Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Approval.

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Connor Harrison

I feel we ourselves as a community act as the approval system in a, hopefully, fair and supportive way to help those who may not have lots of SW knowledge or mis-understand the rules.

Little comments and observations help those making characters apply changes so they fit in with the timeline and the rules. It's good that way because it's a nice community activity to help writers get the best from their character, and doesn't make you feel you've done something wrong or silly if your character was "not approved".

I think it works like this, IMO, but good one for brining it up. :)
[member="Kobe Seren"]

I wasn't trying to state that a race was banned due to their lifespan, just there were a few there that do live longer lives than humans and that there are more than those. Just because I know several people don't know many of the Star Wars races.
I can't speak for other factions but when I see a new character with the OS faction on it I read it thoroughly and will not hesitate to pointe out what they can't have. Ranks included.

[member="Kobe Seren"]

I know...but some people don't read the rules :)

[member="Mallory Pryde"]

I don't care what people think of my fanon database or knowledge, jack or not. Now have fun.
Bunker-level Normal
Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae said:
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Thank you. I was just skimming through a RP Forum in a ... slightly bad Pay-To-Win MMORPG, and I just thought: They have an Approval system...
Most RPGs do. But approval systems alone don't make great characters or great writers. An approval system alone does not weed out the bad seeds. The approval system can bring just as much harm as it does good.

Above all, most of the time approval systems exist to preserve the status quo. They are not intended to welcome new players, nor to keep out bad ones, but merely to preserve the quality and characters that already exist.
[member="Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae"]

The underlying thing is, different systems work for different sites. Chaos is a roleplay grounded by *Writers*, and ones who are trusted to stick by what few rules we have. By contrast, MMORPGs are, first and foremost, held in-game with the forums being secondary. As a result, it makes more sense for them to require an approval system, as you're more likely to attract people who want to be the next coming of Exar Kun. It's an entirely different level of not only maturity but often written form. That's not to downplay the MMORPG scene, I've done plenty of Roleplay that were in-game based.

[member="Darth Venefica"]

This is true, but they're still there at least :p
Wow. Some serious hostility got plunged into this suggestion...

[member="Kobe Seren"]

Yes, Yes, I see it now.

Now, seeing all of the responces here, I slightly understand more why there isn't an approval system. I understand the admins/RPJs are busy and overloaded with crap, and sometimes people don't read backstorys or point out what they did wrong. /sigh

Honestly I don't know what to do, I'm not one to point out what people did wrong with their characters, mostly because I hardly know about starwars, besides what I stated above. I rarely read the wiki, but I -do- enjoy Star Wars. I just don't want the site to die out due to an over massive population of people that don't go checked...
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Hostility? Where? I beg to differ, it actually has turned into a rather productive discussion. No one is slamming anyone elses idea, just presenting alternative perceptions. Try not to mistake debating with arguing ^~^
[member="Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae"]

There's no worry of that, Chaos has been on a very steady - and sometimes sharp - incline with regards to new members for a long time now. The open availability to create new characters is one very redeeming factor the site has; it also enables people to feel welcomed faster, as someone above said it doesn't make them feel like the site is against them if they don't get approved first time around, and as a result has them more likely to stick around and enjoy the ride.

People and their characters are likely more checked than you're going to see - it's better to send PMs than it is to spam a newly created biography; it limits the concept of public shaming/humiliation at the thought of "omg everyone hates my idea, i should quit while I'm ahead" etc.

I've seen many sites where biography approval works, and many where it severely hindered the growth of the site.

The idea is extremely valid, but the community has done a superb job so far in making it so the need for a permanent set of Judges to police the character creation region of the board is redundant.
Kobe Seren said:
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Hostility? Where? I beg to differ, it actually has turned into a rather productive discussion. No one is slamming anyone elses idea, just presenting alternative perceptions. Try not to mistake debating with arguing ^~^
The post was removed that I was going to reference. So instead, just enjoy the silly GIF.


Active Member
I am unsure whether my opinion as a new person here is valued or not but apart from all that I will try and give a small bit of insight.

On (don't want to advertise so lets call it) "AnotherPlace" you have to go through an application process, in which your character's entire form is looked through with a fine tooth comb by a member of their "Application Team". Now I understand the reasoning behind it, but the one thing that I love here that's better than there is the simple fact that I don't have to sit around, waiting for approval when I can hop on write and role play straight away.

Sure, there are some cases that this may happen but if we are honest with ourselves, only people who enjoy star wars and have some clue of the star wars universe would come here, so what's the problem? If they do something outlandish which makes absolutely no sense, then I am sure that the people of this community would be nice enough (well some) to point it out in a constructive manner and as for the people who find imaginative (not creative but still imaginative) ways of allowing themselves to role play a character that was meant to be extent, how does this negatively effect anything? In fact, I see this mostly as a positive, cause it would add more role play and adds this whole layer of wonder.

In the end, I would hate to see people have to wait a while for their character to be approved due to timezones.
Sarvus said:
I am unsure whether my opinion as a new person here is valued or not but apart from all that I will try and give a small bit of insight.
*Stops you here* Of course it is! Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes can be just as useful as ones which have been jaded by things becoming 'the norm'

As for what you said, it's entirely valid: it's more than just a community/staff issue, but also one of ulterior elements eg: timezone, actual amount of time someone has allotted to browse the site/etc.
Chaos was formed on the idea of a better experience for the role-player, and Tefka/[member="Akala"] has made it clear that one of the biggest issues with other sites he feels are character approvals. They discourage a lot of people, and not just because they can't have the next Luke Skywalker or Starkiller - I don't do forum role-playing unless there's no character approval, for example. A lot of us are adults who have our own schedules and needing approval for things like that just hamper it and cause issues.


Active Member
Kobe Seren said:
*Stops you here* Of course it is! Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes can be just as useful as ones which have been jaded by things becoming 'the norm'

As for what you said, it's entirely valid: it's more than just a community/staff issue, but also one of ulterior elements eg: timezone, actual amount of time someone has allotted to browse the site/etc.
I'm glad to see this and I would like to also add one more thing, we all have opinions on who we believe should be allowed in the space given to use and in the end, whether we agree or don't, anyone has a right to give the place a good go. The character approval system could potentially ruin some people's drive. For example, someone gets an immediate want to try role playing in a star wars environment for one reason or another an went to Google, they find this site and begin to read over the quick start guide. Once they put their character creation thread through, they head off for say food or watch some YouTube and check back every now and then. It is hard to argue that (most people) start losing interest the longer they wait and eventually could make some people simply exit out without returning.

Of course that's a "hardcore" result which is rare and some people would argue that if they aren't that patient, they don't want to deal with them but in the end, we all deserve a chance and even the most impatient person can be assisted to be a very good person to role play with.

[member="Kobe Seren"]
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