Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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C'est La Vie (Goodbye CHAOS)

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Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
It's odd though. The vast majority of newcomers don't have any of these problems. If there is an organized conspiracy to bully newcomers, it's an awfully lazy one.

There's a truth here, an ugly one, but one that needs to be addressed.

Not everyone is nice. Not everyone deserves to be defended. What you're trying to do is noble, [member="Fos Misao"], but ill advised. It's times like these I'm reminded of the words of Corran Horn: "If one person calls you a Hutt, ignore them. If two people call you a Hutt, start to wonder. If three people call you a Hutt, buy a drool bucket and start stockpiling spice." I have a much more colorful saying I'd normally use, but I have a warning point myself for pushing the boundaries of taste with those.

[member="Jeron Verity"] has gone out of his way to annoy multiple people. The Imperium took him in and offered to work with him on a plotline, but when he didn't get what he wanted, he started being rude to all involved and was kicked out of the faction. I personally chewed him out on multiple occasions in Discord for being a genuine creep to just about anyone suspected of lacking a Y chromosome. Presumably that's why I was tagged in this thread. This thread and the situation that gave rise to it are just further proof of a story going back to time immemorial: some people are jerks, and will never understand why the people around them can't stand to deal with them. When people turn against them, it's everyone's fault but their own. Until they realize that their consequences have actions, and that the people around them are only people, and imperfect people who sometimes lack the patience of a saint at that, they'll continue to struggle everywhere they go.

I used to be one of those people. It took someone quite literally beating some sense into me to make me realize it, and my life has improved immeasurably since. Maybe this'll be a wakeup call, but I doubt it. A person who is convinced the whole world is out to get them is almost always right, and they'll never know why.


Well-Known Member
I have seen in my time on site, a minimum of 6 players leave within their first few weeks due to issues with others. But that is neither here nor there, my remark wasn't meant as saying they are the beings attacked, rather that they may end up being attacked.

On remarks of the beating: never agreed with a statement more. I have always been an ass, its who I am. Had I not had my head knocked around a couple times when I was young? I likely would be far worse.

But the result of this all is my dilemma. As said, even I, a man defending him, have had issues with him. Yet, knowing this, am I simply blathering on about my own self worth, how he is less because he has issues? Not in the slightest. I would like to imagine I am handling this better than that, to an extent I might even say I am being an adult.

Now, I do agree that he has his issues. I have seen them, he has admitted to them, and others have owned them. Should he be loved by everybody strictly by being? No way, that's impossible to ask of a single person, let alone a mob of angered nerds. But should he be hated? Not openly.

That's the qualm.

See this thread? Come on and read it, ignore it for whatever hate filled reason? Fine by me. But to see it, read it, then start more drama? That's crude, rude, and unnecessary.

Again, coming from the ass that everyone knows as 'Lord of the Centaurs' and such.

Lastly, I have seen it happen on this site multiple times, that not always is it as simple as, "Well more than a few people hate me, it must be me." Several times it is a person 'in charge' of others that ends up saying something, and thus with the influence stated, that person now equals said remark. No trial, nothing. He is instantly that one thing.

An example? If [member="Tefka"] openly stated I am a worthless piece of poodoo, and not to roleplay with me because I joke about him being fascist? It would instantly be done by quite the large group. Same with people like Vorn, Ashin, Spencer etc.

People with power influence.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
I've no doubt that the situation that you describe has happened in the past- people are imperfect, and not everyone in a position of power will get it right every time. Having been in a position of power myself, I know there are times when I've gotten it wrong. And there have been times when I've gotten it right.

There's this notion that everyone deserves a second chance, that no transgression that can occur on a mere website can be so onerous that it cannot be forgiven. I find this to be false, and immoral, for a given value of the word. It is the obligation of those in power, whether official or otherwise, to do the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people. They can't make everybody happy, and shouldn't try. If someone is being an ass, and going out of their way to make life difficult for others, why shouldn't the folks with the influence to castigate them do so?

This isn't a court of law, where the burden of proof is "beyond a reasonable doubt." This is a Star Wars RP website, where "man, that guy is a dick" is often good enough.

If this was coming out of left field and the OP was genuinely hung out to dry for reasons that defied logic, I'd be right there with you calling shenanigans. But this isn't coming out of left field. [member="Ajira Cardei"] outright apologized, and was roundly libeled for it. [member="Spencer Varanin"] gave him alternatives that might have still gotten his submission approved, but that didn't matter, because he was in full blown martyr mode. That's the kinda stuff that makes me glad I'm no longer an admin, because there's not enough alcohol in the world to keep me from wanting to ban someone like that so hard, his keyboard would smack him on the ear if he even thought about logging in.

[member="Fos Misao"]
[member="Fos Misao"]

I get where you're coming from, and I don't agree with openly bashing the OP. But what I want to point out is, he's equating his Factory submission denial with cyber bullying. No, you just got denied, that's all.

If there's more evidence to be seen, then out with it, and let's amp this dirty laundry up a notch.
Rusty said:
That's the kinda stuff that makes me glad I'm no longer an admin, because there's not enough alcohol in the world to keep me from wanting to ban someone like that so hard, his keyboard would smack him on the ear if he even thought about logging in.
With opinions like the ones you've presented, I'm glad you're not an admin, too.
Wasn't sure what this thread was about but noticed I was tagged...After reading everything...I conclude that I don't even want to touch this thread but it's too late and I'm in the pool and I don't like it. Let me out.

Returning to respond because a friend suggested I be a voice and explain myself.

Darth Prazutis said:
However the denial of your submission or perhaps even a warning point isn't the end of the world. [member="Spencer Varanin"] as this lady previously mentioned, warnings like that are just the staffs way of telling you to cool your jets. It's not the end of the world lots of people get them. Hell I'm sure there's more than a fair share of veterans who have gotten one or several points. Just talk the situation out and if it cant be talked down or reduced, just don't do the act again.
Tefka said:
However, I have reached the conclusion of my internal investigation: Every Factory Judge involved acted appropriately, the Factory Administrator was a bit frank with you but also acted within her right. The Factory Admin, [member="Spencer Varanin"], also personally guaranteed you got the Freedon Nadd holocron in the first place, and went out of her way to do so.

When Jorus denied your second holocron submission, he was within his power to do so and even I wouldn't challenge that. What I would do is advise you that you could have Second Chanced the holocron and be guaranteed a fair shake at with a non-Jorus Factory Judge. This is why Second Chance exists. I don't know why you didn't use Second Chance.
I purposely denied the Nadd holocron, not because of Spencer or anyone. I was preparing to leave, and I didn't want to waste anymore of her time. The Shahku Holocron being denied only... only upset me as there was absolutely no attempt at -trying- to work with me as a staff. I did mouth off to Ajira, because "put it to bed" along with the past comments of "this isn't how you get your faction respected" made me feel assaulted, I felt as though no matter what I did, they would smack it out of existence just to spite me. I am bad at wording, Reshmar, Gir Quee, and Reverance know this, but they work with me and like my ideas, or so they've told me. I've never tried to play the powergame, I hate it, because it breeds negativity and drama. I just wanted my little piece of creation in my corner. Thank you @Spencer Veranin for the help, sorry it looked bad when I denied it after you helped me.

The warning was the kicker since everything I have done to try and stay kind, fix my problems, and show I genuinely cared about CHAOS, made me feel like I didn't deserve it. I've only ever acted in self-defense, something I'm horrible at because of my upbringing, which usually ends in lashing out until I give up, because that's.. yeah.

Alicia Drey said:

mfw this thread
I am deeply sorry, Alicia

Reverance said:
[member="Alicia Drey"]

Irony is that he comes back. Good show there.

I seem to like torturing myself, hoping someone will understand and care just a little. I am no "man" and I never will be such a self-centered, egotistical, prideful man. That's not accusing anyone, that's what I taught a man is. CHAOS was my escape from from my physical father, my pressuring family, and my wench of aan ex... who now lives with my family to take care of my mother while I struggle with College, studying what -they- want.

Rusty said:
[member="Jeron Verity"] has gone out of his way to annoy multiple people. The Imperium took him in and offered to work with him on a plotline, but when he didn't get what he wanted, he started being rude to all involved and was kicked out of the faction. I personally chewed him out on multiple occasions in Discord for being a genuine creep to just about anyone suspected of lacking a Y chromosome. Presumably that's why I was tagged in this thread. This thread and the situation that gave rise to it are just further proof of a story going back to time immemorial: some people are jerks, and will never understand why the people around them can't stand to deal with them. When people turn against them, it's everyone's fault but their own. Until they realize that their consequences have actions, and that the people around them are only people, and imperfect people who sometimes lack the patience of a saint at that, they'll continue to struggle everywhere they go.

I used to be one of those people. It took someone quite literally beating some sense into me to make me realize it, and my life has improved immeasurably since. Maybe this'll be a wakeup call, but I doubt it. A person who is convinced the whole world is out to get them is almost always right, and they'll never know why.
This is what I'm talking about, this is one example that I have to deal with. Horrid rumors and accusations.

When I am depressed, I avoid people. When I'm happya, I try and talk to those who actually like me. I have never, ever, in my life, intentionally attempted at consciously and purposely annoying someone. Never. How it may look to you, I don't know. I worked on my plotline with the Imperium, several times. All those times I made it a lot less serious than before because other things were working out. Once Ordo (the creator) and I agreed to stunning/knocking out some ships, I brought it up to the other two leaders. They unfortunately took my wall of text as to say... destroying a large fleet, a mistranslation of knocking out... or I could have worded it better. I have spoken to Reshmar since then. I never went beserk over it. Upset, yes, of course, since they banned me and blocked me. Though Ordo was absolutely fine with it. On the Discord problem, I want to point out two things; A lot of you consistently complained about my laugh and then berated me in person and behind my back about it. Guess what, my family does it too. It doesn't fix what I was born with. Secondly, I appreciated some of the womens voices (their accents). I also appreciated a few mens non-american accents. I have an odd attraction to certain sounds and how they are made. Neither were the appreciations nor the attraction I have sexual. I don't know how you define it or think, but I don't get a raging hard on when a girl starts talking in Discord. It's actually a relaxing and calming feeling.

I made 2 joke phrases, one I forgot, the other was Netflix and Chill I jokingly said to Kyra. Before you jump on my skull; listen. I did NOT get the joke until it was explained to me, not at all. I just thought "Oh, hey, Netflix and chill. Be pals and hangout watching some Netflix." I admit my ignorance... it is wide and expansive, I am utterly slow.

I IMMEDIATELY apologized to Kyra, who didn't seem to care and perhaps she even knew my stupidity of not knowing. If she did, wow... great awareness Kyra. Thanks for being cool.

I apologized to you only because you could not do one thing, Rusty; ask questions. You instead decided to jump on the conclusion train and listen to rumors, claiming 'oh that must be true.'

These comments were said with no passive aggression. These comments were made to be on record and reasons to my downfall and to show my regrets. If anything I have said is not believed, it is your decision to believe what you want. But one thing I have kept true to while being here; I always keep my word, and I have absolutely no reason to lie. What reason do I have to lie to any of you? I've nothing to gain. You've proven the only person here who understands my situation and shows me some kind of sympathy or caring is [member="Fos Misao"] . I really couldn't believe how many were still talking - and blowing out negativity about me for nothing. I love CHAOS, but I just can't be here anymore. Maybe it's my personality, how I was raised, maybe I think everyone's out to get me... or there really are people that don't like me and prefer to see me so distraught. I worked so hard, and I gave it all up. I can't come back, or I might fall into another near bottomless hole again. I'm sorry for the ruckus, enjoy CHAOS.
[member="Jeron Verity"]

As someone who has written a lot with you over the course of the past month, and someone who I was beginning to create a friendship with on a OOC level, I'll say it straight up as your friend: you're overreacting. This thread is an overreaction. As your friend, I would advise for you to do what you feel best. I feel that if I were in your shoes, and if I were feeling the way you felt, I would have announced an indefinite LOA and return to the website at a later point, with any bitterness or resentment having left my system during my break.

If I were in your shoes, and because I understand the way peoples minds work (it's something I've incorporated in my roleplay), I am going to assume that you're going to take this post as taking [member="Ajira Cardei"] or other peoples side. If that isn't true, then disregard this part of my post, but I am only saying this because if I were to say, "Oh man, I'll miss you! I hope you do return soon!" - which isn't necessarily false, I would miss writing with you- I have chosen to do the right thing and say that, again, this is an overreaction and perhaps you need a break the site, rather than leaving it altogether.

I can tell you that the aforementioned writers who have ridiculed you in this thread hold nothing against you because [member="Tefka"] will take a giant brick on them if they do. Yes, perhaps you'll find it difficult to roleplay with them in the future, but that's natural because they've seen this overreaction and will likely be guarded in future interactions with you. But that's just normal.

I've tried to stay out of this thread all night, ever since I saw it and posted the aforementioned GIF, because it's upsetting to see a reaction like this. I've been in your shoes (I think everyone here has) and I know how difficult it is to see something you've worked for denied, after spending so much time on working on it, but as it has been pointed out to you, there is the second chance option and several people- including Jon- have reached out to explain that they will help you get the submission passed. I've decided to get involved and make this post because I sense that, having either slept on it or done other things to take your mind off it, you've returned and made the above post, which indicates to me second thoughts on quitting Chaos entirely, which I would say don't quit because, again, I like writing with you.

I hope this helps you and puts out how I feel about this situation.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Jeron Verity said:
I did mouth off to Ajira, because "put it to bed" along with the past comments of "this isn't how you get your faction respected" made me feel assaulted, I felt as though no matter what I did, they would smack it out of existence just to spite me. I am bad at wording, Reshmar, Gir Quee, and Reverance know this, but they work with me and like my ideas, or so they've told me. I've never tried to play the powergame, I hate it, because it breeds negativity and drama.

I saved a screencap of the comment before someone deleted it.


It was a little snarky on my part, and was written before I knew you'd posted the same submission in the Factory, but if that made you feel assaulted and insulted (to use your words), I'll apologize again for getting salty with you.

Now let's talk about a denial on concept. I've judged hundreds and hundreds of submissions. I, too, absolutely hate it when judges deny something instead of asking for edits. When I was running the Factory, I seem to recall firing an FJ for making a habit of it. I've requested some salty second chances over this issue, believe you me. And as a judge, I've only ever done it a handful of times. I denied this submission because it had a massive array of the most powerful Sith spells, appeared to include every single bit of alchemy, and had no dev thread - and you have enough factory experience to know that doesn't fly. I'm not immune to the lure of making something transcendentally powerful off the cuff, but I also denied this submission because your response to the above post was a massive overreaction, was genuinely rude, and boiled down to 'you're a moron and I do what I want; report me.' That attitude convinced me that your intent for this submission was not going to be a positive thing.

I wasn't going to write about this, but the thread's gone on for fifty-plus posts and so far I've pretty much let you take all the shots. But we're going on three days now, this thread shows no sign of slowing down, and I don't feel it's unfair to mention the other side of the story. I'm sorry life is causing difficulty for you, I'm happy to work with you on future submissions in a blank-slate capacity, but your sub was denied for valid reasons, just like quite a few of mine have been over the years. If I hadn't had those experiences, I'd have had much more trouble adjusting to the workforce and the real world, after my time at a liberal school where 'I am offended' trumped everything.
Chaos isn't a safe space for anyone, so you have to take the good in with the bad. I understand you come from a troubled background, we all have our problems. I understand you're a little more sensitive then most, I get that, everybody's different and you took it a bit more personal and harsh than you need to.

I'm not trying to convince you to stay. If you feel this way, I honestly don't think you should - just do what's best for you and ignore these people who think they have all sides of the story figured out (Rusty). But please know, I am very intent on not approaching these subjects with a silver spoon. Like I told one member who was having a legit very public mental break last year, I'm sorry, but a Star Wars forum is not equipped to give you advice on how to proceed forward. We're all kids at heart and this forum is one giant game.

I don't go to Dave & Buster's to tell the bartender my life's troubles, I go to get away from it all. If you're coming here and not able to get away from it all, then this place isn't doing what it is meant to be doing for you.

I'm closing this thread. Not in an attempt to stifle the conversation, but an attempt to stop the populists from coming back with their teeth gnarled because I *know* they're going to.
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