Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Chapter One: Eclipse | Long Live the Empire DE vs GA Coruscant


Chapter One : Eclipse



As the bullets struck the Jedi's mechanical arm, the Grand Admiral tried to pull back with all his remaining strength hoping to break free of the Jedi Master's hold, however despite his best efforts the Jedi maintained his grip and Sularen watched as the Jedi slowly regained control of the situation pulling back his arm, feeling his own strength slowly waver. While Sularen began to think of other methods in which he could try to break free from the Jedi's hold, only to feel an immediate jolt of pain as the Jedi bit his hand, causing him to release his pistol again. As the Jedi pulled his arm even harder, the Grand Admiral eventually would come to a realization : he had lost this fight.

Before long, Sularen felt a sharper pain in his right arm, or atleast the portion of his arm where his flesh met his cybernetic implants as the Jedi continued to pull his cybernetic arm. Slowly one by one, the artificial muscles inside his cybernetic arm began to tear apart as the Grand Admiral winced harder, trying to ignore the pain. Then it happened, Sularen's cybernetic arm which he had used to replace his organic arm that Kyrel Ren had "consumed" years ago, would be soon ripped from his flesh which causes a severe amount of pain that caused Sularen to cry out in anguish.

However there was no time to throw curses or insults at the Jedi Master. Now, Sularen was at a heavy disadvantage without his cybernetic arm, which his opponent could quickly exploit. Now his priority had shifted from trying to defeat the Jedi to finding an escape route, as he could not bare the idea of ending up in the custody of the Alliance. As such once the Jedi had ripped off his cybernetic arm, the Grand Admiral quickly proceeded to reach for his code cylinder within his uniform's pocket with his free arm, hoping to quickly send a message to his subordinates in the bridge. If he could quickly send a distress signal, then maybe help could arrive before the Jedi could apprehend him.

Upon activating the code cylinder, Sularen quickly opened a channel with his subordinate Colonel Rackham Rackham who had been left in control of the bridge with a few Commandos left. "Colonel Rackham? Are you there Colonel" Sularen asked, his voice exposing a hint of desperation as the Grand Admiral sought out an exit strategy.


Tags [GA] | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Braze Braze
Tags [DE] | Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt


"Colonel Rackham? Are you there Colonel"

Jasper tossed the mechanical arm of the admiral aside, letting out a labored exhale. It was done. Now Sularen was calling out for help. It would be no use. The knight raised his mechanical arm one last time, rearing up for the final blow.

"Good night, Admiral."

And the fist came down.

Jasper felt his body begin to sag. Target was now incapacitated. Their job here was done. There was no sense hanging around in this doomed ship any longer. They had to gather everyone up and get the hell out of dodge. Already the pain of his injuries was beginning to rear its ugly head. They were going to need to get out of here, and fast.

"Aether," Jasper called. "Sularen is secure. We-"

A shudder. Everything in the vessel violently shook. Had he not been on the floor already, the man was certain he would have been thrown from his feet. Contact. They had just made landfall. Jasper couldn't help but wince in pain as he felt the distruction, holding tightly onto Sularen as to not loose track of him. They had gone through hell to be here. Marlon Sularen was going to stand trial if it was the last thing he did.

And Braze... what had they done to him?

As the violent shaking began to settle, the young Jedi Knight began to speak again.

"We need to go," he exhaled. "Prepare for evac."

Everything burned like hell now. He wasn't going down just yet.

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AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

Weapons : 1 Training lightsaber | 2 Corsage [Foil +Gun] | 3 Calypso [ Broad Saber] | 4 Resurgence [Crossguard] |5 Whirlwind [Chain Kama] | 6 Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator | 7 War Maul

| Fang- Gun | G.O.O. Gun | Phantom Gun |


TAGS: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen


"We've a vessel up top," Aether said simply. He was well equipped for the harsh landing that shook the ship, and he moved to assist Jasper in transporting his freshly caught prisoner off the destroyed ship, showing him the way while carrying Braze like precious cargo. He was able to defend Jasper quite well in truth with his many hands, and in short order, they were onto one of the crabs that didn't explode. Up and off they went.​


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