Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Civil War: The Last Mandalorian

Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
Location: Raxis territory
Allies: DW [member="Malika Mantis"] [member="Kalyr Alor"]
Enemies: Insurrectionists, and possibly Clan Raxis

After the Akaan gave orders for the group to move out, [member="Daral Tal'Verda"] and [member="Caius Fett"] peeled away with some men to cut off [member="Gray Raxis"] while [member="Vilaz Munin"] stayed with her to help secure the verd'ade [member="Yasha Mantis"], [member="Kaden Farr"] and [member="Narir Tracyn"]. It was a race against time, and they had none to spare from the tone of the medical SOS call.

As the Kay'calyr-class bes'uliik clambered it's way across the frozen land toward the coordinates given, Briika pushed ahead, keeping a keen eye out for trouble as she did with her "Kath Hound" at the ready. It was only moments though before she spotted their charges.

[ I have a visual, Vil'ika. Moving in, cover me. ] Bree called to her husband over their private channel, then sprinted towards where Kaden was helping Yasha, who appeared grievously hurt in the boy's arms; blood everywhere. Out of the corner of her dark red T-visor, the silver-armored baar'ur caught the image of a giant bear ripping to shreds some rebel attackers in the far distance. It was a sight to see, but her focus had to remain on aiding the youngest Mantis.

Suddenly a Mando with a jetpack bailed from a passing ship and crashed hard into the snow nearby. Briika ignored it and stayed on target.

[ Help is here, Yasha. Stay with me, ad'ika. I'm going to take care of you and make you feel better here real soon. ] Bree said with a mother's reassurance as she quickly did a primary survey of the young girl finding a sucking chest wound on the right side from a gunshot, which was causing difficulty breathing. There were other contusions, lacerations and broken bones, but they would have to wait.

The thunderous sound of the 'beast of burden' was closing in on them. The vacated cargo bay carrying soldiers would work perfectly as a medbay. A chest seal was placed quickly over the puncture wound and a breathing mask was slipped on before tapping the young damsel in distress' equally young knight in shinning armor's shoulder. The dedication and loyalty he had for her was evident in his concerned eyes. It was endearing to say the least.

[ Kaden... Let's get Yasha to the belly of the beast where I can work on her out of the cold. I'm going to need your help inside. Can you handle that? ]
Allies: Death Watch
Enemies: Nukalorians

No time for rest, get the kriff up.

It took him longer than he would have liked to steady himself and push up to one knee, then straighten and stand fully upright again. It wasn't until he did so that the numbness began to recede, leaving behind only the pain that seeped into his consciousness. He felt it slowly at first, then it surged forth in a wave, hitting him like a tank full in the back.

Kark, that's not gonna buff out.

He heard the thud at his feet before he saw anything, then looked down to find the body of a death watch soldier lying before him. He tilted his head to one side as if puzzled, then remembered he was supposed to be in the middle of a battle. Killing things before they could kill him.

Raising his head, he looked around for whoever had tossed him this offering of challenge, and found only the form of a small woman. Her armor did little to hide her slimness, but the man she had just tossed had been nearly a full head taller than her.

Tal smiled behind his visor. This might actually get fun.

He started toward the woman at a walk, covering half the distance before bursting into a sprint and reaching his right hand toward where his hammer had fallen. It leapt from the ground of its own accord and reached his hand a moment before he reached [member="Mira Rekali"], and he brought it around in a backhand swing that hopefully wouldn't kill her outright. He was getting a little tired of the one-hit wonders.
Location: Mountainside Raxis Territory
Allies: [member="Kaden Farr"] [member="Narir Tracyn"] [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Malika Mantis"] [member="Daral Tal'Verda"] [member="Caius Fett"] @Vliaz Munin
Enemies: Insurgents Blood Loss [member="Aditya Mantis"]

"Au-aun-ie... Kade... our.." A woman yelled her name, a face she saw in holovids after she and [member="Aditya Mantis"] got home. 'A girl needs to know her family, and Auntie [member="Malika Mantis"] is vod.'

Every shot fired made breathing an unbearable burden. Yasha choked and sputtered on her own lungs, the right side of her ribcage refusing to expand. Under her goggles, Yasha's eyes scrunched tight. She panted and her balance canted to the left. Her shoulder slid, red and messy, against the snow. Knees buckled. [member="Kaden Farr"] told her his fears. He pressed his forehead to hers, like c'yares did.

In the corner of her HUD, an alert. She forced her head to the battle raging away from them.

[member="Ra Vizsla"] fell to his knees. [member="Preliat Mantis"] rushed [member="Mia Monroe"].

"Daddy... Ra..." Yasha finally cried out as she pushed up with her left hand, staggering to her feet with the only strength her Epicanthic body clung to. If Ra needed med packs, and Daddy needed help killing Mama's murderer... then Yasha needed to get up.

"Yasha, sweetie... hide in the snow... Mama's calling, I miss you. Eli, your brother, misses you." Brown eyes looked up at a mirage caused of blood loss and grief. Aditya held her arm out for her girl, cradling a boy in her arms. "It's okay, you did great, but... this war is too big for you. It's okay to come home, now. There's nothing more you can do."

The mirage wobbled as Malika in her bear form swatted an insurgent in the face. [member="Gray Raxis"] approached [member="Narir Tracyn"] and someone was shooting at the man who came to save them. Her mother was telling her to give up, hide in a hole and be as still as the snow. Preliat Mantis' daughter got mad.

Through clenched teeth, the twelve year old Epicanthic girl roared in utter agony, as inhuman as her father. Mama Mantis always did think Yash'ika took after her Eli. The MT-14 dropped from her grasp. She balled her left fist and twin blades unsheathed from her forearms. Yasha's right arm clung to her side. She stumbled behind Kaden, spying a heat signature creeping at him from behind in the snow. The Hell Child threw herself at the soldier.

Her katar blades sunk deep into his side.

"Rrrrraaagghh!" Yasha tried to cry out for [member="Ra Vizsla"], for [member="Preliat Mantis"], for [member="Silas Mantis"] who fought below. She yanked her left arm back and stabbed again. And again until the soldier fell. Her katar sheathed back up her gauntlet.

Yasha fell to the ground and bawled out in physical torment. She pushed with her boots in the snow, tried to get back up. Trying to get back to the battle, to Ra, and Daddy, and Uncle Silas. Her hand enclosed around the fallen soldier's beskad and she pulled it from his beskar'gam.

A trophy for Ra, just as he commanded she take from her kills. No more presence of mind did the wild girl possess than to cling to the fallen man's knife, until [member="Narir Tracyn"] could put it in her trophy bag. Her mouth tasted of copper. A liquid swelled around her tongue, coughed dark and viscous on the ground. No more air pulled into her lungs.

Her eyes took in nothing but blurry, greying snow.

[member="Briika Tor"]'s voice cut through the grey, as something tucked over her mouth and nose. Yasha's body struggled, one last fight to press forward, tie off the wound and keep going. There was a pressure on her chest, words spoken for Kaden... he'd been scared too. Was Narir safe? Was Kaden going to handle what Briika needed him to do?

Did Auntie Malika feel softer than an Ewok in her bear form? Di--

.... ... .. ... .. .


Location: Raxis Territory
Allies: [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Kaden Farr"] [member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Kalyr Alor"]
Enemies: Death itself

From Narir's perspective, things had started to look up, only to get shot with a missile and fall flat on their faces. After helping Kalyr stand, his childhood training giving him enough strength to support the man's arm, Narir had moved to help Yasha and Kaden. Narir was in the zone now; he didn't know how bad things were, and was totally focused on his mission. Blaster fire from insurrectionist forces continued to scream at them, and Narir made good use of his personal shield. He thanked his lucky stars for his ori'vod Atiniir giving them to him. He fired back as he moved, keeping his friends covered as he observed the odds. He didn't like what he saw.

Narir didn't get angry as enemies continued to push towards them. His eyes narrowed, his gaze steeled, but he didn't get angry. He got focused. His cold fire rose. He reached into his explosives pack, and started getting creative. A pack of insurrectionists behind a snowbank detonated in a blinding explosion. One trying to sneak around their right side got a concussion grenade to the face. Another pack to the left started choking on gaseous neurotoxin. Narir primed and threw with a calm, calculated eye, four years of combat sharpening his accuracy and strengthening his throw. The only way a soldier would be getting any closer would be over his dead body. Even then, he would claw his way from the depths of Hell and start the whole thing over again.

Unfortunately, around that time is when things went nuts. First, a huge bear showed up. Narir was about to throw an incendiary grenade and solve the problem when the bear swatted aside a soldier. Narir flagged it as ally and moved on. Then, he heard the hum of a starship and his spirits rose.

"They're here!" he yelled, "Extraction is here!" He ran to meet the starship as it landed, only for his own reinforcements to attempt to shoot it down. Narir was confused. Why were they attacking the ones sent to help them? He opened up a secure Death Watch channel.

"Hey!" he yelled, confusion and anger making the child in him rise, "This guy's our medical evac! Why are you shooting at him!" Narir couldn't know whatever Vilaz and the others thought about Raxis. He had heard the message promising neutrality and medical assistance. Narir was a soldier, but he was also still a child. Gray had promised help; he was not the enemy. Narir moved to stand between Gray and the others, shield raised.

"I am the one who called, yes," he replied to the big man, "The injured party is over there." Narir pointed, only to see another woman tending to Yasha's wounds. She looked like Briika Tor, a longtime ally of the Echoy'la Soluse. Narir was now even more confused than before. He decided to focus on the here and now. He looked back to Gray.

"You have transportation, yes?" he said, "Maybe if they know you are here to help they will stop shooting at you."
Allies-clan raxis
Enemies-possibly clan munin...
Location-en route to the city

She looked to the pilot as he gave a thumbs up as stardist got on her comm

alright folks! We've gotta job to do. There's a lot of artifacts and cultural items of importance that we need to get out, it'll be a simply plan folks if everything goes smooth we get in try to avoid fighting and get out! Any wounded or those trying to escape this battle are to be aided I rather the living then a object on let's go! Forward to the city! Oyaaaa!

The transports lifted off and into the air Stardust leading the group as they bumped along the air. Stardust closed her eyes and whispered a prayer that they could stay safe. She looked back as she saw all those here onboard...she placed her helmet on and popped her neck

-let us survive this...-

She whispered out loud as they rocked through the air, Stardust spotted a medical ship trying to escape as she went to call to it before she watched it get lit up with anti air...she watched in horror before she clenched her fist and screamed out l


All six transports quickly landed, settling down a bit rough as stardist moved to the back and opened the door as she ran out and checked the area before she waved as the squads started unloading and rallied behind her as she gave a sighed and turned

let's move folks, any wounded or civilians are to be brought to here, pilots when your full take em to a safe zone, once we reach the artifacts we will hurry back with them and take them to the safe zone...lets do this folks

She turned and started in a jog for the city her clansmen behind her as they started for the city wrapped in war and death....both the same and different

Nisha Decrilla

Location: Raxis Territory
Objective: Protect Echoy’la Solose
Allies: [member="Briika Tor"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] @Narir Traycn [member="Kaden Farr"] [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Kalyr Alor"]
Enemies: People stupid enough to shoot at the bear.

A blaster bolt singed flesh and fur on her shoulder, the bear responded with ferocity, jaws clamping over the mandalorians head and shaking him like a rag doll till he no longer moved. Another singed into her back leg and she bellowed in pain and anger, swinging round to bring a huge paw down upon his head, his scream short and sweet as his body crumpled with several sickening cracks.

The copper tang of blood danced across her tongue as Yasha’s scream rent the air once more, full of anger. Even Malika had to pause for a moment as the child threw herself at a warrior more than twice her size and gut him in a frenzy of rage despite her injuries. A woman appeared at Yasha’s side, medic by her words addressing the boy seemingly glued to her nieces side.

Behind them, an unknown dropped from a passing ship, another boy moving to greet him. Were there enough hands to help get Yasha to safety? Probably. Was she going to let the girl out of her sight now that she found her? Absolutely not. A grenade dropped into the snow drawing her eyes from Yasha, the bear grunted, and swatted it back the way it had come before lumbering over to one of the crashed speeders, and clamping it in her jaws. She heaved, dragging it through the snow drift.

Another bolt slammed into her side, a painful roar escaped her but she refused to let go, hauling the speeder in front of Briika, Yasha and Kaden, she pushed it up on its side to provide them with a barrier, before shrinking to her human form and sinking to her haunches behind it.

Mia Monroe

Location: Spaceport
Enemies: [member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Allies: none close by!

Before Preliat could advance, before the Wolf of Mandalore could attempt to claim the vengeance he wanted so badly Ra was on his feet again, shoving him aside with a warning growl, before beckoning Mia forward.

Grey eyes shifted over the ribbons of red staining his golden armour, before coming to settle upon the flickering visor. Her breath rattled, each one more painful the the next, but she knew pain, inside and out. She advanced, face set. She could win this, here and now, the war could end.

She brought the beskad up, looking to bring it down on his shoulder and embed the blade deep.
Location: Raxis Territory
Allies: [member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Narir Tracyn"] | [member="Briika Tor"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | @Kaylr Alor | [member="Malika Mantis"]
Neutral: [member="Gray Raxis"] | [member="Stardust Raxis"]
Enemies: NPC insurgents

The moment the two shared as they expressed their fears was over when the bear growled. Yasha had tried to tell him something about the bear. It was their... something. Kaden smiled at the inclusion she gave him. They were family even if not by blood. That thought only served to complicate the feelings which were developing for the young girl.

Kaden missed the insurgent behind him. He’d been so focused on caring for Yasha he hadn’t seen him coming. Yasha lunged at him, killing him with the gauntlets Kad Tor has made for her. Kad had also made a pair for Kaden, which he was wearing though had not used.

It was not long after this happened that Briika arrived. She was Kad’s sister. Kaden did not remember her as much as he did Kad. When the adults started leaving Dxun, Kad had stayed with [member="Artemis Lux"]. The two of them were seen as the ones in charge. The lost clans on Dxun were a plethora of those which really had no clan to call their own. Kaden would have stayed had it not been for Ra’s call. Revenge was what Kaden had been seeking, but he’d found a’llit instead.

Briika addressed him with a set of instructions. Kaden simply nodded. He was going to say something, but the Yasha collapsed.


Kade dropped to his knees and checked for a pulse right away. He looked to Briika. They had to help her now. She said to get Yasha out of the snow, so Kaden did that. His arms went under her back and knees. The teenager warrior lifted her up so they could get her to somewhere warmer. Briika would lead the way and Kaden would follow. At this point, Kaden was no longer paying attention to the battle around him. He had to help keep Yasha alive.

”Don’t make me break into the netherworld to pluck you out of it. You are not allowed to die, Yasha, you hearing me!?”

His eyes looked to Briika. They pleaded with her. “Save her,” they said. Kaden seemed desperate.
Location: Spaceport
Objective: Justice
Allies: Death Watch [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Enemies: [member="Mia Monroe"]

Another strike from the blade. Yet something supernatural stirred within the Undying now. The rage of a planet's dying breath. The renewed vigor of a people who didn't wish to see their entire culture succumb to dereliction. Ancestral blood coursed through Vizsla's veins, igniting upon the spark of defiance. Ra couldn't succumb to his injuries. Mandalore wouldn't let him.

The summation of every evil action, of every ill conceived step of the Insurrections rose within Mand'alor. There was no further room for rebellion, no further room for defiance. Fate had come for them all here in Cold Iron. And the people had willed their chosen leader to exact a vengeance so terrible that another's shoulders couldn't bear to carry the burden.

This "Liberator" had to die. The madness was, the Insurrectionists wouldn't rather burn the planet down than appeal to reason. There was no further negotiation to be had.

His right gauntlet came up, catching the blade to it's own metal as sparks rang out out.

His left gauntlet came up, attempting to catch the neck of the Liberator, lifting her high off the ground and would begin choking the very life out of her.
Allies: Death Watch Frans
Enemies: Insurrectionists

Aryn reached up and grasped the Beskaad buried into his flesh, scowling slightly and jerking the heavy metal free before allowing it to clatter onto the ground. Blood seeped from the wound for a moment, freely flowing down his armor and through the tunic beneath.

A low growl escaped his throat.

From his belt The Togorian pulled out a small tube of sort, popping it open and grimacing as he stuck the edge of it deep into the wound. A slight groan of pain pulled from his lips as an odd yellowish liquid began to foam up inside of the deep gash. A few heartbeats later and the cut found itself sealed off, his shoulder now stiff. Aryn shifted slightly, trying to pull himself upright as she surveyed the battlefield all around him. Chaos still reigned, but he would have sworn on his life Death Watch was slowly taking the field.

The Togorian shifted, and then grasped the handle of his hammer.

The thick haft of Beskar seemed to vibrate to the touch of his fingers, the hulking ton of metal dragging in the dirt behind him as he stomped forward.

He was down an arm, but he could still fight for his Mand'alor.

Mia Monroe

Location: Spaceport
Enemies: @Ra Vizlsa
Allies: none close by!

A jolt ran up her arm, eyes widening as he beskad stopped short of its target. Ra's free gauntlet shot for her throat, too fast for her to escape. A gurgling gasp escaped her as she was hauled from her feet, relinquishing her grip from her beskad, fingers scrambling to pry Ra's from her neck, panic in her eyes.

Ash'amur jaahala, or never return.

Ginnie Ordo's face flitted into her minds eye, first as the sweet child that had looked at her with admiration, then as the young woman full of hate for her, little Galeth held tight in her arms. She blinked, darkness at the edge of her eyes.

Her fingers stopped scrambling, and seized Ra’s forearm to steady herself before bringing her knees up and slamming both feet into whatever bit of him she could reach.
Location: Spaceport
Objective: Justice
Allies: Death Watch [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Enemies: [member="Mia Monroe"]

Ra's unrelenting strength knew no bounds, save his own. When Monroe kicked out, he slammed her to the ground. Intently watching her face, his visor drew close, one of his green luminescent eyes apparent through many of the cracks in his helm.

"Not yet," Ra commanded.

It would be one of his last orders to her as cuffs made their way towards the Liberator's outstretched ankles, and a separate pair to her wrists as they struggled on the ground. He let go of her neck, leaving her what little strength she had left to breathe on her own, and then grasped the cuffs by their interlocking chain.

Ra gave one last look to the nearby Preliat.

"Come and see, vod."

With those last words, Ra's jetpack ignited and the two Mand'alors were roar into the air, heading back towards the Mountain Fortress.

Mia Monroe

Location: Spaceport
Enemies: @Ra Vizlsa [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Allies: none close by!

Pain exploded through her back and chest as she slammed into the floor of the landing pad, Ra bearing over over her, a glint of emerald behind the faceless red visor. Not yet? She felt the cuffs, on her ankles and then her wrists black edging its way over her sight, head feeling like it might explode without air.

When he let go of her neck, she sucked in a deep breath of icy air that collided with the blood pooling in her lungs and made her choke, burning pain wreaking her and sapping her strength. She coughed, red staining her lips and trickling from the corners of her mouth.

Eyes rolled and darkness beckoned, sweet sweet darkness where pain did not exist, where whispers from beyond called her. Mi’ika…

No. She tried to move, but the cuffs held her fast. The ground was gone from beneath her, the roar of a jet pack in her ears. She could see the battle raging below, the shields had collapsed, their line was beginning to crumble...
Location: En Route to Mountain Fortress
With: @Ra Viszla and [member="Mia Monroe"]

Come and see, the Undying suggested. Come and see the end. Come see the retribution.

He followed, tentatively as one could with a jetpack. He was going to see Ra finish this. He was going to be there for the end. He was with Gilamar for the end of the Sith at Dromund Kaas. He was there when Akala tore his world apart. He was there when Mia and her compatriots burned their world. But for all those, he did not feel a need to be there.

This was the first time in Preliat's life that he knew he had to be somewhere. Had to be there. This was the end of the war. But what scared him was that the war was to be over soon. It was clear who the victors were going to be.

But then what?

He followed, uncertain of the future.
Location: Spaceport - Air space
Allies: Death Watch
Enemies: Insurrectionists
Ra'gr-class starfighter

The battle continued vod against vod, but it looked like the edge was going to Death Watch as the Insurrectionists were beginning to scatter and crumble under the weight of Ra's Mando'ade.... or at least that is the impression Cinara was getting from high above just before making her second pass at the spaceport's defenses. The rest of Bloodhawk One's warheads were sent streaking towards the last of the AA turrets and mass driver cannons. Fiery explosions erupted and the shelling stopped.

Again, Cinara pulled up and away. then came around to see what she could target next. A few insurrectionist bes'uliiks that had flown out with Mia from the old mine were still actively harassing Death Watch warriors. The honey blonde punched the throttle full forward and shot her fighter along a vector that would carry her straight to them. It would be a delicate dance to tag and bag those rebel beast riders and not hit any of her own.

Cinara thumbed her weapons control over to lasers and pulled the trigger, peppering with surgical tact what was left of the formation with scarlet energy bolts. She thinned the herd readily though one survived and was lost to her visuals, then out of the blue green energy darts blew through the X-wing's weakened forward shields and hit the port stabilizer. One rolled immediately and dove, then came back up in a weave bringing her right behind the metal beast and their rider. She aimed and fired mercilessly sending them to their date in hell.

A snarl came to Cinara's lips hidden under the Mando pilot's tinted T-visor as the diagnostics list sent by her astromech droid scrolled upon the main monitor screen. She winced, then looked back over her left shoulder where the upper part of the S-foil and laser cannon were supposed to be.. All that was there was melted metal and about a meter less of striker foil. That's when suddenly the port engine began to sputter and the flight stick got real heavy.

Angry with herself, Cinara quickly shut down the troubled engine before it blew. Normally she could fly with only one engine if need be, but rudder control was going out as well... Soon the ship would be dead in the water. Best to find a place to land before having no choice and just cracking up smashing into a building or worst the mountain.

T'sad whined at his pilot. [ What?! We're not going to crash. We're just going to land with flair. Big difference, vod. ]

Steel blue eyes searched the frozen white earth below. It took a moment, then a possible landing site revealed itself. Earlier a blast from one of the spaceport's mass driver cannons had hit the mountain side and caused an avalanche. The snow pile at the bottom would be soft to crash into. Angling a sloppy turn, she manhandled what was left of the controls, trying to negate how hard and fast the fighter crash landed. But it was a lost cause at the end, and the Ra'gr plowed its nose into the snow bank burying it up to the cockpit and covering the transparisteel canopy with a layer of powder.
Location: Spaceport
Allies: [member="Tal Vizsla"]
Enemies: [member="Mira Rekali"]

The Gold Wolf marched across the field, the calm composure he attempted to hold yielded as the battle raged right in front of him. The explosions and blaster fire brought forth his violent side, the tactical thinking being replaced with the immediate dreams of bloodshed that would be happening soon.

Tahn's head turned as her the clashing of Basalisks in the sky, the grinding of steel, both new and old, rang gleefully in his ears as he was tempted to rise up and join those fighting. His gaze remained on ground level however, looking towards those both with their own vehicles and the ground troops that had hoped to accompany them and end this war in one swoop. The wolf knew that the bloodthirst he shared with those under his command would bring them a decisive victory this day, images of the Liberator's execution dashed through his head. They were quickly pushed aside as his focus returned to the enemy in front of him, a sinful grin growing on his face as he watched the enemy advance towards him.


The word came out as a soft whisper to the metal behemoth beneath him, though the savage intent behind it was still clear.

The beast roared to life as it began to light up the enemies in front of it with plasma bolts and shock rods, the quick excitement of death caused the smirk on Tahn's face to widen further as he watched the enemy troops fall before him.

His gaze looked around again to his enemies, golden eyes searching for more targets. It was then he saw his fellow clansmen, Tal Vizsla, in combat with a woman, the look of excitement disappearing as he questioned why he was using a machine to slaughter instead of his own hands.

The resentment grew quickly as his eyes flipped back between the beast and the girl engaging the Umbaran, before he dropped himself from it's back. As his foot came off the metal hulk his hand wandered to where he had laid his axe, the simple touch of it's hilt reigniting his passion for battle as the other foot carried him off of the machine.


The words came more clearly from his throat this time, anger being clear as the beast rapidly began to run off and search for another user to replace Tahn.

He dragged the axe towards the pair, bloodthirst urging him on to fight instead of allowing his clansmen to finish the melee himself.

Tahn marched slowly towards the back of the woman, his intentionally loud stomping hoping to bring her attention to him. He had never been one for attacking an opponents back and refused to begin now, but nonetheless he would swing savagely if the woman ignored his clear intent. As he neared the girl he slung the axe over his right shoulder before swinging with the blunt end at wherever the woman found herself, his intent focusing on enjoying a battle instead of ending it rapidly.
Location: Spaceport
Objective: Justice
Allies: Death Watch [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Enemies: [member="Mia Monroe"]

Ra hopped on his basilisk, Black Sky. He found his grappling hook and began tying it around Mia's legs, hitching her to the back of his basilisk and letting her drag on the ground. He made sure his knots were viable before taking off into the air, letting Mia dangle below.

And then the basilisk began to do circles over Cold Iron.

The Liberator, captured, swinging below.




Like the ending of the battle between Hector and Achilles, Ra began to drag Mia's body through the streets of Cold Iron, careful to stay out of line of sight of any still-active flak guns and anti-aircraft weaponry.

His red visor gleamed in the cold dusk of the North.

Mia Monroe's body dragged underneath.

He would continue doing this for a while, before heading back to the Mountain Fortress to discover if Monroe was still alive.

Jor Kvall

Ain't found a way to kill me yet
///The Spaceport\\\

The echoes of battle were intoxicating. Jor Kvall could have lived in this moment forever; he could constantly replay bringing his slugthrower up and unloading it into the chest of an Insurrectionist, or burying his vibroblade deep within another's jaw. Jor could have died honorably in this moment - or at least with more honor than he had when he had set out on his journey to join the Death Watch. But fate had saw fit to help him survive this battle. Someday, he would learn why.

He had actually fought his way to the area where [member="Ra Vizsla"] and [member="Mia Monroe"] were fighting, watching the end of the duel with his own eyes. He dared not interfere, for just as he had his own rite of passage today, this was Ra's. He needed to defeat Mia himself, unaided, or else he was not fit to be Mandalore. But fate had also been kind to Ra today. He had captured the traitor and flown away with her limp body, leaving Jor and other warriors below as they looked to the sky.

Jor and others raised their weapons triumphantly. With the leader of the Insurrectionists captured, the battle was all but over. The enemy's morale would be shattered by this.
Allies: Death Watch Frans
Enemies: Insurrectionists

Mandalorians did not beg for mercy. They did not ask for pardon nor clemency. When they faced death they did so with bravery and honesty. It was an aspect of their culture that had always pushed Aryn further and further. Death was not something to be avoided, it was not something to run from.

It was something to be welcomed when the time was right.

The man in front of him understood this. He heard the true Mand'alor's call. He heard the echoing sound of Ra's voice boom out over the port, and it was enough. He shifted and glanced at his gigantic opponent, a moment passing, and then his rifle dropped. Aryn saw the it, the hesitation, the welcoming of it.

It was enough.

Beskar claws flicked forward, cold metal slicing through the mans throat in one quick slash.

It was over in a heartbeat, and the sounds of battle slowly died, only to quickly be replaced by a triumphant roar.
Mountain Fortress
With: [member="Mia Monroe"] and @Ra Viszla

The undying dragged her through the streets like a conqueror of old.

The mountain fortress' winds swiped at his body. His body tensed in the cold, even under the armor and flightsuit. He curled his fists at his sides, waiting for the Undying and the Liberator. This is where Ra was heading, by Preliat's estimation. He landed first, being that he wasn't parading around a defeated foe.

He waited, for Ra as the snow picked up. The wind was howling. The screams of Mandalore's past hissed in his ears. Some of it came as a warning, some of it came as a cry for vengeance

Some of it came as disappointment.

The end was near. All Preliat was doing now was being there to witness it.

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