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Approved Planet Chalarth

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  • Intent: A secretive and unknown planet to host a species that I currently have in the works. It will also be a place for people to explore, and eventually inhabit.
  • ​Image Credit: [X]
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: None Relevant
  • Planet Name: Chalarth
  • Demonym: Chalarth/Chalarthi
  • Region: Unknown
  • System Name: Chalarth
  • System Features: The planet has no current moons, although it did for an extended period of time. After a planetary sized meteor struck said moon, it crashed into the planet's surface making it almost completely derelict of life, although a few species have adapted to the climate. The only sentient species on the planet also constructed large cities, deep underground. This kept them safe from harm.
  • Chalarth is the only habitable world in the system. The other planets are simply plain and uninteresting, some having abandoned outposts from the native species.
  • Coordinates: Y,6
  • Major Imports: It is entirely self-sufficient.
  • Major Exports: It's isolationist tendencies make trade near-impossible.
  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Arid
  • Primary Terrain: Deserts, with few plants.
  • Atmosphere: Type II
  • Major Locations:
  • Salt Zone : The remnants of a long dried ocean. Many aspects of the species' past can be discovered, with many artifacts being preserved by the large layer of salt. This area is considered a "dead" zone, to anyone living on the planet. Life cannot persist for obvious reasons, and there are many large air pockets that could swallow someone alive for stepping in the wrong place. A well known punishment for torturers, is to be placed alone in the middle of this salt flat. Most people go insane, being alone in such a vast, flat area.
  • Chalarth Prime : A megacity, housing the majority of Chalarth's native residents. Although space travel was available, there was no feasible way to save a large portion of the species from any natural disaster. For this reason, during the moon-related cataclysm, the Governing Body decided that the entire species would be housed deep underground, in the planet's deepest cave systems. Every resource available was put into the construction of the City, whilst the planet's moon slowly got closer to the planet's surface. For food, they rely on mass-farming, which has so far proven successful. They have recently been looking for new methods of gaining resources, as they slowly strip away the planet's remaining resources. At the moment, the City's population is 1.4 Billion. The city is responsible for everything, including the recent developments in space travel, and military tech.
  • Ruins of Zeska : The old capital city of the planet, destroyed in the cataclysm. It has been reduced to nothing but rusting exo-skeletons, and buried technology. It's now a hot spot for Chalarth Prime's salvage expeditions, but also any other survivors, on the planet. It serves as a safe-haven for bounty hunters and criminals too.
  • Native Species: The only sentient species is the humanoid Merloth, with a population of 1.4009 Billion, with the 0009 living outside the mega-city. (I will make a species creation on these guys soon.)
  • Immigrated Species: None, other than the occasional bounty hunter, or passing scout ship.
  • Population: Moderately Populated, although very densely.
  • Demographics: The species is 100% Merloth. They ultimately see themselves as a "pure" race, with few questioning the idea of using other less-advanced species for resources. Currently, they see the Human Race as "admirable", due to their current galactic domination, although they do not like the ideas of Imperialism.
  • Primary Languages: Traditional Merloth is spoken by everyone on the planet, although Galactic Standard Basic is taught in all schools, for many generations. It's useful for eventual transitioning into general society.
  • Culture: The Merloth are highly Xenophobic, and often see themselves as the only "pure" race in the Galaxy. They have a sense of Honor though, and will generally not seek to fight any Galactic Governments that are not oppressive in their nature. They will generally show aggression to other Xenophobic species, for obvious reasons, and they will also attack species that use oppressive means to gather support. For this reason, they are extremely anti-imperialistic. In their eyes, the ones who lead should be strong enough to be supported.
  • Government: Military Junta, with the leaders usually being appointed through popularity.
  • Affiliation: The Council of Chalarth is currently ruled by the highest rank in the Merloth Armed Forces
  • Wealth: High. They possess all the resources and technology from before the Cataclysm, but they use it for a much smaller population.
  • Stability: High. The species is generally bound in a common goal, of regaining the Merloth's previous glory, and expanding it. For this reason, most people respect the cycle, and crime is low.
  • Freedom & Oppression: Laws are in place, although they are hardly ever broken. It's seen as a high dishonor to break the laws provided by any Governing body, provided there is no oppression. And as explained, the government does not oppress it's population.
  • Military: The Military capabilities vary. The planet was rather primitive in most regards, having no means to travel faster than light until recently. It did however have extremely effective weaponry. Although not as advanced, it is certainly capable of standing up to a modern army. Their primary influence is through ground attacks, using large machines and synthetic organisms to simply soak up everything thrown at them. They also have a lethal atmospheric air wing. Recently they have created large Military vessels with access of FTL travel, by reverse engineering a salvaged warp-drive for many years,. They could dispatch a planetary invasion force capable of rivaling planets with lower populations and average technology levels.
  • Technology: The planet's isolation has led to the creation of non-standard technology. They do however have equivalents to many aspects of technology. One example would link back to their military. They do not use Blasters, and the concept is still relatively advanced for them. They instead use other energy based weapons that they refer too as "Heat" weapons. To most galactic military forces, these are pretty basic. But years of advancement has made them just as effective as a blaster. They heavily rely on "synthetic" technology, by taking living organisms from other planets, and transforming them into combat machines. Genetics can also play a big role. Most soldiers are given genes that cause their natural "armor" to be re-enforced massively. Even if they don't have the most advanced forms of technology, they are by no means a force to be laughed at. They are living proof that powerful devices can be gained through lower fields of technology.
Chalarth was not always a barren wasteland. At one point it was a terrestrial and vibrant planet, with large amounts of native Flora and Fauna. The planet was heavily industrialized for the first time in 100 BBY, as the Merloth began to expand their technology. At this point, the planet was divided into many Sovreign states, in a similar way to Earth. At a forgotten point in time, after the Battle of Yavin, the planet's only moon was struck by a huge extraterrestrial body. This caused the Moon's orbit pattern to slowly shift, with a collision with Chalarth being in sight. To respond, every nation on Earth unified. Every single company, nation and resource spent their time creating the underground city that would soon be called Chalarth Prime. At this point, the species was looking at developing FTL space technology, although they had no option to transport their population elsewhere.

Many were lucky enough to live in the City, by the time the planet's surface was destroyed. Although 50% of the population had already been killed due to the apocalyptic chaos, rioting and natural disasters that occurred before the collision, nobody expected the moon's advance to knock out the power grids. Because of this, only 1.3 Billion people could seek refuge in the underground city. The moon was smaller than average, so the effects were not devastating enough to destroy all life. Few survived on the other side of the planet, although the harsh conditions killed the weakest. The fauna and flora naturally adapted, leaving few species left. The change of the planet's rotation also caused extreme mutations within the species' offspring, making them pretty lethal in their environment. The average creature that can survive on the surface would almost look skeletal, having little body mass.

Whilst isolated, the planet made many technological advancements. Space travel, large machinery and heat technology were all discovered and perfected. At the current moment in time, the species is looking to expand across the starts, and regain their species' former glory.

Yezzo said:
Technology: The planet's isolation has led to the creation of non-standard technology. They do however have equivalents to many aspects of technology. One example would link back to their military. They do not use Blasters, and the concept is still relatively advanced for them. They instead use other energy based weapons that they refer too as "Heat" weapons. To most galactic military forces, these are pretty basic. But years of advancement has made them just as effective as a blaster. They heavily rely on "synthetic" technology, by taking living organisms from other planets, and transforming them into combat machines. Genetics can also play a big role. Most soldiers are given genes that cause their natural "armor" to be re-enforced massively. Even if they don't have the most advanced forms of technology, they are by no means a force to be laughed at. They are living proof that powerful devices can be gained through lower fields of technology.

What do you mean here by 'heat' weapons? Is this essentially just a local name for blasters or blaster-like technology?
Errreembuhr said:

What do you mean here by 'heat' weapons? Is this essentially just a local name for blasters or blaster-like technology?
It's pretty much just a more primitive form of blaster-like technology. Although creating a similar effect to a blaster, it uses more local technology.

Obviously the Natives on the planet couldn't compare it to an actual blaster. That's why they've given the weapons such a name.
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