Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Children of Mandalore (Mando Kids/PM invite)

"I'm sorry for your loss too… Ner buir didn't come back after the rapture. Buir'ika remarried recently. [member="Graad Hokan"] is who I call Gra'buir. He's cool. They are having a baby here soon, which I'm still trying to get used to the idea. Do you know any of your erm siblings?"

So [member="A'den Dral"] and her had more things in common than not it seemed. Maybe they could be friends after all. She could use some. A bestie is something Mesh had never had, well a human one at least. Atin was her constant companion, but still it wasn't the same… though why wasn't it and why did she even want one; a boy at that?

When the fish were cooked, Mesh'la took one by the stick, blowing on the meat before biting into it experimentally. "Not bad, ner vod. So I was thinking maybe tomorrow if I can get free and if you are, we could go to the shooting range. What do you think?" she asked, then tore a piece of the open-fire cooked fish off and tossed it to her dog, who consumed it in one snapping bite.
"Siblings? Not really... I know his reputation though, and I guess you do too."

A'den shrugged. Mesh'la was fun to be around, and he was happy to have found a friend near his age. He was still getting used to the Mando culture where it shouldn't be awkward to have a friend that was a girl who could fish and shoot a rifle as well as you, or better. Then there was the fact A'den was at the age where he was starting to see girls differently anyway. He needed friends though, so he could deal with the fact he thought the girl was pretty. That was one thing Strider had taught him... never call a mando woman pretty, not unless you were sure you could get away with it.

"Shooting range is a definite, and I always have time," wow that made him sound like a loser. "I can bring the big guns, bring what you can, and we'll shoot'em all. By the Manda I'm so glad I met you today. I was really needing to make some friends."

[member="Mesh'la Hokan"]
Mesh'la gave her last piece of fish to Atin, who gobbled it up in one chomp, then pulled over her backpack and unzipped the outside pocket taking out a marker stylist. It was getting late and she had promised her ba'buire to be home in time to do her evening chores.

"I'm glad to have met you too. Friends are good," the young blonde replied, then reached over and grabbed his hand. Was that a shock she felt? Mesh wrote her comm number on his palm, then stood up and slipped on her backpack.

"Gotta get home, but give me a call and we can set when to meet up, 'kay? Ret'uryce mhi, A'den," she smiled, then motioned to her dog to follow her up the river bank.

[member="A'den Dral"]
Okay, apparently he was a loser that got a girl's number. He wondered what Strider was going to say when he saw the digits on his hand. The Hound of Keldabe had a certain reputation, one Aden hoped he didn't have to live up to. There was a shock or something when she grabbed his hand, that was kind of cool because it didn't feel like a normal shock. Aden smiled at it. He certainly liked [member="Mesh'la Hokan"], and was glad they had met. Though, he was having a hard time with the Mando'a. Aden was a quick study, so he knew what Mesh'la was saying, but other parts of the language were coming slow.

"Yeah, I'll see ya, and give you a call here soon. Maybe we can get together again in the next couple of days."

Wait was he supposed to seem that interested? He hoped that was okay. It should be with time right... he'd learn what was okay and what wasn't. He waved at Mesh'la as she headed along the river bank, and he was left to put out the fire, and the coals. He quickly made sure they were out, and put dirt over the hot ones, and ran to catch up slightly. He had to get back too, and she seemed to know a good way to go. Where he was staying was not far, so he when he got to his turn off, he said goodbye again.

"See ya!"

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