Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Chapter Two: House of Cards | Long Live The Empire DE vs GA Coruscant



CLOSED TAG: Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis





Well, that's the only way to describe the slight flash of emotion through the Netherworlder as the Masked Blasphemer unleashed a few arcs of lightning onto him. Not because it hurt, but at the cheek of it. Did the man really think that lightning of all things would have a negative affect on him.

It only served to fuel him.

His face remained a mask, however. It didn't even twitch as the arcs crackled against his skin. Instead, the tattoos on his face glowed brightly for a second before returning to black ink. Ice-blue eyes looked back passively at his master as he spoke.

- Still, I remain. -

So you believe.
"Yes, Master." Calmly, passively. No hint of what was underneath the surface. How he had just absorbed the small arcs of lightning meant to discipline him.

He was the storm.

He was the hurricane that now raged. These mortals had no idea how much power they placed at his disposal. But he'll wait. Perfection took time. And he was the embodiment of it.


Välk watched as the Shadow Hand took the first leap in the direction of the Temple. Apparently it was a symbol of peace and justice. Ironic how it was more or less abandoned and how it will be grave of those who remain. The slightest of smirks played on his mouth before following his master, but for other reasons.

Upon their closer approach, something happened. A wave of....was it pain? No, more like a burning itch from a horsefly. Scratching at his mind. So he let it in. Even more power flooded through him. He was an endless pit of energy. He just had to reach out a hand and -


Not yet.

Instead he focused on the smoking dumpsterfire that was a battle in front of the temple and on the ripped-up steps. The Netherworlder marveled at the mad grasping for whatever hope can be had. How weak they all were. Clutching at straws and resorting to all manner of tools to do their bidding. They wouldn't last long in his Realm. Well, he'd ensure they'd get culled when he connected the planes.

"Master, perhaps we should find another entrance for better efficiency?"

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Good Men Don't Need Rules

OBJECTIVE: Protect the Temple
LOCATION: Jedi Temple - Rooftops
TAGS: Ibaris Varanin Ibaris Varanin | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Mahsa Mahsa | Drifter Drifter
EQUIPMENT: Armor | Shield | Sunfire Sword | Knife | Shatter Pistol | DMR


The fiery blade shone in its brilliance among the storm that surfaced out side the temple walls. Its magnificence was the smallest sign that the corruption and pain being emitted from this location was being fought against. It was the very singular hope that many Jedi held. Yet here I was, the one who wielded it. I opted to just end all of these threats. No soft play today. It was kill or be killed.

Even as the blade was barely holding the flames from within, I used it as my advantage. Closing the distance with speed to the first soldier. No hesitation to decapitate his head. The helmet flying off of his body. My left arm quickly punching it to send it at the allied forces. It was without any effort to send it to them. My physical strength alone catapulting it into someone else.

My speed intensified. Accuracy in my strikes were true. The shield thrown with such dexterity to smack into three of them, and be pulled back to my arm. Yet my own physical speed matched that of the shield. Reaching the first man just as the shield smacked the second man. My saber piercing him through the chest. Yanking downward to cleave him almost nearly through. A quick spin of my leg to send the barely alive corpse into the air, with a force push. Sending the body, and the third man tumbling off of the roof.

The force reached out to the second man who was gathering his bearings of the shield assault. However, it is then that my valor failed me. An intensive strike to my mind and body.


I screamed in pain as the soldier elected to close the distance to me to capitalize on my diversion. The stock of his rifle slamming into my head. Reeling in pain from the force, I barely felt the impact of the buttstock. With what little strength I could muster, The blade lashed out at him. Cleaving the weapon barrel just past the X-citer chamber. Already I could tell the weapon was going to explode. My left hand reaching up just enough to hold a Force bubble around the man. His attempt to throw the weapon was in vain. As it crashed into the bubble only to be back at his feet. the bubble closed in around him as the weapon exploded. Not much was left other than broken pieces of armor and decimated bits of his body.

Looking up, I saw that the Sith had left the location, yet the effects remained. Barely standing from the effects. Barely able to move from the assault of pain on my senses. Her hands called to the sky. My faceplate moving upward to the sky as the storm congregated closer and closer directly over us. She would not see it, but the pained smile came back to my face. The shield on my forearm activated. A small shimmer of blue energy formed around the physical Ward of Dawn. With pained effort, I stood as the lightning tracer lanced out to me. My sword raised to the sky.

The blue arcing plasma of lighting lanced down directly onto me. The blade and xythan shielding on the shield absorbed as much of the energy as possible. The blades length grew in size, lengthening and the fiery edge burned brighter and hotter. As if the lightning itself was a boon from the divines. Without hesitation, I pulled the energy from the sword into myself. Channeling the force to give myself a wealth of power. Energizing and revitalizing myself. Once more bringing back the valorous aura I had made before. However, now stronger than what it had been.

It took no effort to stand completely now. No effort to be the proud warrior, paladin, and Jedi before her. The sword held upright, was brought back down, to be leveled at her. The shield held in front of me prepared for whatever else she may throw at me. The left over energy arcing from my armor. lancing to the ground as if the divine boon was now being a power controlled by a demi-god. The only thing she had done, was temper my resolve to wield the light against her. Even if it took the form of lightning.

"Time to see what the fury of a Jedi can really be."

Even in heavy armor, my first steps seemed to float above the ground as I removed any inertia from my body. Thus, any movements I made bore no resistance to movement. The speed to which I closed the distance to her surprised even myself. The fiery blue blade lashing out at her hoping to end this in one swift strike of bisecting her in half.



Location: Jedi Temple, Great Hall.
Brothers: Orwrex Orwrex
Adversaries: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren , Rik Perris Rik Perris


Blaster fire whizzed by his person, and he fired in return. Adrenaline was pumping. Power flowing. All into one addictive concoction that could only be earned from battle. His brothers made their way forward, and cleared the platform with ease. As expected.

"Knights, you are released!"

“Finally, time for some action! Onwards, to the forefront of this battle!” In raucous delight, the Disciple would temporarily swerve off with Kybo Ren Kybo Ren , his idea of pillage sounded far more appealing, before again splitting off. The place was the warzone it deserved to be, at this point, Jedi now sprouting out from the woodwork to defend their supposed home - his only go to wreak as much devastation and havoc as possible. The forefront was taken, the archives now being dealt with. He instead opted to search for something of significance to his foes, something that would score a crushing demoralizing blow to any survivors of this battle. He had read of the Kyber Arch, a memorial to their dead. That was his target.

“Hh’hhf-” A horrid rasp left the helm, and he felt an indescribable wave of pain radiate through him. From it, came such a complexity of terrible emotions it felt like he wanted to scrape at his face. Fear - of being downtrodden and looked down upon, of being treated like nothing. That he would one day leave this world, and none would remember his name, or know he even existed as little more than a parasite upon the world. “AAAGHH,” Another pang, worse than the last, enveloped him.

He felt like he could crumble into nothingness, and be swallowed whole by the Shadow’s maw.

But it just. Wouldn’t. Let. Him. Vorik hated this feeling - and for the first time in his life, and perhaps the only time, he was able to make those feelings of ineptitude matter.

A click, as he primed his weapon’s vibro-blade;

“NEVER AGAIN!” A terrible shout of fury left the mere Disciple, as he abandoned his oppressive vantage point and lept into battle against the first grouping of opponents he could find, no doubt joining the slaughter of Orwrex Orwrex on the front lines.

Practicality, and careful planning was thrown out of the window. It was a little hard to focus when it felt like you just headbutted a brick wall. He carved his way with wicked fury through whatever Alliance soldiers, Padawans, or what-not stood in his way towards the Temple. And taking a page out of Kybo Ren Kybo Ren ‘s book, he would unlatch a Detonator from his belt, and toss it against the wall.

Beep, Beep, Beep- BOOOOOMMMM,

A mighty explosion roared, and Vorik would make his way through the opening left; “The onslaught must not wait! Enlightenment is at hand!” The Disciple roared aloud, entering into the Great Hall that the Shadow crept towards in a slow march.

That would be when he came face-to-face with new prey.
Location: Jedi Temple - Landing Platform
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Detritus Ren Detritus Ren Ibaris Varanin Ibaris Varanin Vorik Vorik Orwrex Orwrex
Equipment: Lightsaber Pike, Light Armor

Turning around to see the others having taken out their own soldiers, the wealth of the enemies that had come to the vessel were taken care of. My breathing rapidly from the exertion of the force started to slow as I walked the small distance to the Master of the Knights of Ren. A man who wore armor that in its chitinious armor was quite impressive. Thinking I may have to get something like that later on. For now, the light armor I wore would suffice.

Commands given to the other Knights to go among the compound that was the Jedi temple were given out. They were strong and capable on their own. I awaited my own commands when it was given that I would be along side the master. Was it to assess my situation? Was it to keep me on a short leash? I was not sure, but being battle-buddies was also just a good idea in general. If one of us was injured, then we would be able to defend the other, or keep them out of harms way.

As we started to head deeper into the temple, heading to the doors, it was when a Jedi master came to stand before us. Without even waiting, I could feel the sheer presence of this woman. The strength in the force she could control, and even just the once over, she was skilled in combat. Her form was not lacking. However, she addressed the master. Knowing him almost just by seeing him. Did they fight previously? Looking only at her, I knew that this would be a fight mostly between him and her, and I was here along for the ride.

By her hand the onslaught would end? No. I would not allow such. I was a good fighter, but this was clearly a fight I would not be winning on my own. Instead, I chose to be a support for the Master of Ren. The lightsaber pike activated in its crimson glow once more. Preparing for a fight if the Jedi opted to go after me as a tactic against Ren. Gathering the force in my off hand, I brought it around my body in a swirl to charge it. Feeling the presence of the battle meditation, I allowed the rage of the force, the emotions building up within me to charge such a power. Even if it was well out of my own league.

A sphere of energized force lightning coalesced into my hand, and launched at the woman. The intent was to hit her with a blast of this kinetite. One that could cause some serious damage before the battle even started. However, should it fail to hit the target, it was a good diversion for Detritus to close the gap between the two. Even the smallest of openings would be good for him or for myself.

As soon as the strike launched, I lanced after her. Simply rushing her under the power of my own physical sprinting. Closing the gap faster than Detritus would be a bad positioning for myself or for him. If we wanted to take down the one and only, Valery Noble, we would have to do so together. Not one on one.

Location: New Jedi Temple (Rooftops), Coruscant
Objective: Protect the Temple Not Having a Good Time™

Each step felt heavier than the last as the padawan made her way upwards, most of her focus placed on attempting to keep the rivalring energies that threatened to overtake her mind at bay. It became easier to breathe as time passed and, while the nauseating feeling never truly faded, at least she didn’t fear emptying her stomach’s contents into the stairs anymore.

The howling winds rushed to meet the young girl, the tight and limited space of the corridor strengthening them as they whipped past Mahsa. What’s going on out there?! One hand rose to cover her face from the strands of hair that lashed against it, while the other gripped the railing tightly for fear of being bowled over by the gale.

She finally caught sight of the exit as another flash of lightning illuminated the space outside, and the sounds of combat finally audible to her ears gave Mahsa a prelude of what she was about to step into—"Hnnng!?!"

It took a moment for the girl to realize she’d gone down to her hands and knees, the hilt of her lightsaber clutched tightly on her right hand as if life itself depended on it. The pain had come without warning, invading every part of her body as it overwhelmed her senses and the thin mental barrier she had struggled so hard to keep in place.

Agonizing cries were drowned out by the sound of thunder, the only small blessing bestowed upon the girl being that she’d been far back from the door to avoid the arcing lightning as it crackled around its frame… though that might’ve been preferable to the indescribable pain currently wracking her tiny body.

She had thought her pain tolerance to be high, subjected from birth to the atrocious and invasive procedures of the Kaminoan that had created them. The prickling of needles and burning of unknown substances as they were injected into their veins had been a regular morning for them, the icing atop the cake of tears and lesions they would go on to experience as they clawed and fought for the instinctual desire to see another day.

Tears streamed freely down her face as the Kazelrrian writhed where she laid, her hoarse cries unrecognizable to her own ears as the world around her submerged itself into darkness.

The first color that came into her view was red, a vibrant shade that glimmered under the artificial moonlight she’d known for most of her life. The viscous liquid pooled around her, warm and fresh as it seeped into the tattered rags she wore. Her hands grabbed fistfuls of dampened soil, furiously scrubbed against her skin in a desperate attempt to rid herself of the crimson that stained it… but it only continued to spread further.

A familiar ding echoed across the space as the speakers came to life, the voice of their creator drumming in the background as he signaled the end of their latest test. She barely registered the spoken words as her eyes laid on the corpses of her kin, the very faces that had sneered and leered in their direction now forever contorted into painful grimaces—

"D-Dara…? Dara?!" Her blood raced as the Kazelrrian quickly looked around for her friend, the pounding against her ears deafening as it drowned out whatever else the Kaminoan spoke about. She finally spotted the soft shade of her strawberry blonde hair, the long strands stained with the same red Mahsa fervently sought to erase from her skin. "DARA!?!"

She rushed towards the limp body, carefully cradling the frail and lifeless form against her. "No, no, n-nooo… Dara please, y-you gotta open your eyes." Her vision blurred before the Kazelrrian stubbornly blinked her tears away, her hands carefully brushing the strands away from their face as she cooed at the younger girl.

"D-Dara you can’t… d-don’t leave m-me here, please..." The Kazelrrian wasn’t sure how long she spent holding Dara close to her chest, before the sounds of opening doors and crunching steps in the wilderness alerted Mahsa that she was no longer alone. There was little she could do against the droids as they tore her away from her friend, her desperate cries and pleads holding no sway as she’d been dragged away.

A sharp inhale echoed in the stairway as the padawan came to once more, her body jolting upright and pressing itself to the wall as she woke up from a nightmare. The physical pain was still present, though it had lessened compared to moments ago, dulled in comparison to the mental wounds and anguish that gripped her heart.

Another crack of thunder reverberated across the small space, illuminating the huddled figure that sat on the stairs. The wind that followed had been unlike the furious gales from before, a gentle breeze that tickled her cheeks before her hands finally rose to wipe away the tear stained paths against them.

Mahsa’s hand reached for the hilt of her lightsaber as a warm aura washed over her, aware that whoever was projecting it was still fighting just out of view. Despite the turmoil in her mind and the pressure against her chest the young padawan found the strength to get back onto her feet, finally crossing the threshold and allowing the wind and rain to pelt her skin and clothes as she stood on the rooftops.

She was nothing compared to the imposing paladin that currently monopolized the attention of those present, invisible to the eyes of one soldier as they aimed their weapon towards the back of Kaleleon. A burst of pink finally drew their attention towards the right, before a vibrant plasma blade slashed through their helmet and skull as easily as a knife cut through butter.

There would be time for fresh tears and ruminating thoughts later, for now she just needed to survive…


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Everything, anything, for science.
Location: Vassek, LCFO headquarters, Observation Room Q1
Time: Null
Tags: | Cesare Demici Cesare Demici | Serenity Qi Serenity Qi |
FYI: | Sinestra Sinestra | Ibaris Varanin Ibaris Varanin | Veli'ae Ashai Veli'ae Ashai | Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker | Irae Irae | Vorm Vorm | Creuat Creuat | Efret Farr Efret Farr |

“You’re really not going to play? Why, is it against your religion or something?”

“No! I just consider this whole exercise to be incredibly unethical and demeaning.”

“Esabii, dear, you hardly can speak about ethics. Come one now, you don’t have a few credits lying around you want to throw on the action?”

The arguing slowly descended into background noise as crimson red eyes searched the screens in front of her. A cup of tea, long gone cold, sat next to an angled arm that Aaaine rested her chin on. Her gaze moved from screen window to window in front of her, taking in all of the data she could in real time. Of course this was all recorded. Something about attempting to make sense of it all as it came in was a good enough distraction from the situation they were actually in, however.

Reaching down to grasp and then sip the tea, her face scrunched up at the bitterness of the failed drink, setting it down with a sign. Her attention turned to the live feed in the middle of the room. The screen was split into a pair, each broadcasting live from a different angle. They were often jittery, coming from the shaking of the camera as the spy droids moved around to film their subject. In the center of both screens moved the subject of the night, Serenity Qi Serenity Qi .

Much to Aaaine’s annoyance and dismay.

There had taken a large amount of convincing that it took for her to sign off on something like this. Not that she really could’ve vetoed it had it been up to her. Still, better to keep in some good graces by allowing this farce of a proof of concept to go through. Soulblade could’ve been deployed at any other more important times. Instead, they were using it to wreck havoc on a relatively unimportant mission. One of her stipulations was that she got to observe it all in real time, which is how they ended up in this situation.

Observation room Q1, otherwise known as one of the larger break rooms in the laboratory, had gone a overnight transformation into a live viewing room. One side of the room was entirely lit up with multiple monitors, a laboratory assistant at each. Aaaine had her own station near the middle of the room, with the largest screen projecting the live feed taking the entire wall in front of her. Off to the side, where most of the conversation came from, was a number of red coats that made up Alecari’s squad. Among them sat Esabii, looking increasingly uncomfortable as the squad continued to prod her about ponying up for the betting ring they had going.

“Specs, you still haven’t put in your bet for first kill type, yet.” A taller Devaronian, white teeth flashing between his red lips as he tapped the white board. Aaaine took a moment to glance away from the live feed at the board, feeling a sense of slight annoyance coming over her. Multiple categories were written at the top. ‘First kill type’, ‘# of confirmed’, ‘limbs lost…’

She could’ve put an end to it there and then. Probably, in this environment, should have. But the red coat squad, known as The Padlocks to both the subject at hand and to those in the facility, had created somewhat of a bond between themselves and Serenity. If this was their way of keeping calm during this whole thing, who was Aaaine to slash the fun. Crimson eyes did seek out and meeting Alecari’s, whom was sat slightly off to the side. He gave her a knowing nod, aware of the head researcher’s feelings over all this.

The smallest of the group, and the one sat closest to Esabii, leaned forward with a sigh. The Twi’lek regarded the board for a moment, eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses darting from the board to the live feed. “Fine, Honderc, put me down for a Jedi. I can’t see Greenie going for a sith to start.” Honderc gave Specs a grin and nod, turning to write her bet on the board. As he did, she gave the Rodian a small nudge with her elbow. “C’mon, Esabii. At least put something down for confirmed.” Flashing Esabii a quick grin, she finished with, “I’ll spot you the credits. Just split it with me 50/50.”

Esabii, for her part, did give a small smile back in Specs’ direction. Those galaxy filled eyes did seek out a connection with Aaaine’s. The Chiss avoided her gaze, not wanting to get involved in the whole scene. She did, however, give the slightest of nods, approving her favorite assistant to play if she wished. Approval received, Esabii leaned forward in her seat, scanning down the board at the previous answers.

Alecari: 2
Specs: 4
Honderc: 7
Fins: 0
Ulricei: 1
Esabii: …

“...3” Her lips curled into a nervous smile as Honderc flashed her a wide one back. Those in Padlock squad whooped as the research assistant joined in. Even Alecari cracked a smile, patting the Rodian on the back of her shoulder. Their talks devolved into more betting, arguing as the words once again faded into the background for Aaaine.

Attention focused solely on the livefeed now, watching as Serenity crawled through a hole in the wall with some difficulty, followed by the two droids. A stomach churning lurch shot through her upon seeing the blade markings on the walls. It didn’t take a degree to know how much danger their most precious subject was in. Time would only tell now if she made it back to them in one piece.


ALLIES | Zhea Nox Zhea Nox
ENEMIES | Dark Empire | Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker



This boy was far gone from being saved just by observing his posture and behavior. A threat to all and to himself. Clear evidence of why no quarter should be given to any Bogan disciples no matter if they were an accomplished master or an inept student.

He felt the Dark Side manifesting within Sunwalker, and Simon, too, begin to rally his own supernatural powers to counter the Dark Jedi. There was much he was focusing as he sought to protect Zhea with his own strength while having reserves for himself.

Simon was prepared for the climax until something invisible disrupted his concentration. As if he lost reign over the strength he was lending to his beloved, and small irritable cuts creeping over his body. It was no doubt the same darkness wanting to dominate and oppress its enemies. In an act of selflessness he regain control over the connection between him and Zhea, knowing too well she needed his strength more than him.

However, it would cost him as a powerful wave of energy struck out in a radius where Kaleb stood. He didn’t have the time to react as the wave broke his stance and threw him backwards. In a quick attempt he harnessed the Force around his body acting as armor before crashing through a case of holobooks. He emerged from the debris, dust settled on his person and felt small bruises across the left hemisphere of his body. Even a small cut on his left cheek.

First strike was rewarded to the Dark Jedi, though the battle was far from over.

Through the Force his hand outstretched to the young man and his fingers begin to close in to his palm. He would choke the Fallen Jedi, suspended in the air before being violently thrown into a case of holobooks.

He had to close the range to limit the options of the Dark Jedi. Kill him before more time passed on.

The Imperial suddenly could feel an ominous voice speaking soft whispers to his ears. The words he did not comprehend, and he had no interest in whatever it had to say. He hoped this was an isolated case and it did not invade his beloved, too.
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Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr Malva'ikh Dralidok Malva'ikh Dralidok

Astri was, expectedly, shut down in the moment. Frightened as she was, she was barely able to grasp Master Farr's logic in that decision. Now wasn't exactly the time for a conversation... but to beat an enemy, one had to know that enemy. It was as ingrained in Echani culture as it could be—their forms were centered around self-expression and communication, and what better way to learn of someone?

Yet, somehow, Astri didn't think sparring with a wraith would work out very well in her favor. Or even Master Farr's.

But then the Jedi Master slapped a hand to her mouth, which was... really weird. Master Farr was deaf, and therefore mute. Why would she—

Then Master Farr was tilting her chin to look into her eyes. Confused as she was, Astri didn't dare to look away, not when the Jedi Master might be trying to communicate something to her silently. Their foreheads touched, and if they were in any other situation, Astri might have melted into her teacher's touch with a hug. But doing that right now didn't seem appropriate.

A reassuring touch, meant to bolster her before they did something scary and dangerous? Astri didn't know. Couldn't quesiton.

<We go-back museum. Out window. Climb-to banquet hall.>

Astri nodded.

Then they were off again, hoping the slammed door would serve as a diversion or a distraction. Though a feeling of oppressive cold permeated the Temple, she saw no hide nor hair of the thing that had been chasing them. Had... had Master Farr's quick thinking saved them? Astri hoped so, but how could she know for sure?

She supposed all she could do was trust in the Jedi escorting her to safety.

Old School, New Jedi Order

Location: The Jedi Archives, The Jedi Temple.
Equipment: Standard Lightsaber + Walking Cane.
Nearby: Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker , Elias Edo Elias Edo .
Opposition: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren .


The Dark Force User that was Kybo Ren Kybo Ren , a face without a name known to Jido Myyse, took flight unto cover in order to avoid being thrown back by the telekinetic wave of force that the old Sage had used to protect himself and soon responded to the presence of the ne'er do wells. It was unfortunate that some of the shelves containing data were impacted by the Master's show of force. However, the data could be restored, the databanks copied, and data cards replaced. What was important was that the Dark Empire did not seek to remove the knowledge from the Jedi Temple.

However, the misguided Ren did not cede the use of their blasters, and choosing their moment, they once again fired at the old Sage. Despite Jido's previous reliance upon his walking cane, he summoned the Force to aid in a vertical leap, soaring high and landing upon the surface of one of the tall archive shelves, his bare feet touching down with barely a sound. Standing three feet tall, the shelves had dwarfed the elderly Master, yet he had ascended them gracefully, seeking to avoid the incoming blaster fire.

The last of the volleys fired from the Knight of Ren's blaster forced Jido to engage, his right hand reaching out and catching the bolt mid-flight between him and his attacker. The disruptor round pulsated with energy, discharging what would appear to be static energy that would corrupt the adjacent shelves, damaging some of the data stored within. To minimise the potential damage and loss of knowledge, Jido drew upon the energy of the blaster bolt, utilising Tutaminis to protect himself and absorb the volatile energy so that he might recover what energy he had spent thus far.

Both Kybo Ren and Jido Myyse would soon have their attention drawn elsewhere as a wave of Darkness seemed to flood the area, what Jido could only assume to be a form of battle meditation being employed by the Empire's upper echelon of Force Users. "How unfortunate", Jido spoke aloud in disappointment, his eyes remaining on the Knight of Ren as they appeared to become possessed by the darkness they wielded. The Dark Side of the Force, Jido understood, would drain and further corrupt their body and mind over the years; they would continue to utilize its power until the damage was too significant to turn away from. It was a tragedy to witness others spend the blessing of life in such a self-destructive manner, throwing what potential they carried to the wind.

Overcome with rage, Kybo set forward with fury unbound, using his momentum and soon accompanied by the ignition of his lightsaber to collide with everything within his path. Jido Myyse was forced to leap away from the archive shelving he had perched upon. His left hand ignited his weapon, a brilliant purple blade streaming from the hilt and into being as the Sage landed on the floor, bringing the lightsaber into both hands before him, ready to meet the unstoppable force with patience and grace. The light was Jido's ally, and he felt naught but acceptance. Everything was as it was meant to be, and he placed his faith in the Force to lead him forward.

Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken


A sense of urgency flooded over Khronas, a sudden realisation that time had run out. The Siniteen swung back to face the Jedi and saw the sharpened projectiles flying toward him. His borrowed Sith sword whipped through the air as he defended himself, but without the power energy beam of a lightsaber, the best he could do was try to batter away the objects. The first three he defected with the blade of the Force-embued weapon, but the fourth slipped through his defences and slammed into his shoulder. He staggered backward, still swinging his blade but unable to regain his composure as more flying missiles peppered his body.

Khronas dropped to a knee, the ground of the New Jedi Temple quivering under the assault from Dark Empire TIE fighters and the supernatural storm conjured by the Jedi. The Acolyte paused, allowing the pain to wash over him, a temporary respite. He felt the Darkness seep into every part of his being, numbing the pain from the projectiles and fortifying his determination.

Fuelled by anger, the Siniteen rose to his feet and locked eyes with the Jedi. Wasted seconds ticked by, putting the Sith further and further behind his carefully planned schedule. In attacking Khronas, the Jedi had made a cardinal sin.

He had made Khronas late.

“Your disrespect for time echos your malcontent for the Force,” Khronas declared, stalking toward the Jedi. “For too long have the New Jedi Order been idle, hiding in the Core, a relic of the past. The future belongs to the Darkness - I have foreseen it. But you will not live to see this grand destiny fulfilled.”

The Siniteen broke into a round and leapt toward the Jedi, augmenting his leap with the Force. He brought his Sith sword, grasped tightly in a double-handed grip over his head, swinging down toward the Jedi as he landed.
She Left Behind A Legacy




She normally knew better than to spoon-feed a darksider, they literally drew power from negative emotions, but as much as her goal was to stop Sinestra -- she wanted to do so teaching one final lesson or two. Much like their last encounter, she had been wanting to showcase just how blind the Dark Seeress was. Taunting her, and constantly throwing her off balance so that she'd make mistakes that could cost her her life, encouraging her to see what was right before her and not something to be forcibly bent into shape to fit into this...grand design.

"You're not ready to shed your identity. You're still tormented by the past." She drew her hilt. "You're lost." She started a slow saunter, nearly cutting between the two sofas chairs, intent on ending this engagement when something deafening splintered her minds eye -- ugh!

She staggered back, pressing her palm into her temple -- her face scrunched up in pain.

There was a call...or screech through the Force. "Loss-Lossa!" She felt the wrath of this woman through the Force. Words from the Prophecy intercutting this mind-shattering feeling:

And it shall come to pass, the Dark One shall once more lay his hand upon the galaxy through his shadow.

And those born, according to Prophecy, shall stretch their hands forth to catch this shadow...

Four perils or four guardians...Embodiments of ignorance, hunger, wrath, and hubris...

And in the time of tribulation, their actions will echo across the stars...between them the galaxy shall scream in pain or breath in salvation...

Lossa was one of the four. Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis had returned, the Dark Empire was his shadow, and three of the four embodiments had been revealed: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren -- it had all been coming true, but who was the fourth?

A loud screeching, like the bending and twisting of metal protruding through duracrete snapped her back to reality, her head shot up as she followed the source, and she saw the ceiling collapsing in on her -- Sinestra.

Eyes wide with disbelief, Romi had to move again, and quickly. She dove into a forward roll to avoid the forthcoming assault, her lightsaber was at the ready as she came up - Sinestra - a couple of feet or so in front of her. Quick as any felinoid, seizing the movement, Romi sprang herself at her former apprentice, moving her lightsaber through a wild blur of motion, slashing, cutting, the tip even brushing against her pants leg as the space between them lit up in blue-purple fire.

Romi's blade was everywhere.

She advanced, and the constant near-invisible weave of lethal energy followed.

She knew she couldn't sustain a prolonged fight with just the Force, staying on her and keeping the distance tight unless strategy suggested otherwise was going to play in Romi's favor for the duration of this duel. But now, she was moving for the kill.

Sinestra Sinestra

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Friend: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze
Unfriend: Jogon Jogon | Isar Isar

A tide of Darkness had spread though the temple, clashing with the sea of native Light. Every so often, a Darker wave rolled over them, beget from some unseen source that was undoubtedly Dark Empire in nature.

The grand hall faded into darkness. Even the din of battle, so close and violent, disappeared into to background. For a moment, Corazona thought that she was going unconscious - but if she truly had been, wouldn't that thought have already evaporated into the darkness, too?

Only the trooper remained, violet lips curling into a smile before he too, vanished.

A burst of light had her squinting and shielding her eyes. The heat of the fire, somehow right up against her skin and so far away at the same time, was felt against her cheek. The blaze was all consuming and yet it illuminated nothing, threatening to overtake even the void she was standing in.

Cora took a step back.

He reached out towards the mind of Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania . She was out there in the fight, he could feel it through their bond. He imparted that he was safe, but she would know he wanted to fight. Whatever strength he could lend her down that bond in reassurance he would.

She felt Makko Vyres Makko Vyres brush against her mind through the haze, and suddenly he was standing before her. Cora didn't step towards the illusion, but she found herself moving closer to Makko all the same. Her mouth didn't move, but she found herself speaking. Maybe it wasn't her, but something spoke, mirroringthe words she'd used all those months ago when she'd cried into his arms;

I don't deserve you, Makko.

"No," he said, "You don't. You never did."

"You know what you did. To me... To the others... Why you were knighted... You were right. You should be punished. Remember this... as a moment when I tried. Tried to be kind."

Cora's heart still beat, but she felt as though it wasn't. Frozen in shock, in ice, and shattered as the fire poker's glowing end was once again pointed in her face.

It was not Horace who stared back at her with that cruel expression. It was Makko. Wasn't it?

Memories blurred, tainted by the Dark, the love and affection of her partner traded for the cold malice of the deceased husband who'd tormented her.

The hot poker touched her skin. It was only an illusion, but the scent of burning flesh still filled her nostrils. The sizzle of her own skin still reached her ears. The searing pain at her hip still blazed. The visceral shame still overtook her, swallowed her in the moment and left her there to burn.

Cora fell to her knees, mouth parted wide and teeth bared in a silent scream. Tears spilled freely down her cheeks, bringing with them dark streaks and smudges of mascara. Her bond with Makko wasn't severed - not by a long shot, with what they'd been through - but it did begin to twist and tangle, warping into something ugly.

The crackle of the fire faded, giving way to a cacophony of blaster fire as the Nite Owls and Stormtroopers struggled against one another. The acrid smell of burning flesh still clung to her senses, and the very real gnarled scar above her right hip flared with very real pain.

"Y-you keep,"

Anguish roiled in her chest from the tampering of a memory she thought had been put to rest. It wasn't enough to drown her, but with one of her rawest memories stripped bare, she could not remain entirely unaffected.

"Your grubby little fingers,"

From her knees, Cora rose to her full standing height. Which was still rather diminutive - but her crumpled form blossomed into a straight back and squared shoulders.

Inky tears beaded along her quivering lips, which she parted wide. A sharp intake of air, a pause - and a scream ripped from deep in her chest, reverberating over the hall like a shockwave:

"Out of my mind!"

It teetered somewhere on the spectrum of Light, but not wholly. An older statue made from stone cracked, and a pillar that had taken damage in the blast trembled.

Cora reigned in her focus and narrowed it onto Isar. Pressing off on her back foot, she accelerated towards him and leaped into the air, saberstaff poised to come down in an overhead strike.


in the footsteps of a stranger

They had just made back into the stairwell when Efret felt the first wave. The blood running down her arm froze over her skin, literally. She hissed at the sensation, then squeezed Astri's hand as the cold reached her own raw skin. A bit of tapas coursed the master's arm, warmness thawing her blood back out.

When she followed Astri into the hallway, she was only able to take a few rushed strides before the next wave came. Dark side energy soaked into her knees first, weakening the will in her joints. As she buckled to the floor and her presence of mind lapsed, the last thing she thought to do was let go of Astri's hand lest she yank the girl down with her.

Nirrah yelped at the sudden change of trajectory before flying to Astri's shoulder.


Efret crumpled further to the floor, her torso bowing towards it under the unseen weight of a forced memory. She rose one hand to her head in vain hope she could chase the sudden sting out of her eyes with a quick jolt of Force healing. Despite her effort, a migraine settled into one of her temples, where it slowly began to fracture her sanity.


Not again.

The relative calm that Efret had been able to retain until now didn't shatter but spontaneously dissolved. A cloud of darker emotions drew over her and permeated her being: loneliness, anxiety, depression, fear. Tears fell onto the floor, mixing with the blood weeping from her forearm.

Please. I can't...

A choking sob broke from her throat, the first prolonged sound that Astri had probably heard Master Farr make. Crying and screaming were humanoid instincts. Hearing was not required to make either noise.

Nothing had changed about her natural vision. Her blind spots were exactly as they had been a few moments before—no more and no less—yet she could not convince herself that she wasn't losing more of her remaining vision. She had gone through this during her last years as a padawan. It had served as her extended Trial of the Flesh. It had made her a better Jedi, or at least she had to believe that, but, if she ever did take on her own learner, she hoped that their Trial of the Flesh would be both quicker and, somehow, less degrading. Losing her sight had been a natural process; no one had done it to her, but that didn't make it any more bearable.

Her strangled cry grew akin to a mournful wail.
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The sounds of battle got even more feint that it was, though she could easily hear the man speak as he stepped within view. Seeing nothing in his hands at a glance only slightly eased her nerves. Was this a magic user, it would explain the sound going like. Her hand typed again on the datapad as the other did a few final taps on the terminal. "This was the only time, this place is not exactly open to letting anyone walk in

"Dedata, the group has arrived at the hanger. I will have them get seated ready. Nebrosa has expressed her wishes to be aloud access to the gun well. How do you wish to proceed with that?" The vi both notified her and forwarded the request it could not grant independently.

Throwing in the word 'much' next to harm did not fill the Info broker with much confidence. Still he was not attacking her. Setting the datapad down on her lap both hands reached behind. Grasping hold of the cable running into the back of her head Dedata did an aggressive twist before pulling it out. A panel slid over the Cybernetic port. "Dee, Let her access. Please issue warning not to draw attention." She said that but the Shadow Broker was bright purple with graffiti all over it. Her voice could not be heard from outside the helmet even species with good hearing could not hear into this.

Malware was now running through the system feeding the data to her. There was nothing more she could do except for one last thing. "Look, I assume you don't want these freaks getting hold of anything that may be left over. If I am able to, means they could too. All this data is being removed and replaced, the second someone tries to recover what's on these machines... Well they will find my present. Given you've not attacked me it's safe to assume you are a jedi
" She began to pack the few things up into the leg harness as the Jedi red what she put. Never had she fully specified her full intentions.

There was not much and only took a second before she turned and looked at the man properly. "I was planning to go out the vents, however with you here... Might not have to if your willing to help me get out of here. My ships on its way, so while I cannot fill her up with people, I can get some off world. A few of my people are already onboard. Either way a compensation


Mirialan - Celinie || Trandoshan - Vreen || Zebrak - Nebrosa || Twi'lek - Giza​


Allies: Tirin Raene Tirin Raene
Neutral: Valin Zenth
Enemies: [open]


TAGS: Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree


"Alright, seems fair enough to me," Tirin would respond after reading Dedata's pad. "I can escort you to safety," he offered lightly, extending his hand in a gesture of assistance, a silent promise of protection.​

"Your presence has sparked my interest," Tirin would admit, his tone carrying a hint of curiosity. "Do you intend to keep any copies of the information for yourself?" he asks coyly, trying to study any subtle shifts in her demeanor as he seeks to understand her motives further.


Director of SHADES, Torture and Interrogation Officer
Objective: Capture a Jedi
Location: Near to the Jedi temple, Coruscant
Equipment: 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01m
Tags: Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood | Open
Writing With: Katherine Holt Katherine Holt | Closed
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


The attack did not really go as I would have liked. Of course, I managed to hit it, but the armour was still very good against such a hit. As in my case. Now I was chiding myself, because if I hadn't switched from a stun shot, the fight might have been over, but not even close. So now he might feel a little burning sensation, less than I did. A lightsaber was still considered an exotic weapon and was a lot hotter than your average blaster pistol or rifle round. I knew that such a shot could be lethal or cause very serious injury if one was not wearing armour and hit in the right place, but armour was a good defence against it.

I laughed under my helmet at her suggestion. I had a family member who was GA guests here on Coruscant as prisoners of war; I didn't want to try that. I would have killed myself before that happened. True, times are different now than they were in the GA and NIO war against the Sith. Regardless, I didn't want to be a prisoner, and the woman's words made me feel sick and disgusted. It was exactly what my sister and aunt would have offered me. The love of peace and the advocacy of peace. No, the galaxy would not exist without wars.

"Thank you for the offer, but I'll pass on that kind of hospitality this time." I replied to her.

I had hardly finished my words when the telekinetic attack from the winged woman arrived. Unfortunately, I had no knowledge of telekinesis, so I could not defend myself against it. And the rain made the ground slippery, so as much as I wanted to stop, I couldn't. The ground disappeared under my feet and I only landed a few metres later. During the "flight" I tried to position myself so that I would land normally and not just fall to the ground, but that was a mistake. My left ankle hit the ground first, then my right, and I heard a crackle in my left. I groaned and dropped to one knee and crawled backwards another two or three metres.

The medical information about the damage to my retina immediately appeared on my retina. My ankle bone was cracked and I suffered muscle strain from the bad landing. This will only get worse during the fight if I have to walk a lot on my feet and push a lot. But now there was a few metres of distance between us, so I tried to take advantage of that before the young woman attacked again. I reached out into the Force and began to concentrate, using my telepathic power in the Force to move towards the woman to find the weak points in her mind to break through. If I could do that, then I could buy enough time to disarm her.

While I was trying to do that, of course, I was watching my opponent, because if he attacked, I still had to dodge him. If I managed to reach her mind, I would use the Force to try to make her recall the worst experience or memory of her life and force her to relive those memories. I was trained for that, mental torture and mental skills, not to be a regular Force User...



Ironsides Irregulars [X]
Team Members [X]

Italic means helmet is being worn.

New Jedi Temple
Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | GADF
Against: Open | DE

There was a great disturbance in the Force, and even someone as undisciplined as the Son of the Lion experienced a sudden sense of dread looming over the battlefield. It made his stomach churn, his heartbeat quicken, his head pound. Some foul mind trick played by the Sith, no doubt, and not wholly unfamiliar to the veteran soldier. While not physically painful, it distracted him enough to not notice the rain of rockets.

The same explosion that had interrupted Tulan likewise impacted Thirdas, knocking him and several surrounding Imps off their feet. He moment he hit the ground, the giant berserkir was pounced on by a group of would-be giantslayers, each vying to earn the glory and prestige of eliminating him. He fought them off as best he could, but they were like rabid dogs slavishly driven to beat him into submission. Only through the timely intervention of Rrauros the Red Dread, callsign Rowdy, by tearing them off him one by one, was the Chief kept from becoming another statistic.

The Wookie warrior, whose size and strength outmatched even his, pulled his commander back on his feet as he howled. Thirdas caught his breath and tried his best to subdue the darkness imposing upon his mind. "Thanks, Rowdy." The armoured Wookie gave him a pat on the helmet and handed him his weapon in time to receive Tulan's orders.

"Mounting counter-attack — Aye, Gunny!" With his head back in the game, albeit still besieged, Thirdas went to work. "Ironsides, be advised — prepare to commence counter-attack on Commander Kor's signal! Organise the men in your sectors and stand by to initiate swing-door manoeuvre, I'll be on the right flank."

"Roger that, Chief," replied Creed, his XO. Thirdas made his way over to the right flank accompanied by Rrauros and Cain alike, dodging and weaving through enemy fire and taking out anyone standing in their way. A hectic minute later, and they'd reached the right flank of the defending forces. Creed, callsign Commissar, saluted his leader since before the Bryn War.

"Sir! Ready to unleash hell upon the enemy, Sir!" Thirdas nodded, then turned to find Boros, callsign Bonesaw, on the ground tending to one amidst a sea of wounded GADF troopers. He'd never witnessed the man's hands move so frantically, hoping to somehow stem the tide of casualties. Thirdas stepped over one such casualty to put his metal hand upon their team corpsman's shoulder.

"Come, you're more needed with a gun than with a bacta spray right now," he told him. Boros offered a defeated look, took a deep breath, then picked up his rifle and stood up, closing the visor on his helmet. "Copy that, Chief..."

"Tulan, we're good to go on our end. Just say the word and we'll push them back into the gates of hell!"



Location: Jedi Temple, Enroute to Great Hall
Allies: Vorik Vorik
Enemies: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Rik Perris Rik Perris

"Knights, you are released!"

Through the lifting of blue war gas did Orwrex hear the call made by Ren to let the Knights of Ren loose upon the Jedi Temple itself. "About karking time!" Orwrex would say his tone filled with frustration, and excitement as well. The mad pirate known as Kybo Ren Kybo Ren would make a beeline towards the depths of the Temple, who knows where that one went, where there was plunder was there Kybo and his crew. Vorik had been all too eager to be released, for Orwrex could feel the shadow stir all about, even as the Knights of Ren made one hell of a landing, standing among the bodies of fallen Alliance soldiers. Through the flash of crimson eyes did Orwrex watch as Vorik run along with the pirate Knight of Ren deep into the temple. "Brother, wait!" Orwrex would call out to the Disciple that dared to press onwards, no doubt bolstered by the darkness to join into the fray.

There was something at work, while Dark had sheathed his tools, gadgets of torture, implements of murder within his black bucket looking body. "Dwoo! Beep! Beep!" Dark would say with murderous glee as it rolled around the bodies of the vanquished. "Enough gloating Dark! We gotta keep going!" Orwrex would command his partner before moving to rush after Vorik. As far as he was concerned, that Disciple couldn't be left alone in a hostile place as the Jedi Temple of all places. The man needed back up, and so the Shadow Assassin would lend his blade upon this day of reckoning for all those that walked the light. "Beep! Beep! Dwoo!" Dark replied as he stopped his antics and followed his master. Suddenly did Orwrex feel the shadows stir, empowered as he felt consumed by them. The Knight of Ren needed to move quickly, his stride quickly turning to a fast walk after his brother. Quickly he was stopped in his tracks.

Dark would bump into his master. "Beep! Beep! Beep!" He would chime in, no doubt trying to hurry his master along. Orwrex could feel as if his head was splitting apart, his head then his whole body overwhelmed by burning pain. "W-What! No! P-Please make it stop! Not the pain!! NO!!!" Orwrex went from his hands moving to grab at his hooded head, to falling to his very knees. The shadows was like a burning inferno now, pain had utterly consumed him. Through the Shadow he felt that his Brothers also felt it, many of the Knights of Ren reacting violently. Orwrex would clench his fists tightly, looking upwards to see what he thought was Vorik coming back. "M-Must keep control.... Won't lose self... C-Can't!" Orwrex would try to say in frantic desperation.

"Dwoooo.... Dwoooo..." Dark would say to his master no doubt concerned for the change in behavior. Orwrex would attempt to regain his composure, his legs shook as he tried to stand. The assassin would try to use the pain to his advantage, rather than fuel his rage, or his lust for battle did he use his pain, the surge of darkness to empower his ability for masking himself in the Force. He would move as silent and deadly as the shadows. "I-It's alright, Dark. We need to keep moving, treasure and Jedi await!" "Woooo! Dwoooo!" Dark said excitedly as Orwrex would find himself catching up with Brother Vorik.

Venturing after Vorik did he feel the conflict between light and dark. Knights of Ren, Dark Side Elite, Sith. All manner of darksider joined in the singular purpose to enact revenge on the Alliance and the New Jedi Order. Orwrex and Dark kept close to each other, the R5 Astromech ready to unleash it's assortment of horrors he had in store, while Orwrex would mask himself through his pain. Then an explosion could be heard, felt and Orwrex was following quickly after the source.

“The onslaught must not wait! Enlightenment is at hand!” The Disciple roared aloud, entering into the Great Hall that the Shadow crept towards in a slow march.

Orwrex would hear and the Knight of Ren would jump through the opening made by the explosion. He could see how the shadows had gripped his Brother, he was now into a frenzy. "Not without us, Brother!" Orwrex would say as he jumped through, landing besides Vorik. "Beep! Beep!" Dark would say using his boosters to land besides the pair of Knights. All three were within the Great Hall, all heading towards the Kyber Arch unknown of who would be there.




Location: Jedi Temple
Allies: Olorion Fossk Olorion Fossk
Enemies: Grandmaster Valery Noble Valery Noble
Equipment: The Ren Lightsaber, Detritus Ren's Orbalisk Armor

Detritus would move in a determined stride, compelled to seek out the familiar presence that called out to him, reaching to him. Detritus was waging a war inside of his head, half-hoping it was Kyrel Ren himself, and the other half thinking it was nothing more than a delusional trick. Kyrel Ren, The World Eater himself had been dead for a long time, for Detritus wouldn't be where he is now if it wasn't for his father's untimely demise. Whoever or whatever it was had gained his full attention, and would uncover what trickery was at work here. His senses honed in on the source, like a Kath Hound on the scent of it's prey did he move away from his crashed ship towards the interior of the Temple. His Knights of Ren free to kill and plunder as they pleased, for this presence was of the utmost importance.

Detritus looked to Fossk as he followed in stride, confident that the two of them together would overcome what the Temple had in store. All around could Detritus feel the various presences, all light and dark colliding against each other. The Force was surging with power, energy unleashed that the orbalisks were feeding off of. He could feel the darkness in it's deep depths that fully empowered him, it took every ounce of his willpower not to give into the mindless rage the parasites could drive him into. The Alliance soldiers his blazing saber had met their ends by was proof that Detritus could barely hold it together.

He could feel the shadows shift, and then all of a sudden was the orbalisks fed at a banquet of darkness, pain and power gripping Detritus. His steps suddenly became heavy, his stride was quickly stopped as the pair moved to stop at a door. "N-Not yet! I command when I unleash the rage!" Detritus would say, the parasites teeth digging deeper into his flesh. He could feel pain course through every nerve. Gripping his saber tightly to his fingers did the Master of the Knights of Ren attempted to use his own willpower to fight through the pain. The pain was overtaking him, while his own will tried to keep the overwhelming shadows from consuming him, he felt others consumed by it. No doubt it would be amplified with his armor, that was worst for if he gave in now, he would be a beast unshackled by the dark side.

They stood at the ready, facing the door as it opened. Through the light did he see a figure emerge, the source of this presence. Quickly all of Detritus's worries and hopes came crashing down. He stood there stunned, shocked beyond words as he stood there before the one being he hoped to never see. "N-No.... It can't be...." Detritus would say, barely a whisper exiting from his lips. He was standing before the murderer that had killed his father. That killed the World Eater. Detritus could now feel his walls breaking, what barriers he had put into place to shield the all consuming darkness was breaking. "I-It's You...." Detritus would say this time his tone was slowly rising, the look of shock present on his face as Fossk moved first against her, the Ren barely having time to register him making the first move.

He couldn't take it anymore.... Of all beings... Of all Jedi.... Detritus was now throwing himself head first into the darkest abyss. The Orbalisks fed into it, the pain, the rage ready to be unleashed. Then as Fossk would finish his first attack, would Detritus ignite his lightsaber. The crackling, orange blade ignited, the crossguard vents quickly following suit, the blade burning and furious just as it's wielder. Detritus would shout, his eyes blazing yellow. "REN-SLAYER!!!!" Detritus would let out a furious roar that would shake any man to the core, but her... She was just not any Jedi.

Detritus would begin his first strike with his roar, this time with empowerment by both orbalisks, and surge of dark side energy did Detritus move to close the gap, his first two strikes aimed to knock her back. Knocking her violet saber from her very hands, while the next power strike hoped to strike across her chest. Detritus always wondered when this day would come.... That day was today, and he was very angry.....


The knight didn't last long against Amani's counter attack. She halted only a moment as he started to fall, before she turned to continue the fight. Eloise was still battling the dual-wielder, who already stood out from the fodder surrounding him. Eloise barked an insult at him, and if Amani weren't preoccupied by the adrenaline surge of battle, she might've smirked. She wasn't sure if the trash talk was something Eloise got from her, or if it had always been ingrained her spitfire DNA. Either way, it made her a little proud.

"This would end better for you, if you did the same," Amani spoke up now, staring down the apprentice from a distance. He threw one of his blades at her, and she reached out a hand to stop it. Between the two of them influencing it telekinetically, the weapon momentarily hung frozen in the air a few precarious feet away from her. Rather than waste time trying to wrest full control, Amani pivoted, moving away from the spinning weapon and, in essence, adding her own push to the weapon to try and redirect it towards his master instead.

Long Live the Empire

Fighting: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke
At the Room of a Thousand Fountaints, Jedi Temple.

Finding himself alone, with feet planted in the gravel, Vorm lowered his saber and stood still for a moment, seeing the grandiose architecture around him for the first time. From under his sack-hood, he looked up and out through the brilliant windows that ran along the sides of the Room of a Thousand Fountains, rivers of rain smearing the streaks of light that escaped the flames of the ground war outside, or the tempest of laser fire above. The sky was dark, suffocating under the Force-fueled storms raging around the Temple.

Despite the current stillness, his index finger twitches, and a flicker of danger lights up upon the threshold of his conscious and subconscious. Vorm turns to look at the blastdoor that leads out of the greenhouse, errant sparks indicating that it was sealed shut violently. Beyond the door, the old brute senses one of his fellow Dark Side Elites, Amena Kader Amena Kader locked in battle. He knew it was not his battle to wage. In this passing interim, Vorm also felt the corruption grow stronger by the minute.. He sweeps away debris with his foot as he begins walking down a linear path, past flowerbeds and overhanging greenery. The hellish visage of the warrior lends a stark contrast to the backdrop of the gardens.

The more this unseen, dark blight withered the leaves around him, the more acute his senses grew, pulsing from within with every step he takes. Then, without warning, the flicker that burned at the back of his mind exploded into a firestorm as the corruption that so far had fed him, now lashed out at him with pain: in the same instant, his senses drag his attention back to where he emerged from, but it’s too late. An arrow, shining in the Force, hits him square in the chest. In a blinding flash the Light-infused arrow explodes, toppling the tall brute. The force of his body hitting the ground rattles the overgrown vegetation that surrounds them.

Though far from lending invincibility, his artificially mutated, almost stone-like skin allowed him to withstand a couple of shots, even from a blaster - but when the Light Side was involved, it was a different story. Simultaneously fighting against the corruption that burst forth from beneath the Temple, he needed a distraction immediately. Having only caught a blurry glimpse of his opponent, and with a smoking, black scorchmark upon his chest Vorm quickly starts scrambling to his feet as he thrusts out his free arm at a large-surface window, violently dragging upon it telekinetically to shower the approximate area of his opponent in a cloud of glass and rain.

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