Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Rebel Yell Chapter 2 | TAC Invasion of EotL held Mon Calamari and Lothal


Location: Island Station Nilfheim
Forces: 500 Auxilia

Yol Kan's Bounding Boots slowed his descent, which otherwise looked as though it might claim his life.

It was quite a thing to jump from a craft without parachute or rocket pack, relying only on Repulsorlift Boots to slow your descent.

But Yol Kan had managed it, and five centuries of Auxilia had followed him. About half of the force of men that had been dispatched on this mission to reinforce the island shield generator made it to the ground. It was quite a lottery. There was a reason the Auxilia were kept on retainer and paid so well by the Empire. Even the Emperor, with his vast clone armies, did not want to waste forces he didn't have to. Not when there were men, women, and otherbeings willing to risk it all for a hefty deposit of Imperial credits.

Even well paid, mercenaries were cheaper than clones.

Twenty of the men who'd jumped with him from the Carryalls didn't make it to the ground. He hadn't seen what happened to them. Had they been blown by strong winds out to sea? Had they been shot by the interceptors harrying the Carryalls? Perhaps the massive ship hovering in the skies above had proven their end.

That harrying had been intense. There were meant to be large formations of tanks on the ground here, in a moment. But Yol privately doubted there would be many of those armored vehicles joining them.

Still, at least they had a sizeable ground force of assorted foot-soldiers. Unfortunately, it seemed that the entire area was burning rubble and craters.

"Take stock of our surroundings, form up, and prepare to march," he ordered on comms. "There has been an intense bombardment here, hoping to take out the remaining shield generator. As soon as we have assembled into platoons, gotten our companies in order, and have the battalion fully formed, we'll march on the remains of the shield station and see what we can do for them."

They had been scattered quite a bit in the drop. It would take time for them to reorganize. Hopefully, they would not suffer an attack before that happened. This place was a hellscape. Still, there were probably survivors to deal with...


@Tag to anyone who wants to chew up a bunch of faceless mercs, or whose story would benefit from the dramatic entry of reinforcements. Yol Kan is available if you need a dueling partner.
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AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

Weapons : 1 Training lightsaber | 2 Corsage [Foil +Gun] | 3 Calypso [ Broad Saber] | 4 Resurgence [Crossguard] |5 Whirlwind [Chain Kama] | 6 Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator | 7 War Maul

| Fang- Gun | G.O.O. Gun | Phantom Gun |



Yol Kan Yol Kan


As the Great Mother Shark looms over Station Nilfheim, it initiates a powerful air support strike. The Thunderer Turbolasers and Hammer Turbolasers rain down destructive fire, while Tusk Missile Launchers target key defenses, softening the stronghold from above. Meanwhile, Warthog Blaster Cannons and Spear Thrower Anti-Starfighter Cannons provide overwatch, ensuring Tirin and his Jedi companion can advance safely. The Araniik Point-Defense Systems remain vigilant, countering any incoming threats, as Tirin descends to the island, prepared to secure the shield generator.

Another Mother Shark battle cruiser was already stationed in the stratosphere above the island, monitoring the battlefield with keen precision. The instant enemy vessels began entering the atmosphere and descending toward the surface, they were met with a merciless response. The cruiser unleashed its full arsenal, including devastating Thunderer Turbolasers and GATB-71 Hammer Turbolasers, which rained down relentless fire. Meanwhile, Deployable Tusk Missile Launchers and GARP-34 Tusk Missile Pods launched a salvo of missiles, each one equipped with Seismic Missiles designed to create maximum devastation on impact. The combined power of the ship's Megamaser and Orbital Autocannons turned the engagement into a lethal gauntlet.

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The war, that was what his father had always warned him about. It was not an a fun time, but it was something that was essential. Until someone found a better way about getting things cleared up in the galaxy. He knew there were folks who tried, and as his father aged, the man became less of a Jedi warrior and more of a Jedi Consular. Complete with more use of the Force and alternative solutions.

The role of a Sentinel.

Jared tried to have that solution, but if he was to keep being a hunter, sometimes, monsters were there and needed to be fought off. Sometimes those monsters came in the way of the dark siders, and other sentients. Those were the ones that he didn’t chose to fight.

But TAC was working near his chosen home, Wild Space and the Outer Rim, and pushing back those who were going after worlds he cared for, namely Mon Cala. The whole reason he made it out here. He didn’t seek war, but he needed to be there, for those who couldn’t stand on their own.

Maybe it was still part of his Jedi upbringing, but the fact that the foe ahead of him seemed armed to the teeth. But what could he expect from someone from the Empire coming to war. Jared was not of a militant path, though he’d fight to free Mon Cala just the same. With the hilt of his shoto in the air, Jared was waiting for the right moment to ignite the blade. What he heard was the whoosh of a repulsor and he could feel the kyber in the blade move out of the arc he was hoping for.


Focusing on the hilt he tried to pull it back to himself, around the same time he heard the shot of incendiary fire hitting the rocks. Looking up, he shook his head for a split second. This was not going his way. Reaching up in the Force, he was hoping to catch the rocks in a telekinetic shove, or at least not allow them, but the Force gave him the focus of danger, and he moved. He moved fast.

Lightning arced around his body as he made to move fast, quicker and guarded in a way he learned from the Witches, but in a way that made him entirely exposed. His smaller hilt came to his hand, and when it landed, he was now two-green blades ready.

“Come on.”
He muttered mostly to himself.

Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io


Tags: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

His boots made a small splash as he cautiously took two steps forward. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment at the lack of impact his Force push had, but it wasn't entirely unexpected. Just as Drenn often utilized complex sequences with his lightsaber, his opponent seemed to wield natural elements combined with the power of the Force in equal finesse.

Watching the movements with the claymore, it allowed him a modest amount of time to prepare for the inevitable. Standing on the wet ground he could already feel vibrations below his feet and saw steam coming up from the water. His body shifted with a palm pressing forward, channeling the Force Deflection skill with every ounce of concentration. A barrier formed before him, a protective shield that glowed with an ethereal light. It was only partially effective; the searing energy still coursed through his defenses. A thunderous roar pierced through the air around him. The raw power of it pushed him back down the entire length of the corridor as he resisted. until his back slammed against the cold wall with a loud thud. The electrical charges still found a way to lick at his flesh, through the layers of his crimson armor, which offered some resistance but still not enough to prevent the pain.

For a second, it felt as though his skin was ablaze. Without the armor, he imagined it would have been seared. Amidst the chaos, there was still a sense of tranquility upon him. The Crusaders often walked a fine line between the light and dark side, and Drenn rarely ever gave into emotions such as anger and hate.

The helmet he wore felt suffocating now, and his gloved hand lifted to press a series of buttons. It disengaged with a hiss and was simply tossed aside. His face glistened with sweat, and red liquid trickled down from his nostrils due to the electrical shock. He could taste the blood on his lips and spit a mouthful onto the ground before him. As he began to close the distance between them once more, his fingers clenched tightly around the hilt of the lightsaber. A grin formed at the corner of his lips. “You’re pretty good, Jedi," he said with a tilt of his head. "I must admit that I rather enjoy this little dance we find ourselves in.”

Although he attempted to stall and regain both his composure and energy, his words still carried a hint of truth.

He then twirled his wrist, cutting through the air, then summoning a burst of telekinetic energy that began swirling debris from the previous attacks–fallen stones, random equipment. “I respect your skills,” he stated, then hurling everything in his power towards the man like a storm of projectiles. Drenn immediately followed as he propelled himself forward. His goal was to execute a simple diagonal slash, one that would allow distance and have less chance of retaliation compared to other options with his blade.
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Tags: Drenn Drenn

Lux Ultima
He then twirled his wrist, cutting through the air, then summoning a burst of telekinetic energy that began swirling debris from the previous attacks–fallen stones, random equipment. “I respect your skills,” he stated, then hurling everything in his power towards the man like a storm of projectiles.

Jasper's eyes dilated as projectiles began flying towards him. Breath. He remembered the training that he had undergone with the Matukai, his thoughts lingering on their philosophy. Strength through fitness. His body was a focus lens. The Force would move through him.

The Jedi Master stood his ground, enduring the onslaught. His body grew rigid, becoming a wall before the rubble being thrown telekinetically at him. He wove through more dangerous chunks as smaller fragments hit his body, leaving small scratches wherever it made contact with his skin. One particularly notable piece of shrapnel hit the side of his forehead, drawing some blood. Still, Jasper stood his ground, his mechanical hand withdrawing his claymore from the shattered ground below, returning it to his back.

A blow was coming. Jasper could feel it through the wave of debris, his dueling hand ready to draw. As the Imperial drew forward and performed a diagonally, the young man drew his lightsaber once more, bringing it up to perform a saber lock. Sparks flew off of their interlocked blades as Jasper gritted his teeth, matching the strength of the attack to keep his opponent in place.

"You throw things pretty good," Jasper remarked, now face to face proper with his adversary. "I'd say you have potential yet."

A grin flashed across his face.

"You'd make a good Jedi."

With that Jasper swung his mechanical arm in a sudden, sporadic motion, clasping his prosthetic hand onto the arm of the Crusader while using his lightsaber to keep their yellow blade at bay. Energy surged through the runes on his fingers once more, a cold chill racing along the water that covered him. Ice began to crystalize on his body, spreading in an attempt to encase him.

Location: Outside Station Nilfheim, Island - Mon Cala
Objective: II - To Tread a Restless Sea
On Objective: Tirin Raene Tirin Raene Yol Kan Yol Kan
Engagement: CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice" Iona Starchaser Iona Starchaser Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser

The Force wielder had exposed himself, yet did so with such dazzling velocity that Esmeralda almost struggled to track him. Had it not been for the Ghost Link supercharging her reflexes and perception, he might have been little more than a blur to her awareness. Still, knowing that her opponent was capable of manifesting such extreme speed, the Siren realized that evac would likely be impossible, so long as the Force wielder remained unimpaired.

With the shield station destroyed, it quickly dawned on Esmeralda that was little more than an animal fight for survival.

However, in spite of the Force wielder’s electricity-enhanced speed, Esmeralda sensed that she retained the upper hand. Such a notion was dangerous of course, especially in the context of a fight against a trained Force-sensitive warrior. Still, with her opponent forced out from his cover, Esmeralda felt a fresh surge of brash confidence in spite of the nigh-apocalyptic hellscape that the battlefield had been reduced to. Her gaze widened beneath the mask of her helmet, a focused, hungry glint in her eyes as she watched the Jedi move.

Thus, Esmeralda fired her light repeating blaster again, only a narrow split-second after the Force wielder had called his lightsaber back into his grasp. Magenta-hued particle bolts exploded out from the dallorian alloy barrel at a blistering clip, sending five shots racing towards her opponent's feet from more than 12 meters away in the span of a heartbeat. Unlike her previous salvo, these were optimized to explode on impact, potentially inflicting damage through a lethal trifecta of thermal, concussive, and ionic shock. By aiming for the feet (and the ground around them, as well), Esmeralda hoped to leverage said explosions to discombobulate and daze, potentially knocking her target down and rendering him stunned.

All the while, Esmeralda launched herself in a sudden upward trajectory via a quick burst of thrust from her armor’s repulsors, carrying her form a little more than six meters above the ground. By seizing control of the air, she intended to negate any advantages in cover or concealment which might be offered by the terrain.

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Location: Island Station Nilfheim
Forces: 500 Auxilia
The sky above the island blazed with light and fire as the Auxilia on the ground raced to form up in rank and file.

In short order, chunks of charred or flaming durasteel and titanium dropped to the ground at random places. Sometimes, the pieces were identifiable as parts of Carryalls or hover-tanks. More often, they could have been pieces from anything, so mangled and cooked were they.

About six squadrons of the dropships had entered the atmosphere before the Auxilia had performed their combat jump.

It did not look like a single one of them would reach the ground. There would be no tank support today.

Of course, given the condition of the generator site on the ground, the Auxilia's operation intended to reinforce this position had come too late to benefit the Empire here. There was not much of a site to reinforce or recapture, as far as he could see. The best they could hope for was to aid survivors and secure a landing zone for evacuation teams.

He had to wonder, though, if any evacuation teams could survive orbital entry. Certainly not with the big ships patrolling the upper atmosphere, supported by interceptors and other fighter-craft. Something would have to change if anyone was going to get out of here.

Well... the fleet battles in the system could still go in the Empire's favor, and then this battle would matter little in the grand scheme of things.

He turned to look at the soldiery forming up on the pockmarked terrain. Then he looked up at the shadow in the sky...

Location : Objective II | Weapons : Force Pike | Interacting With : CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice"

The soldier went flying backwards. Iona wasn't intending to bring harm to him despite their positions on the battlefield against one another. The teenager wanted to give the other a chance to get away just as much as she wanted to get away. It would be different if this was still a regular battle. No, now there was a full-out evacuation. Everyone for themselves. They needed to get out and get out quickly before every single being was vaporized.

"So, this is what the Jedi send at us... And to think I feared meeting one... but you aren't anything special, are you...?"

Not this guy, leaving an insult before his recovery on the battlefield. He flew back towards her with a jetpack, feet kicking in an attempt to take her out. Iona twisted in the smoke, energy pike coming to guard her as his boot connected with her flank as she turned away. It caused her to stumble and it stung,but she would be fine beyond a bruise.

The Mirialan turned in the smoke and brought her energy pike up in a defensive position once again.

"You dumb tin can! We need to get out of here and you're still concerned about a petty battle? What is wrong with you?!"

Insult delivered, Iona turned to run through the smoke, lungs struggling to keep up, top get away from the enemy. At the very least she might find some fresh air to hurl more insults.



Tags: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Drenn continued to sprint forward, a blur of motion as he utilized his enhanced speed to keep pace with the objects aimed at the Jedi. His focus was sharp, the Crusader's gaze fixed on the opponent's every move, searching for any hidden tactics. With every step, he calculated and analyzed, determined not to fall victim to more unexpected tricks. It was obvious that any damage he inflicted then seemed minimal, being mere scratches, especially in comparison to what he had delivered so far.

It almost felt like he was fighting an uphill battle. Despite the challenge, he was determined not to surrender. As their lightsabers met in a fierce clash, he strained against the raw force of his opponent, desperately pushing forward with every ounce of strength he could muster. With every move, the contrast between their abilities became more obvious, making him wonder if he was truly giving it his all, or holding back in some measure.

The arm's touch resulted in a sudden change in his body's temperature. While nothing surprised him at this point, he was keenly aware of the need to react. Clutching his lightsaber hilt with more intensity, he abandoned his previous assault forward and gradually pressed upwards, trying to open a new target. For an instant, he leaned in closer, a sly grin forming at the corner of his mouth from the man’s words, revealing the stain of blood on his teeth from the nosebleed just moments ago. There was a tinge of mischief in his gaze. “You know,” he taunted, “that mind trick of yours was either incredibly weak, or you're just a really bad liar.”

He could feel the power still radiating from his core, fueled by the urgency of their fight. With a swift movement, he quickly shifted his weight. Drenn’s hips, despite the pain, acted as a coil. Rotating them to the best of his ability towards the Jedi, he would use them to generate maximum force in the leg strike. His knee lifted first, then snapped forward in a straight line, aiming the heel of his boot directly at his midsection. The intent was clear: to sever their connection and create more space, even if just for a second.

Tags: Drenn Drenn

A boot came for his midsection. Jasper, however, didn't flinch. Soft to Solid would reinforce him, his body like concrete against the oncoming attack. He slid a little, still feeling the pain of the blow, but held his position. The mechanical hand gripped harder, determined to remain clamped onto his opponent and finish the job. Cold energy continued to spread.

"No, I'm no liar, and I can't do mind tricks worth anything," Jasper stated plainly, a grin rising on his scruffy face. "The truth is that you've certainly got the natural talent to throw your weight around. Ain't get much more Jedi material than that. But I didn't rise to the rank of Master because I could throw natural talent around and call it a day. I did that by being insane."

Jasper pressed in further, keeping up the saber lock. He pushed down in opposition to Drenn's upward push, forcing the saber lock down to chest height. There was really only one thing left to do. He reared back his head, letting the skin of his forehead grow rigid with the technique he had learned from the Matukai, then threw it at the head of his opponent without a second thought. A skull bash, right through the gap between their blades where their eyes met.

He was hitting the Imperial as hard as he could.


AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

Weapons : 1 Training lightsaber | 2 Corsage [Foil +Gun] | 3 Calypso [ Broad Saber] | 4 Resurgence [Crossguard] |5 Whirlwind [Chain Kama] | 6 Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator | 7 War Maul

| Fang- Gun | G.O.O. Gun | Phantom Gun |


TAGS: @everyone

The Mother Shark, having just neutralized enemy tank targets on the island, does not fire on any vessels trying to evacuate or flee.

Instead, the Mother Shark deploys a few smaller support vessels, which descends equipped with medical supplies and personnel, ready to assist in the evacuation and aid anyone in need on the island. The crew of the Mother Shark however keeps a close watch for any potential threats.

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Fervos had left a few soldiers as rearguard for his unit as they moved to set the charges throughout the facility. He was unaware for the moment that anyone had found them. The few stormtroopers that they had met were dead before they could alert the others. This mission was going almost too smoothly... It was this bit of intuition that made him use his commlink to try and raise the soldiers guarding the rear.

"Team four, come in, what is your status?"

He was met by nothing but static from the other end, he had no idea there was a hole in the team leader's skull. He waited for a while, getting no reply after over a minute. That made him feel and eerie drop in the pit of his stomach. He scowled at this revelation, someone had got the drop on his men, which meant they weren't the average militant.

He bolted in the direction of the rearguard's last known position. They were well trained and hardened soldiers, anyone who could best them was quite the combatant. He was sure that sending more troops to investigate would just lead to their deaths. Instead, he would do his own recon, as he was want to do. He would test how well the warriors of the Empire fought first hand. If someone was killing his men, they'd need to prove their mettle in hand to hand combat!

Tags: Oola Ven Oola Ven Skyria Kyrtan Skyria Kyrtan
Aid to General Teckla Tane


Objective : II | To Tread a Restless Sea
Location: Ocean floor, Station Jotunheim, Dac
Equipment: Forces: N/A
Tags: Fervos Kej Fervos Kej | Oola Ven Oola Ven


Skyria relied on soft feet and a natural light step to hide her presence. Though she did make it a point that if she was going to be sent on missions with Oola in the future she should probably get hooked up with some better incursion tech than what she had. Though the blonde fighter wasn’t sure what would happen if she got too close to Oola at the moment. Would the presence of Sky’s bracers short out the stealth tech? Questions to be asked at a better time.

As it happened he thoughts were interrupted as the duo of young women came upon the first bit of resistance that Oola had expected to see. Sky was a little disappointed that there were merely two troopers to take care of. One each seemed like a waste of their talents. Of course that could be an underestimation, by youthful enthusiasm. Oola was quick to start in with her thing, culminating with a toss of her lightsaber that Sky didn’t need to watch to know that it would be lethal.

Since she trusted that her partner would take her claimed target, Skyria was quickly dashing to move on the other soldier that was given to her. Wanting to show off her new equipment, Sky didn’t put much thought into the fact that a “normal” soldier was better approached with her normal gear. She would be able to take an average trooper down with just her natural talents. If she came up against a Force User her new equipment would prove useful. Unsheathing one of her knives as she strode forward, Skyria was inside blaster range before the soldier knew what was coming at him. She drove a shoulder into the man’s breastplate, sending him flat against the wall of the station and ended things quickly.

Sky looked at the two fallen bodies and then at Oola. She gave a knowing wink. ”That was fun, but I’m pretty sure there’s plenty of work still to do.” Before they could move on to the next target Skyria heard static coming from the comm of the trooper that Oola felled. There was a small smirk forming on her lips as she stood over the other soldier and heard nothing. Her gauntlets must work and cut power to the comm of the one she’d killed.

”More fun,” Skyria bubbled playfully. With a nod of her head she indicated they should move forward again. Again Sky let Oola take the lead. With empty responses via comms, Sky knew their presence would not be expected. She sheathed her knife and pulled her pistol instead. As they continued forward they would next run into the leader of the opposition forces. ”Nice kitty,” Skyria chuckled as she dropped into a defensive stance. ”Two small girls against one big cat this will be interesting…” Skyria continued giving Oola a wink and nod that she was ready. There were nerves building within Sky. Oola liked to throw her lightsaber about and Skyria was currently best equipped to get up close and personal. She hoped that she didn’t end up in Oola’s way.


Tags: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

He felt the boot connect with the Jedi’s core, hearing a slight thud echo through the chaos. The blow, which should have sent him staggering, barely seemed to faze him. At the same time, he was aware of the tightening grip and continued to press forward to the best of his ability. The fight wasn't unfolding as it typically did; his opponent seemed almost too prepared, their reactions perfectly timed. His heart finally began to race, not just from the thrill of their fight, but with the realization that this battle might not end in victory as he had always expected.

The cold continued seeping into his armor and wrapping around his limbs like tendrils. As it entered the exposed areas and met his flesh, it felt more agonizing than anything else. While he absorbed the words for the Jedi’s mouth, unfortunately time was not on his side. In a split second he saw the slight tilt of his head, a rather clear indication of their next action. While Drenn had anticipated the move, he felt powerless to prevent it.

Just before it landed, he turned his head to the side, a decision that may have helped redirect some of the momentum. The impact was still brutal. There was a splash of warm blood spraying across the air as his head reeled back. A deep gash had been torn through his eyebrow, and the crimson liquid poured down his face, splattering against the frozen ground. The Crusader’s vision was blurred, and dizziness fell over him. He felt disoriented from the blow.

The frost quickly enveloped his limbs, now racing towards the base of his neck. It seemed to consume everything in its path. The lightsaber finally slipped from his fingers, falling next to his feet. His spirit would remain the only thing untouched. With only moments left, he locked eyes with the Jedi, a flicker of mischief returning to the only eye he could see out of. Just before the ice would have a chance to fully encase him, he gave a final nod of his head. “I will find you again."
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Location: Outside Station Nilfheim, Island - Mon Cala
Objective: II - To Tread a Restless Sea
On Objective: Aether of the Iron Order Aether of the Iron Order Yol Kan Yol Kan
Engagement: Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io Iona Starchaser Iona Starchaser Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser

The Trooper stopped for a moment, panting as he saw her face for the first time. She was young, very young. Probably wasn't even an Adult yet with the way she spoke. As she ran away, his shoulders sagged as he sheathed his sword. This is what he had come too, trying to kill teenagers. She is right, what is wrong with me... His thoughts then went to his partner as the bombardment lessened till it had fully stopped. The rebels had finished their task of destroying the generator and were pulling out. His mind them drifted to how Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io was and wondering how she had faired. He hoped she had lasted through the bombardment. Either way, he needed to search for her, either to help her fight off what resistance remained or to collect her body.

As he ran to the last remaining shots on the beach, he saw the figures jogging by foot towards the burning outpost. As they drew closer, he could see the symbol of the Auxilia on their armor. They had help coming towards them and while they might not be able to win this battle, they might have tech specialists among them that could repair what damage the bombardment had done to the shield generator. Thats if the beasts from above didn't eat them alive. Only a miracle could pull them out of this mess. There only real choice was to hunker down and wait out the storm above them. Hopefully the Rebel's fleet would move out of orbit and the salvage operation could then begin.

Location : Objective II | Weapons : Force Pike | Interacting With : CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice" , Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser , Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io

Iona ran and then stopped behind some debris, deactivating her force pike and hunkering down for a moment. Ears strained to listen and her lungs still weren't drawing enough air due to the smoke. There were the normal sounds of battle. Reaching out with the Force, she didn't feel the malice filled presence of her previous opponent. Just death and destruction.

The shoulders of the Mirialan teenager slumped. Time to go. Question was, did she find her cousin first or a way off? To her, it was dangerous to stay. Dangerous just from the enemy presence alone. For now it was time to do the best course of action ; run into the surrounding area, away from the station that was due to blow at any chance.


AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

Weapons : 1 Training lightsaber | 2 Corsage [Foil +Gun] | 3 Calypso [ Broad Saber] | 4 Resurgence [Crossguard] |5 Whirlwind [Chain Kama] | 6 Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator | 7 War Maul

| Fang- Gun | G.O.O. Gun | Phantom Gun |

The sky above the island was a chaotic canvas of fire and debris, with the generator site reduced to smoldering ruins. The alarms blared incessantly, signaling the impending meltdown, as the air superiority over the island became undeniable.

Amidst the chaos, a voice emerged over the loudspeakers, cutting through the noise with calm authority. It carried across the battlefield, reaching every corner of the island.

"Attention, forces on the ground. This is an open broadcast from Phoenix Command.

The situation on the island is critical. The generator is in meltdown, and there are no significant military targets remaining. Continuing the fight will only lead to more unnecessary loss of life."

As the message played, two Ladybug rescue crafts descended from the sky, their engines humming steadily. Each craft was flanked by armed escorts, their presence ensuring the safety of the rescue operations.

"We understand the courage it takes to lay down your arms, but the battle here is over. Two Ladybug rescue crafts are inbound, equipped to evacuate all who surrender. These crafts are escorted and will ensure your safe passage off the island."

The voice was firm yet compassionate, offering a way out amid the destruction.

"This is your opportunity to survive. Lay down your weapons and signal your surrender, and you will be granted safe passage. Do not waste this chance. The battle in orbit may still be raging, but here on the ground, there is nothing left to gain by fighting. Choose life over destruction."

The broadcast ended, leaving the island in tense 'silence', broken only by the distant sounds of burning wreckage, the blaring alarm, and the hum of the hovering Ladybug crafts.


Tags: Drenn Drenn

“I will find you again."

"Yeah... I'm sure you will," Jasper sighed, sheathing his lightsaber.

So that was it. The Master ran his hand along his organic arm, feeling the fresh wounds from the rubble that had been thrown at him. He'd have to get some bacta on those whenever he got home. Before long his comms began to light up with chatter, the squadron he had lead finally calling to give an update.

"Master Kai'el, thermals are in place. We're ready to blow the lid off this place."

"...Got it," he responded before shifting comms to an open TAC channel. "Jasper Kai'el to TAC friendlies. Thermal detonators are in place in the reactor. Evacuate at your leisure. Over."

Jasper sighed before turning back to the now frozen imperial, looking down at them for a moment before ripping the man up off the ground. He slung the imperial over his shoulder and began the journey back to the hangar. As he walked, a little droid emerged from the pocket of his jumpsuit pocket, his loyal companion Pyf. The droid hovered up to Jasper's head, letting out a mechanical whir.


"Can't just leave him here?" Pyf asked. "He'd probably be fine. Imperial allies would pick the dude up eventually."

"Yeah, well I'd rather not take the risk," Jasper shrugged. "One misstep on their end and he winds up as a shattered popsicle at the bottom of the ocean. I'm doing what's right. Nothing more."

"Right... say what you have to to sleep at night."

Once in the hangar, Jasper got the frozen man settled into a Submersible, preparing the auto pilot to take him back to the surface. He paused for a moment, fishing two stim packs out of his pocket and laying them on one of the seats, along side the man's lightsaber. The Jedi Master stepped out of the craft, using the Force to activate it from afar and allowing it to escape the facility. Wherever the craft was off to was up to fate now.


Jotunheim rumbled as explosions engulfed the main reactor, initiating the meltdown sequence. There was nothing left to repair. Red lights and sirens flashed across the facility as the evacuation began in proper.

Jotunheim Objective: Evacuate

Fervos Kej Fervos Kej , Skyria Kyrtan Skyria Kyrtan , Oola Ven Oola Ven , Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun , Shov Brald Shov Brald , Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate , Others...


Location: Island Station Nilfheim
Forces: 500

Captain Selya Varn peered up at the sky through her macroscope as the transmission came in across the Auxilia forces.

"Well," she said, "they're definitely sending something down. It could be ambulance ships and transports."

Yol frowned within his helmet. He wasn't sure what was more dangerous for him: The possibility that this was a ruse designed to take out his forces, or the possibility that it was legitimate. He was commanding mercenaries. Mercenaries who had no fanatical loyalty to the Emperor or the Empire. They wanted to get paid. Barring that, they wanted to live.

What would they do when offered a way out?

He also wondered about what the transmission had said regarding the facility being in meltdown. Was that true, or just a ruse designed to increase anxiety? A lie intended to push them past the threshold of fear where they'd be willing to risk surrender.

He clicked on his com unit.

"This is Major Kan. I know you've all just heard the offer from our enemy.

This is the same enemy who performed orbital bombardment here.

They promise safe passage. This is doubtless going to be safe passage into a prison facility. If the Emperor trades his prisoners for theirs, it will only be so that he can execute cowards for disloyalty.

There is only one way out where we get paid and we remain free. We must wait for an Imperial evacuation- not a rebel evacuation. And we must aid Imperial forces in situ until that evacuation arrives, however long it takes.

That having been said, I won't have anyone marching with me who is likely to put a blaster barrel in my back.

If you want to surrender, remain here. Get picked up by those ships. Or gunned down by them. I don't care.

The rest of the battalion is marching on what's left of that generator station.


With that, Yol Kan began to march. He dared not turn to look and see how many followed him. He did not even check to see what Captain Varn was doing. He simply put one foot in front of the other, heading towards the smoking ruins of the generator station, silently hoping he wasn't condemning himself to an early and meaningless grave.

Iona Starchaser Iona Starchaser Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice" Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser Yol Kan Yol Kan Aether of the Iron Order Aether of the Iron Order
He was always going to have to get into the fight. He was a lightsaber user, that put him right in the thick of most fights. Finding someone, or more hopefully, some monster, and getting right in the beast’s face. The Force could afford him some distance, with the way his spellwork and skills were growing, through lightning, telekinesis, and being able to blind a foe. He hadn’t mastered the teleporting of the witches, but damn could he move fast.

As he was moving, he was hoping to keep attention on him, and not at all near Iona. If history was to repeat itself, the Force user with a lightsaber was the one who was going to be getting the attention, and he only hoped that the opponent with the rifle was not from some warrior race that would think outside the box and look around.

Jared was to gain attention and let Iona and the Rangers that came with him, do their own thing. But what he hadn’t prepped for was the disabling shots, and not ones to kill. His attention was on his body, his core, and not the feet around him. When the first blast hit, he could keep ahead of it, but the barrage? That brought up more than he suspected, rubble, heat, and the blast that felt like a flashbang. Stumbling him, Jared was moving at his enhanced speed and tumbled, head over heel, and came to rest against another pile of rocks.

Shaking his head, he was working to clear his mind, using the Force to push his body further than it should be going, something he was used to, seeing as he typically fought beasts twice-to-thrice his size. Looking up, he saw the flying opponent and raised up a hand, pushing out with his intention, his hand, and very much any part of his body not covered with the light armor he did wear, flashed brilliant white, able to send someone seeing stars, at best, and overloading any electronic visual interface at best.

Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice" Iona Starchaser Iona Starchaser

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