When I first started here, I came from a World of Warcraft RP server. Making the transition from MMORPG style role-plays to forum based role-play was really hard. I wasn't used to writing in full paragraphs, describing my surroundings, my clothes, what I looked like, or every bit of thought and body language. As a result of this, when I first started my very first character's bio was mess, my posts were typically one to two lines, and I had a hard time with descriptions. This was over a year ago. Now I can write at least a single full paragraph for my posts on average, my bios are much more detailed and aren't as hard for me to write, and I have even gone as far as making a planet and several species. (Hopefully with more on the way.) If we had an approval system though, when I first began playing here, I likely wouldn't have made it past the approval system. I was terrible. However, with the help of others and with practice I got much better.
If we shun people for issues like the ones I had, or get rid of them with an approval system, it can prevent great role-players from even existing. It takes time and practice to get good at anything. When you first learned to write did your letters look flawless and were all your words spelled correctly? Role-playing is just like any other skill or activity. It takes time to get good. If we deprive people of the chance to practice and better themselves, we'd be missing out on some potentially great writers. You can't dismiss or shun someone for having a bad start, or a lack of experience. It's not fair, it's quite rude, and it deprives them of a chance to potentially thrive at something they love doing. [member="Darth Immortus"]