Wesa new palos!

Also.. Props to you [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] for surprising me with that definition
Perhaps not, but it is better to embrace that than to shun everyone who is not. Actively help them, don't scowl and walk away. Everyone on this site has become a better writer than who they were when they joined.Flannigan Mcnash said:We aren't all special snowflakes, not everyone can write well and certainly not everyone is a good role-player.
If that were the case a large majority of people never would have lasted a week, much less a month, writing here. I, myself - And I know I get called the "exception" to every friggin social rule I argue against existing - have done things exactly as you have mentioned, including having started a development thread for something with a minimal amount of words-to-post (which doesn't exist by the way) and it was talked about enough that someone actually came to me and told me about how people were talking about that. That's ignoring the past year of rumors and crap that circle the internet both here, skype, and elsewhere.Flannigan Mcnash said:[member="Darth Atrophia"], and this isn't what this system does. It works at a mob mentality level, you're not a good role-play word of mouth will kill you. "Did you see that he used the force to make a man explode" and now they ostracise him, sure he may get told what he's doing is wrong and fixes it but the damage is done, he could've been helped at the character creation level.
It's not about being a good writer, a good role-player. It's about helping them become those things and maybe making a friend along the way.
I use the PM system when I think I can help. It keeps public embarrassment from being a thing.Flannigan Mcnash said:[member="Darth Atrophia"]
[member="Darth Odium"], don't we do that now. Well no, I haven't seen one person tell someone their character sucks and here's how to fix it(maybe I've missed them), sure they'd say it in a kind way but even than people don't like being told they're wrong.
http://starwarsrp.net/topic/63093-oni/Flannigan Mcnash said:Darth Odium, don't we do that now. Well no, I haven't seen one person tell someone their character sucks and here's how to fix it(maybe I've missed them), sure they'd say it in a kind way but even than people don't like being told they're wrong.
Sure it would. I once played at a site where if your force user wasn't according to the admins personal opinion you didn't get approved. That site no longer exists as it did then and admitidly implemented all my ideas after my RP partner and I resigned the board. Another board (the one where we met) also required admin approval and no longer exists either because the staff abandoned the board at the peak of its momentum.Darth Immortus said:No it wouldn't. A quality roleplayer should have no problem with writing a bio that conforms to the standards of the ingroup. Not to mention be able to take constructive criticism. I've done it plenty of times on other sites.
I speak in generalizations, generally to everyone who reads what I write. In the context of my post it meant: If you (everyone who reads the post) are with people or surrounded by people who don't agree with that notion, it might be time to surround yourself with different people.Flannigan Mcnash said:'you' I'm not your enemy
And there are plenty of sites which do have approval systems that are doing fine. In fact, the vast majority of boards I see on rpg-directory have approval systems. Conversely, to counter your point, there are sites with no approval systems that are tanking right now. How many posts per day does TGC have, exactly?Judah Lesan said:Sure it would. I once played at a site where if your force user wasn't according to the admins personal opinion you didn't get approved. That site no longer exists as it did then and admitidly implemented all my ideas after my RP partner and I resigned the board. Another board (the one where we met) also required admin approval and no longer exists either because the staff abandoned the board at the peak of its momentum. There two example of two sites falling apart. Not saying I'm for or against, just that you're assumption is flawed
The point is that it would only do more harm than good to have such a change to the board now. Sure, it'd cut out the "undesirables" that you don't want to deal with, or force them to conform their bios to a standardized template enforced by the staff, but that doesn't mean it'll become an utopia. Nor does any one member of the staff agree on what is quality and desirable or not.Darth Immortus said:And there are plenty of sites which do have approval systems that are doing fine. In fact, the vast majority of boards I see on rpg-directory have approval systems. Conversely, to counter your point, there are sites with no approval systems that are tanking right now. How many posts per day does TGC have, exactly?
Understandable.Anja Aj'Rou said:This thread is getting pretty flamey. :|
Fair enough, but this utterly defeats the purpose of rejecting an approval system on the basis that it's too exclusive. Like I said previously, exclusion is going to happen no matter what. The only thing you can possibly control is whether it happens before a writer hits a thread, or after.Anja Aj'Rou said:If you don't like someone's writing? Don't roleplay with them, simple as that. I won't lie to you; there are roleplayers I simply avoid threading with because I don't like to write with them. Does that mean I don't think they should be able to roleplay here? No, they can, just I don't want to write with them. We all have the ability to pick and choose who we'd like to roleplay with, we do it already without thinking. Stop limiting yourselves with the notion that somehow the staff have to be involved.
Lily Kirsche Kuhn said:If that were the case a large majority of people never would have lasted a week, much less a month, writing here.