Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Civil War: The Last Mandalorian

Location: Fortress
Allies: [member="Briika Tor"], [member="Yasha Mantis"], [member="Kaden Farr"], [member="Kalyr Alor"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Narir Tracyn"]
Enemies: None yet, potentially [member="Gray Raxis"] and co

Daral gave a nod in response, turning on a heel to ready the soldiers that would follow Vilaz into the fray. A quick transmission was all it took to rally the sons and daughters of the battered world, each and every one of them was likely bristling with anticipation and anger.

It would've been almost entirely accurate to say all of them had lost someone incredibly close. A sibling, a parent, a spouse, a child, and usually more than one where that applied. Some of Tal'Verda had died, some of his brothers and sisters, some of their children, but he lacked the greatest of all the wounds, he had not lost a child, not here.

Years ago on Druckenwell after the screaming of those to unlucky to be killed outright by the catastrophe but still sustain mortal injuries finally stopped, after Daral had held his last surviving brother on the world in his arms as he screamed out in agony until his life slipped away, there had been a boy. He couldn't have been more than four, and he spoke not a word of basic, only Epicant. Daral had taken care of him, fed him, protected him, loved him like a son.

None of that had mattered when a piece of unexplored ordinance went off during one of the few times the clone let the boy play. It had been beyond his control, in time Daral had convinced himself that much, that the child had been taken from him by someone too cowardly to even do it themselves.

So on top of the loss of his siblings, nieces, and nephews, he also could sympathize with those who now marched with him to join Vilaz whom had their child ripped from them. He knew that loss, that rage, and while he'd never get justice for his loss, he'd be damned if he didn't help those he fought beside get theirs. Was Clan Raxis guilty of destroying Mandalore? No. But they were guilty of refusing the knife, of thinking they were better men and women then the likes of Monroe had been, or Jasper Arklim. Both had been legends, still were legends in some respects, and the force had driven them to commit unimaginable evil, just as it had driven Jack Raxis to betray Ra.

If they couldn't see the err of their ways, and just how many more people they risked orphaning or leaving childless, then he would show them. By any means necessary.
Allies: Death Watch
Enemies: Rebel Scum

Kervo gritted his teeth as his missle was torn from it's course. He immediately assumed that the rebel mando'ade were the cause of this thanks to their reliance on the Force. This was another reminder why he had joined Death Watch. The Mando'ade grew complacent. Growing weak and lazy now that they relied on the Force to aid them instead of their own physical strength and instincts. No. They needed some unforseen force to guide them and aid them. He removed his helmet from his head and spit on the ground in disgust at this display.

Kervo threw the rocket launcher to the ground beside him and tried figuring out his next move as the other Death Watch troopers fired at the enemies below. He picked up his rifle once more to take more shots at the opposing mandos below. "Keep pushing! Get these bastards out of my city!" Kervo roared to his companions, boosting their morale.
Spaceport - Get the Kids to safety.
Allies: [member="Aryn Spar"], [member="Daral Tal'Verda"], [member="Ra Vizsla"], [member="Jor Kvall"], [member="Tahn Vizsla"], [member="Kervo Namadi"], [member="Kaden Farr"], [member="Tal Vizsla"], [member="Silas Mantis"], [member="Preliat Mantis"], [member="Narir Tracyn"],

Enemies: Insurrectionists | [member="Mia Monroe"], [member="Mira Rekali"], [member="Ru Tetsuya"], [member="Kal Ordo"], [member="Vila Sayne"], [member="Rekali the Hutt"], [member="Gilamar Skirata"],
Unknown: [member="Grey"] Raxis, [member="Cynthia Raxis"], [member="Stardust Raxis"],
Gear: Rifle, Pistol, SMG, Energy Shield, Blade, Armor,

Oh hell.

Laying in the snow, with broken speeder parts on top of my chest. Most of the impact was taken by the man careening over and caused us both to tumble. However, that ended up with quite a large piece of a speeder on top of me. Laying on my back, This reminded me so much of what had been in the past. Or when I had barely escaped a falling building with a ship. Carrying injured Vod in it. Only this time, I was the injured one.

"Ibac kadala emuurir haran"

Voicing a curse, I slowly adjusted my arms underneath the speeder, and pushed up with all of my strength. My arms shook and vibrated with the weight on me. My weakned state didn't help, but the power armor and the crushgaunt technology did. Allowing the parts to slide off of me. I rolled over to my side. Using my hands to feel myself up and down to make sure I wasn't broken, or had anything sticking out of me that shouldn't be there. Lo and behold, I found one of the pedals that had been for the speeder bike was now shoved into my left side.

I could hear someone running, only for a blast, and then a grenade go off. Looking up, I watched as a child came over and touched my shoulder. I coughed through my helmet as he placed it on me. Slowly pushing myself up, I stayed on my knees. Looking to him, and then the metal tubbing that was sticking out of my side. It hurt to move my left arm. It hurt like a queen. Gauntlet grabbing as close as it could to my side, I looked up to the kid.

"Just stay there."

My right hand leaned on his shoulder. Considering my armor was 45 kilograms, and I was almost double that in natural weight, my arm alone was going to be heavy. My armor likely weighed more than him wet. Either way, I breathed in and out, in and out before I yanked it out. Grunting rather loudly to try and alleviate the pain. I felt like the weight of the world was taken off of my shoulders. Removing my massive limb from my vod, I stood up grunting the entire time. Trying to get used to the hole in my side. Clenching my fist, I looked around me. Seeing the destruction. I did find my blaster a little ways on the ground. Walking over, I leand down to pick it up and turned once more to the kid.

"Alright, We need to get you and your vod out of here. Did anyone answer the calls for medical?"

I started to jog. If this young lad could still fight, then he can run the last bit of the way to the speeder that the other two were on. Even one calling out for us to regroup, but in a very broken voice. Rolling my left arm as we jogged on to meet up and regroup with the other two. Hopefully we didn't have anyone else who tried to get in the way, or prevent us from getting medical help.

Mia Monroe

Location: Spaceport
Objective: Survive [member="Preliat Mantis"] Kill [member="Ra Vizsla"]

Mia’s eyes held no sign of triumph as Ra sank to his knees, only regret. Regret for all of it, for all she had done, for the war, and for him. “Get up.” she whispered, not advancing her attack. “Ash’amur jahaala, Mand’alor. Get. Up.” She’d eyes and ears only for him, the battle around the a distant noise. Tears blurred her vision. “GET UP!”

The force null field around them prevented her from seeing the Wolf of Mandalore coming, fingers shifted on the hilt of her dagger. “I never-”

A guttural scream made her look up, eyes wide. She’d no time to react, not time to utter any of the words that slid through her mind.

Preliat’s aim was true, his foot connecting with the centre of her breastplate and sending her flying. She hit the ground several feet away, beskad and dagger skittering from her grasp as pain exploded across her chest and up her side. She coughed, a copper tang filling her mouth. Her breath rattled.

She smiled. “Little wolf.”

Her head turned, spying her beskad just out of reach, she rolled to her front, crawling the few inches she need to grasp it and used it to push herself upright, feet unsteady beneath her. She spat a mouthful of blood aside and looked at Preliat, tightening her grip on her beskad. She tried to speak, words and breath only brought up more blood, she spat again, shook her head and beckoned him with the beskad.
LOCATION: Spaceport

ALLIES: Mandalorians, [member="Mia Monroe"], [member="Ru Tetsuya"], [member="Rekali the Hutt"]
ENEMIES: Death Watch, [member="Silas Mantis"], [member="Ra Vizsla"]

She eyed Silas as he gauged her, beskad held in reverse grip at shoulder level in a defensive guard.

He came at her on a plume of fire, his pair of beskad weaving to strike separate targets. Against a novice melee fighter, wielding one blade against two wasn't a hard task. The brain naturally tried to move both arms together. A trained melee fighter, however, knew the dangers in that. Come at a person with both blades on the same plane, and they could defend against it easily. Her opponent, sadly, wasn't a novice melee fighter. In honesty, she gauged that he probably had more years of training and fighting than she did. Despite his injured leg, she was the one at a severe disadvantage in a fair fight.

But what mattered in a fight wasn't whether it was a melee fight or a gun fight, or anything. What mattered was winning, surviving to pick up blade and gun again and fight on.

As Silas ignited his jetpack, Vila jumped back to give herself more room. She blinked an order to her HUD, and the armor at the top of her shoulders pivoted up a few degrees, revealing the tiny bore of a dart launcher on each shoulder. As he closed with her on the plume of fire, she let the dart launcher ripple fire its full complement. Right, left, right, left, the explosive darts would fill the shrinking void between them.

She placed her only working arm between Little Wolf and her abdomen, it was the easier block and more vital based on her split second appraisal. The blade of Concord Fang was free to slice into her shoulder, and a scream elicited from Vila's throat as the blade slid in, cutting through tissue, muscle, and tendon to strike bone.

"Ahhhhh!" Her breathing became hard, and she kicked off her jet pack again, angling her body through rote training to simply gain space. "You align yourself with baby killers and cultists, and you ask me why?" The pain cut through the discipline that had been drilled into her, loosening her tongue. Pain was evident in her voice, as she tried her best to lift away from Silas.

Nisha Decrilla

Location: Raxis territory
Allies: [member="Kaden Farr"] [member="Narir Tracyn"] [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Kalyr Alor"] @Brika Tor [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Daral Tal'Verda"]
Enemies: Anyone who dares to shoot at the kids

She followed the scent of Mantis blood carried on the winds with the snow storm the white fur around her jaw stained red with blood of the insurrectionists, fury glinting in the white wolf's eyes as she launched herself at the back of one, jaws clamping around the back of his neck as he hit the ground and jerked sharply, the satisfying snap bringing a smile to those wild eyes.

She'd come here to find her family, and found a war. Brother killing brother, sister murdering sister. It was not the first civil war she'd seen in her time, but it was the first that her family had been caught up in and that made it all the more important for Malika to find them. A girls scream whipped on the winds, full of agony and the white wolfs head snapped up, ears pricked. She let out a long mournful howl and bounded towards it. She was so close, failure was not an option.

The white wolf changed as she drew close, skidding to a halt the shi'ido took her human form and surveyed the scene before her. A speeder crash, t-visors glinting as they fired without mercy upon those caught in it. Children in the midst of a war. Her niece struggling to stand, trying to fight back. "Yasha!" she screamed, she'd know the girl anywhere, her mother had always sent them regular updates even if his father did not. She'd not see another Mantis child die, not now, not ever.

Malika's eyes swung towards another wave of insurrectionists and she ran forward, she didn't draw a weapon as she drew closer, she didn't need one. Shifting once more, perhaps Yasha might know her then. Buir jorir, the great black bear bellowed her fury, a huge paw swiping at the first soldier, sending him catapulting into the snow before barrelling into the others, drawing their attack away from the children.
Allies: Death Watch,
Enemies: Nukalorians

It had taken him longer than he'd hoped, weaving through the morass of combat to reach the second generator. When he finally crashed down and dismounted, leaving his basalisk to guard the entrance, the battle was already well underway. Forcing his way inside, he drove his hammer into the first enemy he saw, crushing him under the weight and power of the blow, and moved to do the same to those that remained. The fight was short, but brutal, and mere moments later he stood before the generator itself.






Three blows of his hammer, and the generator sputtered and dimmed, along with any hope the shields had of coming back online.

He turned, moving to leave the building and rejoin the fight, but fate had other plans. Behind him the generator sparked, summoning one final surge of power that succeeded only in detonating the entire assembly.

The explosion caught him in the back, driving the breath from his lungs even as it hurled him through a wall and out into the nearby street, to crash headlong into the building opposite. He dropped to hands and knees, coughing within his helmet as he tried to regain breath. His whole body felt numb from the aftershock, his movements awkward and unsteady.

He was too distracted to notice the presence of [member="Mira Rekali"] and her assailant mere meters away, but they would both be hard-pressed to miss him. Or the Death Watch markings that adorned his armor.
Location: Raxis Territory
Allies: [member="Yasha Mantis"] | Narir Tracyn | [member="Briika Tor"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Kalyr Alor"] | [member="Malika Mantis"]
Enemies: People trying to kill us

She was scared. This was a first for Kaden. The child that had spent a good portion her life in the netherworld was scared now? He didn’t get it, didn’t understand it, because he’d never seen this from Yasha before. The young warrior only knew to do one thing.

”Me too, but don’t let the others see,” he whispered into her ear, and briefly put his forehead on hers. ”I’m going to get you out safe and back to Ra!”

Yasha fought to get up to her feet. Kaden knew better than to try and keep her down. The bodies attacking them were almost dealt with when the strangest thing happened. A woman ran to them, turned into a bear, and started tearing into the few attackers who remained. Kaden was dumbfounded. Had he not seen it with his own eyes the newly minted warrior would not have believed it. She was on their side though, and he would not argue with someone that could rip him in two.

Kaden looked at Yasha with a puzzled look.

”Tell me you know her...”

It would be a little more helpful if she did. However the thought she was some estranged member of the Mantis family also scared him. While his relationship with Yasha was as innocent as the snow they were in was white, he knew if it ever became more than what it was ther were a line of people ready to “talk” to him. In a way the one he feared the most was Yasha herself. If Kaden ever made her angry she’d be sure to let him know.

Narir had reached the man who helped them, and when Yasha gurgled a breathless command to regroug a look of concern etched on his face. Kaden wanted to find the sniper and kill him. Gar has been their sharpshooter and he was no longer with them. He sighed as they all grouped together, and Yasha fell to her knees.

The man wanted to get them out of there. Kaden looked at the man who was in his armor. Staring at the t-visor, Kaden had a stubborn expression in his eyes.

”Only because Yasha needs help. We’ve had our verd’goten. We are verde!”

Kaden’s answer was born only out of the frustration that most looked at them, determined they were children, and allowed this war to see them only as that. They had forgotten how normal it was for them to be doing exactly what they were doing at such an age. This man could help them finish their mission, once he helped Yasha.

The bear growled again. Another wave was coming.

”Everyone down,” Kaden ordered until it was clear the bear was drawing the wave away from them.
Location: Spaceport
Allies: Death Watch, [member="Ra Vizsla"], [member="Tahn Vizsla"], [member="Tal Vizsla"], [member="Preliat Mantis"], [member="Malika Mantis"]/in-law that doesn't give me roboarm, [member="Kaden Farr"], [member="Yasha Mantis"]
Enemies: [member="Vila Sayne"]

The Wolf went as quickly as he came, but to see his brother out of bacta and back in the field was reassuring in a way. But Silas didn't have time to take it in, instead as Vila lifted away Silas attempted to ram the Little Wolf into her side again, this time with the augmented speed and strength of his prosthetic behind it, hoping to bury it deep in her side. If it landed it wouldn't be instantly lethal, but without treatment it had the potential to be. If it didn't land, the end result would be the same.

The blade would leave his hands as several of the darts which had pinged his chest piece detonated. If it clattered into the snow, or was buried in Sayne's side he didn't know, but it was abundantly clear that several ribs had just been broken. In addition he'd pulled the Concord Fang free with him, which meant that Sayne's arm would be bleeding profusely as shoulder injuries did. "How many millions did she kill? How many of them were children?" He questioned, venomous hatred dripping from his words.

"She left my niece motherless, murdered my nephew, widowed my brother, orphaned my boy." He snarled ferally, his prosthetic reaching into the snow reaching for some object buried under the white blanket, stained red. "The demagolka you dare call Mand'alor gave up her life and her child's the moment she destroyed her own world." Silas' hand wrapped around the object, his biological hand dropping the dagger.

"Just like you did by siding with her, dar'manda scum." From the snow he drew the MF-44 that had been cast aside when he fell, leveling the 8-gauge shotgun with his prosthetic hand with his opponent and squeezing the trigger. Against his augmented strength, the heavy weapon hardly even kicked.
Location: Spaceport
Objective: Justice
Allies: Death Watch [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Enemies: [member="Mia Monroe"]

Two massive gauntlets settled on Preliat's shoulders and attempted to throw him to the ground. The behemoth Ra Vizsla stood over him, his golden armor wrecked, rivers of red crimson flowing still down his tresses.

"...Interfere again, and I will break you."

Vizsla lumbered towards Mia. He stood as broken, as damaged, as Manda'yaim herself was. He stood defying the death that his Clansmen had sought to indulge him in. Ra stood, damp snow barely pelting his wolf's hide cloak, his broken visor flickering in the fierce wind of Cold Iron.

Ra stood, and reached out his hand to the Liberator, motioning her to come forward and meet her fate.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.

Kal saw the rocket coming in. His yellow eyes flashed from an odd mix of excitement and fear, both of which filled the old Gurlanin with adrenaline. With Rifle in hand he leapt from the roof. His mind relishing in the intensity of the moment and making him feel more alive than he had for a century.

Wind rushed by his head, his helmet still left behind on tje roof but his luck had evidently run out. The rocket was pulled down by an unseen for as he fell and the escape he had intended became perilous. The rocket came at him and passed a mere foot from his head. His ears instantly began to bleed from the velocity as the rocket exploded behind him. The concussion from the explosion hit him in mid air and sent him careening head over heels through the air.

The old sniper hit the ground shoulder first and rolled violently across the frozen ground. His rifle flew into the snowpack 20 meters to his left as he came to rest face down in the snow. Blood oozed from his ears and nostrils but his chest slowly started to rise and fall. He was alive for the moment but his blood began to freeze to his face and in his beard far too quickly. The blast had not killed him but with out care he would soon be Cold Iron Kal frozen to Cold Iron City.
Allies: Death Watch Frans
Enemies: Insurrectionists

Aryn let out another roar as his hammer came smashing down on a hapless Insurrectionist.

The man screamed, though the noise was quickly cut off by his lungs collapsing. A growl pulled from the Togorians throat as his eye quickly peered over the surrounding battlefield. Everything around him was in chaos, brother fighting brother, men fighting machine, everything seemed to be whirling faster and faster.

He caught a brief glimpse of the Mand'alor, another of the traitor.

Aryn scowled but did not move towards their fight. A man screamed to his left, a beskar held in in hands. The blade came slicing down against Aryn's flesh, cutting into his already injured shoulder and lodging itself in place between the thick plates of golden Beskar. A grunt of pain erupted from the Togorian throat, his hands unfurling from around his hammer as he grasped the blade with his bare palm. His opponent struggled to pull himself free, his efforts useless compared to the Togorians strength.

His free hand reached out like a viper, catching the other mans throat.

A loud snap echoed out as he broke the mans neck and let his body fall to the floor.
Location: Spaceport

Allies: [member="Mia Monroe"], [member="Vila Sayne"], [member="Kal Ordo"], [member="Rekali the Hutt"], [member="Ru Tetsuya"]

Enemies: Death Watch

Mira groaned as she brought propped herself up on her elbows and knees, trying to recoup from the concussive blow to her chest. She swallowed dryly, attempting to rid the metallic sensation from her mouth only to gag on the after taste of blood that had dried from the bitter cold wind that crept in the cracked visor. She was hurting, there was no lying to herself about that – but she was far from out of the fight. The cry that was meant to be her end had been silenced, presumably by a bolt between the eyes or something else. Who knew? The field of battle was chaotic and Mira was just one of many who lay amongst the bloodied, darkened snow.

She pushed herself off the ground, slowly coming to her knees; hands resting upon her thighs as she leaned back – breathing in deeply. “Gotta move.” Mira pushed herself to rise up to her feet and regain the upper hand in the situation, to focus on the moment and concentrate in the Force. She needed to, or else she’d perish much like those around her.

And no sooner than she stood, was she assailed by the same individual who knocked her down the first time.

However, it she who held the better Sabacc hand. In an attempt to catch her while she was recovering, and coming to; the man had blended in and launched a surprise assault. He jumped out of nowhere and brought his mace around in a swing that was meant to break her, however, she was ready. Guided by the pockets of the Force that were twisted and tainted with darkness – Mira spun on her heel and caught the handles and stopped the swing cold in its tracks.

The sudden stopping of that much momentum did cause Mira to slide backwards a bit, and jar her senses but not enough to throw her off. She sneered beneath her buy’ce and pushed forward and then jerked towards her and to the right – throwing him off tilt. The man’s grip was ripped free from the mace, and in turn he was sent end over end. His body would land with a harsh thud at the feet of [member="Tal Vizsla"] – knocked out cold.
Location: Spaceport
Enemies: [member="Mia Monroe"]
With: @Ra Viszla

He fell to the ground, impacting it as lightly as he could, mitigating it with a breakfall technique.

He propped himself up on an elbow and weighed his options. For the moment- he would let Ra and Mia have their fight.

"If only you had the strength."

Caius could not forgive those who have ravaged his people's home. He may have been in stasis for just over half a decade but he had not forgotten the Resol'nare. Thus, his role had led him to support the Cuir Rekr [member="Vilaz Munin"] in their common goal of ridding his beloved people from the curse that plagued them.

The curse of those heeding [member="Mia Monroe"]'s call.

Once a Liberator, a long time ago, but the disease called the Force had sickened her.

She was no longer Mia Monroe but a thrall to the scourge of the Force.

While [member="Daral Tal'Verda"] prepared the men, Fett checked the status of his armor's systems and felt reassuringly the hilt of the beskad on his back.

The blade of which would soon be coated with dar'manda blood.

[member="Gray Raxis"]​
Location: Raxis Territory
Allies: Death Watch, [member="Briika Tor"], [member=Caius Fett"], [member="Yasha Mantis"], [member="Kaden Farr"], [member="Malika Mantis"], [member="Narir Tracyn"], [member="Daral Tal'Verda"], [member="Narir Tracyn"]
Enemies: Nukalorians

Tagging: [member="Gray Raxis"]

A lot happened during the last few minutes. Funny how a lot could did, but this was war. One second could change anything in such events, and a perfect example was the young soldiers that made a distress medical call for help. They were nearby from their coordinates and it wouldn't throw off Vilaz on his path towards Clan Raxis. However, the next generation of Mandalorians had to be preserved after all the tragedy they had suffer.

He didn't respond back to his wife, but his actions would speak for him.

"Daral, take the men where the Raxis are going. I'll meet you once I get these youngins under my care. Caius, you go with him. This shouldn't take short," the Akaan addressed to his subordinates. "Cyar'ika, you're with me so you can patch up those kids," the warrior said to his beloved in their private channel.

"Let's move it!"

Orders were given out and the Munin, with his wife, some warriors, and the beast of burden, went out to the children's coordinates. His sensors were picking up something else, but he didn't know what it was. If it was something he didn't like, he'd attacked it. Mercy was no longer a thing he showed to his enemies. It was a symbol of weakness that could be taken advantage of.

"Breathe a little bit longer, Narir. Clan Munin is almost there," the Concordian relayed to the boy, while taking point and advancing where the children were at.
Spaceport - Cold Iron City
Allies: Death Watch
Enemies: [member="Kal Ordo"]

As Kervo spotted the explosion from his rocket, he could see the sniper he originally aimed for tumbling to the ground. "Seems I hit my target after all.." Kervo rushed down the stairs of the building and ran outside, he ducked and dodged blaster fire until he came upon the fallen man in the snow. "You fought well, but every old dog has to be put down at some point." Kervo took his blaster pistol from it's holster and held the gun to the sniper's head. He grabbed a handful of the old man's hair and lifted his head from the snow "Kervo!" a trooper yelled out. "You should know better than to strike down an unarmed man. It would be best to bring him in to be judged."

Kervo gritted his teeth as he firmly pressed the blaster pistol into the temple of the sniper. "Bah, ad be a yialeti'r! Tie him up. And get someone to stop him from bleeding out. He's not getting out of this that easily.." Two troopers came over to grab the sniper to patch him up, restrain him and bring him out of the battle to deal with later. Kervo picked his blaster back up, dusted the snow off and continued the fight.
Location: The City, intercepting Raxis
Allies: [member="Briika Tor"], [member="Yasha Mantis"], [member="Kaden Farr"], [member="Kalyr Alor"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Narir Tracyn"], [member="Caius Fett"]
Enemies: [member="Gray Raxis"]

"Consider it done." The Tal'Verda answered Munin, hefting his Z-6 and disembarking from the transport which had ferried them into the battered city. For one moment he cast a glance back at Caius, and gave him a nod. The two were related in a way, without Clan Fett, there was no Jango, with no Jango came no Calico, and that mean Daral would never have existed. So, in a way the two were allit, if one stretched the definition a bit. Regardless, the man seemed like a good person to have at his side.

Trudging through the streets the clone failed to utter a word, he simply took point as the group made their way to an ideal position to fire on the alor's ship, or at least where it was speculated to be. Minutes later the group was in position, and Daral hefted up the blaster cannon, the six barrels beginning to spin. "Tracyn!" He barked, the rotary cannon springing to life and hurling blaster bolts into the air whilst several of the troops fired anti-air missiles from shoulder mounted launchers.

Once, a lifetime ago he'd have questioned the morality of simply gunning down someone who hadn't explicitly sided against his cause, but by continuing to wield the force Clan Raxis showed a level of arrogance he could not abide. They were his enemy as much as any of Monroe's followers, and he would kill as many of them as he could. For the dead, for Mandalore, and maybe even just for himself.

The orders were given and Caius split from the main group along with the Tal'Verda clone and other Mandalorians. Their objective clear. Daral spearheading the group was first to engage the enemy.

As his rotary cannon roared and AA missiles flew in the direction of the ship, Fett moved to a position of overwatch with the help of his repulsor pack. Situating himself on a vantage point, he would laser guide any fired missiles to the ship by transferring his own data feed to the Mandalorians below.

Caius knew very well his strengths did not lie in the use of ranged firearms but he would always find to be useful in any situation.

[member="Daral Tal'Verda"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Briika Tor"] @TheKids
[member="Gray Raxis"]
Location: Outside the city
Objective: Responding to request
Allies: Mandalorians; Clan Raxis; [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Cynthia Raxis"]
Enemies: Seems Clan Munin; [member="Caius Fett"] [member="Daral Tal'Verda"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Daral Tel'Verda"]
Neutral/Unknown: [member="Kaden Farr"] [member="Malika Mantis"] [member="Kalyr Alor"] [member="Narir Tracyn"] [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Briika Tor"]
Equipment: Raxi'gam ; Whisper (lightsaber) ; WESTAR 35 pistol ; Ms. Medica pack

The ship continued to rock about as more stray fire struck the ship's shields or just by it. Gray frowned under his helmet as this happened. The message was clearly not being taken seriously or they just didn't care. Neutrality was not something his people entertained when it dealt with their own very well it seemed. He hoped things were going to go smoother for the rest of his clan when they were air born. He doubted they would but reality had no part in wishes or hope or war.

The pilot eventually called back that they had spotted some people in the coordinates given. Gray pressed the button for the side door to open as he said over his coms, " Find and secure a landing zone as close as possible. Be ready to get everyone out of here asap. I'm going in first." Before he could even get a response from them, he jumped out of the opening. He was once again free falling towards Mandalore without a jet pack like he was yesterday, but at least this time it was by choice and not as far from the ground. If the prior experience had taught him anything it was that using the force to try to look out would be pointless. No, he was going to have to rely on that strange instinct that guided him in times like these. He drew the force inside of him and stored it as he waited. He waited until something just told him to do what he was going to do now and released part of the stored power out towards the ground below.

The snow parted into a flurry of powder flowering outwards from the point of Gray's impact. What would have been a more cushioned landing was less so now, so as soon as he felt his feet touch ground he had to shift all of his momentum forward into a roll. A roll that stopped with him crashing into a newly formed snow drift of his own creation. He dug himself up to the top and began to hurry his way towards where he sensed the people he hoped sent the call for help. He yelled out as he did, " I'm Gray Raxis! I hope you were the ones who called for help!" His body was hurting a bit from the impact as he moved despite the adrenaline flowing through his veins. He was going to feel both of those crashes for some time.

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