Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Circumtore: A Ring of Scum and Villiny | SJC Dominion of Circumtore

Ship: Razor-Tail
Tags: GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Gir Quee Gir Quee Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin

Ura gripped the controls hard, finally regaining control of the Razor-Tail. She quickly started to check her systems again now that her ship was under control.

"Silvers 11, 10, and 12 I think I have control again. Lost my lower starboard wing, which means I lost a shield generator and cannon too. Also can't align my gyro and gear, so landing will be rough." She then closed her eyes as Liram ordered her back to the carrier. Great. She didn't want to stop helping, but she wasn't sure how much more the fighter could take. She looked at the comms, nodding a little.

"Roger Leader. Turning to the carrier now." She would then swap the comms the Liberator. "Liberator this is Razor-Tail. I have no gear and a broken wing. Prep for emergency landing." As she tried to pull around though, a sneaky Khiraxz decided to challenge her. Poodoo poodoo poodoo! She rolled and pulled a split-s, pushing the damaged craft as hard as she could, but the K-fighter just followed. Then Silver 11 pulled over her cockpit, destroying the Khiraxz in the process.

"Keep you're eyes open kid." Ura just nodded in the cockpit before watching the relic slam into the Liberator. Poodoo!

"Liberator. Liberator! Come in Liberator!"


Location: Circumtore
Equipment: Reu & Tuene
Tag: Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Milya watched quietly as Des put the rodian to sleep with an amused expression. Yes you could use the force to do it but it would be far easier in her mind to use a well-placed fist, but then that was the difference Des was far kinder and gentler than the echani though that fact would hardly surprise anybody. When asked about the frequency by Des she simply shook her head, she had no idea what the communications channels were for the mission something she would need to make sure didn’t happen again.

Fantastic job so far. I must apologize for my actions. I should have set a better example for both of you.

Her eyes turned to Caltin as he got up and then offered them an apology, Milya simply inclined her head slightly with a soft smile. “No apology is necessary.” she gave him a firm nod of assurance and moved to quickly follow after Des and Caltin. “This whole thing feels off, they have the firepower they should be pushing us back. They are just trying to hold, not push or fall back. They are buying time.” as she spoke her thoughts aloud she concurred with the others they needed to move quickly most likely the enemy was using the current battles as a diversion.

Faith is the heroism of the intellect.


Location: Behind Valco's Palace
Equipment: Conservator(Lightsaber), Vanguard(Backup Lightsaber)
Comm-link, Rebreather
Starship: Starlight Sentinel
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan , Milya Vondar Milya Vondar (both unless specified)
Making your way in the galaxy today takes everything you’ve got. Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot.



That’s from one of your holovid shows you watched when you were a kid.

So, it’s a good opening, and we call it “television”...


Hands-on the shoulders of his two Padawans, Caltin pushed them down with him as he dropped to the ground. This reflexive reaction barely dodged an incredibly powerful laser blast as it sailed by, singing Caltin’s robe. Taking it off as he got up, the massive Jedi Master was horrified to see a nearby building crumbling under the destructive power of the weapon wielded. What’s worse is the building was populated. This was the last chance that Valco had to surrender, they were taking her into custody, but if she fought, it would be her loss. The culprit was an enormous quadruped droid that was at least two and a half stories tall. Several smaller droids, all still huge were following it out and moving on the three Jedi.

As it powered up and fired another blast, taking down another building, Caltin just eyed the enormous machine.

Get the companions… the big one is mine.

The “companions” were no slouches in their own right, clubs for appendages, chain guns, high voltage weaponry. They were designed for crowd control and to distract so that the big monster could power up its weapon. The big guy charged, reaching out through the Force, he immobilized the “big one”’s mouth closed and ran underneath the main body through the legs. Pulling the head his way through the Force, he changed the direction his opponent was facing. If the battle droid was going to fire, it would destroy the Hutt palace.

Pulling Conservator up to the droid’s underbelly, the big guy went for an overhead slash to cut it open, but the saber bounced off the metal. Phrik? Beskar? Cortosis? Really? He then swung wide and cut at the legs, they would not crumble, but they were immobilized, at least the front two. Jumping onto the back, he was bucked off the first time, then the second time the machine actually fired. He barely dodged in time to see the Hutt’s own palace gain its own “air conditioning” in the form of its own hole. Hutt personnel lay charred and lifeless on the floor in the wake of destruction. Having enough, Caltin reached out through the Force and added more and more pressure to the head of the enormous battle droid crushing it.

Stepping off and reaching up, he continued the pressure and crushed the droid as a hole into an enormous ball of metal, throwing it into the stratosphere.

A second “big one” was walking out, as Caltin just shook his head, immobilized it through the Force, and threw it back into the Palace. The crumbling wall revealed none other than the Hutt herself.

Ohai.Valco the Hutt I presume?


In memory of our late CEO


LOCATION: Circumtore Space
LOCAL TIME: 2315 hours
The Carrier "Liberation"
ORDERS: Mop up
WINGMATES: Gir Quee Gir Quee Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Ura Iolar Ura Iolar

"Liberator. Liberator! Come in Liberator!"

Ura’s call was coming in as the bridge was starting to come together and work again, Liram looked up more and more systems were coming back online. The Commander was not into being here, he wanted to be out there in the fight, but there was more of a need for him here.

” CommO, contact The RazorTail and direct her in for repairs.”


” Helm, bring us about. Tactical, do you have a firing solution?”

The tactical officers were working furiously, getting things up and running again as much of their systems were not normally on the bridge, but at the gunnery stations. This was not normal practice for them, so the officers were feeling not only out of place but under more pressure. Other commanders might be a little compassionate, Liram couldn’t care less about their feelings right now.

“Almost sir.”

” Sensors, the second we’re in range, I want tactical hammering those ships already.”

Slowly the massive ship got into firing position and the heavy guns were targeting the Corvettes.

” CommO! Alert all bombers to alter run courses and fighters to keep their distance. Tactical, fire all…”


The raiders appeared to be unprepared for the level of violent intensity that Beltran and his men showed them. That was common for scum who assumed that they were Jedi who could be maneuvered into negotiation and diplomacy. They saw the Silvers' moral code as something that could be exploited, and perhaps it was. Luckily, or unluckily depending on who you asked, Beltran Rangers were a completely different kind of animal.

A few of the Raiders had tried the same trick they'd had with Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , hiding behind children and other hostages. What they hadn't expected was the true skill that the Rangers showed with their marksmanship. Twice, would-be hostage takers were removed from the realm of the living by a single shot from Sergeant Doss' rifle. Each time the team barely broke stride.

Another time, Lieutenant Mrawr had simply tossed a stun grenade into the midst of the group. The hostages would wake up later, probably sore and with a nasty headache, but they would live. The Raiders...well it was best not to dwell to much on the little details. Needless to say they wouldn't be kidnapping anyone else, ever.

It was in this way that Team Paladin moved through the upper levels of the Palace, working their way down. The defense seemed to be crumbling somewhat as it appeared that the mainstay of the Raider leadership, as well as the main target, Valco the Hutt had gone out at the main level to engage the Jedi. Still, that didn't mean that Team Paladin didn't have a role to play.

First they needed to go on to neutralize the remaining Raiders. Then they would return to corral any prisoners they could find in a central point so that emergency medical services could assess them. It wasn't the most glamorous job, but one that needed to be done and one that Beltran would ensure was completed with all due efficiency.
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Location: Street outside the palace​
Equipment: Simple Jedi Robes, inherited lightsaber, light-filtering lenses, Hush-style comlink, aquata breather, liquid-cable launcher, stim pills, nutrient/food pack​

Des gave the same warning Caltin had and was already dropping to the ground when his weight pressed her down. Slamming into the duracrete she gave a small grunt. The heat of the blast beat against her skin,. She was thankful it was no closer lest she winds up with a nice sunburn from it, even with her robe protecting her. Another shot was forthcoming as she saw the source same as Caltin.

The dodge had been instinctual. In all the years of training, she had been mostly against droids. In some ways, they were harder to deal with than people. they might not have instincts, only instructions, but they had no intent either. You couldn't feel what they were planning, or thinking of doing. Which means she couldn't predict them in the traditional way. This meant she had to listen directly to the Force, it's directives, follow it's guidance to stay safe. Let it be her danger sense. Let it move her when necessary, like a dance partner. This was her saving grace. Most others would have been caught off guard, but she lived there.

Seeing the droids, she let out a quiet "Really?" into the bright air. She was thankful her light filtering lenses cut back the noise and allowed her to operate normally. Then again, she could have operated blindfolded and been fine. She didn't need her eyes to see, or to be effective.

"Get the companions... the big one is mine

"Trash is fine by me," Des said, reigniting her saber as she popped to her feet. "Come on," she urged Milya. The Arkanian surged forward in a burst of speed. Deflecting a couple of incoming shots, she skidded to a halt in front of one. Her saber swept around, up, and over in one clockwise flash of motion, bisecting its chaingun from below, and blocking the stun rod on her right side in a classic Soresu block. Shifting her left foot back, continuing the motion, she swept the saber back to her left, targeting the droid's neck. It would have been a perfect decapitation, except her saber skipped off the purple-tinted alloy, despite the bright scar she left on it. Lightsaber resistant! That was new.

Moving through the strike she whirled, coming back to strike out with her left foot in a spinning back kick that took the droid in the chest and sent it flying back. The mechanical monstrosity rolled then planted its limbs coming back to its feet with inhuman speed and ability. The chaingun was gone, but it pulled another weapon from one of its compartments. It was a club-looking stick but it pointed it in Des' direction. She'd never seen that kind of weapon but the Force warned her it was dangerous for her.

The droid pressed the stud and a jet of liquid launched out at her that began hardening as it flew, somewhere between liquid cable, netting, and glue. She dodged the liquid webbing, twisting out of the way as it jetted down the street by a hundred meters or so. The Droid swept it in her direction, seeking to snare if not coat her in the mixture.

Not willing to play its game she leaped, crossing the three meters or so. Stun web followed her into the sky but she came down on the droid's head and shoulders. Her lightsaber plunged into the gap between neck and body, straight down into the core internals. The guardian droid thrashed, trying to get to her before catastrophic damage could set in, but it was already too late. She rode it to the ground and rolled with the impact.

That was one of the three that made up her half down. She needed to be more efficient.

Repeaters leveled in her direction. "Surrender or die, Jedi," they said in unison as the first of the larger droids crumpled into a ball and then were sent flying high overhead. They seemed unphased by this fact.

"Sure thing," Des said, switching off her saber, and raising her hands. Gesturing with her right, mostly as a focus for her mental grip the right-most droid slammed sideways into its companion, and both went tumbling. Her left hand seized a piece of duracrete large enough to land a full-sized speeder on. This she lifted with some mental effort. The exertion was draining but likely a better option than her saber against to of the droids. they were getting to their feet when she let gravity take hold from three stories up, only to put as much power into slamming it down as she could. Like the fist of an angry goddess, the slab smashed both droids back to the deck, leaving them broken in a pile of rubble.

Ohai.Valco the Hutt I presume?

Des dusted off her hands as she joined Caltin. "I'm sorry, Circumtore is closed today. Didn't you get the memo?"
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Objective: BYOO - Neutralize Traffickers

As she continued to stalk through the halls, Jyoti felt like she could snap her jaw with how hard she was gritting her teeth. Stalking quietly through the corridors, she had the displeasure of having a first row to the traffickers terrorizing their child slaves as they attempted to corral them out of the prying eyes of the Jedi at front. Most of the slaves were compliant, quietly sobbing or seemingly catatonic as they quickly shuffled through the halls, but a few of the louder ones had to kicked and slapped to press forward.

It took everything to not lash out and gut them where they stood, but she had to keep in mind the big picture. Slaying them there would only alert the rest of the compound to her presence before everyone was in an optimal position. The children and her unit would be put in greater danger as a result.


Small relief came in the form of a message of reassurance from Master Sinvala. For now the ringleaders of the operation were still occupied.

She moved as quickly as she could toward ventilation controls, actively using the Force to bend all light around her to become truly invisible. That created its own problems, as she had to sidestep incoming thugs and children who risked running straight into her none the wiser. After a few minutes she had worked her way to the uppers levels compound for AC control.

When she sensed no one around, she decloaked, approaching the console controlling rows of jet fans above. Inserting the code cylinder into one of the ports, she was able to gain admin access to the system. The crude interface was something right out of the Stone Age, but the simplicity made it easy to navigate. She went down the line, disabling sensors that could detect and filter out the coma gas before it could circulate through the compound. Then she set the fans on full blast to increase the rate of circulation.

Finished with the console, she turned to one of the large shafts connecting to the intake jets above. With her vibroshiv, she cut a small circular incision into the piping, the opening hissing a vaccuum was created. She quickly plugged the vaccum with a tube connected to the gas canister on her back. One flick of a switch and the canister began to pump its contents into the whole ventilation system. It wouldn't be long before bodies would begin to drop.

Finally, she broke radio silence, signalling her team to move inside with her. Now the real operation would begin the thugs realized they had been duped.

There could never be negations with such vile beings.

No compromise.

No mercy.

Only justice.

Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala

Silver Space

Location: Valco the Huttess' base
Tags: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Aien Mueller Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Milya Vondar Milya Vondar Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Feku the Hutt

While the group couldn't see it, Valco smiled beneath the protection of her shell.

"So the Raiders were as useless as they seemed. Pity. Now you're stuck dealing with me!" The blaster mounted to her shoulder began to fire as the Hutt quickly flew forward with her repulor lifts. She held an axe, and tried to strike Caltin with it.

"You won't stop me, Jedi."

Tag: Gir Quee Gir Quee GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin

In space, the Raiders and Hutts were falling. The Liberation's main batteries finally made short work of aged corvettes, the fighters were being torn into, but they weren't going down without a fight. But it was becoming extremely difficult to keep fighting as even more fighters poured in from a freighter of all things! This wasn't looking good now, making some of the fighters even power down their weapons and send out signals of surrender, even if some of their allies kept fighting.
Tags: Gir Quee Gir Quee GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin

Ura gripped the controls as the Razor-Tail suddenly bucked. She looked, see the gyro freely moving. Crap! She tried to turn the craft in, holding tight and trying to control the gyro so she could get to the hanger.

"Liberation! Clear the hanger! I can't clear the landing gears, and my gyro's loose." Ura slowly lined up, ready to hold tight as the fighter came into the hanger as her engines screamed on the landing. The fighter scraped across the hanger deck, its cannons being the only thing that kept it from just rolling. As the Deathseed finally stopped, Ura would slide out of the broken canopy, closing her eyes before looking at the deck crews.

"Please tell me everyone's ok."
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.


Location: Name here (Optional)
Equipment: Conservator(Lightsaber), Vanguard(Backup Lightsaber)
Comm-link, Rebreather, Custom Robes
Starship: Starlight Sentinel
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan , Milya Vondar Milya Vondar (both unless specified)
The blaster fire came at a moment’s notice and bore straight on him, could he had dodged it? Probably, but he did not know the exact position of his Padawans and that was unacceptable, what if the blast hit one of them and they were not prepared? No, it was he who had to take this…

… oh, this is gonna hurt…

Putting up a Force Shield as quickly as he could, Caltin could not stop it entirely. The energy broke through and bore through his upper arm and shoulder. He could control the pain as he fell, and the arm was left dangling, he could use it… somewhat, it would heal, but he had to deal with this Hutt. Her ax was bearing down on the massive Jedi Master, the weapon looked almost as big as he was, the handle of Wroshyr wood(that was a problem), a thick metal blade, a blunt “hammer” end that looked like it could damage a Star Destroyer. The weapon looked to be a reason why she was as influential as she was.

It was no lightsaber though.

Dodging the cut to the right, Caltin was staggering, but still coherent and spun on his heel bringing Conservator down in his own overhead slash to one of the repulsor lifts. The hoversled started to list, but this did not seem to bring an ending to her will to destroy them. Pressing a few buttons on her panel directing more droids at the Padawans, she aimed the cannon at Desbre when it began to spark. The weapon was overcharging, and dimpled, concaving and collapsing in on itself. The weapon was collapsing because it was being crushed through the Force by the massive Jedi Master.

The problem is, he was using his left hand, his injured arm. There was a lack of focus due to the blood-loss and the weapon was not incapacitated. It was overloading from the powerpack and could not shut down. The cannon was turning into a bomb. Valco saw this, and smiled behind her mask, Caltin saw this and changed his tactic. Cutting one more repulsor with a horizontal slash, the big guy moved again to his right, towards the Hutt’s back, her sled could not move now, only hover. She would have to turn herself around, and he used that to his advantage.

Using the Force in two different ways, Caltin used pre-cognition to see any potential attackers sneaking up or firing on him. His lightsaber hand was good so those attempts at trickery would be stopped. His free hand, the injured side, he was using the Force to pull those pieces of armor off of the massive slug-like gangster. Piece by piece, she lost the protection that gave her such bravado. She still had her ax, but that was it.

That wasn’t the problem though, the cannon was almost at critical mass. Tapping his comm-link and speaking through the Force, he called out.

~” If you can hear me… and are in Valco’s Palace, get out quickly. This place is about to blow.”~

All he could do now was push her sled out of the way. She was close to both Desbre and Milya, he could not do this for them, they had to either finish her, as she would not surrender or get out of there. Caltin was right behind them, fighting off guards and thugs but moving toward the exit.

In memory of our late CEO


LOCATION: Circumtore Space
LOCAL TIME: 2400 hours
The Carrier "Liberation"
ORDERS: Mop up
WINGMATES: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Gir Quee Gir Quee Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin

The deck crew of “The Liberation” were prepared for landings, hard landings, and crashes. They were not prepared for the Razortail coming in as hard as she did. There were no injuries, and the airboss would confirm that, but her actions(though out of her control) took out two safety net riggings and one of the arrestor cables. As one of the lifter droids approached, to remove the wreckage so crews can begin repairs, the airboss approached Ura, along with medics.

One of them was dumbfounded.

“I’mmm sorry ma’am. I… are you okay? I… I don’t know how to treat you.”

Throwing his left hand over his forehead, the airboss “Chief Gibbs” just shook his head.

On the bridge, Liram was getting into a groove and ordering the carrier to move on the remaining Raider ships. Shuttles launched to tow Raiders fighters into the auxiliary hangar where security will take them into custody.

~” If you can hear me… and are in Valco’s Palace, get out quickly. This place is about to blow.”~

At first Beltran wasn't sure if he'd heard the Jedi's voice over their team com frequency, of through the Force. Team Paladin had managed to gather a group of about twenty survivors, beings who had been intended to be sold into slavery by Valco and her ilk. Most had only minor wounds, but a few were being held up by their neighbors. They had been lucky in that of those they'd found alive, all seemed able to move-even if they needed help.

Beltran's first instinct was to have Dek hack the lift again and send them back to the roof, where their transport could pick them up. That way, the civilians could avoid the fight that was currently happening in the front of the Palace. But as Jedi Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor 's voice radiated through his comlink and his mind, Beltran quickly dismissed that plan.

"Paladin Actual copies all," He replied over the same frequency. "We'll be heading out the front, ETA thirty seconds."

Looking over at the group of assembled operators and civilians, Beltran wasted no time issuing orders. "Mrawr, you and Dek are rear-guard. Doss, you're with me on point. Everyone else, disperse in intervals throughout the group. Make sure nobody get's left behind."

There wasn't time to wait, so Beltran raised his rifle and began moving forward down the corridor toward the main entrance. Sergeant Doss was only half a step behind him, moving along the opposite wall. Twice, wayward Raiders made the mistake of stepping into their way and twice they were taken down without either man even breaking stride.

From behind, he could hear Mrawr's burly voice as he urged the civilians along. Once he heard the sound of suppressed fire from their rear, but he didn't bother to look and simply waited for the inevitable "Tango down," to come from their rear-guard.

At the entrance, they met some more resistance. A group of about five Raiders were holed up against a pair of large doors. They were building what appeared to be a makeshift barricade, trying to keep the Jedi on the other side from getting through. Their first indication that they were not alone was a pair of muffled taps, from both Sergeant Doss and Beltran's rifles, each shot taking a Raider into the netherworld.

The other's whirled around, raising their blasters only to be cut down in quick succession. This was Beltran's first time using the TDW HARM rife in an operation, the he had to say that The Monster The Monster knew how to build a gun. The 14mm projectiles, even though they were slowed somewhat by the suppressors packed a hell of a punch.

Once the remaining Raiders were down, Beltran lowered his rifle and raised an empty hand. After a second or two of concentration, the hastily stacked pile of furniture and other items began to move aside, clearing the doors to open. Indicating via hand gesture for Sergeant Doss to stack up on the other side of the doors, Beltran prepared to open one of them.

Just before pulling on the handle, he called back through his comlink. "Team Paladin to all forces outside of the Palace, be advised. We are coming out the front doors, twenty civilians in tow."

There wasn't time to wait for an acknowledgement, or to get a sit-rep of scene beyond them. He had to trust that the Jedi had Valco well in hand and hope that none of his people, or the civilians they were trying to rescue got caught in the crossfire. With a firm nod to Sergeant Doss, Beltran opened the door and the large man went through it, stepping outside.

Beltran followed a moment later, his own rifle at the ready. Doss was laying suppressing fire, releasing his shots quickly at any Raider that presented a target. Beltran scanned the area, noting both Valco, Jedi Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor and a couple other Jedi as well. Vanagor's bulky frame appeared injured, his arm hanging uselessly at his side. Valco, clad in an armored shell and wielding an axe was pushing her position using her repulsorlift to carry her forward into the battle.

"Doss, find us somewhere for the Ghoul to touch down." Beltran ordered as he broke ranks and began to close the distance between himself and the Hutt. He fired a few shots at the slug, hitting it center mass but failing to get through it's armor. That didn't matter, he just wanted the being to know he was there, maybe create a distraction that the Jedi could use to their advantage.

Doss would move off, taking the point position himself as the civilians began to file out. Several more shots could be heard in the background as his men engaged any Raiders they came into contact with. Doss knew his stuff, and so did Lieutenant Mrawr. The civilians would get out fine while he finally got a shot at his target.

When he was only a few paces away from the Hutt, Beltran lowered his rifle and raised his hand once more. Streams of Force Lightning radiated from his fingers, arcing out toward the armored Hutt. It was an impressive armored shell she wore, but he wondered whether it was insulated against electricity.

With any luck, they would all be treated to barbeque Hutt tonight...



Location: In the storm​
Equipment: Simple Jedi Robes, inherited lightsaber, light-filtering lenses, Hush-style comlink, aquata breather, liquid-cable launcher, stim pills, nutrient/food pack​

it was the first time she'd ever seen a Hutt, at least in person. It was the first time she'd seen a Shell Hutt as well. Her first thought was that it looked like an armored slug. Which wasn't all that far off. Idly she wondered what a bucket of salt would do. Would it have the same effect? No sooner did the thought float through her head that Valco was commenting about the Raiders being useless. Des remained open to the Force, it's warnings. Velcro, Falco.. no Valco was already seething with hostility toward the Jedi and Concord in general after this assault. But it spiked along with the intent to kill, to destroy. Just before Valco did it Des saw the canon sweep toward Caltin and fire. Valco undulated closer to strike with the axe.

Desbre's eyes went wide. She was too far away to intervene. "Master!" Her saber sprang to life in her hand once more with a snap-hiss. She was already moving to try to intercept, but she was too far away.

The weapon traversed and let out a bolt at Caltin. Chaos erupted. Several guard droids and living gunmen erupted into action. Blaster bolts flew. She was just behind Caltin and to his left at the moment. An old Jedi rule of thumb came to mind - When outnumbered, attack! Especially in a confined space, close enough for a saber. The saber in her hand swept up and around deflecting a trio of blaster bolts in succession. Each bounced off, two streaked into the crowd toward other shooters. The third hit the wall blasting out a small crater.

Des let go with her left hand. She gathered the Force to her which she unleashed in a wave of kinetic energy. Using her left hand as guidance it blasted out in a cone. The wave knocked a cluster of gunmen and droids to the deck. The technique was like how she'd created the dust screens she'd created on Deneba. This was just a different application. Twirling her saber wrist, the blue-white blade of her saber slashed into the core of a security droid closing in on her with a stun baton. It wasn't enough to bisect the machine, but she went through its power cells leaving it standing with a pair of glowing gashes through its center from the beginning and end of the spin. It was casual and almost seemed like an afterthought.

By then Caltin was urging them to leave. Bringing both hands up, she gathered another burst of the Force and flared her hands open. The droid weighing a thousand pounds at least rocketed across the room toward Valco under her telekinetic blast. Hutts were incredibly strong, but not that strong. She doubled the Hutt could deal with something like that so easily.

Valco saw it coming, eyes going wide, and fell off the far side of the sled, tipping it up. The droid slammed into the bottom of the repulsor sled with a deep boom. Durasteel flexed and broke, and the sled canted over on top of the Shell Hutt like a door slamming shut. The droid careened over the top, landing on her like dead weight. Trapped beneath the sled and droid like so much dead weight, she turned to run, joining Caltin. ~"Milya, we are leaving!"~ This she shouted aloud and through the Force while scanning about for her friend.

A hail of blaster bolts fired out toward the exit. Des deflected several shots, sending them off at odd angles, though she tried to reflect a few of them back or somewhere useful. But for the moment she was reaching saturation. She was about to duck out of the storm. A searing pain took her in the area just above her left hip and along her side. It was accompanied by the smell of burning flesh and cloth. Twisting out of the opening she sagged against the wall and looked down to see a little flame still licking at her flesh. She'd been shot too, in addition to Caltin. It wasn't immediately fatal. She doubted it would be, especially if they had enough time for her to heal it. Or they got to a bacta tank inside The Golden Hour. She slapped the flame out and tried to ignore the sickening smell. The central portion of the wound had no feeling. That was bad, but the flesh all around screamed at the impact. "Frost," she swore under her breath, her skin seeming to almost turn translucent and her expression became drawn. Using a touch of the Force, she quickly shut off her pain receptors around the area. Silently she thanked the Force for Master Keeva's instructions in controlling pain and her own practice. She wasn't sure if she'd ever really need it for herself, but now she needed it.

It only took a couple seconds, and then she was looking for Milya again. Tick-tock.


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