Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Chapter Two: House of Cards | Long Live The Empire DE vs GA Coruscant


ALLIES: Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad
ENGAGING: Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker





It resounded through her being with every step she took. The Force spoke to her in a different way than it did to others. She felt almost every passing, every emotion, every spoken word. It both haunted her and gave her clarity.

Psychometry was both a blessing and a curse.

Zhea had perfected the art of it. It placed her firmly in the lap of the Force. She was much more skilled in it than being skilled in combat. Yes, she was good with a saber, but she was no Guardian. She walked a different path. She remained firmly on the Light side of the Force. And it had served her well....until now.

She could feel the strength that Simon was projecting toward her through their bond as she moved. It made her feel better with every step. She still didn't know how she survived all the years in the Order without him. Yet, she had never really been on the frontlines. Lately had been exceptions to the rule. And she realised that her skillset in that regard was severely lacking.

She could hear Kaleb's raving screams behind her, but she persevered and had just taken the swing to dispatch the first shelf of Dark books when her saber clattered to the ground. Something she thought she was prepared for, struck with such precision that the mental and emotional scars would remain for a long time to come if she survived.

The Dark wave that ripped through the temple, all but froze her heart as frost caked on her skin and the bit of breath she had left showed white in the air. It drove her to the ground and the scream of pain it tore from her was a sound she never knew she capable of.

Almost prone on the ground, she miraculously avoided most of the Force wave that rippled from Kaleb. Not that it would have made a difference, as she was no longer in the present or cognitive.

You're a failure.
Yes. Failed as a Shaman...
I didn't.
Also failed as a Jedi.
No, there are many good students of many people saved.
A sob escaped her frozen lips at the memory of his empty room in this Temple and no note or word. She wept for her family she left behind - that she disappointed. The tribe on Batorine that she failed to help.

Displaced by the very people she now felt duty-bound to help.

She really was a failure.

Zhea felt like she was firmly at the Darkness' mercy as the pain, anguish and despair from others in the Temple echoed through her. For the only time in her life, she couldn't help even if she wanted to. The past battered at her psyche in the most painful of ways, the Corruption finding every single doubt and insecurity possible and throwing it in her face as it's consuming cold freezing almost her entire body.

But there was a part of her it couldn't reach anymore.

From deep within her, a soothing warmth thawed the frozen fringes of her heart. It was just enough to hold the Dark Frost at bay from killing her. Enough to bring her to a point where she could shiver again.

The Kiffar slowly lifted herself from the floor into a semi-kneeling position, a frozen hand curling around the hilt of her saber as she looked up at the Dark Jedi.
"Y-you'll h-have to d-do better t-than that to s-stop us, Kaleb." she got out through chattering teeth before struggling to her feet and igniting the cerulean blade again. She wouldn't be a failure.

Not this time.

Holding out her free hand toward the shelf behind her, she mustered what Force she could to heat the air around the shelf to a point where they started to smoke. The chances of her actually causing them to burn were low, however. She was still weak. The effects of the ramped Corruption were still affecting her. But knowing she wasn't alone, gave her the strength she needed to at least stand on her feet and muster a modicum of her skills in the Force.

She'll try as long as she could to let that smoke become a flame that would cover a larger area of books than a saber could.
Old School, New Jedi Order

Location: The Jedi Archives, The Jedi Temple
Opposition: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren


Kybo stepped back from his last swing and gathered his frustration- then exhaled, sending a telekinetic blast of air all around him, creating some space. He took stock of their location- nowhere near the entrance, surrounded by stacks, a large study area nearby and a long staircase up.

Kybo Ren exerted his strength in the Force in such a fashion similar to past battles; however, where others had used their vocal cords in combination with the Force, the Pirate-Ren appeared to employ the art in a far more subtle manner, catching Jido Myyse off-guard and not having the time to summon upon the power of the Force for his defence. Instead, the telekinetic barrier quickly arced out and away from the Dark Sider. The much smaller Sage was knocked backwards, plucked from his feet and thrown back against the nearby shelves, already toppling from the show of telekinetic authority.

Jido's back hit the frame of the sizeable holo-book case, one of the lower shelves digging into his lower vertebrae, a popping sensation within the Jedi Master's lumber area causing a sudden shooting pain from his back and down his left thigh. This old injury had once more been reignited in neurological turmoil. With his momentum halted by the ill-placed shelving, that of which had continued to fall, Jido Myyse had himself fallen to the Archive floor, grimacing to himself. An unintelligible grumble escaped his lips, though it would be ill-heard by the Knight of Ren, who appeared to be shouting for his allies.

"Best you give up now- there's your exit, old man," Kybo waved at the stairs, in mock bravado. "No one will judge you for it, for I don't raid and tell." With that, Kybo drew his hand cannon and fired again- electrical discharge rounds, aimed at the far corner of this area where the stacks were cramped.

Jido Myyse heard the Knights's words, picking himself up off the floor and responding, "I do not fear defeat; if that is to be my fate, then that is as the Force wills". Kybo Ren Kybo Ren had again drawn his hand cannon. However, Jido Myyse quickly extended his free hand and sought to halt the weapons discharge, attempting to catch the bolt shortly after it had left the barrel of the heavy blaster pistol. Jido hoped that in stopping the propulsion of the shot, it might instead explode in the face of his foe and allow the Jedi Master further time to recover his composure.
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple - West Wing
Objective: To Unite All Peoples Within Our Nation

Allies: Isar Isar
Enemies: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Today's lesson was all about the importance of wearing a helmet.
Just when it seemed the Mandalorian might buckle under his relentless advance, she switched things up: a flash of fire and a quick cut with a knuckle-plate dagger.
Jogon stuck a hand out to disperse the flames, which fanned around him as if deflected by an invisible dome. That was what left him open to the dagger, which scored a clean slice just above his brow. The dashade snarled, and the Mandalorian danced out of reach again. Blood dripped over his eyes in a steady stream, obscuring his vision.
Around them, the Dark Side miasma thrashed and contorted like a dying animal. Pain. Endless pain. It gnawed at him from the outside and within. His new laceration radiated with it.
It was one of the few constants in this galaxy. That and anguish, suffering, all that miserable shit. You could run from it, hide from it, doll yourself out in beskar and impervium or whatever to try and keep it out. Didn't matter. It always found its way in.
Spend your life in fear of pain, you will know no greater enemy. But to embrace pain… There was no stronger armor, no sharper blade. The Mandalorian was saying something to him, though it was only a distant and witless yapping to his ears. There were other things on his mind.
Jogon raised his blade and held it parallel to the wound. Close. Very close. Steam rose from the cut, and he grimaced as it cauterized. The putrid stench of seared flesh and boiling blood flooded his nostrils.
Even a light tap from a lightsaber was enough to cripple a seasoned Jedi, but for Jogon, it was only… Clarifying. She knew nothing of the Sith. Victory at any price. She would learn shortly.
He lowered his blade and reached out with another hand. A torrent of lightning spewed forth, bolts lashing out like the tendrils of some ravenous monster, eager to consume the Mandalorian in full.
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Caporegime - Cyber-Intelligence Division


"Alright, seems fair enough to me," Tirin would respond after reading Dedata's pad. "I can escort you to safety," he offered lightly, extending his hand in a gesture of assistance, a silent promise of protection.​
"Your presence has sparked my interest," Tirin would admit, his tone carrying a hint of curiosity. "Do you intend to keep any copies of the information for yourself?" he asks coyly, trying to study any subtle shifts in her demeanor as he seeks to understand her motives further.
Her eyes looked over the data that was now running through her HUD in a small window. A smirk ran across her lips and the feel of adrenaline rushing into her veins. "Good, I'll have my VI speak for me from here on. It will be a pain to type and run at the same time.
" She held up the datapad while moving closer to the archway. "Dee speak for me. You know the signals for private speech."

"Very well Dedata." The Vi responded. "Hello, I am Dee, I am my creators VI, I will be translating her words for you from here on out." Dee said running off a script to help maintain what she was ambiguous.

Dedata knew the only way to shield her thoughts was to drown them in a flood of logic, each line of code a barrier against prying minds. As the temple trembled and the clash of lightsabers echoed around her, she focused inward, on the endless scroll of her mental terminal.

"What do you think the answer is to that question?" Dedata said answering the persons question with a question. "You can call me Dedata, You are?" It was possible this place had a file that she had siphoned just now. Though records of people for once was not a priority. Rather it was something more personal maybe even help set up credits further down the line.

Looking both way and glancing at the motion sensor things seemed clear for the moment, with a gesture of her hand it was an obvious sign to lead the way. "Surprised you did not aim to take my head. Given the situation, I was a little prepared to see either side see me as an enemy." She said probing her own situation here.

There was a reason she did not interact with the jedi. Even Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud and all Dedata knows about her, the woman is as much a mystery. Its those abilities of theirs. Closely guarded secrets. The sith and those like them are even worse, no they are the worst. Violent cruel vindictive monsters. Even thinking all thing deeper below the code, her emotions stayed cool.

Her focus was completely on escape, now she had her prize it was time to get to the goal.


Mirialan - Celinie || Trandoshan - Vreen || Zebrak - Nebrosa || Twi'lek - Giza​


Allies: Tirin Raene Tirin Raene
Enemies: [OPEN]



One by one the drones were suddenly just, gone.

Then, whistling.

The path ahead darkened unnaturally as a shadowed figure stepped forward. Red glowing eyes were all the Defel had to show. His fur naturally absorbed light, but he'd found ways to amplify it. A scattering of sparks lit up his shadowed form as he brought his pair of sickles crashing against one another. It was impossible to see, but just by the whistle, he was far too happy with this turn of events.

"The last I heard you were bed ridden, little Jedi. I suppose I should've finished the job, mm?"

Makko Vyres Makko Vyres

The defenses around the master were more than just for show. Amani would have to make a more concentrated effort, after she dealt with the remaining lackeys. Two of them closed in from either side. Amani took a defensive stance, reveling in her true skills as a Soresu master. Such a strategy worked best against opponents fighting in an unrefined rage like those who attacked her now. Their mistakes were easier to exploit, and her counterstrikes all the more efficient by comparison.

Amani held her pike out horizontally, letting the blunt end jab one in the gut, then thrusting the blade towards the other in front. Barring total success from that opener, she followed up by throwing an open palm toward the ground, around which the Force swelled in a repulsive shockwave, capable of launching her opponents back if they could not properly counter.

The acolyte managed to dodge the bomeranging lightsaber, which instead crashed into the master as he meditated. Or it would have, if it hadn’t hit an invisible barrier first. At least now the apprentice was missing one of his weapons, evening the playing field between him and Eloise.

"... and you, giant, what do you know?"

Giantess,” she corrected him. Amani was still busy with the other peons, while the apprentice was… talking. Too much for her liking, really. While he monologued about killing his master and testing his strength, she ramped up her offensive, whaling on him like a bully determined to obtain his lunch money. Though forced onto the backfoot, he managed to block every blow—then reached for his other lightsaber with the Force.

Feth that! Before it reached his hand, she aimed a kick at the apprentice’s groin, banking on the soul-crushing pain he was about to experience upon contact with her combat boot-clad foot to stop him from regaining the advantage.


Location: Balcony of a Temple Spire
Objective: Provide Shocking Consequences
Friends: Jedi and Mandalorians
Enemies: Any and all Sith forces (Specifically Ibaris Varanin Ibaris Varanin )
Loadout: Battlefield

It wasn't much. Little more than a headache in the back of his mind and a small wince as pain shot through him like a mild cramp. It shook the Wilder out of his focus as he directed his storm against the forces of evil. Looking down to his cloak, the Valde's eyes widened t the way his runes glowed, straining to beat back against the influence of the sith curse. If that's what it felt like for him, protected as he was... then that means..." He looked out, his brow furrowing as jedi groaned and clutched at phantom pains. It wasn't hard to find the source as he traced back the tendrils of the force to their source, like following a stream to the lake from which it originated.

Ibaris Varanin Ibaris Varanin was not a familiar face to the Valde but with his age and the enemies he had made, that didn't really mean much. She was still a threat. "You have my attention," he said with a calm growl. The sith, despite his efforts had managed to push intot he temple, and his lightning would do no good within its walls. On the roof however... His hand stretched out to the sith sorcerer and his eyes flashed as he directed the wilds to his newest prey. In an instant a rattling boom filled the air as lightning leapt from the clouds, striking down at the woman. He had no idea if removing her would remove the corruption that she now attempted to spread. But it was certainly worth a shot.

Objective: Protect the Temple
Gear: Armour, Lightsaber, Besker Spear
Tags: Ellayina L'lerim Ellayina L'lerim


Katherine was admittedly a bit surprised that her Force attack had met no resistance. She had expected something, whether it was a dodge or a retaliating move. But instead, her opponent had been knocked off her feet; with help from the slippery ground, and landed a few metres away.

With the way she had fallen, it wouldn’t have surprised Katherine if the blonde woman had broken or cracked something,

The Padawan almost felt bad, almost being the operative word.

After all, her enemy had tried to shoot her in the back initially.

Explains why she did it though, if she’s not trained to be a fighter her best option would’ve been to take me out immediately.

I’ll repeat what I said before, surrender. Do so before you get hurt further.” Katherine walked towards her opponent, lightsaber in hand, wisps of steam emanating from it from the rainfall.

But as she got closer, the Padawan’s senses suddenly flared up. Katherine immediately shifted into a defensive stance, only for her body to freeze on the spot. She had anticipated a physical attack, not a mental one. She was staring straight at Ellayina, but her gaze grew foggy, unfocused. And while her physical body remained stationary, Katherine could feel her consciousness being dragged into the depths of her own mind.

It was not the first time she had experienced such a thing.

The Padawan fell into the all too familiar maelstrom that was the depths of her memories. A mix of two different pasts, still amidst being combined into one. The Memory Walk tried to find the right kind of memory, but the hurricane winds made it impossible. However, Katherine was thrown into one all the same, just not one of her own.

One of Lorelei’s, the one who came before, the original.

Katherine was greeted by the sight of the Netherworld, a place unfamiliar to her, but not Lorelei. From a time when the previous Sith Empire was still thriving, and the Sith Valkyries sent their hopefuls through a Nether Gate as part of their Trials.



Location: Jedi Temple, Jedi Archives
Allies: DE
Enemies: GA, Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad Zhea Nox Zhea Nox

Kaleb's rage was unending, his maddened eyes portrayed his loss of sanity, as well as his desperation to secure what he had been promised for so very long. He wouldn't let Nox and her companion dare try to destroy all that he thought should be his. Kaleb's eyes narrowed as he watched Nox disappear into the various shelves of holobooks, artifacts, and other tomes of knowledge that had been present throughout the Archives. He was determined to get to her, and if need be choke the life out of her to prevent his precious knowledge from being lost forever. His glare focused back on the old man before him, the Dark Jedi's fingers ready to activate his saber and strike him down before damage could be done.

"Kaleb will make this quick..." He would say to the old man, and just as Kaleb would take a step forward to move with his confrontation, even bolstered by dark side energies and blessing of his Emperor, did he watch as the old man get back up from being thrown into a stack of holobooks. How much longer would he be delayed? He could already feel Nox running around the archives, his eyes widened when he felt heat, and smelled smoky air. Just as Kaleb was about to attack the man in a mad attempt to stop Nox, did Kaleb feel his windpipe start to close, his eyes focused on the old man as he moved his fingers into a gesture Kaleb understood as Force Choke. Kaleb would let his saber release from his fingers, his free hands moved to his throat, as if to tear the armor away from his throat to allow him to breathe. His barriers were down, his feet started to rise above the ground.

Try as Kaleb could, he couldn't speak. All that came out was painful gasps for air, and before finally being thrown against the holobook shelves, did Kaleb try to break the hold with a push of the Force. He hoped to push the man against the shelves, just as Kaleb could feel himself crashing against the various holobooks, did he finally breathe once more.

Just as Kaleb was slowly regaining his composure, did he see smoke start to fill his vision. "I don't have time for this...." Kaleb would say his tone filled with frustration and venom. He looked to the old man, and channeling the gifts of the Emperor and the empowerment of dark side energies, Kaleb would take a deep inhale, his eyes focused on the old man. Before the old man could make his next move, did Kaleb attempt to retaliate against the man by using his favored technique of Force Stun, a power he often used as a Jedi now tapped through the dark side, he could feel this darker version take hold. Extending an open palm gesture towards the old Imp Knight, did he try to freeze the man in place. He only hoped to delay Simon long enough to stop Nox's attempts to destroy the knowledge, unaware of the connection between them.
"Y-you'll h-have to d-do better t-than that to s-stop us, Kaleb."

"I'll be back for you..." He said hoping that he can keep the man stunned in place, hoping for just a few minutes. With his lightsaber brought back to his grasp, the emerald blade with ignite with a snap-hiss. Kaleb would try to lock onto Nox's presence, but started to follow the smoke, and the rising heat to hunt her down. She could hide, but she couldn't run from him. "N-Nox... Nox!!! Noxy.... Come out and play!" Kaleb called out as his maddening voice echoed through the various holobook shelves. If he didn't find Nox soon enough then all of them would be caught within a burning archives. Kaleb refused to let that happen as he scanned from shelf to shelf looking for his prey.​


My stride was irrevocably broken as the boot slammed into that most tender area, the dirtiest of strikes. I had no chance to fulfill my lunging strike. The pain shot up through my body catching in my throat with a mangled scream of pain, my whole body and my head immediately engulfed in a lightness, and nausea. I fell to my knees at the apprentice's feet, unable even to speak through the most intense pain.

The knights engaged with Amani were bitter fighters. The one took her pike's end to the gut, stumbling backwards, ultimately being thrown aside by her shockwave. He rolled, catching himself in a crouch halfway across the room. Yet as he stood, he turned away from Serys and ran to Sorren's aid, a stabbing strike aimed into Eloise's triumphantly exposed back.

The knight targeted by Amani's blade locked his own with it, the brilliant white of the blades sparking together. With enraged Force, the knight slammed her back foot into the floor, driving an inch into the duracrete to anchor herself as the floor tiles rippled away with the shockwave. She pushed back hard on pike blade, determined with nothing on her mind but the brute force of pushing forward...

Coruscant: Greater Jedi Temple Platform
Allies: Jedi I suppose
Enemies: Sith of course
Objective: Mess with the backline, Get to Rooftop

Selena Halcyon was not one to waste energy. It was something of her "thing." In fact, what could look like grace, as she tended to glide over the ground, could also be seen as robotic. Each step the exact same distance, down the millimeter. If she reached to grab something it was fluid and precise. In combat, this kind of physical awareness gave her an uncanny ability to step the exact distance she needed to strike out with her blade precisely where it needed to be to inflict the requisite amount of damage while also carrying her through to her next movement.

She moved like a blur through the Sith soldiers that marched upon the temple. Each stride getting just close enough that her blade would be just in reach to cut a hand at the wrist, and precisely at the wrist. When able (as sometimes her targets did move a tad erratically) it was just at the edge of the hand to leave the rest of the arm bones intact. It would make it easier to get prosthetics should the need arise. Each step, each stride, measured and precise. Blaster bolts that moved at her were deflected as a part of her normal movements. Others batted bolts away or held up their blade almost like they were blocking a lightsaber. She caught them mid-swing to carry her momentum always forward.

Selena Halcyon was movement. Like water over the battlefield, she never lingered in an area for long. If an obstacle was in front of her, she simply went around it. In the most direct, clean path she could.

As such, she moved quickly from the edge of the greater Temple building almost to where the temple climbed up from this roof-like surface. That's when the wave of energy that radiated from Ibaris Varanin Ibaris Varanin 's darkside field hit her. It felt like a burning sensation. Albeit, not painful, just incredibly hot. Much like the hot flashes that she experienced so many decades past, but worse. It engulfed all of her. It was unusual and gave her just the moment of pause the hesitate just the fraction of a moment for a blaster bolt to make it past a sweeping motion of her silver blade. It grazed the edge of her ribs, making a far more tangible burning sensation and actual pain pulse through her.

The hesitation was the only sign that she showed of the energy or the blaster bolt. She cleared her moment, pushes the pain away, and kept movement, striding just a little further than originally planned to compensate of the slight studder in her previous motion. The soldier who hit her hesitated a bit too much himself, thinking that his bolt had won him the day, likely a promotion and the accolades of her peers. Instead, he was gifted a very clean and cauterized amputation of his dominant hand's fingers.

The steps to the temple were a mess. A ruin of a battle that she was a bit late to. Soldiers continued to move up the way, acolytes of the darkside along with them. Selena was sure she saw a few mandalorians amongst the dead. Judging from the position it seemed they were fighting alongside the Jedi. It was pleasing to her that that alliance still stood then. It was always a tenuous one in her time.

She had a decision to make, and make it she did. Moving through the throng of bodies occupying the damaged steps would be difficult. Even for her. So she began back the way she came. Injured bodies occupied the path, and she left them alone. Those tending to them, likewise, were ignored. One fired a blaster at her, and she could have deflected it right back at him, but she sent it towards another who was not trying to defend their downed comrade. It was easier this time around, even though she was moving directly towards them instead of catching many unaware. Some few seemed to have intuited her nature and decided not to obstruct her path, tactically ignoring her. It was wise to say the least. Still, her path was that would lead to many soldiers not finding their way into the temple.

When she got to the edge of the artificial crevasse between two towers she jumped. Then rolled upon the wing of a transport ascending from below, no doubt having delivered more soldiers there. She wondered if they knew of one of the secret entrances and were attacking through there. She had no way of knowing, so she ignored the possibility. Instead, Selena pushed upon the mind of the pilot, directing them to veer toward the proper Temple rooftop.

It got within jumping distance in short order, but before jumping to the temple roof, she plunged her lightsaber into the wing's engine. The damage was crippling, but the pilot would be able to land it if they were skill enough. That, however, was on them. Selena had other things to worry about as she came out of her roll and into a run along the rooftop to where she could see lightsabers in action.

Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr Malva'ikh Dralidok Malva'ikh Dralidok

They had only taken a few steps back into the hall when Master Farr's hand slipped out of Astri's again. She jolted to a stop, and spun around just in time to watch the Jedi crumple to the floor. The first thing Astri noticed was the blood dripping from her arm. Master Farr's condor perched on Astri's shoulder, but she couldn't find the time to be in awe at the wonderful creature.

Master Farr was bleeding, sobbing on the ground. Astri ran to her grabbing her shoulders to try and lift her up.

"Master!" Wow a full grown woman was heavy, "we have to go!"

And then, not even a moment later, he was there.

Astri had never gotten a full look at the decrepit thing chasing them. He was an amalgamation of every night terror she could think of, wrapped in an oppressive blanket of... of dark. It left her cold to her soul, she stood completely still as if his aura had frozen the blood in her veins. This was it. She was going to die here, and Master Farr too.

The dagger hovered over the Jedi, still crumped on the floor. Instinct took over. Before Astri even knew what she was doing, her body was moving through the Echani forms she'd been taught her whole life. She didn't know if she could touch this creature, revenant like as it was, but there was nothing to do but try.

An open palm strike targeted the creature's wrist, hoping to jar his arm and knock the knife from his hand.



Closed: Lea Vi Lea Vi


As the Shadow Hand steps into the pitch-black room, he wonders: what lies beyond this air of mystery? But before the answers would be revealed, something fateful takes place; something outside of his control, something even outside the very building he’s in.

Heralded by a bone-chillingly deep, cacophonous roar, the earth beneath his feet begins to shake. First thrown at the wall, Lord Ptolemis finally stumbles to one knee, tearing his datapad from beneath his cavernous robe, only to witness the marvel, the horror, of the Dark Empire. A smile creeps onto his unseen face.

The sizzling, blue hue of the datapad display illuminates his mask from beneath as the only light source in this hidden room of the Jedi Temple. Again and again the earth, the building shakes as massive fragments of the uprooted city-blocks fall back upon the ecumenopolis. The Blasphemer inhales the moment. The end is nigh. Good.
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"The last I heard you were bed ridden, little Jedi. I suppose I should've finished the job, mm?"

"Big fucking ears you've got to hear that, eh? Guess we're thinking the same thing.


Makko didn't feel the confidence that punctuated his words. He stretched out with the Force, trying to find those drones again. He had trained hard since he had met the wraith, but he had been fully under just hours ago. He was weeks away from a full recovery from what this sith had done to him. Even with all the medical technology and jedi healers, the spine could not be repaired quickly.


He might have kept the energy shield for a surprise against any other opponent. Against this one, it blocked off a reasonable angle of attack. Anything to give himself the best chance at reacting when the wraith hid himself in his own illusions.

Makko walked forwards slowly. He couldn't over extend himself, couldn't rush into a trap.

However, there was only one direction he would take: forwards.


It was a trick of the mind, a trick of the shadows. Illusion to dull and even block off senses, at least until someone truly tried to pry. The drones were there, on the path they were sent. But the shadowed figure was not. As Makko stepped forward the Defel walked to meet him, the shadowed form shifting unnaturally. The real strike came from above, just as the barrier flashed into existence. Vazz, invisible until the strike, snarled into a laugh as he leapt away. The shadows of the hallway faded, just as he once more sunk into obscurity.

"This time I'll cut higher, Makko Vyres. Don't want to let you have any false hope of walking again. Wouldn't that be just so cruel?"
His words were laced with the dark. The aura, the pain around them that spread unnaturally, he was using it. Feasting on it to strengthen himself, and now was using it to try and influence fear into Makko's mind. Subtle, at first, a building dread to seem as natural and overlooked as possible.

"And, don't worry. I'll visit your little girlfriend too. You can share a room."

Makko Vyres Makko Vyres

Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken


A sense of urgency flooded over Khronas, a sudden realisation that time had run out. The Siniteen swung back to face the Jedi and saw the sharpened projectiles flying toward him. His borrowed Sith sword whipped through the air as he defended himself, but without the power energy beam of a lightsaber, the best he could do was try to batter away the objects. The first three he defected with the blade of the Force-embued weapon, but the fourth slipped through his defences and slammed into his shoulder. He staggered backward, still swinging his blade but unable to regain his composure as more flying missiles peppered his body.

Khronas dropped to a knee, the ground of the New Jedi Temple quivering under the assault from Dark Empire TIE fighters and the supernatural storm conjured by the Jedi. The Acolyte paused, allowing the pain to wash over him, a temporary respite. He felt the Darkness seep into every part of his being, numbing the pain from the projectiles and fortifying his determination.

Fuelled by anger, the Siniteen rose to his feet and locked eyes with the Jedi. Wasted seconds ticked by, putting the Sith further and further behind his carefully planned schedule. In attacking Khronas, the Jedi had made a cardinal sin.

He had made Khronas late.

“Your disrespect for time echos your malcontent for the Force,” Khronas declared, stalking toward the Jedi. “For too long have the New Jedi Order been idle, hiding in the Core, a relic of the past. The future belongs to the Darkness - I have foreseen it. But you will not live to see this grand destiny fulfilled.”

The Siniteen broke into a round and leapt toward the Jedi, augmenting his leap with the Force. He brought his Sith sword, grasped tightly in a double-handed grip over his head, swinging down toward the Jedi as he landed.


TAGS: Khronas Khronas


Valor watched Khronas spin about, trying to step back, but he was too slow to completely evade him. His mind was set on protecting the little tactical toad in his pocket. Valor held more regard and care for the croaking frogling in his pouch than for his own sense of being, prioritizing the frog's safety. The Sith's blade slashed across part of Valor's leg, causing his movement to be hampered even further. Blood spilled forth from the gaping wound, staining the temple floor.

His leg, now readied up and back despite the searing pain, launched hard towards Khronas' hip. The forceful side kick aimed to knock the Sith's center of balance off, hoping to push him back.

The ogdobogdo in the pouch started groggling in protest as it was jostled about. "Hey! Watch it! Stop being so rowdy! You need to be gentle with me, I'm delicate!" it seemed to complain, its croaks echoing in the tense air as Valor tried to save both their lives.

Valor, his leg trembling and blood continuing to pour from the wound, stood his ground. The pain was a distant echo compared to the drive to protect the small creature in his care. But he seemed intent on just... trying to follow up his kick with a punch- he didn't really have much in the way of weapons other than good old bare hands and feet. It seemed he was ready to try to at least put up some kind of fight despite being outmatched.

"I'm sorry, are you missing some kind of hot date?"
Valor taunted, his voice steady despite the searing pain. "She might count herself lucky if yours is the face she was going to meet."

Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken


Khronas’ borrowed Sith sword slashed through the Jedi’s leg, leaving a deep cut and a stark reminder of the importance of timing. While his enemy was wounded, the Acolyte had been aiming for a killing blow. A portion of his enlarged Siniteen brain replayed the opening attack and quickly calculated the various trajectories and velocities, identifying his mistake - Khronas had stuck two milliseconds too late.

While he held power on time in moments of study and quiet contemplation, the practicalities of the battlefield were a stark reminder that he still had much to learn.

“The pursuit of copulation, a poor use of one’s time. Focus on the deeper study of the Force and not fleeting moments of passion, Khronas retorted, still devoting enough brain power to maintain a rigid defence against the Jedi.

Or so he had thought. The Jedi sprung forward and planted a power kick on the Siniteen. The Sith was thrown off balance, his oversized cranium making him top-weighted and unsteady. He staggered backwards into a wall ungracefully, avoiding the unconscious desire to hold his injured hip. The pain and anger would empower him if he allowed it.

The New Jedi Temple shook violently. While the profane building had been hammered by Dark Empire artillery and the powerful storm incited by the Jedi, those attacks paled by comparison. Khronas felt fear and panic sweep the nearby Senate district as thousands of lives were instantly extinguished.

His meditations had foreseen a turning point in the battle, an event that would shape the fight in favour of the Sith. The nature of the shatter point had been hidden from him, shrouded by darkness. While he could not see Eclipse III rising from beneath the surface of Coruscant and shattering the Senate building, he knew this was the moment he had predicted and incorporated into his meticulous plans for the fight.

The satisfaction of having seen the future was quickly overtaken by a burning anger. Khronas had schemed that he would use this very moment to fulfil the Grant Timeline, not strike down an unarmed Jedi. The diminutive human, with their small brain case, had held him back from his destiny. He needed to end this fight quickly if he was to get back on schedule.

Screaming with anger, Khronas whipped his hand forward the Jedi, sending a small pile of fallen roof tiles flying toward the Jedi. He leapt forward in the wake of the telekinetic attack, striking low with his Sith sword to take out the Jedi’s legs.

“The moment of your death approaches Jedi. Few know their true purpose, yet yours is to die in futile defence of this forsaken world. Why resist the endless march of time?”


TAGS: Khronas Khronas

Valor almost toppled over as the shockwave rattled the building, terror etched across his face. What was that?

He couldn't afford to lose focus on his foe. He had learned quickly by observing others, studying, learning, and adapting to his opponent's movements, muscle tension, and the flow of hatred. Valor knew little of Jedi principles and honor, but he was well-versed in playing rough and fighting dirty. Even feeling the nearby lives snuffed out from whatever caused the shockwave, he remained resolute, eyes wide and attention rapt, searching for an opening. He wore a smug grin to mask his terror and unease.

When Khronas recovered and retaliated with hate-filled attacks, sending roof tiles hurtling toward him, Valor deflected them with his hands, suffering cuts, bruises, fractures, and scrapes as some slipped through. Red blood trickled from his knuckles, the backs of his hands, and forearms. Shrapnel grazed his face, leaving fresh cuts.

As Khronas leapt forward, Valor's gaze was glued to him. He followed the Sith's movements, anticipating his timing. With a quick, well-timed hop, Valor avoided the blade. Every motion told him more about his opponent. The Echani was hypersensitive, focused on the Sith's motion and muscle movements.

"What a shame... you won't have a legacy to leave behind if you die a virgin," Valor shot back, trying to enrage Khronas further, in hope of keeping him swinging wildly and with rage. He smirked through his terror, drawing up debris from behind Khronas and launching it toward his back. "And it looks to me like your time is running out!" he spat. He delighted in tormenting the precious heir to Lady Seraphine's lineage, hoping his snide remarks would work on this Sith fellow too. At least long enough to incapacitate, slow him down, or distract him, creating an opportunity to gain distance and possibly escape.



Her eyes looked over the data that was now running through her HUD in a small window. A smirk ran across her lips and the feel of adrenaline rushing into her veins. "Good, I'll have my VI speak for me from here on. It will be a pain to type and run at the same time.
" She held up the datapad while moving closer to the archway. "Dee speak for me. You know the signals for private speech."

"Very well Dedata." The Vi responded. "Hello, I am Dee, I am my creators VI, I will be translating her words for you from here on out." Dee said running off a script to help maintain what she was ambiguous.

Dedata knew the only way to shield her thoughts was to drown them in a flood of logic, each line of code a barrier against prying minds. As the temple trembled and the clash of lightsabers echoed around her, she focused inward, on the endless scroll of her mental terminal.

"What do you think the answer is to that question?" Dedata said answering the persons question with a question. "You can call me Dedata, You are?" It was possible this place had a file that she had siphoned just now. Though records of people for once was not a priority. Rather it was something more personal maybe even help set up credits further down the line.

Looking both way and glancing at the motion sensor things seemed clear for the moment, with a gesture of her hand it was an obvious sign to lead the way. "Surprised you did not aim to take my head. Given the situation, I was a little prepared to see either side see me as an enemy." She said probing her own situation here.

There was a reason she did not interact with the jedi. Even Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud and all Dedata knows about her, the woman is as much a mystery. Its those abilities of theirs. Closely guarded secrets. The sith and those like them are even worse, no they are the worst. Violent cruel vindictive monsters. Even thinking all thing deeper below the code, her emotions stayed cool.

Her focus was completely on escape, now she had her prize it was time to get to the goal.


Mirialan - Celinie || Trandoshan - Vreen || Zebrak - Nebrosa || Twi'lek - Giza​


Allies: Tirin Raene Tirin Raene
Enemies: [OPEN]

Tirin could feel the intricate forces converging in this chaotic place, a song of power and intent that demanded both swift action and deliberate thought. Time, ever a relentless adversary, was ticking away with each passing moment. He glanced at Dedata.

"Patience is a virtue," Tirin murmured, his voice a calm anchor in the storm of activity around them. "But not a commodity to be squandered." His words were soft, almost philosophical, as he led her through the labyrinthine corridors towards the landing pad.

As Tirin guided her, he deflected and defended against threats that materialized, his hand motions a blur. Each defensive maneuver was executed with a fluid grace, maintaining an eerie calm within the protective bubble he had created around them.

As they approached the landing pad, the ground beneath them trembled from distant shock waves, remnants of the ongoing battle. Yet, Tirin remained unshaken, his focus entirely on their safe passage. The forcefield he projected was an invisible barrier against the chaos, allowing them to move forward with purpose.

Tirin gave a slight nod, acknowledging her words. "Perhaps, it's not about choosing sides, but rather navigating the spaces in between," he offered, his tone reflective.

As they finally reached the landing pad, Tirin gestured for her to board the waiting ship. "Our path is clear for now, but we must move quickly."


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