Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Approval.

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Bunker-level Normal

I've been on plenty of sites (in fact, all of them before Chaos) that required approval. It seems to be the norm most places I go, and you get used to it. I get the urge to write right away, sure, but I also have to respect that the site is set up that way. It doesn't take away from the experience for me at all.

That doesn't change what I said. It still preserves the status quo, but I usually only join a site where I enjoy the status quo.
Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae said:
Honestly I don't know what to do, I'm not one to point out what people did wrong with their characters, mostly because I hardly know about starwars, besides what I stated above. I rarely read the wiki, but I -do- enjoy Star Wars. I just don't want the site to die out due to an over massive population of people that don't go checked...
Don't worry about that. A lot of people get their bios read and people such as myself make posts on them if we feel they've not aligned it with the board canon. For example, I had the pleasure of explaining to somehow what the current year was and all the events leading up to it, as well as what major factions were and such. The site has been around since 2013, which I suppose it technically "new" to those of us who've prowled the internet since over a decade before it, but the community is made up of people who want to help people rather than just block people off. If you want to be a clone trooper that's perfectly fine - we still have factions in control of worlds which produce clones, such as the One Sith in control of Khomm, a planet that is only made up of a cloned population and has repurposed some of their facilities for troops - and if they want a custom species that hasn't been approved someone will mention to them how to get it approved, maybe even help them with it. As it stands you can't have a master-ranked character on start-up without having a board transfer approved by an admin, so that generally resolves most if not all issues.
[member="Sarvus"] ... [member="Captain Jordan"]

I once played on a SW site where Admins had to approve characters. However, those Admins picked and tore apart people's bios making "suggestions" on how their bio should look. The consensus from those that left the site, myself including, was the Admins were denying the creativity of the writer.


Active Member
[member="Darth Venefica"]

To which I agree, though my experiences come from a place that isn't in the same area (not forum role play). I am not for the implementation of character approval but we shouldn't dismiss the idea due to one's negative experience in another service, their staff team would have a different set procedure of how things are gone about.
Bunker-level Normal
Captain Jordan said:
That doesn't change what I said. It still preserves the status quo, but I usually only join a site where I enjoy the status quo.
[member="Darth Venefica"]

Case in point, those sites.

I've been on a few. They're nasty and I try to stay away from them now. In fact, there are very few (as in, I can count them on one hand) sites that I've joined since 2009 where I haven't known the admins personally, or been one. After a while, you just get tired of dealing with the crap that so many sites try to pull and just figure that you might as well roll your own.
Alright, I see points being made on why we should, and should not have Character Approval systems. Most are great, others I question, but from what I see here, is that what makes Chaos unique is there is no Character Approval system, and its all community based. If there is no more comments, or questions, about this. I would like to have this ARCHIVED(?).

Thank you for your answers, and I respect all of them.

[member="Mallory Pryde"]

Did.........You just call me snips!?



I want to say this, nothing is done about this, nothing at all. I think approval of characters is needed.

Wanna know how I know? Freaking Jack Sparrow thats why.
[member="Razer Sin"]

looks like davey jones joined chaos

anyway. chaos doesn't need an approval system. It's approval system is the community. Fail to RP properly, find yourself not being RPed with or clamped down by the RPJs. That is our approval system.

And the report button
Razer Sin said:
I want to say this, nothing is done about this, nothing at all. I think approval of characters is needed.
Wanna know how I know? Freaking Jack Sparrow thats why.
You were given a second chance for past transgressions, now you're doing the exact same thing all over again. If you don't like that his character is named Jack Sparrow then don't roleplay with him.

Just like some people will not roleplay with someone who listens to people in backroom chats on skype about who to exclude from factions while claiming the whole of chaos is full of "privileged".
Silara said:
You were given a second chance for past transgressions, now you're doing the exact same thing all over again. If you don't like that his character is named Jack Sparrow then don't roleplay with him.

Just like some people will not roleplay with someone who listens to people in backroom chats on skype about who to exclude from factions while claiming the whole of chaos is full of "privileged".
I take it you're speaking of me? might wanna get your information correct, I never once spoke of excluding anyone from factions... but hey, its all good.
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