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Children of Mandalore (Mando Kids/PM invite)

Ade be Manda'yaim
Keldabe, Mandalore

Mesh'la Detta Hokan was totally bored. Every time her buire got called away to serve Mand'alor or took a job she got stuck staying with her ba'buire that came down from Enerci to keep the young girl company. The preteen had been holed up on the family farmstead just outside of Keldabe for too long and craved to do something, anything other than chores and studies.

Getting permission finally from her grandparents, Mesh'la made the short trek into the capital city of Mandalore with her canine pet, Atin, by her side. The two were seldom separated; the dog Mesh'la's best friend. After crossing the pedestrian footbridge over the Kelita River that nearly surrounded Keldabe, the young golden blonde made her way to the market district where there was a little shop that sold candied bofa fruit; her favorite sweet treat.

After buying a bag of the sweet candy made from bofa fruit with her hard earned chore credits, Mesh'la then took Atin to an open grassy area back near the river where he could run and play. Taking out a blue flying disc from the backpack she carried that also had the young medic-in-training's medkit in it, the eleven year old began tossing it to the canine to chase and bring back to her...

[member="Mirshko Betna"] [member="Sydney Kandossii"] [member="A'den Dral"] [member="Andrea Kryze"] [member="Levy Willamina"] [member="Naast'ika Laaran"] @any other Mando kids
The end of summer meant heat, dry, scorching heat for the near equator city of Keldabe. A'den was still adjusting to the heat after having been delivered to his father. The ideal of what his dad might have been like was busted the day they met. Strider Garon was not what the young twelve year old had expected at all. Instead of meeting a younger man close to his mother's age, he met someone old enough to be his grandfather. The heat was only good for one thing.

A'den left his kute by the river bank and jumped in keeping his shorts on as it was a fairly well known swimming hole. How it was empty was beyond him, but all the adults were gone fighting. In another year, A'den would be joining them, if all went well with his verd'goten. For today, he was alone and free. Well most days he was alone and free.

The sound of a canine barking caught his attention. He was no longer alone, and the boy crept up to the river bank to see who it might be. From the distance he caught sight of blonde girl close to his age. He hadn't met anyone his age yet, so this was good. A'den remarked to himself she was cute, but Strider had told him to never say that to a mando gal. He was supposed to compliment her guns instead.

A'den called over from the bank. He wasn't too far from her.

"Su'cuy, ner vod", he waved. "Good day for a swim?"

[member="Mesh'la Hokan"]
[member="Mesh'la Hokan"] @A'den Dral

Ah the sun, the breeze and as Levy was standing there with a cig in her mouth and her tank top on she was enjoying the rest. Getting a few looks as the small mando stretched out her arms just moving about. She didn't know what was planned or if something fun was going to happen but well... she was certain there was a chance to a good scrap here or there.
Mesh'la was dressed in casual summer clothes as it was just too hot to wear clan skin, plus this would be the last chance to get a tan as summer was ending. She had also relieved her dog of his protective coverings as well.

Atin and her were having fun playing fetch in the grass when a young male's voice and wave from the river bank distracted Mesh'la just as she let loose of the flying disc. The golden blonde watched in horror as it sailed right at another girl who was standing not too far off in the distance.

"Watch out!" Mesh'la called to [member="Levy Willamina"], then gave the command to her canine pet not to pursue. "N'eparavu takisit," she said with an apologetic smile picking up the wayward toy, then turned to address [member="A'den Dral"] whom had invited her to swim in the river's carved out waterhole with him.

"You know there are leeches in there," the blonde smirked waiting to see the boy's reaction.

Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="Mesh'la Hokan"] [member="Levy Willamina"] [member="Levy Willamina"]

Keldabe... Mirshko had been here many times with Mom and Da. But this... was different. It was just a few weeks after her return from ..Syvris. She still shuddered at the memory of it. Certainly, she'd not been hurt physically, but she was still coming to grips with everything that happened - and it definitely wasn't something she wanted to share with anyone just yet. But, she figured some time away from the Betna homestead might help her clear her head. Maybe. She frowned, shading her eyes as she looked out across he riverbank. Mom and Da had let her come into Keldabe alone, though they'd insisted she bring a comm unit. It wasn't that they didn't trust the vode... it was more that they were worried about her. And she understood why. It was her running off alone t hat had gotten her in that situation in the first place. Sighing heavily, she wandered slowly down towards the river bank, one of the two strill Mom and Da kept following close at her heels, sniffing at the air.
There was a dog, now a strill, and three girls. A'den was the only guy, what would his buir do? Right A'den needed to do the opposite of that. He quickly realized swimming might not happen, and wait, there were leeches. He ran out of the water slapping away at the invisible blood suckers which were no where on his body. Well that was mando and manly impressive. He stopped and looked at the blonde in huff.

"Very funny," he said sticking his tongue out.

If she wasn't so cute, he'd likely walk off. He needed friends his age though, so instead he dried off and put his kute back on. Though, it remianed off his torso.

"So if we can't swim it then what?"

[member="Mirshko Betna"] [member="Mesh'la Hokan"] [member="Levy Willamina"]
Wow suddenly the grassy area down by the river was getting busy. Another girl showed up with a shrill on her heels. The young brunette looked to be around Mesh'la's age too. The blonde called Atin to her side as she didn't want her canine pet to get into it with the other animal.

"Su'cuy," Mesh'la waved friendly like to [member="Mirshko Betna"], then turned back to watch [member="A'den Dral"] react exactly how she thought he would.

Mesh'la bit her lip to keep a giggle from escaping. He was cute for a boy, though she wasn't going to let him know that. "I thought so."

A soft grin graced her youthful face. "Actually you can swim in the river, but just be aware there have been leeches present in the past. I'm Mesh'la, and this is Atin," she reached down and petted her dog, who was sitting obediently at her feet.

[member="Sydney Kandossii"] [member="Andrea Kryze"] [member="Levy Willamina"] [member="Naast'ika Laaran"] @any other Mando kids
[member="Mesh'la Hokan"]

"I'm A'den," he said with a coy grin, "Nice little trick there... now that I know it's safe to swim, you sure you don't want to get in. It's hot out, and might be the last heatwave before the rains come."

A'den was totally trying to talk like he knew what he was talking about. Rains, was there even a rainy season along the equator. Well the crops surrounding the city had to grow somehow, and that meant rain at sometime. Not everything was done by manual irrigation. He walked closer to the crew that was starting to gather, and looked at the dog. He looked friendly, and the name, well that was fun. He let his hand out of the canine to sniff his hand before petting it's head.

"He's a good dog. Maybe I'll get one for my verd'goten. I'm supposed to go through it within the year. What about you? When are you taking yours?"

That was subtle way of asking how old she was.
"Tion'jor vo're, A'den… I do try," the young blonde quipped back to [member="A'den Dral"].

Yeah, it was definitely hot out here, but Mesh'la wasn't quite sure she wanted to go swimming by herself with a boy; a vod she'd only just met. Perhaps the others might want to go as a group. More the merrier, right?

"I think I'll hold off for now, but maybe later," she answered with a smile, then noted how Atin had not bitten the boy's hand off yet, so maybe that was a good sign of his character.

"He is… Ner verd'goten is still a year off, though I have been training with ner buire. I'm going to be a baar'ur with a very exacting aim. How about you?"

In other words, Mesh'la was going to be battle medic and marksmen, just like her mother.
"Ehh we don't have to swim. There is plenty to do. How are the fish in the river?"

He understood more than she might realize. They had only just met, and neither were really equipped for swimming which meant they would be in their underthings. Mesh'la was at the age where her body was changing, though A'den didn't really understand how. He just knew his was as well. His physique was beginning to look more like a man's. There was more definition to muscles and jaw line than there even had been six months ago. His perspective on the opposite gender was shifting even. He actually enjoyed their company.

The boy stepped back from the dog a bit, though the animal seemed a bit sad the petting had stopped. She had given him a clue about her age, and she seemed to be about a year younger than he was. They would be on the battle field together eventually then. He had no doubt her aim was going to be as good as she said as well. Females usually had steadier hands, and were naturally better marksmen than males. A'den worked hard to be as expert as he was.

"I want to be a sniper. Ner buir is a ver'verd and his company lacks a competent sniper. I plan to fill that void for him. The old hound might just be proud of me yet."

[member="Mesh'la Hokan"]
"Fishing is good. The Steelhead trout are mighty tasty, that is if cooked right," the golden blonde replied to [member="A'den Dral"].

Gra'buir prepared them perfectly, well at least Mesh'la thought so of [member="Graad Hokan"]'s recipe, and had taken note for when she would cook in the future for her aliit.

"A sniper, huh? I'm better at shorter distances, though maybe you could share with me sometime your technique for the long range shot. I want to be as helpful as possible when I finally get a chance to go out into the field with the verd."

Mesh'la grabbed two bags out of her backpack; one had nerf jerky she often shared with Atin, and the other the candied bofa fruit purchased prior to coming down to the grassy area near the river.

"Care for any?" she offered, then asked the sandy brown-haired boy about his father. "There is only one Hound of Keldabe… So are you [member="Strider Garon"]'s ad?"
"Trout isn't bad. Walleye is really where it's at though. I bet I could wrestle up a make shift pole and catch something out of this river and cook it up. Nothing like having to make a fire on fly and spitroast your fish. Ever eaten them that way before?"

Okay now he was flirting, well if that's what it could be called. He was twelve she was eleven, but she was also asking about shooting longer range shots with better accuracy. It was something he could show her. All they needed to do was get some rifles. That sounded like a date. Something Strider might be proud of, his boy going on a date. Then again... He wished he knew the man better. All he knew was the man was the one who made his mother pregnant. Stider had no clue the boy existed until he showed up on his doorstep after the sudden death of the woman he called mother.

"Tell you what, if you can get us some rifles, I can get us some fish. I can show you some tricks, but also the biggest thing about being a sniper is patience and knowing when to take the shot or not to."

He smiled. Was he Strider's ad? She didn't know the man's reputation did she? Hehe... A'den couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yeah I'm his... whatever numbered ad. There are a lot of us supposedly."

[member="Mesh'la Hokan"]
"Elek… When I go with Gra'buir and Buir'ika up into the mountains, we eat from the land and water that way. I even happen to have my flint with me. As for the rifles, ner ba'vodu's place is nearby. I could borrow them from him I guess," she replied, though that probably wasn't the best choice to make since [member="Kad Tor"] wasn't home right now as he was off trying his hand at smuggling with his new lady friend.

Since [member="A'den Dral"] didn't take the offered snacks, Mesh'la gave a piece of nerf jerky to Atin and popped one of the candied bofa fruits into her mouth, then put the bags back in her backpack.

"Well maybe on second thought we should plan the trip to the shooting range for another time when we both have our own rifles with us… But the fishing would be great, if you still want to do that?"
"Well look at you with all your survival gear. Yeah, buir is always telling me not to go anywhere with out my survival kit. Something about never knowing when I might need it."

A'den had honestly been too busy being engaged with talking he hadnt noticed the offered treats. That was okay though especially if they were gonna eat some fish. Well maybe they wouldn't. It all depended if they caught any first. The young Mando'ade grinned as he started looking for some sticks they could use. He had some line in his own survival kit, and a pocket knife for what they needed to cut.

A couple of nice sticks were whittled, enough so the rough areas weren't going to cut them. He then attached the line, and nodded about the rifles. It meant a second date, or hang out, or whatever... Sheesh growing up made everything weird. A year ago this girl would just be a friend, so that's what she could be now. Right!?

"Alright Mesh'la lets se what you got. Maybe the others want to fish too... Might have to catch enough for all of us."

[member="Mesh'la Hokan"]
"So you want a fish off do you? Fine… bring it!" Mesh'la grinned, then took one of the homemade fishing poles that [member="A'den Dral"] had put together and walked over to the edge of the river bank.

On the way over she stopped and pulled a big fat worm from the grass and wound it upon the mag-shift hook fastened on to the end of the line. Yeah, things like that didn't bother her. Finding an area in the weeds where the water was calmer from the rushing river, the golden blonde tossed in the hook with the live bait and began her wait; watching with curiosity and amusement where her new found friend was fishing at.
A'den laughed. Everything with Mandos was somehow a competition. If she wanted to make it a contest, fine. He'd still catch more, and cook them better than she could. It wasn't that he thought he was better than her, but he just knew how he liked his fish. Naturally he would think it was better if he did it. Everyone usually thought that way, unless they knew that they had no skill at all.

He grabbed the remaoning pole and looked for a darker spot among the river reeds. Yes, this likely meant there were a chance for more leeches, but that was fine. Leeches made great live bate. Grabbing one he found, A'den put it on the hook and cast the line. [member="Mesh'la Hokan"] had already been set up, and seemed like she had a bite already. Not to be out done, A'den soon felt the tug of his own pole and walked in a decent sized trout.

Looking around for another leech, A'den prepped the pole again and had it back in the water. He looked over to the blonde and smiled.

"I got one!"
"Kandosii… though mine is bigger," Mesh'la smirked with a playful grin holding up a rather large-sized trout by the gills.

After showing off just a bit there, the young blonde laid the fish down on a mossy area behind her and gave Atin instructions he better not eat it or else. With that said, another worm was gathered and placed on the hook, then the pole was put back into same area of the weeded water.

When fishing, Gra'buir had always told her quiet is best so she didn't try to make conversation with [member="A'den Dral"]… Plus to be honest, Mesh'la was feeling a bit tongue-tied around the boy. That was just plain weird because usually she could talk up a storm no problem.
He shrugged. Apparently the girl could fish. That was a plus, because honestly, he loved to fish, and had no one to fish with. Between the two of them they really only needed a couple more, so A'den got to work at getting another fish. He didn't care about how big it was as long as the fish was about three pounds. That meant the meat would be good.

Once he had his fish, A'den moved back to the open, and dug a makeshift fire pit with his knife. A fire was built quicky so the coals could get white. While the fire was getting hot, A'den built a rotisserie from sticks. He'd have to move it, but it would work for now. He used the back of his knife to descale the fish with a trick he had learned. The fish were skewered through so they'd cook through. This was a different way to do the fish, but they had no pans. This was their only choice.

"So, where'd you learn to fish like that? You're a real pro!"

[member="Mesh'la Hokan"]
Mesh'la watched thoughtfully as [member="A'den Dral"] got the fish ready to cook. He was pretty skilled in basic cooking in the wilderness. She wondered if this came from pure training or self preservation.

"I go fishing quite a bit with Gra'buir, my adoptive father. He's quite the outdoorsman. Our favorite place to go is up north. I've gotten pretty good fly fishing. It's kinda fun to make your own and try them out," the young blonde replied as she sat down on a big rock with a flat top near by with Atin beside her. The dog never strayed too far away from his charge.

"So how about you? You seem pretty skilled yourself."
He shrugged. A'den had always kinda had a knack for being outdoors. No one taught him really. It wasn't until his mother died he even met his father. That was an experience itself, but no matter what people said, Strider was a good man.

"Well, I kinda just taught myself. My mother worked so we could eat, and when credits were low, I had to catch food. She died a couple months ago, and Strider took me in. Apparently he's my dad so...."

[member="Mesh'la Hokan"] maybe had that figured out, but hopefullly didn't know about his reputation as a womanizer. Yeah, A'den knew he had other siblings out there somewhere, and was still adjusting to life with his dad. At the same time he wanted to make the old Mando proud. The only way to do that was to be good at everything he learned. When Strider wasn't around, A'den took care of himself, and practiced what he learned.

"So adopted dad... I'm sorry. It sucks... I know."

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