor-weave, Fibre & Leather.

- Classification: Multi-Purpose Attire.
- Weight: 2KG's (Full body set).
- Over-all Resistances: Low.
- Kinetic: Low.
- Lightsabers: Low.

- Force Imbued - A gift of promise to an otherwise standard attire, Veiere Arenais has presided over the design and creation of the Je'daii Tunic to invest his time and effort within meditation seeking to strengthen the presence of the Force within. The Wearer's abilities being amplified in the field of Tactus Otium (Force Sense, Precognition), as well as Altus Sopor (The Ability to hide ones presence within the Force from others).
- Steel-Cloth - A Heavy duty material adding to the Tunic's care and general "life-span" before it would require a replacement. Aside from cosmetic, this offers no additional defense to the wearer however.
- Light-Weight - Compared to the armors and battle attires worn by soldiers and most other combatants or personnel expecting trouble, this attire is light and agile, enabling the wearer to move swiftly and without hindrance to their mobility.
- Force Imbued - The Attire empowers the wearer in the Force (Tactus Otium & Altus Sopor).
- Steel-Cloth - A heavier material used in the make of heavy-duty fabrics and attires, this has added to the weight of the tunic compared to those of typical design. The difference however is minor.
- Light Over-All Attire - Simply put, this is not an armor set but a multi-purpose attire and does little to protect from weapons fire and melee-combat.
- Heavy Ordinance damage - Will render all protection void, this light armor is not equipped to stand against explosive/high impact attacks.
- Low resistance - Lightsabers, Blasters and most weaponry.
- Ranged Weakness - Designed for hand to hand combat, it's defense against blasters is minimal compared to it's ability to protect the wearer from kinetic impacts.

[member=Veiere Arenais] is no stranger to the creation of attires and tools that serve to aid one's path down the road to self-discovery and training in the Force, this time however comes as a first for the former Jedi Master as he has devoted his next project to his Son's future now with all the spare time Veiere has having retired to the world of Commenor.The full body set has an obvious likeness to the traditional garbs of the Jedi Order that the boys father was brought up within, yet dedicated not to Veiere's path, the Tunic and Robe are a mixture of tones (Blue, Grey and Red) to symbolize the nature of the Order that Caedyn has been encouraged to join, the Je'daii Order and their encompassing balance within the force, not focusing on two sides but rather dedication to the power that flows through all life, in dedication, restraint and a high moral caliber.
From the outside, there is little that separates this well made attire from any other piece of it's like. The Boots, Gauntlets for which cover the wrists too, the belt that holds his lightsaber and other personal devices, all made of black leather and prepared to stand against the weather and likely environments his path will take him into.
The one exception to an otherwise standard Practitioners Attire however is that the full set has been imbued with the Force through Veiere's experience and knowledge in bestowing upon certain tools, artifacts and armors the power of the Force and the greater influence of life that it might aid the wearer in their progressing studies to defend themselves and better provide assistance to others.