Snake Eyes
As Lady Blue
As Lady Blue
Lady blue had of course wound her way with a few of her most trusted noghri toward someone of interest, veiled in lace from head to toe, all that you might see is the mouth and killer smile beneath the fabric, with a subtly shifting lekku and outline of her features beneath. She was beautiful but not that anyone would ever know beneath her flowing material, and encompassing dress, a disguise as much as a clever double identity.
Passing [member="Pavor Clauditis"] she gave a dip of her head as she often did, her hulking houk next to her gave his usual low growl, which probably meant hello by this point. While some trandoshans milling about just sized the [member="HK-42"] unit up, which he may or may or may not realise was also a hello, but a hello it was!
Her steps carried her forward seeking Lysle of the Hydian way, lace dress threatening to touch the floor, but never quite doing, lekku shifting vaguely as all the personalities in the room were taken in and observed silently, preferring to be silent for the most part. Noghri behind her, a hulking wall of Houk muscle to her left, she faced and dipped her head to Lysle, “kind of you to join us.” Her full bodied voice ventured, even if you could barely see her eyes, the angle of her jawline and defining cheatbones were present, betraying a little of woman underneath.
“I hope you are comfortable, my employers would want no expense spared to entertain a man such as yourself.” She indicated the dancers of all denomination with a small turn of her head, “or I can offer something you might not find elsewhere,” eluding to her brokerage and ability to come by almost anything one way or another. Like him she was always intent on expanding, "objects or curiosities," her lips below her veil smiled, the only visible touch of her skin.
It seemed she had business in mind too, because she also had interests on Nar Shaddaa and it wasn’t every day you met one of the wealthiest men in the galaxy…
[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]