Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Candle in the Dark: GA Invasion of Lujo (Objective 3: Temple)

The Vault

"Let's go," the agent gestured to his three men, and then drew his rifle.

The temple vaults were full of secrets, treasures, and ancient knowledge that many in the galaxy craved. Whether you were a wandering Sith or simply a grave robber, there was certainly something to be found amongst the dead bodies that priests stuffed into the catacomb walls. Thankfully his helmet's respirator filtered out the musky smell that filled the air, it was a smell he didn't quite like.

Following him were the three soldiers, each carrying the standard Golden Banner weaponry and equipment. Against a Jedi they didn't stand much of a chance, but they did have their uses.

Catalys continued to move down the corridor, unaware of the intruders above. Making his way towards the tombs where knights and lords made their final rest.

Yet did they truly rest?
The Wall
Allies: [member="Chevu Visz"] and others in the local area.
Enemies: [member="Sinistra"]

This was the sort of thing Coren lived for. Taking the fight to the enemy. Sure, this was a big engagement, and the man preferred small tactics, starfighters, covert ops teams, and insurgency, but with the Alliance here, who was he to shy from the fight. The call from Ven came in and that brought Coren and his teams out to the world. Operatives would be entering the temple to cause their special brand of havoc, high yield, explosives, and no worry of collateral damage were the order of the day. Starchaser himself preferred precision strikes, but giving a team that specializes in odd weapons something to do that was not regulated?

It made them happy.

And it made him happy to see the property damage. He’d have to get the reports afterwards to see just what damage was done. And he knew he wouldn’t see the whole team again. Many would fall, others would go about their insurgency, and proactive defense and offense, depending where the galaxy was going to go, following Lujo. The pilot was heading towards the building.

There would be Sith, but most importantly, there would be [member="Sage Bane"], or something that was going to lead to the monstrosity that had spent time dogging him and his. He’d get the man back. “Don’t hold back.” He spoke firmly, to his apprentice, as he approached the temple. None were innocent here. Giving a whistle to one of the soldiers that stepped off the shuttle he reached out with the Force, folding a thermal detonator to his hand.

Flipping it on, the pilot again pulled on his Aing-Tii teachings and moved the detonator to the base of the wall, where it would explode. Now he could have thrown it, but lets allow for some flavor in this white washed roleplay. Once the detonation went off would be the time to play.

The time to fight.

The time to win.
Location: Laboratories
Allies: One Sith - [member="Sinistra"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Chevu Visz"]

"And so they have come." the Dark Lord whispered. It was a soft whisper, but piercing like the gnashing of raw teeth across exposed flesh. There was no surprise apparent in that voice, no contemplation or hatred, just simple... mindless appreciation for the moment come. The One Sith had grown across these years, expanded until it dominated the entire core and worlds outside of it too - a mistake, if Carach had been asked, a snakey vine sprawled out of the corpse and expanded to Panatha, foolish. It left their flanks vulnerable. A fact that the Galactic Alliance made use of on several occasions, but today wasn't an annoying mosquito bite.

Today was a reckoning. Would the Galactic Alliance succeed at driving the Sith back from Lujo? Did it truly matter when that same Empire had infested and fortified itself in the Core? Was the price worth the prize?

Something worth to ponder about, perhaps.

"Lord Sinistra." the Sith addressed calmly. "It seems we have a situation on our hand, shall we?"

The question posed, but the obscured man was already staring off in a particular direction. A familiar presence, several familiar presences. Most of these Jedi weren't much of a concern... but the dark presence that had suddenly popped up was a different question altogether.
Location: All in all, we're just another brick in the wall...
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Chevu Visz"] [member="Veino Garn"]
Allies: [member="Darth Carach"] [member="Iziz"]


The flashing lights of the alarms cast strobing colors and shadows in the corridors as she moved to intercept, Carach joining her in her hunt away from the deafening boom of the perimeter breach in the Library. Plenty would be running that way. Let them.

Ord Vaug was play time. She did not take the threat seriously, she had wanted a challenge and found a scoundrel playing at being a master. They had all lived to see another day, trinkets lost and the Galactic Alliance the bolder for it. They moved closer and closer to the One Sith borders, the Rimma Trade Route sealed up by their advances. A strike at Lujo would position them to assault the Core. Sinistra had seen the reports, she had been in the Western Reaches, trying to build up imperialist sympathizers who might strike at the Alliance from a closer point, but for all the loyalists out in those worlds, the Imperium, the Order of the Black Rose and The First Order could not hold the attention of the Alliance. They had a single minded focus, a single goal.

Paused in her journey to find the one who called to her with his presence, she closed her eyes and allowed Force Sight to take over, making the world greyish and translucent around her. There, just outside the ornamented facade of stone she found the figures she was seeking. They were just outside the next room over, and she had just enough time to brace for impact as the detonator blew a hole into that room.

The silver saber in her left hand ignited and she gripped it in both hands as she strode into the room, dust clouding the air but her HUD could see him just fine through the filtering light coming from outside. The rasp of her vocoder should have sounded familiar to the scruffy man and the green girl as she approached the hole.

"You know, we have doors."
Location: Library
Allies: Alliance
Enemies: The Darkside

Will mark gear when battle happens~

[SIZE=13.3333px]Spencer was never the “wait at home and have dinner ready” type of girl. SHe was the type that went out and did stuff. So instead of remaining on the ship she was left on while Ashin went to fight on Lujo - Spencer prepared her own things after the woman left and headed straight for the planet. Having been trained by some of the old order of Sith, she was quick to fall into the shadows and work her way around the forces that Ashin had been leading. It was best, in her mind to move alone - which last time proved to be a bad idea, but Spencer was stubborn. There were a couple of guards in her way, being the mentalist she was, she quickly wove her way into their weak minds and they soon took care of themselves. Spencer move quickly knowing that the sound of blasters could provoke a response she wasn’t ready for. The wall would still be in her way, but there were ways around it. She noticed others and continued on ward not making a sound towards them. They all had their own objectives.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Moving quickly she made her way towards the library. She would remain unnoticed for however long it takes the One Sith to figure out that she was here. A small knapsack slung over her back as she removed the cloak she wore to help hide her in the shadows. Dark cloak plus dark shadows equal “invisibility” genius it truly was. The library was large and she wondered how long it would take for them to notice her. Once she got inside the fun would truly begin for her. Wondering what secrets and fun items the Sith hid in their library of fun.[/SIZE]
Location: Library East Wall
Allies: Family, [member="Maleah Talith"] | [member="Vexen"] | @Micah Talith
Enemies: The Darkside
Gear list in spoiler sig

"Nothing like a good game of fetch, eh?"

Micah's rather amused metallic drone would echo within the earwigs of all the Talith's. The only son of Soliael and Kira was as much of a shadow as the Defel. His armor had been activated for stealth, the Force displacement scattering his signature. Behind the phirk helm, the HUD would pan and skim their surroundings.

A notable smirk would dance across his lips, but it was evident to his family that he was likely being the cheesy act he always was.

Micah passed by the massive Drexl, giving it a pat. His attention drew over towards Vexen. Where Aela was the defensive take, Vexen and he were her flank. It was going to be interesting having Maleah here, but he was sure she'd do fine.

"Alright... let's see who is out to play a game of hide and seek...."
Location: South Wall
Allies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Canal"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Carach"] [member="Sinistra"] [member="Iziz"]
Chevu's Gear: Chevu's Armor, The Forlorn Hope, The Nub Amulet, Cryo-ban Rifle, Zeison Sha Discblades

Chevu crouched and covered her head, squeezing her eyes shut from the blast. Boom. It was done.

There was a buzzing on her comm. Flicking it on, she heard the voice of Veino Garn.

“We’ve breached the temple on the South side,” she told him. A powerful wave of the dark side came spilling from the hole in the wall. “I have a feeling they didn’t like it much.”

“You know, we have doors,” dripped a voice, its full intonation masked by a modulator, but its pitch, most definitely female. As the dust from Coren’s thermal detonator floated to the ground, there, shadowed against the opening of the broken wall, stood a familiar figure. Chevu remembered this Sith Lord from Ord Vaug, quite a powerful woman from her recollection. On Ord Vaug, the woman had focused in on Coren, and had treated Chevu like a mere annoyance. A tiny dog nipping at her heels.

The Mirialan would be an annoyance alright, this time, a rabid Akk hound.

The Force gathered around her like a brewing storm. Baring her teeth, the green alien girl flung out her arm, hand curled in a fist. Streams of energy headed for the air around the Sith Lord. With a flick of her hand, she aimed to unleash a Force bomb on the air directly around the woman, denoting it like an explosive. Once the energy was discharged, Chevu squatted and grabbed a fistful of dirt in her fingertips. Focusing on the ancient powers of the Zeison Sha, the Mirialan Knight began to imbue the tiny granules with the Force as quickly as she could.

She only had seconds to be successful.
Location: The War
Allies: [member="Chevu Visz"], Local Alliance, Light Side, Common Decency, Soft Tacos [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Canal"]
Enemies: [member="Sinistra"], @Darth I’m Actually Always the Same Alt, Dark Side, Hard Tacos [member="Iziz"]
Gear: Lightsaber, cortosis armor

The explosion was one of the sweetest sounds he could expect. The pilot grinned as he let the dust and rubble settle. This bit here, it would be the start of it all. The end of the Sith, or the end of the Alliance. What mattered was the galaxy was going to change. The Corellian nodded as he heard his student pass word onto Veino, a good man, that one, they could use him. The Alliance and this team. He was hoping for war, and didn’t need to bring too many people into this particular fight.

Only time would tell how it would go. And as the explosion was finally clearing from his ears and soldiers moved on the compound, Coren stepped into the fray. He was going to pull out all his stops for this conflict. Steamroll through this Sith and any behind her, burn this facility to the ground, and get to work on the Sith military installations. He could feel his student preparing, and the pilot himself was calling the Force to him.

A student of Aing-Tii, and a Starchaser, there were a few tricks up his sleeve. Finding momentary cover from the Force Bomb, he stepped back out, orange lightsaber snap-hissing into existence. His style with a saber ranged from unrefined, fast and working to either end a conflict quickly, or to continue a conflict until air support could detonate the very earth around them, ending the battle definitively. His blade was ready, and he stepped closer. A strike would be aimed to remove the woman’s left leg.
Location: Laboratories
Allies: One Sith - [member="Sinistra"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Chevu Visz"]

Unruly children. That was all the Voice of the Dark Lord saw in front of him, a ruffian in some light armor and his green-skinned barbie doll - how cute. Whilst Sinistra was busy talking Carach kept an eye on them, the swift movement of a hand flashing out was noted immediately. He had been fighting this war since it began.

The last thing that was going to impress him were a few parlor tricks with energy transfers.

His own hand lashed out. Its trajectory left the air around it ionized and buzzing with static lightning, it moved up, palm-forward facing the duo and without further ado raw power unleashed itself. A solid barrier of compressed air mixed with force energy traveled along the way and hit her static bomb in roughly the middle of the battlefield.

It went boom.

Shards of durasteel, duracrete were sent crashing around. Carach stood rigid against this storm, faceless mask studying the pair of... Jeedai? Strange. They didn't feel all that pink-unicorn-light to him, more militant, more... unstable. Easier to manipulate.

Carach sighed. "Let's end them quickly, I feel Varanin somewhere around here - she is the real threat."
[NEARBY ALLIES] [ [member="Kevros Kovani"] ] [ [member="Greta Kohler"] ]
[NEARBY ENEMIES] [ [member="Sochi Ru"] ]* [ [member="Ashin Varanin"] ]

Kevros' reply met with little acknowledgment. The Vong advanced through the hall towards a pair of thick wooden doors. The temple was a strange place, juxtaposed between the modern age and the archaic. LEDs flashed and sirens blared but around them the design was traditional, pillars and statues, elegant stained glass and gilded door frames. Such was the way of the Sith, the Vong pondered, clutching to their roots. The more Yun saw of the Galaxy, the more he found himself vindicated, his righteous quest for evolution was becoming nothing less than a divine struggle. The buzzard shrieked and Yun perked up, looking to his side he found Kevros again and the two made their way into the fray.

Palpable, the chaos in the Library hung thick in the air. Collapsed, the far wall made a grand entry for the temple's assailants who poured in, clamoring past one another in their fury, each more eager than the last to spill Sith blood. Impressed with their voracious thirst for revenge, the Vong entered the library. His eyes darted across the room, falling briefly on each attacker he could spot before he exacted his opening move. Looking back over his shoulder, Yun caught the eyes of both acolytes and then panned his gaze across the shelves lining the room. He uttered a single grim command, expecting to be obeyed out of necessity rather than rank. After all, when a seven and a half foot tall man wearing a scorpion calls, it's best to listen.

"Bury them."

Between the pair of acolytes, the command was understood and the two men focused, calling on the Dark Side to open their third eyes and clutch at the fabric of the world with their minds. In unison, they rose their hands, imposing the will of the Force on the air, tugging at the top of a single tome-laden shelf. Slowly, the rack began to topple, falling a third of the way before connecting with the edge of a second shelf and tumbling to the floor. The Vong, not naive enough to think that falling bookcases would crush any of the skilled fighters, instead aimed to create difficult terrain, lacing their advance with inefficiency. Books would clatter to the floor, wood snapping and unleashing a bellow throughout the room. That is, unless their Force users were able to stabilize the debris quickly enough.

Yun looked up, a single combatant far ahead of the pack emerged forth, cutting into an Imperial guard and severing the man's torso in twain, dropping him instantly. At his back, two of the limbs which made up his rigid cape flexed and went limp, chitin unfolding, the legs clenched and rose around either side of the Vong's shoulders. The left limb thrust forward, plowing into the masonry and wedging itself there. At his size, the vulture flapped its wings hard, taking off on high towards the ceiling where it would circle, watching its master closely. Tensing hard, the leg pulled and Yun let his feet leave the ground, throwing himself towards the Togruta. He sped towards her, Shaper digits curling behind his back and beckoning a single blast bug onto the tip of a tendril. The propelling leg heaved itself from the stone as he vaulted and he buckled his left knee, falling to the floor and sliding the remaining meters to meet his mark.

Like thunder, he would be upon her. He twisted his right shoulder forward, the right limb which arose from his back sweeping wide and quick to collide with his prey's left bicep or ribs. In synchronization, the tendrils on his right arm bloomed, at the tip of one, the luminescent body of the Blast Bug shimmering with amber light. With a flick of the tendril, he set the insect on a course for her legs. The price of sloth would be death for the Togruta, the arm likely to break bones if it connected and the impending explosive force, proven to severely harm undefended opponents, gave Yun the expectation of crippling her mobility. Ignorant of any defenses the woman could produce, Yun's assault was aimed at best case scenario. He fully expected this opponent not to go down easily. With reach on his side, there was just over a meter and a half between him and the Togruta, affording him more than enough extra space.

*red brackets indicate engaged enemies.
Location: Library
Allies: None at the moment | Near by: [member="Rookie"], [member="Kevros Kovani"]
Enemies: None at the moment | Near by: [member="Ashin Varanin"], [member="Sochi Ru"], [member="Vexen"], [member="Aela Talith"], [member="Micah Talith"] [member="Spencer Varanin"]

Yeah, this wasn't good. Not in the slightest.
She could very well be karked through and through today.

Greta had found herself in a rather precarious situation. The original presence she thought she felt seemed to had multiplied into several others. The Sith knight could hear the library's walls crumbling and crashing down as multiple attackers began to make their way into the large mammoth sized room. Seems like the library was looking to be a really popular location indeed. She was alone in the library when she had arrived hours earlier, but perhaps others had came in early on? These intruders couldn't have torn down the walls just to look for her, would they?

She was just a mere Sith knight, not really one would have to go to all this trouble for. It was then that she realised, perhaps it was not her that they had come for, but to destroy or whatever else it is they did to the vast plethora of Sith tomes, holo-vids of Sith history and culture stored here in the multitude of shelves.

Greta may be a proud individual, confident of her abilities, but even she herself knew that she would be no match for a skilled master, let alone multiple of such. Her best bet was to find someone else to ally with. Other Sith would possibly be her best bet now, if she wanted to survive the day, that is. Or to find an equal fighting ground, that worked too. She would just have to see what fate and destiny brought to her this night.

Somewhere in the distance, she could hear a shelf crashing to the ground, its contents, an assorted titles of tomes littering onto the floor. She placed a palm onto her face, the thought of the books pertaining to the history and the culture of Sith desecrated. The Sith knight went on from her position, navigating through the library. Perhaps, she just might not die this day, if she did not find herself fighting more than she could chew.

As much as she loved the books of history and culture that filled the room, she loved living way, way more.
Location: Training Grounds
Nearby allies: [member="Darth Vulkan"] [member="Greta Kohler"] [member="Rookie"] [member="Kevros Kovani"]
Nearby enemies: [member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="Sochi Ru"] [member="Aela Talith"] [member="Vexen"] [member="Micah Talith"] [member="Spencer Varanin"]
Sage's Gear: Dark Armor, Lightsaber, Sessile Trio-staff, The Blade of the Satvas

As Sage and his Broptimus Prime made their way through the courtyard that held the Lujo Temple’s training grounds, another explosion rocked the building. The illusionist flashed his friend a glance, his eyes dimming to a crimson glow. From what Sage could sense, the second bomb was detonated on the other side of the temple, opposite from where the first breach was discovered. Then he felt it. The Lightside. This was a coordinated attack. Well-choreographed. Carefully planned. This was an act of war. Two Imperial spider droids, beeping to each other in Binary, skittered around the two men. Their feet clacked on the flagstones as they bounded towards the south side of the temple.

The library was up ahead. And it was enveloped in the Force. Sage was not the kind of warrior who rushed into a battle. He used to be, when he was an apprentice, until his Master [member="Matsu Xiangu"] terrorized the fool out of him. Now, he watched and waited. Careful. Precise. He sent out tendrils to the Force to try and touch the auras of the users on the other side of the courtyard, behind the library walls. The overpowering presence of the dark side puzzled him.

Who are you? Why are you here? Are you with us or against us?

"Wait. This will only take a moment," Sage told his friend. He took a moment to place a human hand on the shoulder of his Chillbro Swaggins. With masterful control of the Force, Sage began to perform the Quey'tek meditation, the words flowing from his lips like a dirge. In a few moments, the presence of the two men would be concealed in the Force. Once the meditation was complete, the two Sith Lords could slip into the Library with little chance that they would be sensed.
Location: Training Grounds
Allies: [member="Sage Bane"]
Enemies: [member="Ashin Varanin"] | [member="Sochi Ru"]

The Sith Lord sat and watched. Scanning through his HUD and going through sensors. Where or where were they hiding? Vulkan kept the mace on his shoulder, choked up on the half of the heavy beskar weapon of mass destruction. Whatever was here was big and bad and the Sith Lord didn't like it. All system's green, good. Time to go predator mode since his Super Brogeta had assisted him in muting his Force Signature, something he wasn't particularly good at. A few blinks later and Vulkan's form shimmered out of sight, a translucent outline left in its place.

Maybe he could get the first strike, the jump off on his opposition and he might could end this little bit fast. But he doubted it. In all of his experiences, no one ever went down easy, and this would probably be much of the same. Vulkan hugged the wall and moved slowly, crouching in the shadows to make himself as difficult to see as possible. Hyperion Active Camo was good, but not perfect. It was nearly impossible to pick up on sensors, really difficult to hear, but was still minutely visible to the naked eye, an almost rippling edge to it. Hence the need to move slowly, so as not to exacerbate the weakness of the system.

He let sage drift ahead of him and a bit to the right, away from the wall. It was kinda cruel using Sagey like bait, but better to get the jump than be jumped. They both had a good chance of walking out of this, and Vulkan was more than willing to risk it to try for the easy win. Once they got into the Library, Sage could draw fire and attention while Vulkan just waited for them to miss him and get ganked by a big one Mandalorian Sith Lord.
Location: Library
Allies: [member="Rookie"]
Allies Nearby: [member="Greta Kohler"]
Eniemies: [member="Ashin Varanin"], [member="Sochi Ru"], [member="Vexen"], [member="Aela Talith"], [member="Micah Talith"] [member="Spencer Varanin"]
Eniemies Engaged: [member="Ashin Varanin"]

Kevros's emerald eyes snapped open, the library was littered with attackers. Only one stood out to him, calm and on the opposite end from where he stood, the Dark Jedi waited. She was dressed in full armor and her aura was pulsating, tendrils of the force gripping at him with ease. She was beyond his set of skills and if charging forward after her was what had to happen the outcome would be all for naught. Instead he watched her closely as she barked out orders, she clearly was leading the assault. Kevros knew his limitations, but this was war, you didn't get to pick your opponents so easily.

With a quick pivot he leaned back on his heel, deflecting a blaster bolt and sending it into the ground. Deflecting another incoming shot he found his opening, as if the force guided him forward he darted for his target. Kevros knew he was no match for her, but the dark side was flowing freely within him. Survival was the last thing on his mind as he made his way through the lackluster efforts of her loyal gunmen. His saber danced in the air like water, slicing and piercing all who got in his way. With the momentum he had gained he fell to his knees, Kevros' cloak stretching at the seams until he jumped forward.

Twisting through the air he finally landed in front of the one they called Ashin. His focus was unwavering as he lightly landed an approximate seven feet in front of her. The armor was well made, and her arsenal was more vast than his own just by appearances. He would have to out think his opponent if he was going to get out alive. Kevros shifted a glance to the surroundings around them. multiple treacherous advantages could be had, with use of the chaotic environment. Kevros disregarded everything else, his eyes narrowed, ready to strike. The two of them were far from alone, hopefully for Kevros' sake more Sith would pile in to help. Yun was already preoccupied by the other purple saber wielding Togruta. Kevros could have easily double teamed the other intruder with Yun, only the force had other plans.

He could feel it, the dark side boiling even more within him as he tilted his head sideways. His saber held firmly in front of him. With a quick wave of his hand he gripped at the loose stones from the breach. Pulling them toward him he paused. The few large bricks of angular stone rested in the air waiting to be hurled. This was it, there was no time for mistakes. Kevros' free hand waved forward as a flurry of rocks headed for Ashin. Following right behind the rocks he stopped just short before impact, his arm bending as his upper torso ended up at her waist level. A fast flick of the wrist and the red saber lashed outward. The saber aiming for her metallic plate of armor, if he was able to land a hit. Even with his speed and precision he knew it would not be that easy.

Her presence almost overpowered him, but not enough for the young Sith to back down from the fight. The constant thrum of his own heart told him he was true, a true warrior that yielded to no one.
Location: Library East Wall
Allies: Mr. Drexl
Enemies: [member="Greta Kohler"]

The Drexl curled it's tail around Aela, it's heard perking up slightly and the odd tendrils upon it's face twitching slightly.

"What is it boy?" Aela's voice echoed within the library, her hand sliding slowly up the Drexl's neck. The creature seemed to sniff the air, the odd pointed horns on it's head twitching slightly as it began to unfurl it's wings. It moved slowly, as if sluggishly held back by something, awaiting a command. The Drexl sensed something, or rather it smelled something. Back on their homeworld of Dxun the Drexl were known as apex predators, the very top of the food chain, most of the time they couldn't even be tamed through the force, instead having to be reared and cared for all their lives. Aela shifted slightly, looking to her friends and family before turning back to the Drexl. "Go get em'."

That was all the Reptavian needed, it lurched forward, almost serpent like in it's movement.

There was a subtle grace to the way that the beast moved, an odd sort of beauty that saw the behemoth jump through the library and begin tearing it's way through the shelves. Wood, stone, and paper began to go flying, the Drexl rushing forward and tearing apart book case after book case in search for it's prey. It was said that the Drexl could track a cannok for miles and miles, soaring above the tree tops until it spotted and eventually devoured it's prey.

Here, the Drexl had no such obstacle, just books and paper. Aela turned to her friends, smiling slightly. "Fan out. Destroy as much as you can and arrest any Sith you find."

That was her order as a Marshall, delivered with a firm tone as her muscled suddenly flexed and Aela burst forward with sudden invigoration of speed. She bounded after her Drexl, following the creature to track down the Sith that it had found.
Location: Vault, heading to South Wall.
Objective: Assassinate Opponents
Allies: [member="Sinistra"]
Enemies: [member="Chevu Visz"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"]

Iziz would watch the green skinned humanoid as well as the male with her move to breach the door, signalling to his own assassins to move out and be ready to combat other forces, the Jawa would slink down silently to the ground level in behind them all, scaling the side of the wall like a mouse with his small dexterous claws, touching down on the earth with equal silence, hidden from sight as his hands would slip to his belt and unsheath each of his two blades, gripping their hilts as he would begin to move closer. One padded foot-step on the long corrupted earth after the other, the Jawa would shield his eyes as the thermal detonation would explode, only enhancing his unseen trait. His movement stilled for a moment as the force would build up before him, a harrowing force bomb fired from Chevu's hand into the hole which they had created. The powerful blast definately seemed to have an effect on the room, but now was not time for Iziz to watch and analyze everything that was happening, it was time to act, before the powerful force user was able to act again.

'There is no peace, there is only hunger...'

The words did not slip from the Jawa's mouth, but were held firmly within his mind, he could feel the bottomless crevasse that was his stomach churn with the longing to be fed, dredging up the desperate feelings of survival, the need for a meal in order to save one's own life. That power was not something that was easily struck down by anyone, Jedi, Sith, Spirit or God... It would be at that moment that the woman would bend down and grab an amount of dirt from the ground, there was something spiritual about it. Iziz knew that this was the time to stop her, she was focused, she was unprepared, he was only meters away from her in the final lingering moments of the dust that was swept into a squall by the wind as it settled. Braching his body, no longer focused on remaining hidden in the force, feeling that focus fuel his movement as the Jawa would speed forward with a single harrowing spring for his opponent, and in that moment, several things would come to pass...

Like lightning the rodent struck, terrible thunder in his wake.

The force enhanced dash was fast enough to instantly shatter the resolve of the stygium cloaking device the Jawa wore, revealing instantly the robes of a Sith Assassin striking at the rear flank of the Jedi knight and her Master. In either of his hands, his two crimson light-sabers would explode to life with a terrifying roar, his thumbs, one sliding up on one blade while the other slid down on his left handed weapon, erecting one of his two blades in a standard forward grip while the other would roar to life behind the Jawa in an ice-pick grip... The Jawa's aim was not high, but rather after his jump to almost skid along the dirt, spinning on his knees just as he would meet his target, one lightsaber strike aimed for the back of her ankles with his right hand as he would rise with the second, following through and bringing it up for her waist as he would leap upwards from the ground. Spinning like a figure skater in axel...

The Jawa had absolutely no intention of letting up his assault. He was going to engage this Jedi hard, and fast.

Planning his next assault before his feet had even landed on the ground from the small meter upward bound.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Sage Bane"] [member="Darth Vulkan"] [member="Kevros Kovani"]

Someone was toppling shelves, she noticed, but the room's construction made it relatively easy to stick with the central area. Ke'dem contractors and Dark Jedi were doing their job, and a constant hum of speeder bikes told her that the breach was defended and seeing egress traffic as well. They knew their business. For Ashin's part, she had attention to monopolize, and attention to give. Her armour, courtesy of Tenloss, had a wide variety of powerful sensor capabilities, and she'd used them for years -- more than long enough to know their nuances. So when a lifesign and motion signature or two started blinking out nearby, without the characteristic Force disturbance of a death, and the Dark Side presence dropped by a quantity equal to, oh, two Sith Lords or so...

The anomaly had been nearby, at the library's main door, the one in the southwest corner. It led into the training grounds. Gesturing with the hand that held her blaster, she knocked over a broad shelf -- the Sith were already doing that; one more would just fit the pattern -- and it slammed down on the floor in front of the door. If she'd been extremely lucky, she'd just flattened someone stealthified. If they hadn't gotten there yet, all she'd done was create an obstacle. It might slow them, it might shift visibly if they crossed it -- datacard stacks weren't the most structurally sound things at this angle. A couple of blaster bolts set the stacks on fire, mildly. Not harmful, but smoke was the bane of stealthers everywhere.

In the meantime, though, she couldn't press the question. A Sith leaped through the air to land in front of her in a clear challenge. He hesitated, then, shifting his focus and apparently nerving himself up, and Ashin spent that moment centering herself. He pulled bricks toward himself, then hesitated again. Only then did the bricks come her way, inevitably. Unwilling to let the barrage drain her particle shielding, she held out her left hand and made a sweeping motion, and the majority of it streamed toward the door through which her stealthy company would need to arrive to stay stealthified. And clouds of brick dust and scatterings of crunchy rubble were good too. An instant later, the Sith was on her, bending low. His sabre passed through the particle shield without resistance and met the gauntlet of her gun hand. Faint warmth percolated through the masterforged phrik, and burning lacquer hissed.

She brought up Ravening one-handed. The curve-tipped bastard sword had a distinctive and substantial Force presence all on its own. Any Sithspawn in the area would be drawn to it, among other things. It could eat Force bonds and shred Sith spirits; the Velok Emblem that was its grip could tear down quasi-deities and isolate enemies from aid. It was such a complex and unpredictable artifact that she used it very, very carefully.

But at this exact second, that was all irrelevant. Ravening mattered because it was a sharp piece of metal aiming to take Kevros Kevrani's left arm at the elbow. She put some oomph into it. Acolyte or not, he could be a distraction, and if she was right, bigger things were about to engage her.
Location: Training Grounds.
Enemies: Intruder Scum!
Gear: 2x Curved-hilt lightsabres, Rudis, Armour, Tsaisibola, Nagajj.

First, it was quiet. The lips of Darth Ophidia felt the gentle caress of breath as she exhaled, held, and inhaled again. It was just another day. Some Acolytes reading; some masters pointing at maps and a bodyguard picking his nose. She could smell sand, dust, and sweat. She felt the stone under her as she sat in the corner of the training grounds, legs folded under her form and obscured by her robes.

However, quiet never lasts. Quakes went through the building and all around her, she could feel attentions raise and direct towards the walls; she heard alarms going off and voices raised. Many would say something was wrong, but to the Rattataki, it was just right; it was expected. She had not known when or where, but she knew this would come. The corners of her lips drew into a smile as her left hand turned. Her helmet floated over and into her palm as she opened her eyes; irises burned like embers in ash. War, conflict, strife, it was the only state in which the Sith could thrive.

Ophidia’s hands curled around her helmet as [member="Sage Bane"] and [member="Darth Vulkan"] passed through. She did not pay them much heed as the helmet slipped onto her skull and fastened. Her right hand rested on the pommel of her Rudis as she rose to her full height, and her presence in the Force dissipated into nothingness. At least she did not get all dressed up for nothing.

Casually, she slipped a finger under her armour and flicked the switch of her stealth field generator, rendering her form invisible to the naked eye. Her footsteps drowned in the background noise of the intrusion as she slipped along the wall and towards the exit of the Training Grounds. She gave a glancing look towards the two Sith Lords, noting their direction.
Location: Library
Allies: N/A
Enemies: [member="Aela Talith"]


That was the first thing that came to mind when a bizarre looking creature appeared in front of Greta amid a flurry of broken and collapsed shelves and torn and destroyed tomes. Her dark heart pained at the lost of such important information that was mostly definitely decades or even centuries old destroyed just like that, however she had more pressing matters to attend to. This horribly ugly winged scaly creature had approached her not unsimilar to a dog on a hunting trip. The monster's visage was one of primal fury, its small head with short wide snouts, and large razor-like fangs. Approaching not too far behind was a warrior. The Sith knight may not be an expert on Jedi, but she could definitely sense the powerful presence of light in the force. It was thick and nauseating, but not as far as to make her gag.

This was proving to be quite the issue, if she had to take on both of them at the same time. Greta didn't even know if she'd be able to take on the Jedi alone, the other woman did feel pretty karking strong after all, judging from her overwhelming sense of light that was threatening to overwhelm hers of darkness. However, if her opponent thought that she was going to be an easy target ripe for picking, she would be very wrong indeed. Greta would fight to the end if necessary, hopefully not her end though. The odds tipped a little towards her favour when a pair of yells came out from nowhere as a pair of robed Sith acolytes came charging towards the hideous winged creature, several guards in tow, lightsabers, blasters and vibroblades engaging and occupying the monster's attention, putting it out of the picture for now.

That left Greta with just the Jedi in front of her. Looking at her enemy with steely defiant eyes of crimson, the Sith knight simply said. "It's just you and me now Jedi. What do you propose we do next? Fight, like those or?" Greta gestured towards the flailing acolytes and guards tackling the creature in the background.


here for your dad
Location: Library East Wall
Allies: [member="Vexen"] [member="Micah Talith"] [member="Aela Talith"]
Enemies: The Darkside, Librarians
Equipment: Lightsaber Pike, Toofless the Nexu, Fancy Booties, Presumably clothing

Well, she had said she wanted to be more involved.

This was about as involved as it got.

Although she had her reservations and anxieties about freedom fighting there were no nerves to be found between Maleah Talith and Toothless. This was likely due to the fact that she accompanied by far more competent people than herself in this field. If she were by herself in this situation, it was likely that she would have worn her brown pants.

Toofless, playing second fiddle to Malfegor was crouched in front of Maleah, less the playful feline that her friends and family were used to, and more the predator nature had set him out to be. Despite appearances at times the nexu was very well trained, bonded with the twin in such a way that they could be in perfect synchronisation in the heat of the moment.

“I hope you know that I washed him for your sensitive nose,” she commented to Vexen with a small smirk written upon her face.

It didn't take long before Aela and her drexl were gone, likely off to be neck-deep in life-threatening action. She almost felt sorry for the Sith soul that was going to be at the receiving end of her justice.

Meanwhile, they were going to destroy a library, not quite how she saw her day going, but hey, it was still early.

Library destruction, was that worth putting on the recruitment flier?

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