OOC/ Sorry, missed the tag, thought I was still waiting.
Location: Southwest corner of the library
- [member="Kevros Kovani"] - attacking
- [member="Sage Bane"] - attacking
- [member="Darth Vulkan"] - hiding behind a pillar
The Dark Master's voice echoed in Ashin's mind, a susurrating inquiry that could turn into a mental assault at a moment's notice, or just remain a distraction. Her student's student's student's student he might be, but that still made him the inheritor of a long legacy of highly skilled mentalists. Preemptively, she put some of her focus into shoring up her mental defenses, in case he took that route. She had, of course, an answer to his question: it involved her wife's capture and torture at the hands of the One Sith, the random happenstance that had dragged Ashin out of retirement. But she was in no mood to explain.
Her gauntlet met the dagger, Sith blade slipping between the plates to score a cut on her hand and carve a gouge in her pistol. Her sword crashed into the whipcrack amphistaff, but clumsily, shoving it awry rather than shearing through. The other two amphistaffs' venom spattered harmlessly against her particle shields, but physical contact with the dagger was wearing those down.
Motion flickered in her helmet's lifesigns detector, and she turned as the acolyte bore down on her. He swung, then paused. As she continued the turn to block, she found the amphistaff had snared Ravening. The blade's insane Force affinity and etheric cutting aura raged harmlessly against the Force-null serpent. She yanked the blade free and brought it around-
Just as that clumsy, flashy, senseless acolyte sank his lightsabre into her right armpit.
Pain filled her mind, which wasn't to say it displaced rage. The Force exploded from her, tearing up the flagstones, creating distance between her and her attackers. She needed a moment to set her defenses, adjust her shields, pulse her Force protection. A moment to raise the strongest defenses in history-
She didn't have it.
Sage Bane's daggerblade kissed her neck under the rim of that heavy Tenloss helm, and she felt cold.
You'd think after this many years as conqueror, duellist, Empress, Dark Lord of the Sith, Grand Admiral, I'd understand the truth. Survival in battle has very little to do with destiny or skill or luck. It's just a roll of the dice, every time. It was her own voice, compressed to a moment, as time stood still and she realized she was dying again. She had a long history with death -- the cancer, Val'Ryss's ritual, surgical renewal, the oft-broken promise she'd made to the Five, her own shameful weakness against Odium, and so much more. All of that fit into a moment as well. Now that the Sith Lord had cut her throat -- a thought accepted as fait accompli -- she had a few moments she hadn't possessed before. And in those moments, a choice between two transcendences and two oaths. Keep her promise to the Five and pass away, or keep her promise to Spencer and take the Dark Side's route.
Between redemption and her wife, the choice wasn't hard to make. Ashin exploded, not just her Force aura but her body. A long lifetime, much of it bound to the Dark Side, had bound up power in her, permeated her with the Force, accelerated her ageing, taken her fingernails and the color from her eyes. In an instant, that was released, and it tore apart this portion of the library. Sith and Ke'dem Dark Jedi were shoved to the floor, and the few standing bookcases lost their contents in a concussive instant.
She roared out her frustration and minds shivered, but she had no lungs. Her empty armour fell to the broken stones, and Ravening, and her lightsabre, and the guns she'd carried for so long. This was no place to linger. She adjourned in a swirl of cold wind, off to find another form, preferably far away from here. Such things were difficult and dangerous, even for her; she'd only done it once for herself, with help, though she'd enabled it for others a time or two. There were consequences, deep and hazardous, even if the essence transfer was successful. [member="Spencer Varanin"], though, would know she had control of her consciousness, that she still existed and would find a way back. That much was clear.
In the meantime, Ashin continued being dead.