Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Casus Belli? Did you order fries with that? (Fringe Dominion of Tar Mordren to 150)

The Admiralty
Jared had been feeling a disturbance in the Force for quite some time now, but could not figure out what it was about. Until he realized it came from a location near him and he felt the familiar signatures of two ladies he had come to be familiar with. Rave and Circe.. he still remembered the Fringe Invasion of the Galactic Empire and the rumors about a certain Plant Lady coming in and sweeping out with a prisoner of her own. Jared chuckled softly and then reached out towards Rave with the Force. "My Lady Rave, if you are in need of assistance you but only have to cry out my name." with the message came his own unique imprint. After Valen and the sharing of his power with her she probably would recognize it and if not? Well, he would just check up on her after all this was done. If something had happened he would make sure a certain Sith Lady would pay dearly for it.

The Sith Lord meanwhile started walking towards his personal fighter, it seems it would be Jared's task to keep Merril occupied. Well he could do that, hopefully he would not be sucked away into the vacuum of space by a fething wormhole. That would be a sad end to a very promising career. He shrugged almost invisibly and headed towards his own fighter, how he dreaded those damned things. Being transported on the bridge of a huge starship was one thing, you were separated from outer-space by meters of concrete steel and carbon. That was not the case when you flew in a little starfighter, it was just a bit too close to the ether for his taste.

He made sure all systems were a go and then launched himself, following the Sith's fighter towards the space station.

@[member="Rave"] @[member="Vilox Pazela"]​
@[member="Vilox Pazela"] @[member="Jared Ovmar"]

Jorus's ear comm crackled with a roar. His copilot, the Wookiee Beyyr, chuffed out a report. Two starfighters inbound, no weapons charged.

Forcers. No question about it.

He kicked the station console and it yielded to his blandishments, finally allowing access to the systems he needed. The place was a derelict. He reached under the console and pulled out one of those massive sets of anti-sonic-weapon headgear.

The entire station was seeded with sonic projectors -- area-of-effect, eardrum-bursting, heart-stopping, eye-watering sonic projectors. The single best defense ever invented against Force users. The headgear had a little cutoff switch wired in, but, well, there was a half-decent chance he wouldn't need it.
@[member="Jared Ovmar"]

You wish.

@[member="Circe Savan"] got a pretty good smile out of that. "Well, dare to dream, I suppose."

The shuttle descended through the atmosphere of Tar Mordren, bound for a region between the Rebel fortress and the advancing army which Rave had just deployed. Rave strapped on a belt containing transparisteel vials, and tossed one to Circe. "Zerek Strain," she said. "You know what it does?"
The Admiralty
A laugh thundered inside of the Starfighter, one that would make men blush and woman swoon. Jared had always loved a good chase and maybe Rave would give him that sometime. "A man only has hope, Rave." he chuckled again and then continued his course towards the space station. It was taken a long while to get there though and the R2-droid was handling all the piloting for him. So he decided to listen to some music while waiting, with a flourish Jared grabbed his iFruit device from out of his robes.

His headphones were top-notch and expensive, virtually impenetrable to outside sounds. Which allows a person to fully immerse himself into the music without being bothered by outside noises. It probably would not work very efficiently for some Sonic Doomsday Device, but it would certainly blunt the sounds. Not that there was anything to be worried about, who would have such a thing lying around?

@[member="Rave Merrill"] @[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Vilox Pazela"]​
Shinju moved from the small circle of rebels, their group had provided no real resistance and information but she knew where they were headed to. The fortress that Rave had mentioned was the primary target but catching and releasing into the chainsaw blades were just something that needed to be done and made fun. Her skipping and singing coming more as a sign of amusement then fear as it finally came into view and she looked at the black fighters flying overhead. The Dark swarm was something she hoped would prove a useful distraction and this was a good place to test them out while she ran inside with the gunners targetting them. "Now it is time to play."


Well-Known Member
Drawing Golden Claw with a quick flourish, he punched the hilt into a man's face, then spun it side ways to use as a brace as he swung his arm down then around and through his legs to trip him. Turning to bat away an incoming blow with the side of the metal casing, Zaiden dropped to the ground and spun 360° to jab the hilt once again, this time towards the second man's rib cage. Hearing the satisfying crunch of broken bones, he moved to his next target.

"Ashin, you wonderful wonderful woman. I thank you so for my new body. It was unbelievable, to move with such weight! I swear I can fly now!" He said, happiness a fleeting emotion but grand none the less. Dropping to one knee mid run, Zaiden dodged incoming blaster fire which was prematurely cut short by a huge wave of telekinesis towards the man.

@[member="Ashin Varanin"]
| @[member="Jared Ovmar"] | @[member="Jorus Merrill"] |

Vilox lowered his gaze to the sensor on his dashboard and registered that Ovmar was right behind him. He didn't particularly like the Lord of the Fringe tailing him. After all, he worked for a woman who pulled off even grander deception than he had over the Empire. Subsequently, he learned never to underestimate Ashin and her ability to manipulate events. She had been behind the loss of the Sith archives and he believed that she too might have been behind the raid on the Jedi Temple on Tython. Thus, everything that she had said thus far might have been a lie, all to get him in this enclosed starfighter in the middle of space where the Chimaera or Ovmar could shoot him out of the sky. Well, there was one way of making sure that Ovmar never managed to get a shot on his Taral fighter. Reversing the ship around, he swung it to the side of Ovarm's fighter and settled into a flanking position.

Settling his paranoia, the Dark Jedi Master turned his attention on the space station ahead. They were closing into a set of blast doors, that he thought led into the stations hangar bay. Targeting the doors, he opened fire. Turbolaser streaked across the black gulf, impacting the doors outside activation panel that forced it to open a gap by some sort of glitch of sort. He swung his Taral to the side and aimed it through the gap made.

He wasn't the best pilot in the galaxy, which was proven by the fact that the underside of his Taral was caught on the stations wall as he came in. The dashboard flashed that he had a fuel leak and he sensed through the force that he was in danger. Unfastening himself from the pilots seat, he pushed his hands out and unleashed the force into the canopy to blow it open. He followed the momentum of the energy in a flip and landed on the hangar bay floor, a breathing apparatus on his face so he could breathe in those conditions. Overhead, the Taral exploded from the damage caused to it. The light illuminated the hangar bay briefly.

When Ovmar landed or crashed in the hangar bay, Vilox lifted both of his palms and used the doors to wench the blast doors shut. He soon felt the atmosphere that was being sucked through the gap he had created stop and go back to normal, now that the vacuum to space had been closed. When it did so, he took his device off and waited for Ovmar to join him.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
@[member="Rave Merrill"]

"The Sith Poison bacteria?" She chuckled, curious as to what the witch intended to use it for. "Let me guess, throw this into a crowd of soldiers and it'll turn them to the Dark Side? Or at the least, incapacitate them?" She raised an eyebrow, curious as to what the plans were in regards to the Zerek strain. "Or are you expecting Force users we can use this on to be there?"

A thought was in the back of her mind - what if Jorus was there?


Well-Known Member
Hurling Golden Claw Penumbra slid across the ground for a moment, then leapt into the air to grab the hilt again. Igniting the blade with a snap hiss, he swung before even touching ground, severing a man's body clean in half. Spinning he stuck the sabers plasma clear through another opponent's neck.

As he moved, Zaiden listened with the full capabilities his ears could reach...and heard nothing. He had finished the base, and with that turned his sights on the western sky. Launching high into the air, he relished the feel of his hair pulled tight against his face for a moment as he moved.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
|Sensor reports are back, ma'am. No sign that they've buried anti-orbital weapons under the fortress."

"Move the Chimaera into position over the fortress. Prepare to interdict any further small craft or transports."

The immense Star Destroyer shifted, decelerating to descend through orbital layers and take up a geostationary position.
@[member="Circe Savan"]

Rave snorted. "Nothing that dramatic, Circe. No, the Zerek Strain isn't for incapacitation. As a matter of fact, ideally, its targets don't even know they've been exposed until it's too late. Cast a cloud of this as vapor over a room where Jedi are fighting, and within twenty-four hours their systems will be pretty much irreversibly flooded with sith poison. I'm expecting to find Rebel Force-users, yes. My brother is here, though not on the planet, and he has a wide range of associates."
@[member="Jared Ovmar"] @[member="Vilox Pazela"]

The Lord of the Fringe would quickly find that his excellent headphones had nothing like the necessary and all-encompassing protection of military-grade anti-sonic headgear. And the Dark Master would quickly discover that there was no weapon so well suited to countering Force-users as an independently powered, remotely activated sonic projector.

Every hallway's sonic projectors went off as one, sending powerful vibrations through the deck and filling the entire station with a near-lethal sonic field. Even Jorus, in his high-tech headgear, nearly threw up. Clutching his shotgun and the console, he scrambled to input the final commands to rain fire on the Fringe army.


Well-Known Member
Landing with a dull thud, Zaiden took a moment to breath, "En route to next Rebel Base. Penumbra out." He said into his comlink, then launched back into the air again. The more and more he practiced with Force Jumping, the easier he found maintaining flight to be. As well he was no longer supporting 100+ pounds of metallic bone structure, so that helped - a lot. Maybe some time soon he would have to focus training on sustainable flight.

Using the force to slow his decent, Zaiden landed on a thick out stretched branch. Eyes ahead and laying on the ground, for the next base was nearly 3 times the size of the previous. Sighing he murmured into his comlink once more, "This one may take longer than I want."
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
"Seems easy enough, Rave. Then we can go and chill in a jacuzzi?" She was a bit sore right now, and could use the water jets. But corrupting Force users was of course the most important goal here.

@[member="Rave Merrill"]
@[member="Circe Savan"]

Rave paused to take cover behind a rocky outcropping. Blasterfire lit up the sky in all directions as the fortress opposed the leading elements of the army she had deployed. "We're about to walk into a life-or-death situation to keep my people from dying needlessly, test the most important bioweapon in the universe, and take a fortress that will allow us to cut Omega Protectorate territory in half -- and your first, last, and only thought is jacuzzi? I thought you wanted to be my friend and destroy the Protectorate. I need you on board with this. Now I could lie and say that there's some technological toy inside that fortress for you to claim for your very own, but I believe you're capable of smartening up and getting the job done."

Deliberately, she turned away. "Be my friend. Help me when I need it, and I need it now."

She leaped over the outcropping and began a mad dash, zigzagging through the last two hundred metres of open ground leading up to the fortress walls.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
"As silly as it sounds... Thinking about what to do after we do this helps assuage the part of my mind that makes me question why I do things each and every day." When Rave turned away, Circe followed. "I'll be your friend. You can, as they say, 'lean on me.'" And when Rave made the dash, Circe herself followed focusing on the White Current and letting herself be shrouded. When she caught back up with Rave on the other side , she raised an eyebrow.

"I could've cloaked us both and no one would've shot at us as we waltzed up to their base's front door... Meh, doesn't matter. Let's do this."
@[member="Circe Savan"]

"Yeah, that would have been useful," said Rave, and made the Force-enhanced jump to the nearest window, two stories up. She reached for the sill, then flinched back and opted to fall rather than grab on. Dirt puffed up around her as her feet slapped the ground at the wall's base.

"The window's shock-trapped, and there's something in the room, a sonic projector maybe. Anything useful in your bag of tricks, Master Savan?"

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
On the Chimaera's throne, Ashin's eyes half-lidded as a small and nondescript ship entered the system. It had all the proper documentation, it reacted in all the proper and fearful ways, but it made itself steadfastly toward the planet. A weak old Force Bond flared to life between her and the freighter's lone occupant. Her brow furrowed as she reached out to her Hand.

Zaiden, a powerful enemy is on his way to you. Be wary. Recruit him if you can, defeat him if you cannot.

Orders cleared the way for the little ship to reach the surface unchallenged.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

Ember's nondescript freighter settled down not far from the fortress, in one of the few areas absent of violence. His passage had been simple, his arrival unopposed. It was, of course, a trap.

Twin Thorns of Ryloth retracted under his sleeves, and the Confederacy's master of physical enhancement and stealth slipped out into the battlefield, invisible.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
@[member="Rave Merrill"]

"Well... If you have a spare piece of metal, we can let the shock trap melt it and lead the resulting flow of durasteel to another conductible object via the Force. Bam - short circuit, and the result should kill the generator. If it doesn't, we could simply destroy the sonic projector, or force it to reflect its own sonic waves back onto itself with a suitably audio-reflective surface."

The short circuit would also likely lead the people inside to being disoriented and confused.

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