Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Casus Belli (Tygaran Alliance/Galactic Alliance vs First Order Rebellion of Kaeshana)

Location: Landing Zone Zulu, Santaissa
With: [member="Kaalia Voldaren"], [member="Darth Veles"]
In the Vicinity: [member="Asharad Graush"], [member="Kyrel Ren"], [member="Kato"], [member="Pharazon Draken"], [member="BE-183"], [member="Rolf Amsel"]
Objective: Secure Santaissa

Ashen Ren cast a glance to the side, watching to see if the young disciple would crumble beneath her words. She was pleased to find that Kaalia wiped her face free of tears and began to build her composure back up. It was true, she could have come across harsher, and perhaps she should have. However, she recognized that it would not do their disciple well to be completely broken down in this moment. She needed her mind to be alert, she needed her senses to be sharp, and her emotions would only cloud her way.

With only a small nod, she watched as Kaalia’s swift form pressed forward. There was strength in her blows to the enemy, and a growing sense of power. Isla could feel the young woman’s rage building, as intoxicating as it was… she would need to control it.

For her own part, she let her boots push off the ground. The shining white of the troopers were still visible around them, but their forces were now pushing towards the city ruins. It would be best to remain close, and not fall too far behind. The blazing crimson of her saber hummed through the air, the redhead moved on, leaving a trail of blood and bodies in her wake. Isla’s eyes found Kaalia once more, and her gloved hand motioned for the disciple to join her.

“Come, let’s make for the ruins.” She said, nodding her head after the troopers.

The white armored men were a force that would not go easily unnoticed, but the Ren had the ease that would let them move silent and shadowed. It was then that [member="Samka Derith"] came over their comm frequency, offering an invitation to all Ren. Their options were open for the moment; they could join their lavender-haired Knight, or continue to move with the military men and women. She supposed that their path would become clear as they grew closer to the ruins.

Isla’s eyes shifted to Avreet, she wondered if he would choose to join them… or if perhaps, he had business of his own to attend to. She turned away; there was no time to linger here.

For there was rumbling in the skies above, it seemed that a storm was brewing…
Location: Santaissa
Objective: Defend Santaissa, extract [member="Aesa Urkith"]

Allies: The First Order, [member="Isla Ashen"], [member="Asharad Graush"], [member="Rolf Amsel"], [member="Kyrel Ren"], [member="Kato"], [member="Pharazon Draken"], [member="BE-183"]
Enemies: Galactic Alliance and their allies

Max took a quick glance around him to check if his immediate surroundings were safe, then looked up, noticing the rain pattering down. Taking off his helmet he looked at the pilot "You're not going to die here. Not today, at least."

The medic took out a medical diagnostic kit, then began analysing her for injuries. "She's got a concussion" the medic told Max. "Can you stablise her? We need to get moving real soon." Nodding at him, the medic took out an autoinjector "We'll get her on the move."

Max went to gather the equipment he could see, then placed his helmet back on. "Carry what you can, I'll take her from here." Being as careful as they could in the tense environment they were in, they removed her from the cockpit, then Max began carrying her back. "I'm Lieutenant Max Fel. There's more medical equipment and even ships back at my platoon. You'll be fine, don't worry."

"This is Lieutenant Fel, we're returning. Cover us." he spoke over the communicator as other Stormtroopers appeared in vision, keeping their weapons at the ready.

Roth Tillian

Kaeshana Sector
Wild Knights Squadron
[member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Kyrana Gould"] @Asmus James [member="Choli Vyn"]

Roth nudged the throttle forward, sending his ship cruising forward while the rest of the squadron spread out behind him. They cruised along the edge of the Alliance fleet, weaving their way alongside the much larger hulls. Things were quiet still, and he didn't like it. He was itching to feel the thrill of a dogfight again, of flying headlong into a barrage of enemy weapons.

Comm chatter was indicating something different on the ground. Things were getting bad, from what he was understanding. Orbital bombardment from an atmospheric Star Destroyer.

An atmospheric Star Destroyer. Did they know what he could do to one of those with just one squadron of fighters? Sink an attack run of torpedoes into the engines and the whole thing collapses. Crashes into the ground below. It was a beautiful sight, except there being a blockade in the way. That he could also get around. But battles weren't fought on the squadron level, especially not at this scale. This required strategy and elimination of precise targets.

Especially the Wild Knights. The Rogues were good, perhaps even second best through the starfighter corps (Behind Roth, of course), but they didn't have the versatility of the Knights. The Knights Jedi and Jensaarai were trained in illusion and piloting, learning to sync the two together as a highly versatile force multiplier. Pun not intended.

Now they were flying a mixed squadron- the new D-Wings and their old classic, the Knight class starfighter. Both fast, hard-hitting ships. The bombers to hit ground and ship targets hard with the Knights for escort and disabling fighters. Get in, hit hard, make some illusions, get out. Confuse the enemy at all times.

It was classic and worked really well. But for now, they needed to wait until Rogues were relaunched to hit the blockade.
[SIZE=14.6667px]Post #: 2[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Location: Kaeshana, Santaissa, Ruins and reconstruction site of the Citadel connected to the White Palace.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Allies: [/SIZE]The First Order, [member="Isla Ashen"], [member="Asharad Graush"], [member="Rolf Amsel"], [member="Kyrel Ren"], [member="Kato"], [member="Valius Rau"], [member="BE-183"], [member="Max Fel"]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Enemies: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]@Galactic Alliance, [member="Tempest"], @[/SIZE]Siobhan Kerrigan, [member="Michael Sardun"], [member="Six-O"] ,@Any other GA or whatever that might want a story let me know, come try to seize the citadel attached to the white palace

[SIZE=14.6667px]Equipment: Standard Stormtrooper Equipment.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Draken!” Caiptan Vortigern roared over Pharazon’s helmet com. “You must keep your troops in position, the Eldorai and Alliance rebels are making a major push across the planet, coordinate with the commandos and other troops at your position, the Citadel and Palace ruins must not fall, Vortigern over and out.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Although the cacophony of blaster fire and explosions was near deafening Pharazon had his orders. “Sergeant Cain!” Pharazon roared over his own platoon’s communication net. “Get the engineers inside of whatever the feth is left of the Citadel and Palace, make them destroy their history to stop us.” he ordered his Platoon Sergeant as Pharazon watched Cain take one squad of ten troopers to carry them out.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Squads one, three, four, and five with me” he said calmer now organizing his troops into a rough semicircle in the makeshift fortifications around the the Citadel.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]The Eldorai terrorists had swarmed from their hiding places after the Galactic Alliance assault had begun. Pharazon and his men were near permanently shrouded in red flashes as they poured countless blaster bolts against the rebels. Many fell, flesh scorched and filling the air with smoke and the pungent odour of burnt bodies and hair. Many more, however, made it into cover and began firing on their own with whatever weapons they had scrapped together or taken off fallen Stormtroopers.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Incoming!” Cried Private Sandalphon as their position and the surrounding area effectively exploded. Several, at least five or six, of Pharazon’s own men were blown apart, covering the area in blood and dirt. The area around the citadel was being devastated, almost no Stormtrooper unit was spared losses, neither could any safely maneuver. Several Eldorai were also caught up in the blasts but not many.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Blasting an unlucky Eldorai that had popped its head up in the wrong place and the wrong time, Pharazon took a quick reading of the battlefield and their current position. The artillery was heavy, but seemed sporadic, he suspected the were having their own problems. Then, rather all of a sudden, the artillery stopped.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“This is Lieutenant Draken to Lieutenant Rau and Lieutenant Fel, I am going to take advantage of the break in the barrage and attempt to secure the Citadel Palace perimeter before the main Alliance force gets this far, it seems the Eldorai n the city are not as pacified as was reported, I will then provide whatever covering fire I can for you Fel when I retake the main checkpoint” Pharazon knew better than to attempt to order other officers, nothing good could come of it. Hopefully the commandos could really get among the rebels and disperse them Pharazon thought.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Switching channels back to his Platoon, Pharazon ordered aggressively “All squads but squad two, form up on me, attack pattern delta fire and advance by squad."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Tossing a detonator toward a formation of Eldorai rebels in positions on the perimeter Pharazon and nearly forty men charged out from cover to cover, pouring out blaster bolts by squad and in covering fire. They edged closer and closer, some men went down wounded but the Stormtroopers kept advancing. Over the last fifty metres the Eldorai’s cover of rubble and destroyed vehicles disintegrated under the Stormtroopers barrage, red the only colour one could see. As the cover disintegrated the rebels were eviscerated. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Seeing that at least this group of rebels was about to break, he turned on his helmet speaker and roared “Charge!” 4th Platoon burst from cover in orderly formations and fired while sprinting towards the rebel position. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Pharazon fired his weapon again and again before they slammed into the rebels at the very moment they broke, but it was too late for them 4th Platoon gunned them down at point blank range, beat them with rifles, stabbed with bayonets and crushed skulls with shock batons. Those who surrendered or begged for mercy were not spared. As the last of their number fell or fled Pharazon set his own men up in whatever cover and firing positions were left or piled up some more.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Switching again to the local command channel, Pharazon reported his success to Vau and Fel. “This is Lieutenant Draken I have retaken a point on the perimeter but there are still rebels all over the ruins, they will not get passed me to the Citadel if I can hold here but I suspect we are about to be sorely pressed by real soldiers too.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Switching channels again he attempted to make contact with another Stormtrooper formation to see if they could aid in the fight against guerrillas inside the city. “This is Lieutenant Draken, TK-6850 of the 4th Platoon 189th Infantry Company to Major Amsel and Fortan One” Pharazon began with.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“With the artillery gone we are no longer hard pressed but there appears to have been many more Eldorai rebels left in the city than we thought, I understand the Alliance is pressing the outskirts but any assistance you could render would be appreciated sir."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]No sooner as he had reached his own firing position, a pile of rubble of a former guard tower than did a rocket roar over his head and explode behind his position, covering them in dirt, building materials.[/SIZE] “Contact made”[SIZE=14.6667px] Pharazon said, spotting another group of rebels rushing through the ruins toward their position, scavenged blasters and slug throwers belching death at the Stormtrooper lines.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Face entirely passive as he saw these fighters, Pharazon coldly delivered his troops orders [/SIZE]“Weapons free.”[SIZE=14.6667px] He fired his own blaster, his white helmet illuminated red as Santaissa descended into hell as Pharazon hoped that he was taking some of the pressure off of Fel as he attempted a rescue mission or luckily completely kept these rebels occupied with him so Fel would not see a single one. He also was getting edgy for the main Alliance force to show up or for to have 4th Platoon redeployed to the growing front at the city outskirts.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]He was also worried that there might be far better trained Eldorai rebels out there, undetected in the city. But he dismissed that thought as he could do nothing about them anyway if they were even there.[/SIZE]


OOC Writer Account

Elsa Kurze
Ruins of Santaissa.

Elsa allows the medic to use the autoinjector, a cocktail of painkillers and a suspension to promote cellular healing. The DC-15A finds itself being held in her left hand, she reaches behind cockpit and releases a DLT-19x from steel weapon locker and hastily wraps it over her sinewy shoulder as the Stormtroopers comes to help her out of the cockpit. Elsa takes care to keep right boot off of the cold moist floor, using right arm and left foot to balance and hobble appropriately. Elsa wraps her right arm around the back of Max's neckseal and hops across the mud covered ground. Rain beats down on her helmet, the both of them are followed by "Lowie" her R2 unit. "Leftenant Ventor, Security Bureau." 'Elsa' introduces herself, not with an assumed name but as her parents, friends and comrades know her. "Storm brought me down, took a hit after hitting those batteries." Elsa bites her bottom lip and releases a greatly pained grunt. "Thank you Leftenant." The normal arrogance finds itself tempered by humility in the face of such embarrassing circumstances. A sobering reminder that any invincibility is an illusion. "I don't suppose you've come across any upgraded Eta-2 Actis interceptors have you?" Elsa manages a smile before gasping at the pain that shoots up her right calf through thigh, the poor Buckethead probably had no idea what that is but on the chance, he does the Security Bureau officer would be nothing less than impressed.
@[member='Max Fel']


Sullust Orbit
ANS Firebird
Twilight Company

Alarms blared through the station- klaxons indicating red alert. Jowarr stopped what he was eating and looked up, listening as he took another bite from the drumstick. Its juices ran down his fur as a message echoed. It was simple enough, all things considering. All mobile infantry units report to their stations in two hours.

Twilight Company, report immediately and prepare for departure. That was the nature of Twilight Company, he thought, letting out a low growl that his droid chose not to translate to those around him. They understood what it meant. He dropped the drumstick and hefted his gear. When they meant fifteen minute deployment, they meant it. He could almost already hear the ship's engines boosting to full power and preparing to leave.

He slung the rucksack over his massive shoulders and lumbered off, pushing his way through the crowd of suddenly rushing soldiers and support staff. They all stepped aside for him as he blazed his way to the corvette he called home. An NCO was already at the hatchway, calling roll as soldiers entered. Some in uniform, some caught on leave still in their civvies. Jowarr didn't have that problem. Uniforms and wookiees... did not go well together.

He ducked through the hatchway, saluting the lieutenant as he did so.

"Corporal Jowarr, your squad is all present."

Jowarr gave another wrrf of acknowledgement and started through the corridors. Not long after, the hatches were sealed and the ship detatched from the station, jumping into hyperspace. Kaeshana.

War had finally broken out. First Order and Alliance forces had engaged over the world of Kaeshena.

Valessia Brentioch

Location: Aboard the Judicator
Allies: [member="Malok"] | [member="[/FONT][FONT='lucida sans unicode']Darth [/FONT][FONT='lucida sans unicode']Prazutis"]
Enemies: [member="Tanomas Graf"] | Tygaran Alliance, Galactic Alliance

As the ships emerged from hyperspace and the stars once more came into view, Valessia knew that there was no turning back. Closing her eyes a moment, she washed away the sounds of the ship's crew. Washing away the hums of the engine, she focused on herself. She focused on her thoughts, and on her mind. Everything she had done in her life was always going to lead her to this moment. In this moment she knew, she would have to let herself go. Valessia Kallea Brentioch would be no more, and the woman that took her place? She knew not, but she knew when she knelt down before Braxus Zambrano, the Scion of House Brentioch knew it was a moment that would be the catalyst. She could feel the darkside of the force flowing through her, feel the darkside. It was an awakening unlike any other, and as she stood there in the silence she felt the tears slip down her cheeks. It felt as if she had taken her own heart and crushed it, and all that was left - all that would remain, would be the dust.

Ashes of the past, of a life that would be nothing more than a memory. Braxus Zambrano the God-Prince had cultivated seeds that had already been there, seeds planted by Sumiko Tanaka. Seeds of doubt, of fear and of the truth - she'd been a tool. Something to be used by those around her, from her mother to the Grand Moff. The Grand Moff. A woman she might have even considered a friend up to this point. Even then, she was a tool - an Ambassador, an Industrialist, a Representative of the First Order. This was it, there would be no more secrets, no more hiding. No longer would she put on the thin disguises, or hide who or what she wanted to become. Power. Control. Fear. Valessia yearned to take the reigns of her own life and control them, to be free of the Galaxy's yoke.

She reflected on her life, days, months and years spent in Brentaal IV's seedy underworld. Learning to survive on the streets while being the ever presentable lady to her parents, learning how to speak to the public all the while learning how to manage a blaster. How to rally and coordinate troops, while she learned how to balance a book on her head. The nature of duality, eventually one side wins. Only, Valessia wondered which side was winning. The street rat or the socialite? Or was it someone else, something else? Whoever would emerge the victor, would have control. And whoever it was, would be moulded into being by the God-Prince himself.

Peace is a lie.

There is only, Passion.

Through passion, I gain Strength.

Through strength, I gain Power.

Through power, I gain Victory.

Through victory, my chains will be broken.

The Force Shall Free Me.
Location: Landing Zone between Santaissa and the Citadel of Dawn
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Galactic Alliance

Supreme Commander Vaas' black-gloved hand hovered over the placid corpse of [member="Garett Van"].

Immediately upon landing on Kaeshana and after setting up his mobile command center, the Supreme Commander had caught sight of the first casualties of the freshly unfolding battle. As his troops landed, the casualties were being shipped back towards the transports as they came, to be taken off-world and back to Dosuun for hospitalization - or proper military burial. This particular casualty had caught Vaas' eye as the floating slab which carried him moved past the Supreme Commander, causing him to spare a sidelong glance. But before he knew it, Ludolf had moved to stand over the floating gurney, taking in the appearance of this man's unusually peaceful expression in death. Vaas inspected his ID tags.

LIuetenant Garett Van, they read.

Ludolf saw hundreds, if not thousands, of troops on any given military operation for the First Order, but he recognized this man. He had operated with him somewhere before, on one of his countless missions with the First Order. Where exactly, he couldn't remember. It was definitely before his appointment to Supreme Commader - back when Ludolf could get away with exposing himself to more front-line action. Back when he was still considered disposable. Vaas furrowed his brow and flexed his jaw.

But now this man - Lieutanant Garrett Van - was dead. He had given his life for the First Order, and perhaps there would be a family back on Dosuun that would weep at the news shortly. Perhaps no one would care. But Van's peaceful expression in death lingered in Ludolf's mind, as he watched the gurney being taken away and loaded up into a stretcher. The Lieutenant's struggle was over, and for all intents and purposes, he was a hero. The First Order's struggle was just beginning.

"Supreme Commander," An officer interrupted his thoughts as he stood momentarily alone on the makeshift landing pad, "The Odile Vaiken Division is almost finished landing and ready for deployment."

"Very good," Vaas uttered deeply. "Inform General [member="Asharad Graush"] that the White Wolves will soon have reinforcements from Division Vaiken."

"Yes sir."

For the moment, Ludolf was left alone with his thoughts again. Men scurried around him as transports were emptied and gun emplacements were erected, and tents were brought up which would function as the Supreme Commander's mobile base of operations for the time being. Garrett Van had died an honorable death, on the field of battle. An envious demise. And Ludolf? He was supposed to confine himself to lingering behind command consoles, safely out of harm's way, for the duration of battle. Supposed to.

"Hail Sieger," He muttered to himself. And then, flipping open his comlink, "This is Supreme Commander Ludolf Vaas. ETA on the deployment of our Sabercat walkers."

The Galactic Alliance wanted war. He would give it to them the best way he knew how.

Kir Tillian

No Man's Land

Farwalker's Company had separated from the Pyre forces. There were no hard feelings, but they had other skills for other duties. And what they didn't have was the technology or the time to train on it. Old slugthrowers, sure. Blasters, perhaps a few of them had skills. But Faenula did not. What she had was a reputation and ability to walk a very long distance in a relatively short amount of time.

And she had sixty other Eldorai capable of doing the same thing. They knew the land, they knew the people. This at the moment, was a war of technology. But soon, that would begin to even and the Eldorai needed to be known. She hefted her spear and raised, silencing the quiet murmurs of the warband. Heavy weapons echoed in the distance, with an offworld starship hovering in the far distance. Lights flashed on the horizon, but whether storm or weaponry, she couldn't tell.

They were far from the combat now- setting off immediately after the raid on the slaver encampment. A long march in the night to evade the incoming white foreigners. They came bearing gifts, but the truth was clear. They were not here as friends or at the behest of the Star-Queens. They were invaders, plain and simple. She like these Alliance and Omega Pyre foreigners only slightly less, but they had been asked by the Star-Queens to assist.

They served the Eldorai rather than force themselves upon the devastated planet. That, Faenula respected. Shee didn't like them being here, but they were needed. She cleared her throat.

"Farwalker's Company!" Her voice rang out across the gathered crowd, but didn't spread far. "You know what has happened this day. The Star-Queens are returning and have declared..." She paused for dramatic effect, voice raising in passion as she spoke. "A holy war against this... First Order invaders. They have returned from Tygara with armies of our departed kin and of our friends."

The words settled across the band, attentive and watching. They already knew, but her speeches were important. Well, sort of.

"Will we sit by while they fight our war for us? This is our planet, given to us by Ashira! It is our sacred duty to guard this world against foreign occupiers!" They raised their arms with a cheer. Faenula grinned, wild and manic, as the thrill of the speech surged. "You have had the honor of wearing the green of Farwalker's Company!" She tapped the green of her tunic from which they drew their color. "Know today I give you a greater honor! You are all the Farwalker now and I give you a mission of utmost importance!"

There was an expectant hush in the air. She lowered her voice, but pitched it to carry, standing tall and proud.

"We must spread across our lands bearing the message of the Holy War and calling our kin, those who call ourselves the Forsaken, to a crusading purge against these tyrants! Ours is not a battle of spear and blade, but of souls and minds! Too long have we warred among ourselves." She spat to the side. "We have dishonored the name Eldorai among our kind. Now is the time to regain our honor and our heritage! Call them all- gangs, criminals, forgotten soldiers. We have been forged in the fires of cataclysm into hardened survivors. Ruthless fighters and those desperate enough to do anything. It was a curse! But now!" She raised the spear and recently looted vibrosword above her head. "It is a gift! A training unlike no other to forge our souls into warriors!"

They all raised their weapons then, but stayed quiet. They had been the Shadow Rangers too long to have forgotten the need for silence. Her tone changed now. Not a leader, but of a military commander, issuing orders.

"I have briefed with company leaders your routes and breakdowns. Each of you have been assigned directions, some have been assigned specific gangs. Band leaders will inform your specifics. Now go, Farwalkers! Carry our legacy with pride and free our homeworld!"

She rapped the spear against the sooty dirt beneath her feet and turned away from her pile of rubble. She had a mission of her own- to go the far Western coast and rally them. They were the lands of her birth and she still called them home, even as the forests slowly died from the everpresent gloom. But so be it! She would rally her people to war no matter what it would take.

They dispersed into the shadows in small groups. Hands, she called them, of five warriors. All in different directions. She herself would take only a few others with her. They stood alongside, waiting.

A quick nod and they were ready. Faenule, the Farwalker turned and strode into the West, winding her way between the stunted forest remains- a phantom shadow in the murk.

Tanomas Graf

Objective: Destroy First Order fleet, establish Remnant as dominant Imperials.
Allies: The Imperial Remnant, Galactic Alliance, [member="Cathul Thuku"], [member="Talyn Krane"], [member="Desmond C'artyom"]
Enemies: The First Order, [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"], [member="Cyrus Tregessar"], [member="Basileus Isauros"], [member="Valessia Brentioch"], [member="Darth Prazutis"]
New Balosar, the Expansion Region
Bridge of the Avenger

The Imperial Fleet sailed gracefully over the planet of New Balosar, with the Avenger moving into the center of the formation, a clear sign that it was in fact the command ship being nearly two times the size of every other vessel. Grand Admiral Graf was taking a tremendous risk diverting his resources for this, but it was for the Imperial cause. They figured that helping the Alliance win the planet would further escalate the war and cause the two mammoth-sized factions to ignore the operations of the other factions, especially the Imperial Remnant that was so close to the Alliance's borders. The old man opened his usual channel to the entirety of the Imperial fleet.

"This is Grand Admiral Tanomas Graf of the Imperial Command Triumvirate. All ships prepare to make the jump into hyperspace, course set for Kaeshana, where we will prove ourselves to the galaxy by destroying the pretenders that are the First Order. We will not be servants, but we will be conquerors! For Order! For Justice! For the Empire!" He roared as the Avenger sprung into hyperspace, followed by the rest of the fleet. It would take the Imperials at least ten minutes to reach the system, but they were prepared for the battle to come.

Throughout the fleet, engineers and gunners jogged through the hallways to their battlestations. On the exterior, dozens of turbolasers swung around in alert motions. Imperial Marines marched within the ship, ready for any interlopers that dared tried to board an Imperial vessel. Graf stood on the bridge with a rough look on his face, he would either win this engagement or he would die trying.

He was a true Imperial afterall.

Imperial Forces:​
Location: Landing Zone between Santaissa and the Citadel of Dawn
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Galactic Alliance

Kresh and the 242nd Armoured Aurek Platoon had just landed not long after the Supreme Commander [member="Ludolf Vaas"] had. His old comrade and once fellow Lieutenant, Garett Van, had perished in this attack. He had once thought of him a friend and he had served with honour, he had served his nation well. Kresh would honour him when the time was appropriate, he would head the funeral himself if had the opportunity. But now, he was about to deploy, straight into hostile territory.

The mobile command was set up when the Aurek Platoon arrived. Kresh rushed his men into action, waiting for orders from either the Supreme Commander or from [member="Asharad Graush"]. Fighting had been hard. Many had died from both sides. He intended to make that number favour the First Order after he learned of Lt. Van's death. He was filled with both anticipation and fury.

It was time to avenge him, time to serve, time to kill some of those pathetic Alliance soldiers.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Natasi had retreated from the bridge of the Concordia upon receipt of the report that [member="Sioux Chambers"], her principal private secretary and close confidant, as well as her escort [member="Beka Barineker"], had gone missing from their location delivering and unpacking aid supplies and scientific equipment from the planet. Missing -- that was as good a euphemism for murdered in cold blood by foolish savages as any, Natasi supposed. She was watching from the viewport in her personal suite, dark eyes glassy with unshed tears. It was war -- war, undeclared perhaps, but war nonetheless. Each splash of color and light cast by the explosions represented Natasi Fortan's failure, a personal failure, to prevent the war that seemed to be unfolding across the system. Soon it would unfold across the First Order and the Galactic Alliance.

The Galactic Alliance was getting exactly what it wanted. War.

And because people were either exceedingly stupid, or astonishingly intellectually dishonest, the First Order would get the blame. The First Order which had, since Eriadu, done nothing but mind its own business and try to carve a safe and secure environment for a stable and secure society out of the ass-end of the galaxy. On this, the most recent misadventure of the First Order, the Galactic Alliance had interfered with the First Order's humanitarian efforts and yet somehow the semi-literates of the galaxy placed the blame squarely on the First Order -- for the unmitigated gall of using its own credits and its own resources, and in the case of [member="Sioux Chambers"] and [member="Beka Barineker"], its own people, in an effort to alleviate the suffering of the few survivors of Kaeshana.

The nerve. The absolute nerve.

But the First Order was evil. When a fact was self-evident, as it seemed to be to the galaxy at large, the truth was completely irrelevant. Inconvenient, too.

She blew out a sigh and stared out the viewport, her jaw setting. She was beginning to wonder if it was worth the effort anymore to try to do the right thing; to negotiate and to persuade and to tread so so carefully if the end result would be the same as if she just swept through with the Nebula Battlegroup and a legion of Stormtroopers, taking what she wanted, doing what was best for her and hers -- the citizens of the First Order -- and screw everyone else. If she was going to be portrayed as evil no matter what her government did, why bother beating around the bush or treading on eggshells, why bother trying to do the right thing if she was going to be painted as Darth Vader Part Deux no matter what the case?

She poured a measure of gin and a measure of tonic into a glass and inhaled deeply as she took a sip. It was a lot to consider, and her conscience would have to be considered, too, but at this point -- at this planet, with Sioux still missing -- her conscience wanted to light the atmosphere on fire.

Meanwhile, the Concordia was broadcasting on diplomatic frequencies, hailing those who might have an interest in stopping this conflict before it became a full-blown war.

[member="Jaius Sovv"] | [member="Nathaniel Barrett"]
Allies: [member="Darth Prazutis"] | ApeX
Enemies: [member="Tanomas Graf"] | Tygaran Alliance/Galactic Alliance

Observation Deck

Malok cared nothing for Order.

Whether or not a world was "free" was of no consequence to the Behemoth. He did not concern himself with the ideologies of the Galaxy's current powers - for there was something far greater at work here. You see, only an utter fool walks into battle ignorant...and Malok was the furthest thing. It was no coincidence that the ApeX horde arrived at the First Order's borders only hours prior. It was no happenstance that the Behemoth quickly made a deal with their dignitaries: one that, admittedly, resulted in a lesser payout. So why was it that he had brought his warriors to Kaeshana? What great purpose motivated the Behemoth to enter the clash of "freedom and order?" Hunger.

Within the world of militant organizations, there were Gods and there were Men. OmegaPyre, over the course of decades, had ascended to Godhood.

And thus had the Beast come knocking - not for coin or to uphold foreign ideals, but for an opportunity to sink his teeth into the best.

A shudder signified the Cruiser's reversion into realspace, prompting Malok to turn away from the mammoth viewport. Per the usual, his form betrayed nothing but absolute confidence. His hands, one held by the other, were at rest behind his back. His steps bled authority and his gaze demanded submission. The horde around him were...eager. He could feel it in the very air. Although relative quiet ruled them, Malok could tell that they - too - were Hungry. Yet, that was far from the only presence in the room. No. There was one that practically eclipsed the battle lust which flowed through the ApeX Horde. [member="Darth Prazutis"].

Malok was a stranger to the world of Sith and Jedi. He had not been formally trained in the Force, although he could sling it about from time to time. Yet everything he had heard about the masters of Darkness...was confirmed by the Destroyer. From the heir of Zambrano bled an of of of sheer Power. This was the sort of man who could rend apart the Heavens if he so chose. And he was on the side of ApeX. A jagged smile began to form as the Behemoth heard the Sith's words: their strategy was about to begin. "Excellent." The word was thunder, booming so that all could hear. "Then it is time to earn our keep."

He parted his hands and outstretched them.

"This day, some among us will die."

The Force fell upon him. A screech erupted from the rear of the Deck.

"Take heart in knowing...Your cut will be larger because of it."

His Hammer slid forth, it's hulking mass scraping a jagged line upon the floor.

"Now...Let them hear us. LET THEM KNOW APEX!"

The weapon soared into his waiting hand before its pummel thundered upon the Deck floor. With but a nod, tradition was observed: a broadcast was opened for all channels to witness. A cacophany of voices - Malok and his Horde - began to chant...began to sing.



LOCATION: Santaissa, Kaeshana
OBJECTIVE: Survive Ambush
ALLIES: FO {None In Vicinity}

ENEMIES: GA {None Nearby?}
Melee Weapons:
Ranged Weapons:

Everything went to hell in the span of six seconds- or maybe it had already been hell, and it took the men of Besh Squad that long to realize it.

One: Several blaster bolts shot out of the dark, slammed into Sergeant Khalthe's chest piece, and knocked him back. Half of a yell escaped his lips, but no more. The man refused to show too much pain. Or at least not yet, not yet. Next to him two Stormtroopers leveled their rifles, shooting up at the first enemies they spotted. Meanwhile Esker tucked into himself, rolled forward, and sought cover behind an abandoned crate. His heart was pounding- two and a half beats in a second. Had he had more time, he would have called out for Eighty, would have taken a moment to let the concern bubble within his chest. But there would be none of that yet. Just the first section of his introduction to war.

Two: Someone screamed. They were cut off as soon as they started, two bolts having moved in rapid succession. One of the troopers reached for a grenade, his eyes scanning for targets, helmet differentiating friends and foes. Another man bent down and clasped a firm hand on the Sergeant's shoulder. A few meters away, Eighty struggled to reach his weapon. The medic besides him started to trade his tool of healing for a tool of death. Above them, on crumbling rooftops, appeared another few locals. Not all had blasters- but those who did were already taking aim. Just two seconds into hell and they were ready to kill.

Three: Esker turned his head to look over his left shoulder, peeking out from behind the crate. His sight locked on the form of Sergeant Khalthe. The man had his rifle out and was shooting up at his attackers, all while two troopers dragged him backwards, in the direction of cover. To their right, a soldier was pelted with both rocks and bolts as he lobbed his grenade. Behind him was Eighty, one hand tight against his wound, the other raising a pistol. Together he and the medic fired more rounds at their ambushers. From the distance came the sound of thunder- but none were in a state to pay it any heed. By the time the paired flash of lightning would be visible, they'd be fully enveloped by hell, far further in than six seconds.

Four: A rock whizzed past Esker's helmet before slamming into a wall. Another hit Sergeant Khalthe's right hand, throwing his aim off. Still, three of his earlier bolts hit their marks, each sending a local to the end of existence. On a different ledge, a few natives rolled to avoid the incoming grenade. Their earlier efforts turned out to not be in vain, as their combined firepower threw the grenade's owner to the ground, the hole in his armor marking him as a dead man. Different blasters began to aim towards the medic and his patient. Both of them were still firing off shots, though less than half would end up hitting their targets. Such was the way of war.

Five: Bolts that flew out of Khalthe's gun hit no enemies- but several grazed allies. A curse or two would fall from his lips as his troops pulled him to safety. Meanwhile Esker would tuck back behind cover, clutching his blaster rifle for dear life. In his spot he was safe, for the time being, though his squadmates were not all so lucky. The medic would collapse half a second later, right as a dead man's grenade blew several locals apart. Blood splattered across stone, filling the air with a wretched stench. Eighty was panicking inside, but kept firing anyway, determined to keep fighting until his last breath.

Six: The last of their rounds hit their marks, dust began to settle, and the squad realized everything was going quiet. Half of them had perished, but it seemed like all their foes had fallen... or at least all those close enough to be of concern. An eerie silence fell over them, just as dread had only a minute earlier. All of them breathed heavy as they huddled behind cover. They waited, and waited, unsure of whether or not the shoot-out was truly over. When at last all seemed clear, they slowly stood up, glancing about, taking in the damage...
Location: Santaisa, Kaihasa
Objective: Win duel with [member="Project X-2"]
Allies: GA?
Enemy: [member="Project X-2"], Allies

Oriramikade Eukgargm
Ranged Weapons:

With the One Sith's fall, a power vacuum had rose in the Galaxy, with the First Order & and Galactic Alliance each rising to fill up the vacuum. For Von, she saw it as an opportunity to continue her personal crusade against those that used the dark side, as she wished to get revenge for herself, her parents, and all that had suffered under them. It was here that that the female Mando'ade had decided to act independently, recruiting some of her friends to join her in the fight between the Alliance, and First Order.

Von pressed a trigger that had been slave rigged to her data-pad, and instantly a First Order military outpost blew up. As smoke covered the air, and debris flew in all directions, Von led her unit deeper into the jungle. She wondered how the local forces she had helped trained were doing, as she had arrived under a different identity, having been able to bypass the First Order to help the local forces.

She held her fist up in a vertical position while kneeling down, Von seeing a variety of footprints of different sizes. As she walked, she could hear blaster fire. "Stay alert." she stated via her encrypted comms, the Mandalorian fully being aware that she might be going to help an ally, or defeat an enemy.

After a few minutes, she reached the site, and with her binoculars, she was able to see a First Order unit equal in the number of people to those in her unit. As the dust settled, they would be easily seen, and the Mando'ade's unit attacked those of the First Order, Von's sights set on a particular individual(Esker).
LOCATION: Santaissa
TAGS: Awaiting replies


Kira moved silently through the ruins of Santaissa along with the dozen or so Rebel troopers in tow. The cover of a city now in ruins giving them absolute stealth as the quietly made their way towards the closest First Order hotspot. For most of them this was a chance to strike back at those who called themselves saviours, men and women from Eriadu, Skye, Kaeshana. Each a victim in some way, having lost something to the First Orders “Safe” Society, each having been pushed to the edge of hope and the want for freedom.

It was on two orders Kira found herself now pushing forward on, her SIS role had pinged her on planet, the agency hastily requesting intel on what was happening on planet, especially with the majority of the Alliance being blockaded off the planet. The other was her inner-struggle as part of the Rebellion, she could strike here, make their intentions known and soften the First Order through guerrilla strikes unassociated with the Galactic Alliance. She could Rebel, just like the planet was starting to do.

“Vaal.” One of the nearby rebel soldiers approached and handed her a data pad, one of the small wrist mounted versions popular among students. An observation that made her look at the soldier, he would have barely been seventeen, yet already his face bore the realisations of war. “They’re crucifying those who don't submit. Shooting any who don’t comply. It’s a genocide.”
She looked down at the images, hastily taken shots that seemed to be from someones personal device, potentially a future victim by the proximity and the obvious haste of the images.
“We need to get these up to SIS and the Alliance, there is a good chance they have no idea what is happening down here.” Kira plugged the data pad into her own wrist mounted unit and made a copy of the shots, she then started to transfer them to the SIS secure server.
“They won’t go through.” The young Rebel stated, “the Star Destroyer is blocking any small transmissions.”
“We need it amplified then, something strong enough to get through.” Kira gave the group a look. “Wasn’t there an old transmission tower to the east?”
“Yeah, really old though.” A Sullustian responded. “I could get it to magnify the signal though. There is a problem with that however…”
“Magnifying the signal would alert everyone on planet where we are.” Another said.
“We need to get these through. We need the Alliance to realise what is going on.” Kira said. “Lets move out. We’ll deal with this as we go.”

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Post: V
Objective: Regroup

"Captain, we've lost long rage scanners!" A technician warned, the Wrath's systems were at critical mass, taking far more power than they should be. Captain Guderian nodded.

"Alrighty lads, move the ship, I want the rear turbolasers covering our rear." The Captain commanded. The Helmsman acknowledged the order, and the Wrath began to power out of the storm. The turbolaser fire wasn't as frequent, or as accurate now. All the crew wanted now was to regroup. "Alert the General that we can no longer provide close air support."

"Understood!" Comms replied, before sending the message.

The Wrath began the slow and trying process of trying to escape orbit. Carlyle had been studying the current displays, seeing what ships were coming in and out of the sector. "Sir," It was the Vindicator's Scans Officer. "The Wrath is pulling out of orbit."

"Good," Carlyle said, "It is now the time where we must clear this place." He gestured to the holotable.

"Where would you declare a good target? We have that hypervelocity fleet coming behind us." A Commander offered.

"We could most certainly do that," Carlyle admitted, "But the prey I have in mind is much larger," he pointed at "The fleet there is probably going to force our hand, so I suggest we force ourselves down the throat of our pursuers. We should break our fleet apart, and engage different segments of their fleets, draw them out and then smash them!"

"How are we going to do that Commodore?" Another officer asked.

"Recall the TIE's, and get the other officers on comms. I may have an idea." Rexus replied.

[member="Cyrus"] Tregassar | [member="Basileus Isauros "]| [member="Cathul Thuku"] | @Kynna Gould | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Vilin"]
Location: Kerrigan-Alcori Estate Perimeter
Objective: Provide Support and Escort for Siobhan Kerrigan's assets
Allegiance: Galactic Alliance/Tygaran Alliance
Designated Opposition: First Order
GA Trooper Armor
Blaster Rifle
Side Arm

The screech of TIE bombers, the bursts of artillery canons, the screams of injured men, that is all that could be heard on the premises of the villa. The ever so experienced, equipped, escorted leaders and warriors would never experience such a hell as this, one where they held no power to defend themselves, where their lives are not in their own hands, but that of the force's, where at any moment all could end on the whim of a blaster bolt, or the turbolaser of an orbital bombardment. Dirt flew and fell to the earth, some of the First Order bombs making it through the effective screen the mobile anti-air platforms were providing. Frieder scrambled across the field as he slipped and slid through mud, as did most of the infantry. Shouts and orders were screamed from NCOs and officers alike, trying to maintain the chaos that had broken. After the beginning of the salvos and the bombings the ground forces had begun to settle. Squads began to form as infantrymen assembled adjacent to the rocket artillery firing away at the citadel and capital. Over the squad comms channel, Sed could hear his NCO barking out orders, "Trent Six, Trent Three, form on sector parallel Alpha-Golf-Eight-Three. I repeat, Alpha-Golf-Eight-Three."

Frieder rushed to the coordinates, his blaster rifle in an iron grip. Trent section was in spread formation, forming up around Sergeant Kilske, hand on his helmet's comms transmitter. Frieder fell into formation as they waited for Trent Three, a corporal by the name of Gigs. The sergeant swore, "Damn it, where is she?" his irritation for the soldier was easily detectable. "Gods Damn it," continued the sergeant, "we're out of time." Kilske took a knee as he drew out a holographic projector disk off of his belt, with the press of a button an overlay of the surrounding area appeared in wavering blue before them. Kilske motioned for the only remaining corporal in the section to draw nearer, ​"Jekson, I want you to take a fire-team to MAP three, and I'll take the remainder to reform with the First Rifle Platoon, am I understood?" The husky corporal acknowledged, "Yes sir!" Without pause, Sed, and two single chevrons were chosen by Jekson to accompany him.They proceeded north-east as Sergeant Kilske broke off west.

Sweat drenched Frieder despite being in the air cooled armor. He had never been in a conflict like this before, no, not like this at all. In his over a year service the most action he saw were on peacekeeping missions, where the largest threats were drunk smugglers on the run and wanted criminals poorly armed. This was real fighting, the stuff they advertised on the holoreels at home in recruiting stations. The death, the havoc, it was all here. And Sed was just at the tip of the iceberg.
Post VI
Objective: Clean up.
Location: Santaissa, close to the front lines.

“Smoko!” Twigg called as the Stormtrooper unit shuffled into the bombed out ruins of a market square.

“Hold the prisoners there,” Rexus commanded, pointing to the back wall. Several Stormtroopers frogmarched four local guerrillas, looking far worse for wear. “Arry, call in the prisoners.” Rexus commanded, “I wanna know if we have to keep ‘em.” The Stormtrooper lieutenant pulled off his helmet, and reached into his utility pack, one last smoke. Yes.

“Sure thing LT.” Arry gruffly replied, walking across the square. The other troopers shed their helmets, and began to joke around, talking or taking swigs from their canteens.

Rexus paced around, keeping an eye on the prisoners, and a hand on his sidearm. He didn’t know what the hell they might’ve had planned, but judging by the amount of explosives they’d stripped off of them, it sure as hell wasn’t good. “Boss!” Arry called, “We gotta code three.”

“Code three?” Rexus asked, a grin beginning to creep onto his face, “Best we go introduce ourselves!” The Stormtrooper said with a laugh. He began to walk to the prisoners, and waved the others over, “Code three lads, let’s see what these kriffers are made of.”

The prisoners, all battered and wounded from their skirmish and capture glared at their captors with hatred. “Alrighty boys and girls, I have just received word that I am taking prisoners.” He said with a smirk, “Only one, so you better start talking.

“We’ll never surrender to your type of scu-“ Rexus’ trigger finger slipped and the rowdy prisoner copped a blaster bolt between the eyes.

The others turned pale, “Sorry, I don’t like loudmouths.” The lieutenant said, catching a snigger from his compatriots. “How about we start nice and simple?” Rexus offered, “Which one of you is the sniper?” He asked, there was silence. “Which one of you, is the sniper?” He asked, his eyes narrowing. The prisoners squirmed and looked at each other, and then at the trooper.

“One more time, who is the sniper?” Rexus asked again, his tone filled with venom. “Who is the sniper who wiped out squad four? This is the last time I ask, before I start shoot-“

“It was him!” The prisoner on the right said, pointing to his compatriot on the far left, “He’s the sniper!”

Rexus smiled a little, “Good job little guy, good job.” The officer raised his pistol, and fired again, leaving the informant with permanently surprised look on his face. “But I don’t like snitches.” He added in a dark tone. That lead to another chuckle from the Stormtroopers.

The prisoner directly beside the recent shooting victim glared at Rexus. “Just like your Order, you’re nothing more than a coward and a bully!” she spat.

Rexus rolled his eyes, “Aww sweet cheeks, you have no idea how much that means to me.” He said, pressing a hand to his breastplate, “You just say the sweetest things!” That elicited another chuckle from the others.

“You won’t get anything from us.” She scowled, “We don’t bow to tyrants like you!” The sniper however was pale, and licking his dry lips, eyeing Rexus’ sidearm closely.

“So you’re not gonna give us anything?” Rexus asked, toying with the pistol.

“Never.” She defiantly growled, “I’ll never tell you anything! My lips are sealed!”

“Never say never,” Rexus warned, kneeling in front of her, “Even the hardest locks have weaknesses.” Rexus then turned to the troopers behind him, “Get the marksman on his feet lads.”

Two complied, and walked either side, pulling him up by his arms. The sniper looked down at his friend, before he dragged a meter in front of her. “You know, I was a bit of a burglar when I was younger?”

“Makes sense, a thief and a murderer!” The defiant prisoner taunted, her eyes however betrayed the worry she had, constantly darting to her comrade.

“Well, the first step of lockpicking, is picking a good target.” Rexus said with a sly smirk, the trooper clenched his fist, and slammed it into the sniper’s gut, causing him to double over in pain, and fall to his knees. “The next step is getting a good pick.” Rexus turned again to his colleagues, “Twigg, your riot baton please?”

“Sure thing boss.” Twigg replied, taking the weapon from his belt. The soldiers face not concealing his excitement, a sick grin of fascination plastered all over.

Rexus snatched it from Twigg, and knelt to the sniper. He waved it in front of his face, “Open up.” Rexus commanded. The sniper clenched his jaw close, and began shaking his head from side to side. “Twigg, hold his nose.”

Twigg nodded, and got behind the sniper, sitting on his calves, and wrapping his arms around the prisoners face. The prisoner went red, as Twigg squeezed his nose shut. The sniper writhed and wriggled, but nothing would give, and he surrendered, opening his mouth. In that instant, Rexus slammed the baton into the snipers mouth, and clicked it on.

Electricity cackled as the sniper was simultaneously electrocuted and choked. His face going red with the pain. During all this, the defiant prisoner broke down, crying, and whimpering, “Leave him alone! Just leave him alone!”

Rexus shook his head, “You never half-arse a job missy, you always finish it.” He added with a deviant smirk. The baton switched off with a click, “Get off of him Twigg.” He commanded, before standing. Twigg nodded, and backed away. The sniper was delirious at this point, and swayed back and forth, comatose. Rexus stood and smiled sadistically.

“Step four, apply leverage.” Rexus lifted his right leg, and brought it down upon the batons handle. The effect, instantaneous as the weapon slammed through skull and tissue, delivering a killing blow. Both the prisoner, and Rexus’ right side were now smeared with the blood of her compatriot.

“Now,” Rexus said, “You go off, and tell your little friends, that if they don’t stop, this happens to them.” The guerilla turned, her face filled with relief, shock and sadness all at once. She turned to say something, before before scampering off into the ruins.

[member="Kira Vaal"] | [member="Von Kyux"] | @Six-0 |@Kyrel | [member="Causstik Rahn"] | [member="Project X-2"] | [member="Ludolf Vaas"] | @Aesa Unkurth | @Anyone Else In Santaissa
Location: Deep Space
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"]
Enemies: Jedi

"Mistress, Darth Carnifex might appreciate your arrival on Kaeshana."

She would have to remind the twi'lek that she was well aware of what the Panathan would and wouldn't appreciate - at least more than a servant might. "If he has arrived in the middle of the budding conflict between the First Order and Galactic Alliance then I suppose we ought to meet him, then." The Sith replied with a slight shrug of her shoulders. In truth she had more interest in the Sith she might meet on the planet than she did for the actual conflict itself, her focus lying in creating a powerful circle of lords. "Set our destination for Kaeshana, send either Vornskr or [member="Darth Prazutis"] a notice that I will be joining the fray on the ground. Clear passage would be appreciated." She added as she leaned back in her seat, figuring up the estimates of how long that travel from Panatha to Kaeshana might take. A while, perhaps, but she'd be there eventually.

"Coordinates have been set, and a short notice has been delivered." The twi'lek said, the small ship exiting Panathan space to jump into the depths of what very well could be an empty corridor to the elven world. "Wake me when we arrive." Vitium said as her eyes slowly closed.

"Yes, ma'am."

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