Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Cleaning Up Toxic Waste | EOTL Dominion of Quesh

Provisions Agent, Imperial Crusaders


Objective: II - Seize the Means of Production
Location: Chem-Basin Ditchlands, Quesh
Equipment: Tags: T'zarna Khab T'zarna Khab


Sella’s connection to the Force was mostly focused on “inanimate” objects. Technology, the air around them, molecules in an alloy. Perhaps that was more because those things were what interested her growing up and she made an easier connection with them. She didn’t have to deal with emotions and what not. She could sense a strange vibe coming from the High Inquisitor as she approached, but her social inexperience didn’t give her the slightest clue what was going on in T’zarna’s mind.

Sella returned the smile of T’zarna and even blushed slightly as the High Inquisitor thanked her for the offered stim. The fact that it was declined was a bit disappointing. After witnessing what T’zarna could do on her own and amplified Force connection would have been quite interesting to witness. But in the end perhaps it was better to let T’zarna recover on her own and keep the stim in reserve. Using it when T’zarna was already at full strength and in a moment of desperation would be an even more intriguing test of the stim. ”I’ll stick close and let you know if the things in the air change…And I’ll have that stim at the ready.”

As they continued forward, Sella was aware of her surroundings enough to notice T’zarna’s occasional glances and that emotions were being conveyed in her direction, but she was clueless as to what any of it meant. She would continue to do her job and be observant on this new development. If Sella was going to be good at field work she would need to be able to interact with the field agents she wanted to help. Even if she didn’t understand it.

”I can sense a threat in the air,” Sella confirmed when asked about the enemy. Her eyes shifted from T’zarna to her instruments. ”Still only negligible changes to the atmosphere. Enemies would be the natural conclusion…” Sella allowed her scientific device to hang loosely around her neck as she reached for her lightsaber. Just in case fighting did get to the point she would need to be involved. She then nodded her readiness to proceed to T’zarna.


Obj I: Clean House
Tags: Tella Voland Tella Voland B/U-800 "Evelina" B/U-800 "Evelina" Genesis Draykin Genesis Draykin

Stretching out his senses, he plunged into the storm of emotions that were just within the palace walls; it was a symphony of fear, anger, and determination. With every single breath he inhaled, he could feel the tremors of the ongoing conflict pulsating in the air. While it may have quickened the hearts of those unfamiliar with such conflict, it served to steady his own.

With clear thoughts, and a gloved hand slowly brushing against his lightsaber hilt, the Crusader moved through the shadows, his cloaking shield protecting him from the sight of several mercenaries that ran past in a hurried state. Drenn knew the very moment his blade ignited, he would be finally thrusted into this battle. With a few more calculated strides, he worked his way around the massive structure, his body tensing, until a familiar voice pierced through his commlink. The name that was given only solidified his suspicion, as he easily remembered the woman he met in Lianna City.

During a brief pause that followed, a flicker of doubt managed to creep into his mind, a rare feeling for the stoic soldier. But as he took another breath, he swallowed the uncertainty. "This is Drenn. I'm positioned outside the palace." his voice rang out in a calm tone. "Understood, Evelina. I will proceed to the designated point and await your signal." His mind began calculating the strategy with different scenarios that may be possible. In truth, he felt reluctant to have a plan instilled; there just would be no room for error with this approach.

Several seconds passed before his fingers lifted to the side of his blood red helm, until he found what he sought; and with a single click, he connected one last time. “Stay sharp out there.”

As if following a direct order, he made his way back towards the entrance that was already breached, his steps purposeful now as he sought a position where he could unveil himself.
Objective I, Clean House

On Objective: Genesis Draykin Genesis Draykin Drenn Drenn B/U-800 "Evelina" B/U-800 "Evelina"

Tella followed Evelina's lead, letting the more experienced infiltrator do her job and coordinate the assault, watching how she carefully without the aid of the Force and with only her technology and intellect do what she did best. Tella, for her part, mostly remained in a support role, advising the "leader" of the little party of traps ahead of time so that could cost make faster progress and focusing on maintaining her light-bending shield. She could feel the Crusader getting closer to their position also holding a similar concealment. Between the three of them, with their skills in the Force and weapons, their initial ambush would almost certainly overwhelm whatever they encountered.

As they moved towards the rendezvous points, though, Tella sensed a sniper looking out of one the palace's windows, sweeping his scope across the surroundings from a sitting position, in some kind of camouflage netting. She frowned, unsure what kind of anti-stealth technology he had and if it could breach Evelina's defenses. She wanted to deal with him, but the distance was honestly pretty far and most Force powers did not have that kind of range, at least that she knew at her level of training and expertise. They were typically better for close to medium range engagements, and she did not carry a sniper rifle. If she were alone this would not be a problem, as she could simply close the distance undetected by the vast majority of sensors, but with a teammate…

"Sniper, 1 o'clock, fifth floor, behind some kind of concealment. I think he has some kind of advanced optics or technology. Unsure how you want to proceed, he has not detected us yet, but that could change soon. I cannot get him directly, not at this range."

Obj 1: Clean House
Location: Hutt Palace, Quesh
Theme: Lunatics and Slaves
Tags: B/U-800 "Evelina" B/U-800 "Evelina" | Drenn Drenn | Tella Voland Tella Voland
She pulled the slicer key and put it back in her coat. It had done its duty, and mercenaries were coming for the door to investigate why the gates opened. From her coat of many pockets pulled she pulled out three spherical objects Two were glop grenades and the third was an emp grenade. She set the emp grenade on the table with the computer equipment setting a five-minute timer.

She moved to the door opening just as mercenaries reached the door, she dropped one of the glop grenades on the floor inside the room with a ten second timer as she stepped out shutting the door behind her. Weapons drawn on her she dropped the final glop grenade in front of the door five second timer. She took off running to right as fire erupted on her she wasn't going to talk her way out of this. She ran and dove for cover behind a pillar catching a blaster bolt to the left thigh and another one that went thorough here coat but thankfully her flight suit had enough padding to stop it before it cut into the body though it did burn the skin pretty well still from the heat.

She rolled up behind the pillar as shots kept being fired, she was pinned down and injured. She gritted her teeth as she looked down at the hole in her thigh. At this moment she was kind of thinking maybe it had been a bad idea to trash her comm even if the guy on the other end had been annoying. Now would be a great time for back up or reinforcements to arrive. The glop grenades then went off with their signature pops a few mercenaries who went for the doors were caught in the adhesive spray they let off when they exploded. On top of that with how close they were to the door of the control room they would cement the door shut until the emp grenade took care of the electronics in the room.

Officially she had now completed two of three of her goals, got the gates open and created a chaotic distraction. Granted she hadn't intended on being the center of the chaotic distraction. She closed her eyes and pulled her side arm from her hip holster. This was her legacy chaos and destruction she thought to herself as she hoped the imperials would show up soon, she wasn't going to be able to hold off this army of mercenaries. Though if she was going to go down she wasn't going to do it with out fighting back.
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12 Bumble Class Gunships, 40 Hyena Class Fighter-Bombers, 1 Hornet Class Cruiser, 10 Jita Class Freighters
100 Cloakshape Fighters

Objective III - Hyperway Robbery

A synthesized voice reported, "Targeting locks detected upon all freighters."

Zago sighed, but this was hardly unexpected. "Return the favor," he instructed. He did not order any ships to open fire, yet. The more the ranges closed, the more it would favor him. He had too many improvised warships in the field to trust in the long-range firepower available to him.

"Open a channel to the Empire."

Then he cleared his throat, "This is Zago Kint, a Hutt-affiliated Security Specialist. I am here to extract my clients. I am not interested in you or your operations here. I am interested in the fact that every person in my fleet has been promised a King's ransom for evacuating the Hutts from this place.

Now my motivation and those of my compatriots are clear. We're risking our lives on the promise of becoming wealthy.

You, on the other hand, are risking your lives for a government paycheck, aiming at a goal no more profound than capturing some fat slugs.

Most of my forces are droids. I can afford losses. Most of your forces are people. Flesh and blood people, dying so that you can grab fat slugs.

Make the smart move. Let us do what we're here to do, and pull out. Then you can have the world and do what you want with it.

Otherwise, your people will start to die. A lot of them.

That is all."

He made a gesture, and the droid communications officer cut the line. Then he made a new statement.

"They are not going to take that seriously. Target them with all weapons, and ready the Hyenas to break off and conduct bombing runs. Keep the Cloakshapes in among our ships. We'll need to run anti-fighter operations shortly."

Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland

Near Objective II
Arceneau Trade Company
Eden Bio Dome - Quesh
Agri, Pharma, and Plantary Detox Research and Development Facility
Tags: Open to Interaction

Alisha'ven stood at the edge of the observation deck, her lekku twitching with the tension in the air. Beyond the domed glass of the Arceneau Trade Eden Bio-Dome Research and Development Facility, Quesh's toxic landscape stretched out in a yellow haze. The facility was quiet -- too quiet. Inside, the researchers buzzed with an undercurrent of panic. They were used to dealing with the volatile mix of adrenals and medicines their work revolved around, but this...this was different.

The Imperials were on Quesh.

Alisha's mind raced. The reports from the Arceneau Trade Headquarters on Lianna had been brief but clear: the Imperials had arrived, and they were already engaging the Three Hutt Families. Quesh venom, so valuable, so dangerous, was at the heart of it all. The Hutts controlled the mines, and the Imperials saw an opportunity. Arceneau Trade had always maintained neutrality -- an alliance of convenience and credits with tributes with the Hutts allowed them to continue their own research and development, free from meddling. But the winds were shifting, and the odds were favoring the Empire.

"Alisha, what do we do?" Chiko Pitt, a Nautolan researcher with wide, worried eyes that swirled like stars -- looked at her, clutching a datapad like it was a lifeline.

Alisha turned away from the window, her posture firm despite the anxiety gnawing at her. "We follow protocol," she said, her voice steady. "All research projects are to be locked down. No one accesses the labs until further notice. And a full report's already been sent to headquarters."

The researcher hesitated, glancing around at the others who milled about, clearly unsettled. "But what if the Imperials come here?"

Alisha's lekku twitched again. It was the question on everyone's mind. The facility wasn't aligned with the Hutts, but that didn't mean the Imperials would care.

"We're not a target," she said, though she wasn't entirely sure. "We're just a research facility, not a military installation or a threat. The Imperials are focused on the Hutts, not us." the Rutian paused, reading the uncertainty on the Nautolan's face. "If anyone does come our way, we'll try to negotiate. We're not looking for a fight."

She hoped that would be enough. The security measures had been enacted, and while the defenses could hold for a time, they weren't meant to withstand a full Imperial assault. They were researchers, not soldiers. They had protocols in place to protect their work, to protect themselves, but when it came down to it, they were at the mercy of whatever was happening outside their walls.

The comm panel on the wall chirped, pulling Alisha's attention. She crossed the room, her heart beating a little faster, and opened the channel.

"This is Alisha, go ahead."

[ Alisha, this is Captain Veris from the security team. ] His voice was low, clipped, as if he were trying to keep calm. [We've just received word that a small Imperial scouting party has been detected a few clicks out. They're not heading toward the Three Families -- they're moving toward us.]

Feth! Alisha's chest tightened. So much for staying off the radar.

"How long do we have?" she asked, her voice quieter than she intended.

[ An hour, maybe two. We're not sure how big the force is. It could just be a sweep, but we're preparing just in case. ]

"Understood. Keep me updated." She cut the comm and turned to the others. The room seemed to shrink as they all looked at her, waiting for orders, for answers she wasn't sure she had.

"What now?" the Chiko asked, voice tight with fear.

Alisha swallowed hard. "We stick to the plan. Lock down everything. If they come, we'll negotiate. We're not the enemy."

But even as she said it, she couldn't shake the feeling that it wouldn't be that simple.

With swift motions, she began issuing commands, instructing the staff to secure the labs and prepare for whatever came next. As the facility's systems locked down around them, a hum of machinery filled the air. The researchers, once scattered and disorganized, moved with purpose, securing data and storing away volatile compounds.

Alisha stood near the entrance of the facility now, watching the preparations with a careful eye. Her mind drifted to the stories she'd heard -- of what the Empire did to places that stood in its way, of what they did to people who were considered 'unnecessary.' Then again, Arceneau Trade had managed to continue their work on Lianna and other worlds within their space. Perhaps that would work in their favor. They paid the tariffs and followed all inspections as requested -- but things could turn sideways, just like with the Dark Empire's recent decree not long ago.

She clenched her fists, feeling the cold metal of her communicator against her palm. If it came to it, she would talk her way out. She had to. But just in case, her other hand rested on the blaster at her side. They were researchers, yes, but that didn't mean they were helpless.

As the clock ticked down and the horizon outside grew darker, she tried to steel herself. The Imperials might be coming, and their intentions were unclear. But Alisha was ready. If there was a chance to avoid bloodshed, she would take it.

But if not -- well, she wasn't about to go down without a fight.


Gear: x x x x x x x x
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Alasdair let a rare cool smile cross his lips as the enemy's commander responded to the warning. It was unusual to get an honest answer from a foe, let alone one affiliated with the Hutts. It almost made him feel bad about the fact that he was going to have to wipe them out. Almost. Orders were orders and while a soldier could bend them when appropriate, they could not break them, and they were quite explicit: do not let them near the planet and rout any attempted evacuation fleets.

Very well, then, Mr. Kint. Let us see how you weather the storm of Imperial firepower.

"Halt our advance at waypoint alpha-epsilon and open fire with the long-range ion cannons, turbolaser batteries, and heavy autocannons. Direct the Destiny and Polaris to do the same. Keep the Hastas in formation and our strikecraft in reserve. We will force them to come to us and if they do not they will simply be destroyed bit by bit with little ability to harm us."

And if they come closer, we have even more surprises for them. Please go ahead and do so Mr. Kint.

Blue, green, and yellow flashes spewed out from the Imperial fleet towards the Pyke formation, the heavy ion cannons, turbolasers, and tracer fire from the autocannons lighting up the void of space as they sought to wreak destruction on the criminal fleet. If they had a more loose formation or had smaller vessels it would be something of a wash to begin firing from this distance, but they had circled the wagons in a relatively tight formation, likely thinking he would deploy his strikecraft at them first. A mistake they would pay for dearly.

Zago Kint Zago Kint

12 Bumble Class Gunships, 40 Hyena Class Fighter-Bombers, 1 Hornet Class Cruiser, 10 Jita Class Freighters
100 Cloakshape Fighters

Objective III - Hyperway Robbery

Zago Kint's forces advanced on the planet.

As they did so, Zago waited in anticipation of a major assault by the Imperials. Typical imperial doctrine suggested he should expect wave upon wave of fighter craft to descend upon his formation. He was prepared to be a floating fortress, whittling down the enemy.

Apparently, his enemy today was not content with typical Imperial doctrine.

"They may have taken me more seriously than I'd expected," he remarked, mostly to himself.

Turbolasers, Ion bolts, and cannons opened up on his ships. Of those, the ion weapons were the most concerning. The freighters were not equipped to withstand ion cannon fire. It was the problem with using retrofitted civilian ships for war purposes.

He turned to his tactical droid, which commanded the subsidiary droids on the bridge.

"Belay previous orders.

Order all Jitas to continue forward in a ring formation, rotating five degrees clockwise within the formation every ten seconds. Have them return fire with their own flank-mounted turbolasers for as long as they can.

Pull the Hornet back slightly. As the Jitas become disabled by Ion cannon fire, use our forward tractor beams to keep nudging them along the clockwise formation. Keep all fighters at the center. Use the Jitas to give them cover until the enemy launches fighters."

His hope was that, as Jitas facing the enemy were disabled, they'd be able to rotate out of the line of fire and reset systems, ready to return fire again once they came back around.

Whether that would work or not was anyone's guess.

"Meanwhile, keep the Hornet's own broadside turbolasers and ion cannons firing upon the Imperial ships.

The Imperials will eventually tire of this long-distance nibbling, and return to their usual fighter-swarm tactics."

He hoped.

Most of his fleet's defenses were designed to grind up fighters and support ships. That's where he could do the most damage to them.

Through the viewport, Zago saw one of the Jita's lights flicker off as a spiderweb of ion weapon energy skipped across its hull.

The Hornet fired one of its tractor beams to push the disabled freighter along its proper course as the others continued to rotate around, firing their turbolasers until they suffered the same fate.

"Time to the planet," he asked.

The droid responded without hesitation, "Ten minutes to orbital insertion, if we do not change course or alter speed."

Zago sighed. Ten minutes. He just had to keep this fleet together for ten minutes... and then however many minutes it took to get the gunships to the ground, load up the Hutts, and get out again.

Hopefully resistance on the ground would not be too steep.

Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland
Location: Quesh
Objective: I - Clean House
On Objective: Genesis Draykin Genesis Draykin
Direct Interaction: Tella Voland Tella Voland Drenn Drenn

“Copy that.” Evelina answered by instinct, but it was only just as the words left her lips did she recognize the voice at the other end. Her brows rose immediately, features manifesting equal parts surprise and confusion as she replayed the man’s voice in her head. It was indeed Drenn—the green-eyed warrior she had met on Lianna, during the Emperor’s state funeral.

And he was a Crusader.

Evelina blinked. It seemed that his questioning of her abilities had not just come from arrogance, but also from proven strength and martial talent. Still, for all of the respect that she had for the Crusaders, the Butterfly could not consider herself inferior to one of their number in terms of skill. Just as the Crusaders went through a demanding regime of training and conditioning, so too did the Butterflies as well, especially Butterfly Assassins.

Nevertheless, Evelina quickly set her focus back on the mission, thus ignoring the injury to her pride.

"Sniper, 1 o'clock, fifth floor, behind some kind of concealment. I think he has some kind of advanced optics or technology. Unsure how you want to proceed, he has not detected us yet, but that could change soon. I cannot get him directly, not at this range."

Evelina adjusted the enhanced optics in her helmet, switching to thermal vision and increasing the magnification as she slowly turned her gaze towards the sniper. The hostile sharpshooter was a little more than 250 meters away from their position. Too far away for her blaster pistol to reach, but with one of her chakrams…

It would not be an impossible throw, and in fact was within both her own and the weapon’s capabilities.

“I will take care of the sniper. As soon as I engage, move.” Evelina said. While the Butterfly was confident in her ability, she wanted the Inquisitor to be ready in case something went wrong.

Once she was sure that her partner was ready, Evelina pulled out one of her chakrams—one with a Mark IV energy cell—and unfolded the weapon in her grasp. She brought the disc-shaped blade up to her opposite cheek in a backhand grip, before drawing her gaze on the sniper’s shrouded form, her eyes quickly picking out their silhouette amidst the camouflage.

Then, in a swift, deliberate movement, Evelina launched her chakram towards the sniper with a whip-like backhand throw.

The chakram’s repulsor engine kicked into life as the weapon flew free of her grasp, accelerating the disc-shaped blade to a blistering speed as it sliced through the air. At the same time, the chakram slipped out of sight as if sucked out of realspace, the integrated concealment system functioning to render the weapon invisible so that none aside from Evelina could track it in-flight.

Only a heartbeat later, Evelina watched her target through her helmet’s optics as a spurt of crimson vitae sprayed out from the stump that had been their neck. The now-headless body collapsed then, seeming to rock backward at first…

Only to fall forward instead, at which point Evelina's jaw went agape as the sniper’s corpse fell off of the ledge and plunged straight down into the courtyard of the palace!

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"Begin a slow advance towards the enemy, we need to be able to focus fire each individual Jita down and that means giving them less time to avoid our fire. Move the Terror to the forefront of the formation, we can take much more punishment than our support ships can, keep the anti-starfighter corvettes behind us and ready to deploy as necessary, have the Destiny and Polaris flank us but hang back a bit. Order all cannons to focus fire one Jita at a time. Keep our bombers and fighters with us for now and wait until they move theirs or their gunships make a move. I want them to tip their hand first."

Alasdair relayed his orders calmly, watching as the lumbering yet dependable Bulwark slowly made its way to the forefront of the formation, its powerful shields absorbing most of the turbolaser fire being lobbed towards the Imperial formation as it was designed to do. He noted the Polaris and Destiny taking a few hits, but they should more than fine given their design, and the more vulnerable but speedy corvettes dodging most of the fire at this distance and then moving their way to safety behind the Terror.

More streams of light flared out from the Imperial formation, hoping to destroy one or two Jitas at a time as they slowly but inexorably advanced on the Pyke fleet, seeking to inflict losses that would hopefully make their commander decide this mission was no longer worth the risk.

Zago Kint Zago Kint

12 Bumble Class Gunships, 40 Hyena Class Fighter-Bombers, 1 Hornet Class Cruiser, 10(8) Jita Class Freighters
100 Cloakshape Fighters

Objective III - Hyperway Robbery

Firepower intensified to a remarkable degree, but it was focused entirely on one ship. One of the Jita's, the Free Market, exploded violently as it was torn apart.

Zago cursed. The Pykes would not obey orders for long if he allowed them to take such losses.

The enemy Star Destroyer was poised to take the brunt of any return fire. Unfortunately, it was the sort of ship that could absorb such fire for quite some time before becoming imperiled.

"All right. They've made their move at last." He did his best to make this sound like it was all part of the plan.

"Now we make ours in earnest. Hyenas front and center, launch Proton torpedoes to the enemy destroyer.

Cloakshapes, the enemy can't let that kind of activity go unopposed. When the enemy brings forward fighters or small fleet elements to interdict, the Hornet will launch our formidable missile array. Then Cloakshapes follow to snarl with whatever survives."

Zago leaned forward in his seat. It would be all well and good if the enemy responded as he wished. But if they let their destroyer just sit there and eat fire, the result was uncertain.

Would the imperials use that star destroyer as a damage sponge, protecting the very fleet elements which usually protected it?

Or would they return to doctrine, and send the fighters and corvettes forward?

As he wondered, another Jita exploded in an impressive- and lamentable- fireball. So much for the 'Unstoppable Profit.' Zago hoped his own fortunes would fare better.

Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland

Near Objective II
Arceneau Trade Company
Eden Bio Dome - Quesh
Agri, Pharma, and Plantary Detox Research and Development Facility
Tags: Open to Interaction

Alisha paced the length of the control room, her eyes constantly darting to the holo-map displaying their location on Quesh and its surrounding area. The screen flickered with clusters of red dots -- Imperial forces -- but none seemed to be heading toward the Arceneau Trade facility. Not yet, at least.

The guards stationed at the perimeter, visible through the viewscreen below, were on high alert, but there had been no movement from the Imperials in their direction. For now, it seemed their enemies were fully occupied with the Three Hutt Families, intent on securing the venom mines and production facilities of Chem-Basin. If the Imperials succeeded, they'd likely take their time combing through the planet to root out any remaining threats or resources worth claiming.

Alisha knew it wasn't a matter of if the Imperials would come for them, but when. They were inevitable, like a storm brewing on the horizon. But for the moment, the facility was safe.

She exhaled slowly, letting her shoulders drop just a little. "Focus on stability," she murmured to herself. That was her goal now -- to keep everyone calm, keep the projects secure, and most importantly, keep Arceneau Trade's future on Quesh alive.

A knock came at the doorframe, and Alisha turned to see one of her assistants, a young Zabrak named Khelan, standing hesitantly in the doorway. "You asked for the draft, ma'am?"

Alisha nodded, gesturing for him to come in. "Let's see it."

Khelan handed her the datapad, shifting nervously on his feet. "Do you really think this will work?" he asked, his tone uncertain. "I's the Empire. They're not exactly known for negotiating."

"I know," Alisha said, scanning the draft quickly. "But they're also not foolish. They know the value of what we offer here. The Hutts might have been greedy, but Arceneau Trade is efficient. We can give them something the Three Families couldn't -- better adrenals, refined medicines. Supplies they'll need if they want to keep expanding their territory."

She handed the datapad back to Khelan, her blue eyes steady. "They want control, and we can offer it to them on favorable terms. If we make ourselves useful, we might avoid being crushed under their boot."

Khelan swallowed, nodding. "I'll finalize the draft. But what if they don't care? What if they just take everything?"

Alisha paused, her lekku twitching slightly. The thought had crossed her mind more than once. The Empire wasn't known for mercy, especially when it came to valuable resources. Still, she had to hope that pragmatism would win out over brute force.

"If they don't care," she said quietly, "then we'll deal with that when the time comes." Her hand drifted toward the blaster at her side, fingers brushing the cold metal. "But for now, we prepare. We give them an option they can't refuse."

Khelan gave her a tight nod and hurried out of the room, leaving Alisha alone with the hum of the monitors and the weight of the silence. She looked out once more at the barren landscape of Quesh, her thoughts turning toward the future. The Empire was coming, that much was certain. But she had no intention of letting them take everything her team had worked for without a fight -- whether that fight was with words or with weapons.


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Alasdair watched with the Voland family's signature cool blue eyes as the enemy Jita went up flames, blown away by the power of the Terror and its support ships. Although the Pykes claimed to be mostly using droids, it would still hurt them where it really mattered, their pocketbooks. Manpower was cheap, droid power even more so, but starships of that size were expensive no matter how old or hastily converted they were. His enemy would have to make a move soon, if not for the morale of those under his command, but for the sake of his coveted profit as well.

"Sir! Enemy deploying bombers!"

Ah, there we go, but curiously sending them in alone without a fighter escort or screen. A suicidal maneuver, and one that indicated the beginnings of desperation.

"Continue holding our strikecraft for now, move two of each Hasta until they are on our flanks and slightly behind us. Keep two in reserve. I want those bombers blown out of the way! Focus power on frontal shields and have our point defense focus solely on any missiles or torpedoes launched! The Hastas can deal with the bombers!

"Sir, yes sir!"

Even as the Hyenas set up their attack run, the extreme firepower of the Hastas began to pelt them, laser cannon fire, homing missiles, and flaks guns opening up along their expected routes in a veritable typhoon of anti-strikecraft fire, its powerful ECCM arrays likely to play hell with whatever kinds of electronic countermeasures they might have to the homing missiles locking on to them. The intense fire also took down more than a few of the proton torpedoes, if more of a consequence of the sheer volume of fire being thrown at the Hyenas than any plan. The Terror's own point defense batteries opened up, focusing solely on intercepting the incoming proton torpedoes, resulting in only perhaps one out of four hitting the destroyer's powerful particle shields.

The ship shook, but Alasdair simply went along with the rhythm, a veteran of countless battles, unperturbed by the assault.

"Sir! Particle shields took a hit but they are holding for now at eighty percent and will begin recharging soon!"

"Very good, Lieutenant, keep me informed." Alasdair replied, his attention focused on the Pyke forces.

I doubt very many of your bombers are returning from that gambit, what are you playing at? Why did not you send your fighters to screen them or to draw away our fire?

Zago Kint Zago Kint

Objective I: Clean House
Allies: Genesis Draykin Genesis Draykin B/U-800 "Evelina" B/U-800 "Evelina"

What in the actual seven hells…?

Tella had followed Evelina's instructions and was already sprinting towards the palace under both a sight and sound shield with a slight tinge of Alter to make sure her footsteps disappeared into the mud, but was surprised when the Butterfly told her to she could handle it. It was quite a far, almost impossible shot for a blaster pistol, and while the woman had some kind of unusual thrown weaponry, chakrams, she thought, there was simply no way she could throw it that far-or so she thought. She felt the weapon fly from the assassin's hands, cutting perfectly upwards through the air, and felt the cold ping of death that marked the sniper's death.

Velran, for all his insanity, was truly something when it came to cloning…

Not having much time as she felt the body fall into the courtyard of the palace attracting the attention of the vast majority of its defenders, she slipped through the open gate and quickly made her way up a flight of stairs, eventually arriving in an empty room on the third floor. Quickly ensuring there were no guards around, she went to one of the windows and popped it open just as the heavy main gate was shut. Not exactly the way they would ideally planned to infiltrate the palace, but things rarely went to plan on the battlefield and evolution was the name of the game.

"I'm in. Third floor, west side. Open window. Can you make it up by yourself or do you need assistance?"
It soon became clear that airborne impurities and toxic waste were the least of the worries for the Inquisitor and her party. Soon the swamps would be filled with the barbaric yawps of stim-fed troops. Mercenaries no doubt hired by their opposition! By the sounds of it they were pumped full of the chems being produced by the scientists on this planet. T'zarna scowled in disgust at the Mercenaries advancing through the mist and muck. They had no true allegiances, no true armies, they served whatever hive offered them the greatest reward.

"Slaughter these hiveless scum! Close formation and bring up the shield units! Leave nothing behind but mountains of their lifeless bodies and viscera!!" T'zarna shrieked at her purge troopers as they formed up around her. They would be good on their own, but the real worry was Mechu, she didn't seem the battle hardened type.

One mercenary, a human with a vibrosword, charged into range with T'zarna. Before he could react, a carapace covered hand shot out to grasp him by the throat. Even without the use of the force, T'zarna was able to lift a grown man off the ground. She inspected his face, there was only an unending well of rage in his eyes. She needed no magic to tell what he felt. His eyes were bloodshot, a red haze had replaced the traditional white hue, and he constantly twitched and blinked.

Even if she didn't kill him, that cocktail of stims just might! The High Inquistor cooed slightly, tightening her already strong grip on the man. Even in the hell of war, T'zarna took sadistic glee in killing those who she saw as lesser. She then brought the man to stare into her compound eyes, a devilish smirk painting her black lips.

"You believe you are strong? Pathetic..." And with a unceremonious crack she snuffed the life out of the mercenary, the smirk never leaving T'zarna's face.

T'zarna cast her glance over to Mechu Deru Mechu Deru as the battle began in earnest, as if she hadn't just crushed a man's bones. "Should you need support, simply call upon my men. Your words are my own from this point on. I shall be enjoying this opportunity to fight for our hive." In a matter of moments the golden bug was charging towards the nearest group of mercs. Her bloody red saber clutched in her hand as she tore through soldier after soldier. Her saber work told a story, one full of a rage that could only be sated by killing. She swung each time with a force that was unnecessary for a saber, screaming and shouting as she cut people apart.
Location: Quesh
Objective: I - Clean House
On Objective: Genesis Draykin Genesis Draykin
Direct Interaction: Tella Voland Tella Voland Drenn Drenn

Evelina blinked and nearly winced as the sniper’s corpse landed inside the courtyard with a dense thud that could be perceived from far away, immediately drawing the attention of the patrols in the area. Still, the Butterfly couldn’t afford to pout over her mistake (or her misfortune). Shaking her head, she moved forward and called the chakram back into her grasp, at which point the weapon came flying back the way it had come, still invisible to all but Evelina as its silhouette was highlighted in her HUD.

After snatching the weapon out of the air, Evelina took advantage of the now-distracted patrols to make up ground. However, rather than following Tella directly, the Butterfly took a circuitous route around the palace, allowing her to approach it from the opposite side.

It was there that she began her ascent.

“I’m ascending from the east.” Evelina answered the Inquisitor as she started her way up the face of the palace. She activated her concealment system then, immediately rendering her invisible to sight, sense, and sensor so that she could ascend the structure without exposing herself in the process. “I think I’m covered but...” The Butterfly turned around and glanced down at the soldiers gathering in the courtyard.

“A distraction might be nice.”

Objective I: Clean House
Allies: Genesis Draykin Genesis Draykin B/U-800 "Evelina" B/U-800 "Evelina"

"Affirmative." Tella responded, letting her senses range over both her partner and the surrounding area. Evelina, for her part, seemed to have some kind of cloaking system that effectively did what her own sight and sound shields did, as she was able to detect her through the Force but could tell that she was cloaked to most others. Now that was a very handy piece of technology, and she wondered if she could learn how to use it from Evelina after the mission. Every little bit that could help reduce the strain of using the Force would be helpful, as it let her use her reserves for later.

There seems to be such a dismissive attitude among many Force wielders when it comes to dealing with those not as skilled in the Force, but I am learning more and more why mother partnered me with them, to curb my arrogance. If this is what just one can do…who knows who is out there. I will always have to keep my guard up it seems, at least outside of Ossus.

Carefully making her way outside the small room, she crept up to one of the windows. Perhaps half a score of guards had gathered near their fallen comrade, weapons up and looking every which way for the perpetrator. Looking around, she did not much she could use in the way of easy distractions. There was a small construction crane, likely doing repairs on the palace, but it looked sturdy, not enough for her to pull it with the Force. But with a decent saberthrow…

Sighing, she opened the window, ignited her saber with its characteristic snap-hiss, and threw it at the construction machine. It soared through the air controlled by the Force, slicing through the steel relatively easily, but also causing a fair amount of sparks and noise, drawing the attention of most of the interior palace guards. The crane fell soon afterwards, crushing about six of the ten guards, four others quick enough to move to the side. And then more than a few eyes watched as the saber flew through the window, right back into Tella's hands.

Time to move.

Blasterfire soon pelted through the window where she had stood moments before, and doubtless more than a few guards would be coming her way soon. Slipping the sight and sound shield around her, she hurriedly looked for a good place to engage them, hoping she had bought Evelina enough time and space to assist.

B/U-800 "Evelina" B/U-800 "Evelina"

12 Bumble Class Gunships, 40(15) Hyena Class Fighter-Bombers, 1 Hornet Class Cruiser, 10(8) Jita Class Freighters
100 Cloakshape Fighters

Objective III - Hyperway Robbery
A Tactical droid on the bridge of the Hornet spoke up, narrating what Zago could already see on the sensor display.

"They are bringing up corvettes on the wings of their formation, firing upon our unsupported advancing bombers."

Zago's right hand squeezed into a fist. Bringing the Hasta corvettes forward enough to fire upon the bombers meant they'd be more vulnerable to attack themselves. He could finally inflict some real damage upon the Imperial forces. Perhaps they'd reconsider their position.

That might be overly optimistic. Still, Zago knew he had to make a real effort here if he wanted any pay at all for this operation. The Hutts were the gold ring, but he'd take silver if necessary. There were pay bonuses for every enemy ship they destroyed during this attempt. A bonus meant to ensure that he and the Pykes didn't turn tail and run the moment things got tough.

"All ships, maintain full speed ahead. Fire all missile batteries. Split fire between the two Hasta corvettes. Order the bombers to continue their advance, and launch another volley of torpedoes."

The Tactical droid hesitated, "The bombers are already taking withering fire. They will be destroyed."

Zago nodded, "Yes. They will be. But they can't be ignored. Neither can the missiles be. They can't stop them all."

One-hundred and fourty-four missiles poured forth from the Hornet's missile bays. Seventy-two fired from the Port side, Seventy-two from the Starboard side. They flew forward like the horns of a bull, one arcing to the right and one arcing to the left. Their flight path was roundabout, but perfect to bring them crashing towards the Hastas which had moved forward, only slightly behind the destroyer. Larger ships might have withstood such a bombardment. But the Hastas were within the size range of ships that could be hurt by concussion missiles.

"Hard Portside Spin, Ninety Degrees, without cutting forward momentum!" Zago ordered, "Target the destroyer!"

The Hornet skewed to port, the high maneuverability of the vessel showing its merits as it came sidelong towards the Imperials while holding its position in the center of the formation.

"Starboard Flanking turbolasers, Fire! Turbolaser Turrets, Fire! Ion Cannons, Fire! All functioning Jitas, Fire!"

Ten heavy turbolasers and two powerful Ion cannons erupted with hot energy from the Hornet. Sixteen quad turbolasers from the functional Jitas joined in. It was a withering battery.

"Cloakshapes, stand by to engage if they bring out their fighters!"

Zago clenched his teeth, eager to measure the effect of his retaliation.

Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland

Near Objective II
Arceneau Trade Company
Eden Bio Dome - Quesh
Agri, Pharma, and Plantary Detox Research and Development Facility
Tags: Open to Interaction

Time passed, Alisha'ven's communicator beeped, pulling her from her thoughts. It was Captain Veris again.

"Alisha," his voice came through the channel, steady but tense. "Still no sign of movement in our direction. Looks like they're focusing at the Palace."

"For now,"
Alisha replied. "But we both know it might not last. Keep the perimeter secure, and let me know if anything changes."

"Will do. Veris out."

As the channel closed, Alisha leaned back against the control console, her mind spinning with possibilities. The proposal Khelan was drafting might be their best shot at survival -- convincing the Empire that Arceneau Trade could offer more alive than dead. But if that didn't work, she knew she'd have to be ready for something far more dangerous.

All she could do was wait.

If the Imperials decided to leave them be, then all the better. It was best that she start up her report to Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau . Perhaps she could reach out to connections and hopefully also let them know what would be the best thing to do.

If anything, Alisha was hoping for the best outcome that led to the least bloodshed. If that worked out, and they can continue as business as normal with the Imperials being the one collecting tributes instead of the Hutts, she consider this a win.


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