Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Clash at Kegan

Objective 1: Clearing the Sky's Opposition Force

Darth Rasnuhl's Expedition Fleet composition:

7 Cynosure Nidus
150 Vulture Droids
40 HMP
40 Sheathepede shuttles​

Quotes are spoken ""
This is helmet internal comm dialogue <<>>
Italics internal thoughts

The Sunderer

Xelnar's control over his force balance broke into a dark side fueled rage. The distress beaconed ships sprung a well coordinated trap, one they will pay dearly for. The three ships still in motion as shouts and orders fly across the bridge of the Sunderer. The helmsman is heard above the cacophony "Orders Captian?!" in that moment the whole bridge quiets as the feeling of the dark side washes over everyone as the Zabrak captain almost growls his answer "Hard starboard, full power bring us really close, almost to hanger to hanger. A smaller ship is going to have a bad day when we board point blank. Fire proton torpedos into the port and starboard ships with a handful of buzz missiles mixed in, keep the majority of the heavy turbo lasers on the big ship, concentrate on a spot. As for our newest friend from behind, use all four heavy turbo lasers to defend." Everyone wordlessly began their tasks. Someone shouts out "Shields are dropping fast, backups won't last long." Another from the other side "The Hull is taking a beating!" then the Ai in his ear <<Captain, boarding pods have breached the hull. Shall I begin standard anti Boarding procedures?>> Xelnar clouded by rage pondered the request <<Begin, I am going down there.>> It actually takes longer than it should have to get a response as the Ai weighs the orders and probability of the captains capture or demise. <<Containment routine activated>> Across the ship various doors, bulkheads, security weapons all spring into action.

Xelnar turns toward the center of the bridge before stepping up onto the command platform. "Everyone, Corporal Seithe will be in charge while I am off the bridge, listen to her as your acting captain. I am taking some troops to deal with the boarders." With that Xelnar leaves the bridge with his double bladed lightsaber in hand. <<Ai, run whatever protocols you want for the space fighters, use however many buzz droids to make them pay. I want two of the HMP's to lead the boarding of the enemy vessel once we are in range.>> The Ai responds with a noticeable delay as its workload has exploded in the last few minutes. <<Operation complete, prepped for trigger event.>> A few moments later he was on a turbo lift down with a four B2's and five organic marines. They will pay for this incursion.

The Sandstorm

On the Sandstorm Rasnuhl fumed at his captains insolence "Comms officer, open a channel to captain Sovi Kalafax of the Kalafax. Relay that I want cover fire on the ship that's moving between them and the Sunderer. Also send in her HMP's to drop troops into their hanger." He returns his gaze to the holo board watching the movements of the enemy fleet. Hmmm... some are moving towards the planet. <<Ai send twenty HMP to the surface to Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih 's location for a troop drop fifty fifty for B1 & B2 under their squads command. Then bring the HMP's back. Also screen the returning reporters ship Leto Spatz to keep enemy fighters off them.>> Can't let the directors prize get away, and back into enemy hands. She has some sort of plan for him. The response from the Ai is swift <<Completed>> "Comm officer, get me Amiggie on a channel." A moment passes then a thumbs up "Hello this is Darth Rasnuhl, you will be getting two hundred forty droids at your disposal soon. Looks like hostiles are coming down to tango."

The Emperor Velran Kilran Velran Kilran 's broadcast came across loud and clear. And for a moment he gets a bit angry, but mostly angry at his own dumb captain. <<Ai, contact the Emperor's ship with pre battle intel, expected performance, actual enemies, and projected performance.>> <<Operation complete>> he gets in his helmet. Standing back up and walking around the bridge opening a comm to all six of his ships that will accept it. "Alright everyone fire true, our job is to make them turn tale. Many are mercenaries, try not to kill the fighter pilots, disable if available. The outlier ships by the Sunderer can be given your all if in a firing solution. Give them hell." Man I wish my personal fighter wasn't being retrofitted along with the new droid landers.

Objective 1: Clearing the Skies
Sub Objective: Divide and Conquer.


Allies: Aedan Miles Aedan Miles
Enemies: Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl Velran Kilran Velran Kilran (And any others who want to have some boarding action fun)
Others in the System who would hear the comm message: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Aleksander Miles Aleksander Miles Tryk Zhot Tryk Zhot Box Mattox Box Mattox Leto Spatz

Open Broadcast message is in this color

Solan had left command of the ships in the hands of those he trusted well, knowing they would know what to do as the ships would target hardpoints on the stardestroyer. The Revenant would have to hold out the most, being the ship that had been closed in on by Xelnar. Thankfully, as Xelnar would find out though, the way the hangers were set up it would be hard for his soldiers to really land and take a good hold of the hangers. He had made sure that the ships could be locked down back when they had been designed but even if that was not the case there was another issue.

Between the two ships the transports that Xelnar had sent for the boarding would be met with five fighters, five simple interceptors that would look as if they were intending to ram the transports. Instead as they would pull up moments before doing so, spraying the ships with light fire and leaving their pilots surely confused.

That was, until the pilots would be left with why those Interceptors had done this, each of the interceptors having dropped one of their Seismic charges and in a moment the space between the Cruiser and the Destroyer would be shattered. Five explosions, one after the other would fill that small space, nothing but a concussive wave that was meant to shatter apart the very earth under one's feet. Those transports that Xelnar had sent on this mission would be met with that concussive wave first though, the force more than enough to outright destroy the dropships if not leave them spiraling off due to damage. Fighters caught in the blast were also not spared, including a few of Solan's own soldiers who had not been able to get out of the way in time.

Even then, the flight of interceptors would shoot for the next large grouping of enemies, taking advantage of the Droid Starfighters and tricking them into clumping up before another series of concussive blasts would ripple and slam into the side of the destroyer from the other side, the Shadow's flight of interceptors having droppped their own Seismic Charges and wiping out a large cluster of fighters in doing so after getting them to chase the interceptors.

All that Xelnar recieved, a signal that now came from his own ship as it radioed out and spread through the battlefield that had become the space over Kegan.

"Like my Presents? I can hear that some have gone off from inside your ship... I think ill be taking it now, come and find me Daring Captain, or hide in your Bridge." The broadcast was one that Velran Kilran Velran Kilran and Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl themselves could hear, especially the next part.

"Try not to keep me waiting, I just woke up from my forty year nap and I really need to stretch my arms... as for whoever is incharge of this daring Captain. The name is Solan Charr, remember it as Ill be relieving your dear captain of his command." He would turn off the communicator, stepping back and looking behind him as he watched his personal guard putting a few bolts into the head of the soldiers they had run into after embedding themselves in the Star Destroyer's hull.

"Ok you four, keep with me and keep your heads up. Power up your personal energy shields, last thing we want is one of you taking a shot in the head." He would feel the ship rock, the sound of one of the Boarding Pods self destructing somewhere else in the ship, a sign that the boarding party associated with that specific pod had died. He would look down, seeing that six of the pods so far had self destructed, the other twenty six were still intact meaning that there was at most two hundred and sixty troops on board, though he knew those numbers were high for what they needed.

Reaching down he would grab the short range personal communicator and speak in it, letting only those with his encryption hear him.

"Head for the Hangers and seize them Shadow Squads. Revenant Squads, head for the Engine room and seize it. Ill be heading for their Bridge." He would let those commands be relayed before starting to move through the halls, his hands crossed behind his back and immediately heading for the closest terminal, two Clones catching the first blast of flames he conjured through the force as they came around the corner, him looking down at them with a sigh.

"This could take a while."
Objective 1: Clearing the Sky's Opposition Force

Darth Rasnuhl's Expedition Fleet composition:

7 Cynosure Nidus
150 Vulture Droids
40 HMP
40 Sheathepede shuttles​

Quotes are spoken ""

This is helmet internal comm dialogue <<>>

Italics internal thoughts

The Sunderer

Xelnar raged as the turbo lift finished its decent. The Sunderer shook from the gravity bombs, then dulled back down to the cacophony of fire from the other ships. The Ai chimed in his earpiece giving battle losses & directions to the closest group of enemy boarding party members. <<Turn left. Right behind the blast door.... opening in 3... 2... 1...>> the door opened just enough for the Zabrak captain to force pull one of the soldiers through and impale him on a deep purple blade. "Look alive! I will handle them, just don't die." With that Xelnar became a whirlwind of a double bladed saber spinning, weaving, deflecting bolts, and force pushing their grenades back at them. It was a few moments before the soldiers lie dead. Xelnar makes marks on his gauntlet for the kills and moves on guided by the Ai, as it shuts blast doors, changes gravity and messes with the enemies aboard the Star Destroyer. <<Two groups above one level. Take the right hidden dumbwaiter & engage.>> His eyes almost glowed with the darkside as the wall opened for the dumbwaiter surprising another group from the side as the vortex of double bladed lightsaber did its job. The last two more specialized troops he knocked out by hitting them into each other. "Take them prisoner, I will ask them quite a few questions when this is all over." I will find this Solan Charr. <<Open a broadcast inside the ship.>> The Ai confirms that its open "To Solan Charr & company. Lay down your arms and you will get fair treatment. Otherwise I will see you in the corridors."

The Sandstorm

Darth Rasnuhl heard Solan Charr Solan Charr 's broadcast and fumed That cocky man, we shall see. <<Ai, send a deep dive request to the Ai Cabal about this Solan Charr>> it is only a moment before the ships Ai responds <<Request sent. Should I intrude on the Sunderer's systems to help?>> Rasnuhl paused and the few on the bridge saw him rub his helmet before taking it off. <<Yes, Board the ship that's between the kalafax & Sunderer with five HMP's followed by four shuttles of droids. Screen as necessary.>> The plan was in motion to cause pause with these three pirates. A slightly longer pause as his ships Ai finally responded <<Operation complete. HMP's inbound.>>

From his command post Darth Rasnuhl ordered more turbo lasers from close ships to pound the trio of ships, and engage the others. The Battle raged as the Emperor's forces drew off some of the heat, heat he hadn't planned for. Else wise Darth Rasnuhl would have come with the full fighter complement to decisively end the space engagement before it really began. It appears it's already time to begin deciding on upgrades for the ships, for it seems there are far more vicious enemies out there. My flagship needs to be done already. Darth Rasnuhl sighed as he looked out the viewport at the space battle and the tiny plume of smoke from the city far below on the surface. May the force guide my allies.

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