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Invasion Rebel Yell Chapter 2 | TAC Invasion of EotL held Mon Calamari and Lothal


To Tread a Restless Sea (1v1 Duels)

The planetary shield gate of Mon Cala has been breached. Tactical forces descend towards the surface, their mission clear and urgent: assault and disable the shield generators on the planet.

Jotunheim: Notable local resistance has seen the shield generator below the waves, Station Jotunheim, temporarily shut down. To consolidate their victory and prevent the station from ever coming back online, they must take and destroy the reactor and engineering area.

Niflheim: Station Niflheim, stationed on an island above the sea, remains. Coalition forces are tasked with moving on these stations and ensuring their total deactivation.

Empire of the Lost enforcers are ordered to move in and secure the shield generators of the planet. With Station Jotunheim down, a front to reclaim the station has been mounted: Cut the TAC off, crush local resistance, and reactivate the generator. Operators at Niflheim stand at the ready to prevent the second generator from falling to the same fate.



Opponent: Drenn Drenn


Jasper always found his way back. It was inevitable, really, ever since the New Imperial Order dropped pressure bombs on his friends on Ilum. On children. He saw Imperial occupation for the blight that it was, one that burnt planets or reignited dead conflicts between races. The Quarren and the Mon Cala had made their peace, uniting to face the Fel Empire in an age long since past. Now the Empire of the Lost pressed on old bruises. Equality would return to Dac, just as it had on so many other world.

He was supposed to be watching Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil , but given the heat of the mission they insisted on holding their own. Jasper wasn't exactly in a position to have his allies butting heads, so he relented. She seemed tough, if not a little misguided. Disillusioned for a reason well beyond his control as an individual. He could only wish her luck and keep moving.

Their submersible locked the installation. Jotunheim they called it. Local Mon Calamari had already taken the generator. Now it was only a matter of ensuring that the internals were properly destroyed. It was certain to take some time before the device was rigged to blow. He could probably initiate a meltdown of the main reactor, but not from here. He had to make his way to the center of the facility.

"Cryoban rounds out!" Jasper shouted back to the small unit of troopers with him, five in total.

Cryoban slugs. Slower rounds, but a hell of a rate of fire. Lever action cryoban slugs had to have been imagined in the head of a crazy person. For their purposes, that would turn enemy soldiers into roadblocks.

"Hold off attackers, get to the reactor core, blow this place to hell," he stated plainly. "Even if we fail to take the other shield, one going down for good is a blow. We need as many as we can land."

So that the Mon Calamari and the Quarren could live as equals once more.

They advanced on the halls.




TAG: Nimian Totan Nimian Totan

The Rebel Knight was dead.

This wasn't a matter of striking back against the Empire. This wasn't about a personal vendetta. Had you asked her a year ago, it would've been. Now, it was a matter of respect. Respect for Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , and respect for what this new group was doing. Jonyna didn't care about the Empire anymore. What she cared about, was helping those who needed it.

As the Reaper got close to the water, Jonyna jumped out, no suit, no submersible, just herself.

The water curved around her as she got close, creating a bubble of air for her to torpedo herself into the depths in.

Behind her, Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun followed.

The two jedi were here unofficially. They didn't intend to drag the GA into this, and any attempt the Empire might have in doing so would be denied. The Councilwoman was here as part of the TAC, a neutral party drawn in through Si Tech's business interests.

All she needed to do now was to reach the base below. Two masters of the waves pushing through it like a bullet through air.

She needed to prove her worth. She needed Jasper to believe her a worthy successor. Not for his sake, but for her own.

Location: Outside Station Nilfheim, Island - Mon Cala
Objective: II - To Tread a Restless Sea
Tag: CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice" Iona Starchaser Iona Starchaser Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser

She had been let in on a state secret at the very last minute. Station Nilfheim. The last operational station of the three-part shield complex that protected Mon Cala from invasion. Hours before, both Station Jotunheim and the shield gate Alfheim, had been captured by strike teams from the Tingel Arm Coalition in coordinated raids. Thus, if Nilfheim fell, the entire planet would be open to the full thrust of an invasion, which Esmeralda had only seen hints of thus far.

And yet, given the civil unrest transpiring in House Io, Esmeralda was surprised that she had been sent here to begin with.

In that regard, Esmeralda’s presence here was in response to the call for assistance from the Empire of the Lost after the sudden breaching of the shield gate. As such, House Io had dispatched a small contingent of Sirens and Nuetralizers to support their longtime ally. After all, if the scale of the defections and the rebellion was to be believed, House Io too would need allies in the coming days. Thus, it seemed logical for the Matriarch dispatch assistance in order to reaffirm that commitment. Even so, Esmeralda had the sense that her presence might be needed more on Khemost, than on Mon Cala.

Nevertheless, Esmeralda did not question the orders, nor did she plan to shirk her responsibility. The political benefits of her presence here could very well save her House.

Still, Esmeralda had no intention of dying here.

“So this is it?” Esmeralda spoke up, looking to the clone trooper she had been tasked alongside as they walked towards their assigned defensive sector. The Siren’s pale aspect formed a quizzical expression as she briefly took in the clone’s features, silently assessing his disposition as she did. For her part, Esmeralda had a strange relationship with Fett clones, especially knowing that clones of the same genetic heritage had been created for the armies of House Bloodscrawl, who was currently backing the rebellion that plagued her House. This clone however (and those like him) had no connection to the Bloodscrawl Fett clones. He was from the Grand Army of the Lost, the clone army of the Emperor.

“This station is the only one left?” She continued, her voice rising in surprise as she did. “How did they capture the other two so quickly?” Esmeralda frowned then, knowing that it was a question that the clone next to her—Justice—might not be able to answer himself. Still, the Siren had hoped to know more so that she might better prepare to meet the threat. She expected (and prepared for) trained Force-users, of course, but their modus operandi was still a mystery to her.

“We’ll have to make do with the intelligence that we have, then.” Esmeralda added, her expression resigned, yet firm as she tied up her white hair before putting on her helmet. “And the Defense Brigade, of course.” The Siren said, her voice slightly warped by the annunciator. “Regardless, their run of luck ends here.” Esmeralda resolved, before doing one last check of her equipment as the soldiers reached the outer defensive checkpoint, at which point the Siren set her rifle in low ready position. Then, without warning, cacophonous notes of blaster fire rang out in the vicinity, causing her gaze to widen with equal parts focus and excitement.

“Those aren't Imperial blasters." She reported. "It's the Coalition. They're here.”
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Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders


Equipment: See Bio
Entourage: N/A
Tags: Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil
Dialogue Key: "Galactic Basic" | <<Telepathic Communication>>


Two days ago
Moff's Office, Minntooine

Moff Teckla Tane sat at her desk looking over reports from the systems under her control. It was a very unwelcome process that she would much rather delegate to someone who enjoyed looking at numbers. But there had been rumors that there was unrest within the Mon Cala/Quarren communities that she was ignoring their wellbeing in favor of establishing the Imperial Crusaders as opposition to the Sith.

Reports from the dozen or so systems in the sector under Imperial control started to rush through the Moff's database. She might be the one to action the reports, but her computer algorithm would separate the norm from anything that would require a closer look. There seemed to be an increased number of maintenance worker requests on Dac. The system was not the highest on Teckla's radar as she had moved most of the sector government here to Minntooine, still something stood out as odd about this. The Mon Calamari had never stopped voicing their displeasure with their place after the Empire had taken the system. The fact that Dac was not as important to Teckla and the Empire didn't mean that Dac would not be a good symbolic scene for the first stage of resistance.

" Drenn Drenn Have the dockmaster get my shuttle ready to depart for Dac," Teckla growled into the comm on her desk. "Find the Quarren who signed off on these maintenance workers, I don't care how many there are. Send a request to NISB to begin a deep dive into the Quarren administration. I don't want any leaks in my territory. I did them a favor leaving them in charge. They won't get enough rope to hang themselves. I'll cut them off at the knees first."


Deep waters near Station Jotunheim, shield generator

Being on an orbital station orbiting the planet Dac when Jotunheim went offline was a boon for Teckla. The fact that she had Skyria Kyrtan Skyria Kyrtan Crusader squire Oola Ven Oola Ven her bodyguard Drenn and a platoon of clones was even better. A quick shuttle ride to the planet had the Imperials on their way to confront the shield outage before the enemy fleet had arrived. Once on the planet it was easy to get transport to the depth of Dac's ocean to get things straightened out once and for all.

As they descended, Moff Tane decided that they would divide their efforts. The clones would be fortified by Quarren soldiers and make a strong frontal charge on the main entrance of the shield station. Skyria and Oola would break off and enter the station from a known maintenance access. It was more than likely watched, but Teckla trusted her aide and the squire to work together and get into the station.

That left Drenn and Teckla. The Grandmaster of the Crusaders knew that her bodyguard was a capable fighter. She wasn't as sure about his battle tactics. But she didn't want to make him think that she believed him less capable than a squire and her aide. Teckla decided to give Drenn orders to find an alternate entrance to the station going towards the East. She would take the West. If trouble caught up to either of them, the other was sure to know. Whether they would be able to respond was another question. That was where trust in Drenn's talents allowed Teckla to move forward.

Now alone in the water Teckla stretched out her senses to figure out how she was going to crack her way into the station. Teckla didn't know the details of the station plans intimately, but she had personally been pitched the shield system by Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss and approved the installation, so she knew that there were several ways in. With her enhanced senses, Teckla expected to be able to find the most vulnerable entrance point and strike there. She didn't expect to sense the familiar presence that she ended up finding. "These rebels are with the Sith?" Teckla questioned herself. It was possible that the being she faced in the oceans of Tion was not officially a Sith. But still it was odd to find the same being in both attacks on Imperial territory.
Aid to General Teckla Tane


Objective : II | To Tread a Restless Sea
Location: Ocean floor, Station Jotunheim, Dac
Equipment: Forces: N/A
Tags: Oola Ven Oola Ven


The last two days had been hectic for Skyria. Moff Tane had grown weary that something was going wrong on Dac. She gathered people she trusted to investigate and before that could get very one of the systems shield generators failed. The Moff gathered her own clones, Quarren forces, Skyria and Crusaders on hand to go and investigate. For all the time that Sky had to spend on oceanic planets, traveling deep into said oceans was not her favorite activity. At least this time she had two things going for her. Firstly, she was assigned a sure way out of the depths and into the station and secondly she was partnered with the lovely Twi'lek squire Oola Ven.

Though Sky knew that there was going to be no time for socializing somehow knowing that she'd be shoulder to shoulder with Oola made the mission more intriguing. The journey to the bottom of the sea was something that Sky had experienced several times in training, so was pretty much a yawn for the blonde fighter. When the order was given for the strike group to separate, that's when things got interesting. Skyria dawned diving gear for a short swim from the convoy of submersibles to the maintenance entrance of the station. Accessing the interior of the station through the maintenance entrance was surprisingly easy for the two smallish young women.

Once inside Skyria led Oola to a storage closet where they could leave their wetsuits and breathing tanks. Once that was done Skyria secured her gauntlets to her arms, knives and pistol to her belt and hat on her head and looked over to Oola with a grin. "I guess we go in search of some action now right? And you know if we can somehow get the shield back on that wouldn't be a bad thing."
Location: Outside Station Nilfheim, Island - Mon Cala
Objective: II - To Tread a Restless Sea
Tag: Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io Iona Starchaser Iona Starchaser Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser

When Justice had been tasked to staff Station Nilfheim, he hadn’t expected it to be attacked, and he really hadn’t expected to be allied with someone from a House of Misfits. Then again, he shouldn’t complain about having allies and especially not bad looking ones.

He was looking through a data pad of the station’s defenses as he and… Esmeralda said her name was… which consisted of some large turbolaser towers that dotted the walls of the station and some smaller drop-down turrets in the hallways of the station's buildings. The other troopers were trying to shore up what defenses they could but if the TAC wanted this station, they could probably take it. Her words made him refocus and put the datapad away, turning to his new ally with a longer face than they wanted to show. “Yes, unfortunately this is it. Most of the garrison has been moved to protect Capital City. TAC used their influence to support rebellions against us, making us spread our resources thin. It's probably how they infiltrated Jotunheim so easily…” Justice knew little about the opposition that faced them other than they were imperial haters with just enough resources and clout to be a problem. “Probably going to have GA support too…” Who wouldn’t want to use this proxy war to take on a potential rival.

As they reached the base’s outer walls, Justice gazed out into the sea before them before turning to back the white-haired warrior beside him. She was something that he had never encountered before, and he had met an android. Either way, her artificial tone did draw him in a bit and made him wonder what Esmeralda really was. Maybe he could find out more after this battle. Her talking about luck shook him out of his haze and prompted him to pull out his sword from his sheath and run a finger along its sharp blade. "Let's see what they can do..." He would get his answer seconds later as blaster fire started to pop up from the direction of the main gate. Battle had been joined and it was time to prove to Esmeralda what he and the Imperium was capable of.
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Location: Station Jotunheim, Underwater Facility - Mon Cala
Objective: II - To Tread a Restless Sea
Tag: Skyria Kyrtan Skyria Kyrtan Fervos Kej Fervos Kej

There had been no time to socialize or even to make idle discussion. The alert had pinged her comms and Oola had answered as fast as she could, arriving just in time for the briefing before donning a wetsuit and setting off into the sea. All the while, the Twi’lek had only been able to spare Skyria a brief smile as she put on her mask. After that, the two were underwater, piloting Devilfish submersibles on their way to the facility. During that period, Oola had silently reviewed the details of the briefing and her assignment. She, along with Skyria, had been tasked with infiltrating Station Jotunheim via the maintenance access, relieving the Defense Brigade holding the engineering section, and bringing the station back online.

All tasks that were easier spoken than executed.

Nevertheless with Skyria by her side, Oola felt that victory was well within reach. The talented fighter had beaten Oola convincingly in their spar, to such an extent that Oola had only kept the match competitive by distracting her. However, now, they were tasked together. Even without having spoken to the blonde yet, Oola felt a bond in mutual purpose and affinity. Moff Tane had made it clear that the Empire needed them, their chemistry, their talents, and their will. Oola believed it was why she and Skyria had been placed together, to strengthen and reaffirm each other in the midst of what might prove their greatest challenge yet.

Fortunately, the Devilfish submersibles made the journey smooth, though not necessarily quick due to the indirect approach. Still, once she was inside the facility, Oola wasted no time in taking off her wetsuit and donning the rest of her gear as Skyria did the same.

"I guess we go in search of some action now right? And you know if we can somehow get the shield back on that wouldn't be a bad thing."

“Action...” Oola licked her lips, offering Skyria a playful smile as she did. “There will be plenty of that, I’m sure.” She continued in a soft purr, a predatory glint flickering in her eyes as she extended her Sense through the facility. “The enemy is here, and there’s a lot of them. But we have a mission to focus on. We can’t afford to get bogged down fighting them, if we can avoid it.” She added, her tone taking on a measure of focus and determination. “I’ll take point for now, unless…you wanted to?” The Squire suggested, though she knew that between the two of them, Skyria was the close-quarters fighter, while Oola was the ranged precision combatant.


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Anthony felt a calling.

With Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el 's stepping down from the council, taking a calling from the Force to find his own way, it left Anthony with his own ponderings.

The Service Corp was always going to be in good hands with the new Sentinel of Harmony, but his place in it was shaky. He felt a pull himself. To be something worthwhile, not a man putting out fires.

He had looked into his new boss's history.

A Rebel.

He felt that word fit him, in some way. He needed to be something beyond just a firefighter on Coruscant. He wanted to be part of something bigger.

He knew he'd have to bring Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne with him eventually, but for now, this was just a veture. To see if the waves were higher, to see if the grass was greener.

He wanted to know if this calling was truely his.

Diving down into the waves with Jonyna, Anthony felt at home. Dac had been where he had gotten his crystal originally, and he felt the kyber within his blade shine like never before as they ventured into the depths of the ocean.

He'd approach the base undetected, his service corp jacket the only thing keeping him warm.

Soon they'd enter, and soon they would engage in sabotage...

Location: Landed, Island of Nilfheim Station
Objective: Deux
Tags: Iona Starchaser Iona Starchaser Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice"

The term was freelance. Sort of. Jared Starchaser was just hoping to live up to a legacy. One of hope and freedom. He intended to do what he could for the people of Mon Cala, a world that was quintessential to this region of space. A region he knew and loved. The aquatic world held not only a brilliant species but also an essential shipbuilder.

And it was why he had been making his way to the water world. Aboard one of the Starbird Assault Shuttles, Jared and a team of volunteers made their landing on the world, destination Nilfheim. Members of the Levant Rangers, a small team of saboteurs and insurgents. Perfect to help disable the shields permanently and to keep the pressure up on the Empire.

The one goal was really preventing a dark side presence from taking a foothold.

As the ship landed, Jared could hear the volunteers chatting. The field officer was giving orders. Protect the Force users. Turning to his cousin, one of the other volunteers, he nodded. “Stick close to me. Do you need a lightsaber?” He had his shoto but knew Iona was walking a path separate of the Jedi. He prepped his main saber and his blaster, just to be ready. Cortosis arm piece from his old Jensaarai armor already on his off-hand forearm.

Once they were set, they’d follow the Rangers into the fray with TAC and the Empire.


Drenn already sensed tension in the air even before Teckla's voice reached through the comm with an edge sharp enough to cut through durasteel. It wasn't just what she said; it was the fire behind the words that pointed to an unspoken annoyance. For him, the orders that came down from above were just that: orders. He wouldn’t allow any hesitation. Maintaining his usual relaxed demeanor, he would respond with ease. He leaned forward, hands moving over his own controls as he connected with the dockmaster, making sure that everything would be in place for the imminent departure. Then was the next task, the investigation of the Quarren from the NISB. It would expose more than just mismanagement. He knew that uncovering the truth behind the maintenance work’s signatures was crucial; his mind raced with thoughts of betrayal and secrecy.

Since his recent advancement, this mission felt like his first true test. The passengers on the shuttle were all strangers to him, much like the numerous unfamiliar faces he had encountered since assuming his new role within the Empire.

The Moff’s decision to send him eastward for an alternate entrance into the station casted a brief shadow of doubt across his mind. The possible dangers that awaited them only added to his concerns. But not being in a position to question orders, he would simply comply with it.

As the groups were at last separated, he soon ventured deeper into the depths, focused only on the task given to him as he made his way towards the intended destination. With his heightened senses attuned to these foreign surroundings, Drenn was certain that his search would not take much time.

Tags: Drenn Drenn

This facility was redundantly massive. That made sense, ultimately. This was the Empire, or a variation of it. Bigger, scarier things were always at the heart of their doctrine. Fortunately with Mon Cala allies and flooding the halls of the facility they had little fear of movement restriction, at least at the present moment. He assumed that the getting out part of this entire operation would be the challenge. Not far from the reactor, Jasper rounded a corner and...

With his heightened senses attuned to these foreign surroundings, Drenn was certain that his search would not take much time.

Came face to face with a hooded fellow, surprisingly his height. He always seemed to come up against giants. It didn't take much more than a feeling in the air for Jasper to tell he was looking at an Imperial Knight.

"Keep moving," Jasper told the handful of troops with him.

With a sigh, the Jedi Master placed a hand on his lightsaber, contained in a bizarre sheath at his hip.

"Right then," he continued. "Let's not waste our time with rambling. We both know why we're here."

Redemption for his failure on Ilum. He'd make things right after all these years. This wasn't the NIO, not really, but perhaps he could do right by the people he had lost to them so long ago now.

Time would tell.

Location: Outside Station Nilfheim, Island - Mon Cala
Objective: II - To Tread a Restless Sea
Tag: CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice" Iona Starchaser Iona Starchaser Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser

Esmeralda ducked just under an incoming blaster bolt before sliding into cover behind one of the sandbag-reinforced defensive positions. Almost immediately, the Siren prepped a concussion grenade and heaved it towards the source of the incoming fire, the distance of her throw significantly augmented by the strength-enhancing reactive polymers in her armor. Then, after waiting a few moments, she raised her rifle and poked out of cover to squeeze off a burst of hypervelocity slugs towards the dazed rebels, two of which had already been blown apart by her grenade. In turn, three more rebels were torn to meaty shreds by the Siren’s fire, but the rest of the enemy squad managed to retreat behind cover, doubtlessly planning another course of action.

For her part, Esmeralda had no intention of offering them the favor.

“Justice, cover me! Smokescreen now!” And moments later, Esmeralda launched herself up from the fortification and jumped, the repulsors in her armor propelling her form ahead in a powerful burst of ascending acceleration that carried her right up to the edge of the enemy squad’s defensive line. Then, cushioning her landing with a reversed burst from her repulsors, Esmeralda tucked into an acrobatic roll and sprinted up to the enemy position before bringing up her rifle and ripping off a hail of slugs. In moments, the five remaining soldiers in the enemy squad were sprayed down in swift, unceremonious fashion as the Siren brought the full weight of her rifle’s rate of fire to bear on her targets. Bodies were rent asunder in the barrage as hypervelocity projectiles tore through armor before blowing open the soft flesh underneath, unleashing plumes of crimson mist from severed limbs and ruptured skulls.

For a split-second, Esmeralda glanced over her work after laying off the triggers after her targets fell silent, but the Siren refused to linger. She quickly stepped over their bodies before sprinting to the next fortification ahead as blaster fire whizzed past her, their heat barely registering in her awareness. Now was the time to maneuver and force the enemy back, to prevent them from gaining a stronger foothold on the island.

Only through aggression might they survive the day.
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Location :Outside Station Nilfheim | Weapons : Force Pike | Interacting With : Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io , CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice" , Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser

Iona wasn't sure how she got entangled with cousin Jared instead of her now teacher Kaia. Spending more time with her cousins and this section of the Starchaser family meant running into one another more often. Which the Mirialan teenager was enjoying. Her cousins weren't much older than herself so there was an element of fun and adventure to be had that she wouldn't get with say, Coren.

This was her first battle. She had only fought in bar fights as a wannabe Warden or sparring others at the Enclave she studied at as a child. Beyond that, nothing. In all truth, she was hoping not to be a burden to Jared and hold her on weight. Deflect blaster bolts and slugs? Could do. Fight one on one with some Sith? That might be a problem.

Near her cousins side like glue, Iona shook her head, black hair that was in a pony-tail bouncing.

"Nope, I got my force pike on me." A handy tool that could go against lightsabers but also fall in line with the teachings of the Wardens. She had been enjoying practicing with the weapon but it had been just that, practice. "I won't let you down....I can be useful when I need to be."



Tags: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

As Drenn moved through the area, with every sense heightened and attuned to his surroundings, he navigated forward with confidence. With a hint of conceit, he swiftly turned the corner and caught sight of the figure he had just detected while heading eastward, flanked by a small group of soldiers. He had not anticipated the man's decision to completely dismiss their presence, and instead propose a duel. The Crusader felt a flicker of intrigue; there was something distinct about him, as even foes could possess honor that demanded acknowledgement.

A flicker of determination ignited within him. He could feel the weight of the Moff’s expectations on his shoulders, his own honor at stake now. He gave a slight inclination of his head, as if saying he understood the words, and took several steps forward. Drawing in a deep breath, he quickly calmed his mind and released any lingering thoughts that could possibly hinder his judgment.

His eyes locked onto the hand that reached out for the lightsaber, and in one fluid motion, he slid the cloak from his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. The armor that clung to him stood out intensely compared to the black garment now at his feet. “You’re a long way from home, Jedi,” he said, his voice low but smooth. “Your kind always had a way of placing yourselves into situations where you are not welcome or belong. But I suppose that doesn’t matter now.”

The hilt of his own weapon was grasped, and with a swift motion, he ignited the vibrant yellow blade. Despite the distance still between them, he remained composed. He would give the other a chance to fully retrieve their own, rather than simply attacking him. Now his debt had been repaid.

With a couple twirls of his wrist, he loosened his muscles. He shifted his stance, grounding himself as he transitioned into the Makashi form. While exuding an air of calmness, he tilted his head at last, signaling that he was ready to engage.
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Location: Outside Station Nilfheim, Island - Mon Cala
Objective: II - To Tread a Restless Sea
Tag: Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io Iona Starchaser Iona Starchaser Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser

Justice had joined her at the sandbags, putting down suppressive fire over the invaders before they were forced to take cover. Hearing Esmeralda's call, he quickly uncorked the smoke grenade, yelling "Smoke out!" and tossing it towards the where the enemy was hunkering down at. He then kept their heads down as Emeralda charged forward, allowing her jump up in the air and in the confusion, cut them down. As Esmeralda charged forward, Justice starting up his own jump pack and bouncing after her, trying to keep the enemy's heads down as his pistol's blazed away. It would be a struggle to keep up with the woman but if he wanted to get out of this alive, he would have to help this strange woman cut down everything in her path.

More enemies had come out of unknown transports landing on the beach and charged at what seem to be the main threat of Esmeralda. What they didn't see was a flying stormtrooper plopping down in between them and his sword poking through their chest's. He quickly pulled the sword out and twisted with his shoulders as one of the other soldiers held up his weapon only to have his head chopped off. It was all blood and guts after that as Justice cut down the rest of the squad, his armor only showing some scars from glancing shots the rebels got off before their deaths. Looking for a new enemy, he would make sure their blood wasn't the last to be spilled onto the sand.
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Location: Entering Combat at Nilfheim Station.
Objective II
Tags; Iona Starchaser Iona Starchaser Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice"

Bringing along Iona was not the first call he probably should have made. The girl was a bit younger than him, and this was a war zone. He knew of his father had taken youths into the field before, Jedi children, those who were hoping to defend their homes. This was under the Outer Rim Coalition, after the fall of the Sullust based Alliance. The galaxy was different for those folks. Now, Jared’s people were hidden away, on the hyperlanes or in worlds that remained unmarked and out of the galactic spotlight. But with a name like Starchaser, sometimes, it meant to go into a war to defend those who needed it.

And that was the people of Mon Cala.

She had a force pike, that was good. Definitely something she probably received or found after some instruction from Kaia, though his younger sister did favor a light whip. “I have complete faith in you.” And he meant that. When push came to shove, people always stepped up to become who they truly were.

Jared was used to fighting monsters, or beings who were alone, not some war zone, but his loadout gave hi the ability to defend and affect harm to many a beings. The Levant Rangers were leading the way and that was all well and good until the grenades started to fly. Jared felt the throw before he even saw the grenade and took a second to protect Iona and duck for cover.

Two Rangers down, as the hail of slugs came his way. The call of smoke came and Jared was prepped for that. The Force User was prepped with his spells, learned from the Witches, and the other Force skills. “We move quick.” He said to Iona as he came around the corner, his split-saber igniting, one blade, then the other, an emerald green among the smoke.

A deep breath and Jared called on the Force, none-too-subtly, and created an after and before image of himself, three blades, then becoming six, moving through the smoke.

"You can turn back now."
He spoke, a resounding voice amplified by the Force.
The underwater facility was a marvel of engineering, completely enclosed and safe from most assaults thanks to the Imperial presence in the area. It was a veritable underwater fortress! Fervos had volunteered for the mission to prove himself to the Coalition commanders. He had experience sure, but nothing would dispel doubt like a successful operation. He would gladly give his life to cut away the evil of the Empire.

His commando team was a small but well trained force he'd brought with him from his battles against the Sith. Only a dozen soldiers, but each a hardened warrior. They were trained in the guerilla tactics Fervos had honed in the jungle, fighting against Hutts for his freedom. As they docked with the facility, blasterfire erupted from their ship. Fervos would let his men drop the guards, from there he would address them.

"Be careful on this operation. We have little intel on the enemy's forces or what the true nature of this facility is. Be on your guard, and protect each other. I will go forward and cause a distraction so that you can more easily set your charges,"

Fervos didn't have the manpower to take the station over and protect it from counter-attack, so he would deny the enemy their resources. He would detonate the charges and remove this underwater marvel from the Empire entirely. No doubt that would be a thumb to the eye of a system that believed itself invincible. With one of his swords drawn he extended his arm, pointing forward to his troops.

"Forward men! Destroy this facility and show the Empire the folly of tyrants!"

Tags: Oola Ven Oola Ven Skyria Kyrtan Skyria Kyrtan
Aid to General Teckla Tane


Objective : II | To Tread a Restless Sea
Location: Ocean floor, Station Jotunheim, Dac
Equipment: Forces: N/A
Tags: OPEN


Seeing Oola lick her lips so playfully nearly made Sky forget where she was and why she was there. The fact that it followed the word action made Sky even a little more loopy. She wondered if the Twi’lek squire understood what happened to Sky when flirtations like this were exchanged. Or if it was just fun for Oola. Luckily some discipline had been beaten into Skyria over her life and she was able to pull herself from fantasy back into reality pretty quickly. The blonde fighter noted the glint in Oola’s eye when she admitted they would see action soon.

The next statement made Skyria aware of her envy of Oola’s abilities. During their Skyria had gotten the better or Oola, but she had a feeling the Oola made it more of a fair fight than it would have been on the battlefield. Oola could do things that Skyria could only dream of. And knowing that there were enemies on the base and in great quantities was only one of them. Skyria gave a nod when it was suggested that they should seek to avoid action until their mission, and Oola taking the lead was probably the best course of action in that direction. ”I’ll be right behind you,” Skyria purred at the question of whether she would rather go first.

The best order of things when they got down to fighting might be for Skyria to charge forward, but they could coordinate that if and when the time came. Sky had her pistol after all and would be quite sure to clear Oola from her aim before pulling the trigger. ”I’m ready,” Sky confirmed with a confident nod.
The Sword of the Empire

Modified IPAPA-1 Imperial Power Assisted Personal Armor
HIMAR-1 Heavy Imperial Multipurpose Assault Rifle
x4 Thermal Detonator

"Are you sure this is safe Sith?"

Shov growled at Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate she had tamed a large beast Schmetterling and is apparently under her control. "A 300 foot monster," Shov said. "Under the control of a Sith! I can't believe the Emperor would disable your collar for this battle! What makes you think that you won't turn this chicken beast against us?!"

Shov frowned. "If you do get any ideas Sith." Shov growled. "Just know that I still control your collar, a simple order commlink and your connection to the Force will be severed."

He will not allow Sicarius whom he has been forced to guard, escape now. "Yes, the Empire has upgraded your collar Sith. You do not think that we will be prepared for a situation like this? Now summon your beast and let us quell this rebellion."

Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun

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