The King of Ergonomic Assessments

A Chiloon-II in flight
- Intent: To provide a fighter with ground attack capability
- Image Source: Military.com
- Canon Link: N/A
- Restricted Missions: N/A
- Primary Source: A-10 Thunderbolt
- Manufacturer: Ringovinda StarYards
- Model: Chiloon-II fast bomber
- Affiliation: Open Market
- Production: Mass-Produced
- Material: Ditanium hull, quadanium frame
- Classification: Fighter/bomber
- Length: 12m
- Width: 12m
- Height: 3.5m
- Armament: Average
- 2 Anoat repeater electromagnetic plasma cannons (counts for 4 laser cannons)
1 Sko heavy bomblet generator (counts for 2 bomb bays) - Defenses: Average
- Squadron Count: 12
- Maneuverability Rating: Average
- Speed Rating: Average
- Hyperdrive Class: 1
- Tensor field generator
- Inertial compensator
- Watchtower collision avoidance system
- Cap drains
- Flare launcher (4 flares)
- Deflector shields
- Solar ionization reactor
- 4 Sabrina waste heat recovery devices
- Can drop bombs without need for resupply
- Slim flank profile
- Can adjust plasma bomb size
- Can resist ion/EMP attacks
- Slow bombing rate of fire
- Short-range hyperdrive
- Exposed engines
- Unstable bomblet generator can take out the craft if the bomblet generator is fired too often
However, its exposed engines at the rear make it a liability in a stern chase: a skilled enemy can aim at the engines and swat out a Chiloon of the sky in a stern chase. That, even though the Chiloon is not the fastest nor the most maneuverable, it can keep up with the T-70 X-Wing (albeit barely). Nevertheless the Chiloon can accomplish a wide variety of aerial missions: dogfights, ground attack (strafing or bombing).
Consumables: 3 weeks
Crew: 1
Cargo capacity: 100 kg
Hyperdrive range: 5,000 light-years