Beltran Rarr
The "Ghoul" moved further into the ringworld's atmosphere, deftly maneuvering around the space battle currently in progress in the space around it. As the stealth transport closed the distance to the locator beacon on Jedi Padawan
![Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri](/data/avatars/s/21/21608.jpg?1607467376)
The elite team of operators had developed a reputation within the SJC special operations world for being exceptionally capable, and what Beltran overheard did nothing to contradict that. As they came within visual distance of the buildings that housed the Hutts and, ostensibly the Raider leadership, several flashes of small-arms blaster fire began to at the ship.
"Taking small arms fire," Said the pilot over the com channel. Her voice was so calm that she might have been reading the local weather report. It was unlikely that the bolts from the weapons would get through the transport's shields, but it definitely represented the fact that the Raiders had spotted their approach.
"Valco spends most of her time in the Terminal and Diplomatic Reception building. You'll probably find her there. Expect very tight security. Lots of resistance. That building is the safest on the planet." She said, hoping it was enough and mentally crossing her fingers."
"Copy," Beltran replied, acknowledging the Padawan's report. Keying his com back over to the pilots' frequency, he continued. "Bring us to a hover over the Reception Building. We'll insert from the roof."
As the ship slowed and then entered a hover, the metallic like pings of the blaster fire flaring against the shields intensified. Standing, Beltran indicated to Sergeant Doss with a nod of his head to join him. Both men made their way down the row of bench seats to the end of the hold. Depressing the ramp control with his fist, Beltran shouldered his rifle and Doss did the same.
"Mrawr," Beltran called back to the Togorian officer. "We're going to clear you a path to jump down onto the roof. Then set up some suppression so that we can join you."
"Got it," Said the feline warrior as he stood and moved into position just behind Beltran and Doss.
Once the ramp was down, Beltran and Doss quickly got to work. Moving from the outsides in, both men quickly took down any target that presented itself. Inside of perhaps ten seconds, more than half a dozen Raiders lay dead on the roof. The others, unaccustomed to the level of marksmanship that Beltran and Doss showed, began to scramble awkwardly for cover.
"Mrawr, go."
Taking a couple of long strides, the Togorian shouldered passed Beltran and Doss and leapt out into the air. The three meter tall cat-warrior fell more than twenty feet before coming to a graceful landing on the roof. Levelling his Predator Assault Rifle, Mrawr unloaded on the remaining Raiders on full auto-firing from the hip as he stalked forward and pouring the full capacity of the rifle's double-drum magazine into anything that moved.
Scanning the the area from above, Beltran and Doss were able to take out another three Raiders as they attempted to fall back under Mrawr's withering fire. Without looking away from the sight of his rifle, Beltran called out over the coms. "Alright, everyone else go."
One by one, the remaining Rangers dashed passed Beltran and leapt out into the air. Each activated their jumpjets, softening the twenty foot drop so that they didn't injure themselves. They then spread out, engaging targets as they moved outward and taking them down quickly and efficiently. Doss, went next, tapping Beltran on the shoulder to indicate that he was the last man and jumped.
A second later, Beltran followed suit and landed with ease on the roof. Moving swiftly to cover, Beltran commed back to the "Ghoul."
"Paladin Actual to Ghoul-1-0. We have completed the drop, pull off to a safe distance. We'll radio when we have the target in custody."
"Roger that, Actual. Good hunting. Ghoul, out."
With that, the transport peeled off and sped into the distance. A few seconds later, Beltran could no longer see the ship as it moved away and the buildings that surrounded them obscured his vision. Turning his attention back to the battle in front of him, he saw a small group of Raider survivors, falling back to a set of blast doors. Rangers from either side pressed in, firing as they crouch-walked between groupings of cover. Mrawr walked confidently up the middle, still blasting away. Doss had found an elevated position on top of some crates and was sweeping the area, looking to remove anyone who presented a target to him from the world of the living.
Over the noise of blaster-fire and suppressed projectile fire Beltran heard a female voice calling out from below.
"Valco. You were warned. Time's up."
"Boss," Came Doss' voice over the comlink. "Is she using a loudspeaker?"
"Yes..." Beltran replied slowly, taking a second to look over the edge of the building. "I believe she is."
A moment later, Lieutenant Mrawr chimed in. "All tangos are down. Proceeding to the door and setting breaching charges."
"Copy, that. Proceed." Keying in on the general SJC com fequency, Beltran spoke. "This is Paladin Actual to all SJC personnel. We are about to breach the roof door on the Diplomatic Reception building. Keep an eye out for anyone attempting to escape from the ground level."
By the time Beltran arrived at the blast doors, the shaped-charges had been set. Taking cover, Beltran was just about to detonate with a massive plume of fire exploded in the distance, sending shockwaves in all directions and causing the Rangers' face shields to automatically darken at the brightness.
"The feth?" Doss called out.
"Looks like Omega hit their objective," Beltran answered calmly. "Breaching in 3..2.."
The sound of Team Paladin's charges were all about drowned out by the residual background noise from the airstrip explosion. As the blaster doors bowed inward, creating enough of a hole for a man to get through Beltran stepped up and tossed a pair of stun grenades in. Several sparks of blue energy lit the area inside for a moment before going dark.
The next man in line, Sergeant Doss, then entered the area behind. He was followed by Mrawr, and then the rest of the team. Beltran stepped in last and took a look around. This appeared to be a loading area, likely for the off loading of goods delivered by ship to the roof. Beyond the main area, there was a large, industrial sized service lift. "Dek," Beltran called, indicating one of the other men. "Get that lift terminal hacked."
"Paladin Actual to all personnel, we have breached the building." Beltran updated. "We're heading down to the main levels now."
With a nod, the young Ranger trotted over to the terminal and began working while the others kept watch. Beltran strode over to Mrawr and Doss who stood looking down at a trio of stunned Raiders.
"We got time for prisoners, sir?" Mrawr asked.
Levelling the barrel of his rifle at the first Raider, Beltran pulled the trigger. He then did the same twice more before answering: