Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Request Calling Jedi and Padawans - join the darkside, be free. [lock pls]

In Umbris Potestas Est
Good call OTHERMOTH OTHERMOTH . I don’t write a Jedi any more so all I can add to this is — If anyone wants to try the villain cookies, I’m open to facilitate it for you.
I called dibs tho

But seriously, the theoretical limitations of a Sith/Dark Side character or arc are only as ordinary as the writer allows them to be. Darksiders don't have to be innately brooding, and they're only as egomaniacal, manipulative, or crazy as you want them to be. Nothing wrong with someone who falls to the Dark Side and just wants to continue on with helping the locals, or studying history, or whatever they were doing beforehand.

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