Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Rebel Yell Chapter 2 | TAC Invasion of EotL held Mon Calamari and Lothal


TAG: Nimian Totan Nimian Totan

Jonyna prepped herself. She knew they'd find out she was here. She knew they were coming.

Into a hallway she ran, slicing regular stormtroopers down as she went. A block of a blaster bolt, a dodge to the left, it was all...routine. Old muscle memory coming back to her. Block, dodge, slash. Liz cut through Duraplast like it was tissue paper.

But she knew something more was coming. She could feel it. Stormtroopers were one thing, but elite men would find her.

She best do some damage as she got there. Rushing into a room, she pulled out a small chip, inserting it into a console. She didn't know what this did, but it wouldn't much longer. Two slashes from her lightsaber smashed destroyed the console, and Jonyna then moved onto the next. This ship would go down, and she'd escape. It was that simple. It was that easy. The Empire would fall.

It always did. Always because of people more important than her.

She was just an instrument of destruction.

Just a Knight of Justice.

But a Knight no more. A Master. A Sentinel.

For a moment, she considered, holding position.

Then she came up with an idea.

And the floor, and everything around her, began to spark. She could control it. The electricity.

She could shut down this whole portion of the ship.


AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

Weapons : 1 Training lightsaber | 2 Corsage [Foil +Gun] | 3 Calypso [ Broad Saber] | 4 Resurgence [Crossguard] |5 Whirlwind [Chain Kama] | 6 Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator | 7 War Maul

| Fang- Gun | G.O.O. Gun | Phantom Gun |


TAGS: Yol Kan Yol Kan


After the chaotic events on Island Station Nilfheim, the surviving Auxilia were gathered aboard Phoenix Wing's ships, tension still hanging in the air. But rather than treating them as prisoners or deserters, Phoenix Wing extended a different kind of hand—one of respect and choice.

The rescued Auxilia, many of whom were shaken and wounded, were fed and treated for their injuries. Their basic needs were met with care, not as enemies but as individuals deserving of dignity. As they recovered, they were offered two options: to be dropped off safely in neutral territory or even returned to the Empire if they still believed in their cause. However, for those who had grown disillusioned with the Empire's betrayal, Phoenix Wing provided another path. A future.

Then, Aether, the Commodore who had slain the Empire of the Lost's emperor and whose tactics had taken down the Super Star Destroyer, stepped forward to address them. His tone was calm but carried authority. "You were left behind by those you once served, treated like you didn't matter. With Phoenix Wing, we offer you something better—a place where your skills have value, where you're not just another expendable asset."

The Auxilia listened. They could sense the sincerity in his words. The man who stood before them wasn't just a military leader—he was a symbol of hope for those who had been discarded by the Empire.

After some deliberation, nearly 150 Auxilia chose to stay. The offer of freedom and respect was too great to turn down. For those still loyal to the Empire, Phoenix Wing honored their wishes and arranged their safe departure to neutral territory.

Those who remained had found a new identity under Aether's command. They were no longer merely survivors or abandoned soldiers. They had become the Phoenix Auxilia—reborn, with a new purpose and cause worth fighting for.


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