Kendall Ginn
Commenor's president had quickly begun her announcement after Kendall arrived, between the Goliath singing his heart out on stage to the offer Lady Kay is presenting, Kendall is starting to crack up. An auction for a date? so this is what the rich spend their money on in these overblown schmoozing fests. It was made even better that the bachelor wasn't even there to be bought. At Kay's offer to replace him Kendall so wanted to hop up and offer himself but decided against it. Though a real charmer to himself, his skin did better to internalize moisture than catch the wandering eyes of party-goers. Maybe he'll drop some cat-calls to whoever does volunteer, just to be noticed, just as a little nuisance on the side-lines for now. Hopefully someone he can recognize will show up soon enough, but then again, that'd be bad news for the party considering his affiliations. Kendall just chuckles to himself as he watches Ghorua tower off the stage, what a voice the big guy's got.