Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Superweapon Rule

Silara Kuhn said:
every couple hundred years
Thats centuries. Since Vulpesen was introduced to the board at the age of 17, he's been alive for:

Genocide of Togoria #1
Genocide of Togoria #2
Destruction of Dromund Kaas
Complete Vong Forming of Alderaan(which has already had the badluck of being destroyed once in SW history)
Some custom planet was destroyed
Pretty sure the Graug got wasted at some point
Corellia had all of its factories blown to bits
And I'm sure we've got several other things of varying superdestruction

By the way, Vulps is currently 23. That makes for all those things in SIX YEARS. Not even a decade.
Vulpesen said:
Thats centuries. Since Vulpesen was introduced to the board at the age of 17, he's been alive for:

Genocide of Togoria #1
Genocide of Togoria #2
Destruction of Dromund Kaas
Complete Vong Forming of Alderaan(which has already had the badluck of being destroyed once in SW history)
Some custom planet was destroyed
Pretty sure the Graug got wasted at some point
Corellia had all of its factories blown to bits
And I'm sure we've got several other things of varying superdestruction

By the way, Vulps is currently 23. That makes for all those things in SIX YEARS. Not even a decade.
To be fair, Sidious had 4 planets completely destroyed, not counting Byss, in 4 years.
[member="Silara Kuhn"] And he was then killed and his empire fell due to the expected backlash that comes from destroying planets(it makes people get a bit revolutionary). I know its too much to ask them to flat out collapse, but you gotta admit, these sith are being a bit extra evil and dominant for the Star Wars theme(Evil triumphs for a while, but hope brings the good guys home for the win). Palpatine might have ruled longer, but he held the ENTIRE Galaxy, and he was a lot more subtle than, I WANT NEW PETS, SO LETS PURGE THE TOGORIANS!
Vulpesen said:
these sith are being a bit extra evil and dominant
The Sith Empire that was responsible for 99% of any actions made by the Sith were destroyed by the combined effort of most of the galaxy. The only thing on your list done by the One Sith was the vongforming of Alderaan.

All the other things listed were done by non-Sith related parties.
[member="Silara Kuhn"]

Fair enough. Perhaps its just me, then in regards to these sith being a bit too dominant.

Though I do believe that the site as a whole needs to relax on the whole, blowing up planets and species. Such things should never become normal.
Vulpesen said:
[member="Silara Kuhn"]

Fair enough. Perhaps its just me, then in regards to these sith being a bit too dominant.

Though I do believe that the site as a whole needs to relax on the whole, blowing up planets and species. Such things should never become normal.
I dropped an ice asteroid into the Sundari Desert on Mandalore so that Mandal Hypernautics could throw a beach party.

And I have a spaceship that can rip entire mountain ranges out of planets.

I've threatened to nuke a planet twice.

I also know the location of a Worldship... Which could be all sorts of fun.

Captain Larraq. Making the Sith look like good guys since Jan 2014.

For the record, there were consequences for Druckenwell. IC, the Protectorate went to full-on war against the CIS, and the owner of the docks was also held liable, and given a punishment after intensive legal negotiations--my lawyer helped in that regards.

In my opinion, Druckenwell is an example of a disaster done the right way. It had impacts on all involved, and left ripples all over the two factions closest to the heat. We quickly recognized after the thread, "Okay, this got big, so, how are we dealing with it?" and we did.

All that having been said, a IC news forum which anyone can read and only members can start threads in as anchors would make a really effective way of keeping more info on the scene. Any reporter characters out there wanna weigh in on this?
After reading the different thoughts and suggestions, I think the only way consequences are going to be enforced in any form would be if we could find out about it. We need a wiki (that has entries), or something to keep track of major events. I didn't know about Dromund Kaas until I read that it happened here in this thread. I didn't know about CORELLIA of all things until I read this thread.

I don't know about anyone else, but I would think that would be kinda important to know.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Fatty said:
Why has no one IC done anything to stop these lunatics?
Because people are either A. Lazy, B. Don't think any threads outside of their own affect their vision of the Galaxy C. It really doesn't affect how their character would continue life (Spacers and smugglers for example) or D.People try and then said offender gets upset that their being ganged up on or when it comes to the time of their punishment they have a lapse of godmod because of this rule 5. You may not kill another character without that character's permission. and thus assume that nothing bad can happen to their character because they didn't allow it.
OOOOH! This is wonderfully well thought! I love it.

We should also have a thing where if you initiate an Invasion and your side LOSES, you have to stick around and help clean up all the poopy mess you made!

Joking about that second one, but seriously, I like this!

EDIT: Okay, so after Tefka was put on fire, I realised he was right about the things he screamed incoherently during his immolation. BUT, I like the idea being applied in situations where mass deaths have been incurred by a particular individual. It does irk me somewhat that after the Sith ravage a planet, the Jedi kind of just wait to engage on a mass scale in a counter-invasion, or something like that.
I don't think we need a RULE about bringing folks to justice, but we should be trying to organize those thread stories! That'd be sweet.
Here's my two cents: If a faction has the power to do so, why not have a mini-event that involves them gaining such power? I like to think back to an event, that although it didn't involve a planet being destroyed, it did involve that idea in mind and gained a lot of community backing. I'm referring to the mini-event of Roche. If we all remember correctly , unless I'm wrong though I know I'm not as I was a member of the Empire at the time and remember being apart of the faction discussion regarding it, this event was built so the Empire had the chance to build a super weapon.

It started as an idea that the Empire would use the Roche asteroids (forget exactly how, been a two years) to obtain the power to build a super weapon. It was about the Sith and their allies trying to gain such a power while the Republic and their allies fought to stop them.

I honestly don't remember the aftermath or anything, I was only involved in it for so long before opting out because it took up so much of my posting time. Anyways, that was such a awesome idea and built such an epic story, as well as many potential aftermath stories.

Now, this relates to this post by what I stated at the start: if a faction has the backing and power to attempt the feat of building a super weapon, which includes a lot of threading regarding the keeping it a secret, gathering the resources, the enemy factions spying and infiltrating to eventually find out its existence , and all that. It would be a epic and large community event that, I think, would be a lot of fun.

Obviously the ultimate final outcome would have to be announced before the final thread was posted and each side would have major IC stuff to deal with before and after said finale. But it would be fun. It would include a lot of threads, it would require good and active posting, and it brings the community together on a major scale that actually holds a major outcome and impact.

Every now and then when I write Onyx, I mention that he has made so many mistakes and impacted a lot of people. In reality, I feel like my character is so minor compared to others. Comparing me to someone like Fatty is like comparing the intelligence of Jar Jar (me) and Palpatine (Fatty). So I do admit, honestly I feel like, although this is a role-playing site where we all make decisions with impact, I feel like I don't make such a big impact and I don't feel like an important character.

Now if I was someone who was leading the One Sith and said, "Hey, let's blow up Coruscant. Let's build a super weapon and blow up Corsucant and then we'll blow up another planet. But before we have the chance to their is an epic space battle that results in our defeat and the loss of some terratory, as well as other IC related punishments," I'd be a infamous character! I'd be the one who was responsible for leading the complete and utter destruction of Coruscant! That is impact, and everyone who was involved would have played a part, whether helping me or trying to stop me. And everyone, even those who weren't apart of it, would be impacted because Coruscant was destroyed.

That is impact. That is true story impact and true role-playing. That, to me, would make the site all the better. Now I should clarify; we shouldn't do it all the time. This is like a galactic event, it's a one time thing. Or at least rarity. If every faction came out wanting to build a super weapon, that would be unethical and be ridiculous. Now if we did something along the lines of Roche and had factions fighting over resources, and one faction won and used said resources to build such a weapon, that is cool. But if we were to have factions just want to build them, I'd say we limit it to every few months to allow it. I mean if one faction does destroy a planet and then, a week later, another faction destroys another; it would be a little intense.

TL;DR- Having super weapons would be awesome and would bring the community together for some epic level story telling, it would also leave an actual impact on everyone in some way, shape, or form. However, we should limit such an event to every few months, so to save from every faction rising up with super weapons.

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